
Aryel Narvasa
70 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Jean-Claude Van Damme Giving a Karate Lesson to the Youth in Lithuania during his charity campaign known as Operation Smile.

Aryel Narvasa
82 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

песня Imagine Dragons - Believer (Russian Cover ¦ На русском)
Crazy Volleyball Training

Aryel Narvasa
35 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

#taekwondo #тхэквондо #челябинск #уралгуфк
показательное выступление - всероссийский турнир по тхэквондо кубок губернатора Челябинской области по тхэквондо 25 марта

Aryel Narvasa
25 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Mein Weg in ein neues Leben - Sophia Thiel

Aryel Narvasa
58 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

торжественное открытие соревнований в Челябинске
кубок губернатора по водному поло в бассейне Строитель ЧМЗ
27.09.2017 год девушки из Москвы

Aryel Narvasa
38 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Бетани Хэмилтон профессиональная американская сёрфингистка. Помимо своей спортивной карьеры, известность получила как жертва нападения акулы, при котором акула откусила ей левую руку.

Aryel Narvasa
42 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

кубок мира FIS по ски-кроссу в Миассе 24.02.2017 год
25 февраля, на трассе курорта «Солнечная Долина» в Миассе прошли соревнования этапа Кубка мира по фристайлу в дисциплине ски-кросс. С самого начала соревнований шел небольшой снег, но видимость была очень хорошей.

Соревнования открыли мужчины. Член сборной команды России Игорь Омелин в заезде 1/8 финала практически всю трассу шел вторым, а на финише «заработал» фотофиниш, по результатам которого занял второе место, уступив швейцарскому спортсмену Джонасу Ленхерру.

Соревнования женщин начались с четвертьфинального заезда, в котором участвовала и Анастасия Чирцова. В этом заезде Анастасия уступила лишь опытной канадской спортсменке Мариэлле Томпсон, вместе с которой и прошла в полуфинальные заезды.

В своем четвертьфинальном заезде Игорь стартовал вместе с Джонасом Ленхерром, еще одним спортсменом из Швейцарии Марком Бишофбергером и Даниэлом Бохнакером из Германии. Борьба была очень плотной – сначала Игорь шел вторым, затем на одном из виражей его вынудили уйти на внешний радиус и он потерял свое преимущество. В нижней части трассы ему удалось вновь тактически обыграть двух соперников и выйти на вторую позицию, но практически перед самым финишем более опытные соперники снова оттеснили его, теперь уже на четвертую позицию – для него борьба завершилась на этапе четвертьфиналов.

В полуфинале Анастасия соревновалась с Томпсон, ее соотечественницей Бриттани Фелан и норвежской спортсменкой Мартой Хоэйе Гьерсен. В самом начале трассы Анастасия оказалась на четвертой позиции и на всем протяжении ей не удалось улучшить свое положение. У зрителей создалось впечатление, что лыжи у Анастасии скользили чуть-чуть медленнее, чем у соперниц.

В малом финале Анастасия на протяжении всей трассы уверенно боролась за вторую позицию, и соперницам не удалось вытеснить ее до самого финиша, причем победительницу этого заезда определил фотофиниш. В результате Анастасия Чирцова завоевала 6 место.

Победительницей большого финала стала Мариэлле Томпсон, второй к финишу пришла Сандра Наэслунд из Швеции, третье место у французской спортсменки Офелия Давид.

Победу в мужском финале одержал французский спортсмен Арно Боволента, второе и третье места заняли немецкие спортсмены Тим Хронек и Даниэль Бохнакер. Лидировавший со старта в финальном заезде Филипп Фличар из Словении на одном из виражей не смог выйти на внутренний радиус и в результате потерял лидерство.

Первый российский этап Кубка мира по ски-кроссу прошел успешно, все было отлично организовано.

Aryel Narvasa
12 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

DIANA VOLKOVA BIKINI PRO 🏆Arnold Classic Overall Winner 🏆Russia Champion Winner

Aryel Narvasa
8 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Heidi Somers https://www.youtube.com/channe....l/UCtqrBZiHY6SyzJGqy
Я боролась с моим весом так же, как большинство из вас.
Я продолжала говорить себе "Диета начнётся с понедельника" и оправдывала себя .
Но в один прекрасный день я поняла мне не нравится путь, по которому я иду . Я набирал вес очень быстро.
Я сказал себе, достаточно.
Так я начал своё фитнес-путешествие.
Это определенно было не так просто.
Это была борьба.
Я тренировалась 2 ( иногда 3 ) раза в день .
Через несколько дней я была так измучена , всё , что я хотела сделать, это сон в течение 18 часов.
Heidi Somers

Aryel Narvasa
10 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Caroline Aspenskog Bikini fitness Sport

Aryel Narvasa
12 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

победил боец из Уфы 29.01.2018 год kickboxing
чемпионат России по кикбоксингу среди студентов в Челябинске
С 29 по 31 января в легкоатлетическом комплексе им. Елены Елесиной пройдет чемпионат России по кикбоксингу среди студентов.
Это масштабное спортивное событие, предполагающее участие более 200 студентов-спортсменов из 35 вузов страны. Соревнования позволят определить одних из лучших кикбоксёров страны, которые удостоятся возможности пройти отбор в состав сборной России и представить нашу страну на континентальных и мировых первенствах.

Aryel Narvasa
9 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Edgard John Augustin - потерял обе ноги в результате несчастного случая в возрасте 4 лет .
В один роковой вечер, когда Edgard John Augustin было 4 года, его мать потеряла контроль над автомобилем во время движения по шоссе. "Я помню, как проснулся, из за испуганного крика моей матери", вспоминает он. " повсюду была кровь, и, с колен вниз, мои ноги пропали. Мне повезло я остался живым .
Вскоре после выхода из больницы, Edgard был доставлен на объект в Париже, специализирующихся на реабилитации ветеранов войны ампутированными конечностями. Следующий год он начал учиться снова ходить и приспосабливаться к новому образу жизни.
"Это был длительный процесс, который занимает много терпения", вспоминает он. Со временем я постепенно мог ходить с помощью костылей, а потом с моими протезами в одиночку . Самая трудная часть в ходьбе с протезами ног , учится управлять своим балансом. Дети называли меня " робот ноги ". "Я всегда первенствовал в беге , несмотря на мою болезнь ", продолжает он. "Я всегда был быстрее, чем все другие дети в моем классе. Я не знаю, почему, я просто был ".
После окончания средней школы Edgard стал ходить в тренажерный зал . У него не было желания иметь большие бицепсы , он снимал стресс , развивал баланс и получал хорошее настроение .
В сентябре 2014 года, по настоянию друзей и коллег, Edgard нанял тренера, чтобы подготовиться к соревнованиям . Сегодня он является чемпионом по бодибилдингу IFBB Pro Athlete Wheelchair IFBB European 2015🏆

Aryel Narvasa
19 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Вера Негодина @veronichka8181 https://vk.com/id154305116
мастер спорта международного класса по тайскому боксу, 5-кратная Чемпионка России, Бронзовый призер Чемпионата мира-2016, Серебряный призер Чемпионата Европы-2016, Победительница Кубка мира-2016, Серебряный призер Чемпионата мира-2017, Чемпионка Европы-2017 и Бронзовый призер Чемпионата мира-2018

Aryel Narvasa
13 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

УРАЛ-ПАТРИОТ рукопашный бой и ВСП Челябинск
12 ИЮНЯ - ДЕНЬ РОССИИ . Сад Победы Челябинск 2018

Aryel Narvasa
6 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Helene Fiedler ❤️ workout 👙 IFBB Bikini Fitness
🏆German Overall Champion

Aryel Narvasa
18 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Уральский пьедестал всероссийские соревнования
фитнес аэробика Челябинск Метар спорт 30.04.2017 год
первое место Дарья Фомина и Марина Шлепанова
Центр Уличного Танца «BRONX» г. Курган

Aryel Narvasa
11 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

ufc women’s strawweight

Aryel Narvasa
7 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Motivation Best

Aryel Narvasa
9 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Уральский пьедестал всероссийские соревнования
фитнес аэробика Челябинск Метар спорт 30.04.2017 год
Возрастная категория 7-13 лет 1 место Dizzy Crew г. Курган
hip hop Mega Crew

Aryel Narvasa
13 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

FitZone на ЧМЗ отмечает 10-летний юбилей 19.11.2016г.

Aryel Narvasa
4 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

мастер спорта международного класса, чемпионка мира по лёгкой атлетике среди юниоров, серебряный призёр чемпионата Европы среди юниоров, многократная победительница первенства России

Aryel Narvasa
6 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

прыжки с шестом женщины - всероссийские соревнования
легкая атлетика - всероссийский соревнований памяти Г.А.Нечеухина 13.07.2018 стадион им. Е. Елесиной г.Челябинск

Aryel Narvasa
10 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

сборная России - сборная Китая 11:8
Water Polo Cup 2017 | Chelyabinsk 28 сентября 2017 год
первый международный Кубок губернатора по водному поло среди женских команд - участвуют сборные Хорватии, Китая, Узбекистана , Казахстана , сборная России и златоустовская «Динамо-Уралочка»

Aryel Narvasa
13 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

#легкаяатлетика #уралгуфк #laufen #running #королеваспорта #runnersrussia #runners #athletics 5 января 2020 Челябинск

Aryel Narvasa
6 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

#художественнаягимнастика #гимнастка #гимнастка #метар
соревнования в Челябинске Метар Спорт 20 марта - "Наследие" памяти Горшковой Галины Дмитриевны
#gymnastic #rg #Челябинск

Aryel Narvasa
7 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Чемпионат Уральского федерального округа по боксу среди мужчин 22 августа 2018 год Метар Спорт Челябинск

Aryel Narvasa
13 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

волейбол девушки кубок молодежной лиги 2017
полуфинал Уралочка-НТМК - Подмосковье 3:0 (25-23, 25-21, 25-16)

Aryel Narvasa
6 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Strongest Kids - Gymnastics (3 Years Old)

Aryel Narvasa
7 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

видео первые два периода ( потом ушёл на работу )
Сборная России одержала победу в матче с командой Хорватии со счетом 11:5
Water Polo Cup 2017 | Chelyabinsk 27 сентября 2017 год
первый международный Кубок губернатора по водному поло среди женских команд - участвуют сборные Хорватии, Китая, Узбекистана , Казахстана , сборная России и златоустовская «Динамо-Уралочка»

Aryel Narvasa
8 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Челябинск Юность Метар
Уралочка НТМК - Ленинградка 3 : 0

Aryel Narvasa
8 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Катя Козлачкова она стала самой титулованной спортсменкой в мире - семикратной чемпионкой мира и трижды - абсолютной чемпионкой (в двух видах), превзойдя по достижениям прежнюю выдающуюся спортсменку, свою старшую подругу ирландку Джулию Кросс. И Кате при этом всего 26, а Джулия выступала до 36-ти. То ли еще будет! Когда-то Катя написала о ней книгу, как о своем кумире в спорте, а вот теперь превзошла по всем статьям. Вчера она взяла золотую медаль по спецтехнике, то есть разбиению доски в прыжке. То есть она стала еще и самой высоко прыгающей (и бьющей) женщиной в мире.

Aryel Narvasa
8 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

11 августа 2018 год Челябинск - ДЕНЬ ФИЗКУЛЬТУРНИКА
38 спортивных площадок - тренера и спортсмены с разных районов города и с области - боксёры ушу карате гимнасты и др.
Более 500 участников Более 10.000 гостей и зрителей

Aryel Narvasa
7 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

чемпионат России по кикбоксингу среди студентов в Челябинске - финальные бои 31 января 2018 год
победил Виктор Михайлов ЮУрГАУ https://vk.com/id63597286
kickboxing knockouts

Aryel Narvasa
4 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

красивая природа зима Норильск Россия Russia
удивительные навыки сноуборда Amazing Snowboard Skills
видео из архива Владимира Пуспешева г.Норильск
Красные Камни - гора Косая - ледяная пещера

Aryel Narvasa
6 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Эрнестина Шепард (Ernestine Shepherd) — одна из известнейших женщин-бодибилдеров. За последние 20 лет она пробежала 9 марафонов, выиграла два соревнования по бодибилдингу. В 2010 и 2011 году Книга рекордов Гиннеса признавала Эрнестину Шепард самой старшей культуристкой мира. Еще 20 лет назад, сама Эрнестина, в прошлом модель и сотрудник средней школы, даже не догадывалась, что ее жизнь так изменится. Ведь спортом она занялась только в 56 лет. Первое, что вы отмечаете, увидев её — это подтянутая спина, упругие мышцы и шесть чётко очерченных кубиков пресса. Эрнестина работает инструктором в одном из тренажёрных залов Балтимора. И вдохновляет более молодых людей на кардинальное изменение своей жизни.

Aryel Narvasa
6 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Dutch champion bodyfitness 2014 Nbbf Ifbb Nederland
Michelle Heuts Fitness Figure IFBB Atlete Nederland
I’ve always loved sports since I was a little girl. When I was in the dutch army, I went to a gym near by my base camp. There I met my current trainer. He came up to me and said I should do some bodyfitness shows. 6 months later I did my first show, and I was hooked. The lifestyle the shows everything I loved.
The next year I won 2 shows in Netherland and I finished 2nd at the dutch finals. I promised myself to work as hard as I can to be as good as I can be.

Aryel Narvasa
13 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

День семьи, любви и верности. Праздничный концерт 2014.07.08

Aryel Narvasa
17 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Анастасия Никоненко https://vk.com/idanikonenko
Анастасия Никоненко ( вес 45 кг. )
серебряный призёр России по тайскому боксу -
шла утром на тренировку, и на меня напал маньяк . Челябинск

Aryel Narvasa
5 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Jose Luis Sanchez - морпех , который потерял ногу во время своего второго срока службы в Афганистане .
Травма смирила меня. Я потерял всю мою мышечную массу. Я потерял тонну веса. Я не мог ходить или двигаться или встать. Мне нужна была помощь, просто чтобы выйти из своего инвалидного кресла, и даже тогда я не мог ходить пешком .
Через четыре года интенсивных тренировок Санчес пробежал марафон .
Санчес знает боль одиночества и - несмотря на удивительные достижения - приписывает его успех своим друзьям .
« Я продолжал бороться, и я до сих пор борюсь , потому что я понял , каждый день это борьба, и вы должны продолжать борьбу ,тренироваться » сказал Санчес. «Но в конце концов, вы не можете сделать это в одиночку. Вы не можете пойти далеко в одиночку, прежде всего вам нужна любовь и поддержку других. После того, как вы открываете себя, вы будете идти намного дальше »

Aryel Narvasa
14 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Семён 6 лет Челябинск @chelgymnastics
СШОР №4 по спортивной гимнастике https://vk.com/chelgymnastic

Aryel Narvasa
8 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

тренер СТАЛЬМАКОВА ЕКАТЕРИНА ВЛАДИМУРОВНА https://vk.com/id212150442
полуфинальные соревнования первенства России по волейболу среди девушек 2004-2005 г.р. 24.03.2017г. Юность Метар г.Челябинск Киров - Челябинск 1 : 3

Aryel Narvasa
18 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

“Star light» https://vk.com/starlight74
группа поддержки хоккейной команды «Трактор», коллектив Челябинского государственного университета.
За время существования коллектив добился высоких результатов🥇🥈🥉 :
2017 г. – серебряные призеры Общероссийских соревнований по черлидингу;
2016 г. – обладатели Кубка Евразии по черлидингу;
2015 г. - обладатели Кубка Европы по черлидингу, Франция;
2015 г. - Чемпионы России по черлидингу;
2014г. - Группа поддержки на Олимпийских играх в Сочи;
2013г. - Бронзовые призёры Чемпионата Европы по спортивному черлидингу, Италия;
2013г. - Серебряные призёры Чемпионата России по спортивному черлидингу;
2013г. - Лучшая группа поддержки континентальной хоккейной лиги;
2012г. - Бронзовые призёры Чемпионата России по спортивному черлидингу

Aryel Narvasa
15 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

волейбольная разминка - зарядка - волейбол девушки
молодежная лига Уралочка-НТМК Екатеринбург
11 октября 2017 год в Метар Юность Челябинск

Aryel Narvasa
9 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

мотивация - никогда не сдавайся never give up
Jérôme PINA https://www.youtube.com/user/AZM51TES2012

Aryel Narvasa
4 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

легкая атлетика спартакиада молодёжи России 2018
девушки - бег 100 - 400 и 800 метров с барьерами и без
runners women's 100m 400m 800m - Chelyabinsk Russia
#бег #челябинск #74trackandfield #нашчелябинск #легкаяатлетика #run #runners #пр23 #Running #runnerslife #урфо #королеваспорта #чемпионка #чемпионатроссии #runnersrussia

Aryel Narvasa
11 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Александр Владимирович Попов - советский и российский пловец, четырёхкратный олимпийский чемпион, шестикратный чемпион мира, 21-кратный чемпион Европы, один из доминирующих пловцов на мировом уровне в 1990-х

Aryel Narvasa
17 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

открытый чемпионат и первенство Челябинской федерации по спортивной аэробике - Челябинск Метар спорт 30.04.2017 год
тренер Власова Олеся дети 11 - 13 лет Aerobic Gymnastics 2017

Aryel Narvasa
25 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

музыка из фильма «Настоящая любовь» 1993 г. Квентин Тарантино
История клуба
«Метар» (1976—1979 и 1980—1989 — «Политехник», 1979—1980 — «Технолог», 1989—1993 — ЧМС, 1993—2003 — «Метар», 2003-2015 — «Автодор Метар) — российский женский волейбольный клуб из Челябинска.


Обладатель Кубка России — 1993, 1996, 1997.

В чемпионатах России лучший результат 4-е место в 1993, 1994, 1997 и 1998 годах.

Финалист Кубка России, трижды обладатель Кубка России, участник розыгрыша Кубка НКВ в 1993, 1998 годах.

Участник Чемпионатов СССР 1977-1991 гг.

Лучший результат 6-е место в 1985, 1991 гг.

Финалист Кубка СССР 1983, 1984, 1990 гг.

Участник чемпионатов России 1992-2005 гг

Финалист розыгрыша Кубка России в 1991, 1995, 1998, 2000-2003 гг.

Участник розыгрыша Кубка ЕКВ 1993, 1998 гг.

Лучший результат современной истории – 6-е место в чемпионате России среди женских команд суперлиги. Сезон 2009/10

Aryel Narvasa
9 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

#легкаяатлетика #polevault #trackandfield #русскаязима2020 первое место - Челябинский прыгун с шестом Тимур Моргунов @timur_morgunov выполнил олимпийский норматив взял высоту 5 метров 86 сантиметров
видео полностью https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=reeiAS8Nvcw&t=585s "Русская Зима" 2020 - традиционный турнир по легкой атлетике в помещении Москва, ЛФК ЦСКА, Ленинградский

Aryel Narvasa
4 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

чемпионат России по лёгкой атлетике среди юниоров и юниорок до 23 лет. г.Челябинск 6 июля 2018 год - легкоатлетический комплекс имени Елены Елесиной
песня Bon Jovi - It's My Life ( это моя жизнь )

Aryel Narvasa
5 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Уральский пьедестал всероссийские соревнования
фитнес аэробика Челябинск Метар спорт 30.04.2017 год
дети 13 лет DANCE FACTOR

Aryel Narvasa
3 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Чемпионка мира среди профессионалов (ММА BUSHIDO) Чемпионка России по Тайскому боксу , по Таэквондо
Яна Куницкая https://vk.com/id249368

Aryel Narvasa
12 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

группа поддержки мужского волейбольного клуба "Динамо", команда Шарм
cheerleading girls - support group
Метар Спорт 20.04.2018

Aryel Narvasa
8 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Female Bodybuilding and Fitness Motivation - Live Your Dream
fitness motivation women

Aryel Narvasa
0 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

красивая природа зима Норильск Россия Russia
удивительные навыки сноуборда Amazing Snowboard Skills
видео из архива Владимира Пуспешева г.Норильск
Красные Камни - гора Косая

Aryel Narvasa
6 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Дарья Терехова ( Сафонова ) https://vk.com/id5494086
г.Челябинск МСМК по лёгкой атлетике , чемпионка Европы в эстафете 4х400 и бронзовый призёр в беге на 400 метров
#зарядкасозвездой #фитнес #лёгкаяатлетика

Aryel Narvasa
5 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

#boxing #бокс
ХХIX открытый Всероссийский мемориал по боксу памяти Олега Примакова и Александра Васина г.Челябинск 2018 г.
#Челябинск с 28 ноября по 1 декабря 2018 год

Aryel Narvasa
29 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

молодежная лига волейбол женщины
в Челябинске "Метар" Черкасская, 1
girls volleyball training - Women's Volleyball Plyo Workout

Aryel Narvasa
12 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

областные соревнования по художественной гимнастике памяти А.А. Алферовой - Челябинск Метар Спорт 17.11.2017г.
rhythmic gymnastics

Aryel Narvasa
12 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

#танцы #бальныетанцы #dance
Метар Спорт город Челябинск 30 сентября

Aryel Narvasa
12 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

чемпионат России по тайскому боксу среди студентов 1.12.2017г

Aryel Narvasa
6 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Высота: 38 метров
Создание: 1931 год

Aryel Narvasa
4 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Яна Кузнецова Yana Smith 🏆Bikini🏆🇷🇺ifbb 🏆Кубок России

Aryel Narvasa
10 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Братья Алистер и Джонатан Браунли 2016 год
Британский триатлонист дотащил брата до финиша на плечах, заставив интернет сотворить водопад слез.
Во время забега в финале Мировой серии в Мексике последний этап триатлонного сезона завершился настоящей драмой
для победы в общем зачете британцу Джонатану Браунли необходимо было побеждать на этапе в Барселоне. При этом, лидер зачета испанец Марио Мола должен был быть не выше четвертого места.
Братья Браунли взвинтили темп в гонке, и на последний километр Джонатан Браунли вышел лидером, но за несколько десятков метров до финиша британцу стало плохо. Последние метры дистанции ему помог преодолеть Алистер Браунли. После пересечения финишной черты Джонатан рухнул на асфальт.
Чемпионом мира по сумме всех стартов серии стал испанец Марио Мола. Серебро получил Джонатан Браунли, а бронзу — испанец Фернандо Аларца.

На Олимпийских играх в Рио братья Браунли вдвоём взошли на пьедестал: Алистер завоевал олимпийское золото, а Джонатан — серебро.

Aryel Narvasa
12 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

#бокс #boxing #метар #челябинск
30 международный мемориал среди юниоров 2002-2003 г.р и юношей 2004-2005 г.р посвященный памяти боксеров Олега Примакова и Александра Васина.
сильнейшие боксеры с разных городов страны а также Республики Казахстан - место проведения ДС «Метар-Спорт» ул Черкасская,д.1 - вход свободный ( возьмите бахилы )

Aryel Narvasa
18 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Полуфинальные соревнования первенства России по волейболу среди девушек 2004-2005 г.р.
24 марта 2017 год Юность Метар г.Челябинск
Кварц г.Бор (Нижегородская область) - Аметист (Екатеринбург)

Aryel Narvasa
9 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Яна Кузнецова Yana Smith 🏆Bikini🏆🇷🇺ifbb 🏆Кубок России

Aryel Narvasa
5 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Rebekah Marine https://www.youtube.com/user/rebekahmarine
Модель Ребекка Марин родилась без правого предплечья. С самого детства Ребекка мечтала что станет моделью, и мать отведет ее в разные агентства в Нью-Йорке. Тем не менее, постоянные отказы оставили в ней чувство неуверенности. «Это было не очень хорошо, конечно, когда кастинг директор заметил мою инвалидность,» вспоминает она. «Услышав слова, «Вы никогда не будете иметь будущее в бизнесе» это действительно был удар для меня.»

В 22 ей установили бионический протез. Через 5 месяцев ей заказали небольшую свадебную фотосессию, а также она прошла по подиуму в дизайнерской одежде Antonio Urzi на Неделе Мод в Нью-Йорке. Она смогла собраться силами, чтобы пройти по подиуму, после многих лет отказов из модельных агентств, отказавших ей по причине ее недостатка.

Это было в некоторой степени путешествие для меня. Сначала было трудно выйти всему миру напоказ. Но теперь я стала чувствовать себя комфортно с самой собой, и я счастливее чем, когда бы то ни было.

Благодаря Ребекке, в индустрии моды стали лояльней относиться к подобного рода моделям. Так в 2014 году, актриса фильма «American Horror Story» Джейми Брюэр стала первой женщиной, с синдромом Дауна, а д-р Даниэль Шейпук первой женщиной в инвалидной коляске, которые предстали на подиуме в Нью-Йорке на Неделе моды.
её инстаграм @paola_antonini и блог в ютубе https://www.youtube.com/channe....l/UCdwA1W8lKQ7P3sidn

Aryel Narvasa
3 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים


Aryel Narvasa
9 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

областные соревнования по художественной гимнастике памяти А.А. Алферовой - Челябинск Метар Спорт 17.11.2017г.

Aryel Narvasa
5 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

фитнес-бикини модель Ксения Романова KSENIA ROMANOVA
Выступает с 2012 года. День рождения 22.12.1991, рост 163 см, вес 58 кг в межсезонье, до начала участия в соревнованиях был 48 кг.
- Чемпионка Кубка СФО 2013 и 2014 гг
- Абсолютная чемпионка Томской области 2014 г
- Чемпионка Красноярского края 2012 г
- Абсолютная чемпионка г. Красноярска 2014 г
- Абсолютная чемпионка Алтайского края 2015 г
- Абсолютная чемпионка турнира "Кубок Победы" г. Новосибирск 2015 г
- Чемпионство на многих других турнирах уровня Красноярского края

Aryel Narvasa
7 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

#легкаяатлетика Чемпионат Челябинска
Алексей Зубаков - независимый спортивный аналитик
родился 1964 г. погиб в дтп в 2019г.
спортивный журналист Алексей Зубаков, который освещал легкую атлетику. 10 марта журналист вызвал такси. Во время поездки в него на большой скорости врезался другой автомобиль. Врачи боролись за жизнь Алексея Зубакова почти сутки. Спасти его не удалось.
Алексей за день мог сделать несколько видео интервью и видео соревнований - загрузить их в youtub, разместить десятки фотографий с интервью и результатами соревнований в instagram и вконтакте . кто хочет можете ознакомиться с его работой -
https://vk.com/alekseyaleks64 @aleksei.zubakov

Aryel Narvasa
8 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

спортивная школа олимпийского резерва СШОР №4 по спортивной гимнастике https://vk.com/chelgymnastic
Челябинск 6 марта 2018 год gymnastics competition girls
Gymnastics Competition Champions

Aryel Narvasa
7 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

легендарный стайер Хайле Гебреселассие пробежал последний марафон ноябрь 2015 год
Хайле Гебреселассие
Родился: 18 апреля 1973 г. (42 года), Асэлла, Эфиопия
Признан лучшим легкоатлетом мира 1995 и 1998 годов по версии журнала Track & Field News, лучшим легкоатлетом мира по версии ИААФ 1998 года. Лауреат премий «Спортсмен года AIMS» 2006, 2007 и 2009 годов и «Самое быстрое время AIMS» 2007 и 2008 годов

Aryel Narvasa
7 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Яна Кузнецова Yana Smith 🏆Bikini🏆🇷🇺ifbb 🏆Кубок России

Aryel Narvasa
6 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

чемпионат России по тайскому боксу среди студентов 1.12.2017г
Сабиров Жасурбек (победил) Санкт Петербург : Хомутов Кирилл Кемеровская область - вес 63,5кг.

Aryel Narvasa
12 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Анастасия Макеева поёт в свой день рождения 23 декабря 2015

Aryel Narvasa
13 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

muay thai motivation
Анастасия Никоненко серебряный призёр России по тайскому боксу https://new.vk.com/idanikonenko

Aryel Narvasa
7 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

#polevault #прыжкисшестом #легкаяатлетика #бег
Рождественский кубок УралГУФК Челябинск январь 2019
первая песня - Dr. Alban It's My Life ЭТО МОЯ ЖИЗНЬ

Aryel Narvasa
5 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Aryel Narvasa
6 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Федеральное государственное унитарное предприятие «Племенной форелеводческий завод «Адлер» - одно из крупнейших предприятий в России. Предприятие было основано еще в 1964 году в целях воспроизводства и исследования одного из наиболее деликатесных рыбных видов – форели.
На сегодняшний день ФГУП «Племенной форелеводческий завод «Адлер» - единственное в России хозяйство, которое располагает коллекцией наиболее распространенных пород форели: Камлоопс, Дональдсона и стальноголового лосося. Кроме того, хозяйству принадлежит две собственные породы радужной форели – Адлер и Адлерская янтарная. С 1998 года здесь выращивают черноморского лосося «Кумжа» – эндемика Черного моря, перспективного объекта товарного рыбоводства. Для наиболее полного удовлетворения рынка спроса, хозяйство занимается подращиванием и реализацией осетровых.

Наличие разнопородного и большого стада рыб позволяет вести нерест в течение восьми месяцев, а купить живую форель и продукцию из нее в фирменных магазинах хозяйства «Золотая рыбка» можно в любое время года.

Завод сегодня – единственное предприятие в России, которое осуществляет поставку рыбопосадочного материала и икры на стадии глазка в рыборазводные хозяйства России и ближнее зарубежье.

Aryel Narvasa
21 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

30.09.2017 Water Polo Cup 2017 | Chelyabinsk сентябрь 2017 год
первый международный Кубок губернатора по водному поло среди женских команд - участвуют сборные Хорватии, Китая, Узбекистана , Казахстана , сборная России и златоустовская «Динамо-Уралочка»
Команда «Динамо-Уралочка» одержала победу в матче со сборной Китая со счетом 12:9

Aryel Narvasa
10 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

г.Уфа Чемпионат и Первенство России по пожарно-спасательному спорту сборная команда Динамо Челябинской области (девушки) заняла 1 место в пожарной эстафете. Поздравляем победительниц: Друзь Дарью, Друзь Валерию, Игонину Дарью, Петрову Екатерину - 30 июля 2018 год
пожарно прикладной спорт - пожарно спасательный спорт

Aryel Narvasa
4 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

#wushu #челябинск #ушу

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#polevault #прыжкисшестом #легкаяатлетика #leichtathletik #atleticaleggera
#swissathletics #saltoconla #running #run
музыка The Da Vinci Code - Chevaliers de Sangreal - The Danish National Symphony Orchestra

Aryel Narvasa
12 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

МБУДОД ЦВР г.Челябинск 25 апреля 2018 год
оригинальный жанр , People are Awesome - circus kids
объединение " Шанс "
педагог Заславская Альбина Геннадьевна

Aryel Narvasa
19 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

бег спорт скоростно силовые качества
Натали Луговских Fitness bikini & Tracknfield athlete 🏆 European champion Чемпионка России 2016 КМС по лёгкой атлетике

Aryel Narvasa
8 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

первенство УрФО по волейболу среди девочек 2005-2006 гг.р.
место проведения: ДС "МЕТАР-СПОРТ" 7.04.2017 год
Челябинск 1 - Екатеринбург (Малахит) 3 : 0
Челябинск 1 - Н.Уренгой 3 : 0

Aryel Narvasa
9 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Ник Ньюэлл (13-1) родился 17 марта 1986 года с врожденной ампутацией – часть его левой руки отсутствовала. Несмотря на это Ник решил стать бойцом ММА. Начал профессиональную карьеру в ММА в 2009 году.

В декабре 2012 года Ньюэлл вошел в историю, став первым одноруким бойцом ММА, завоевавшим чемпионский титул крупного промоушена – XFC. В бою против ветерана Bellator Эрика Рейнольдса, Ньюэлл одержал впечатляющую победу удушением уже в первом раунде.

Aryel Narvasa
9 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Lindsay Camerik https://www.youtube.com/channe....l/UCNrXbxXt6OoBwD2Pu
CrossFit bodybuilding powerlifting sports artistic gymnastics .
Hey everyone!! Thank you so much for watching, I appreciate each of you

Aryel Narvasa
10 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Леонид Николаевич Мосеев - советский легкоатлет,
чемпион Европы в марафоне, заслуженный мастер спорта СССР. почётный гражданин Челябинска
презентация книги - Мосеев : победитель или побеждённый?
автор - журналист Борис Прокопьев создатель журнала " бег и мы "

Aryel Narvasa
5 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Чемпионат первенства УрФО-2018 по Смешанному Боевому Единоборству (ММА)
в Челябинск приехали победители и медалисты региональных Чемпионатов и Первенств по Смешанному Боевому Единоборству (MMA) для участия в Чемпионате Уральского Федерального Округа, который пройдёт во дворце спорта «Метар-Спорт» с 24 по 25 марта. Спортсмены из ХМАО, ЯНАО, Тюменской, Челябинской, Свердловской и Курганской областей сразятся за право представлять наш округ на Чемпионате России

Aryel Narvasa
4 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Елизавета Мукминова: абсолютная Чемпионка России 2014/2015 г. в номинации фитнес-бикини. Абсолютная победительница Кубка Яшанькина (Абрау-Дюрсо) 2014/2015

Aryel Narvasa
9 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

песни в видео 1 Мари Краймбрери - нет никого круче нас!
2 Killing Me Softly With His Song - Убивая меня нежно
3 Мечты, которые у нас есть, любовь, которую мы разделяем
ФИНАЛ "Динамо" Краснодар - Уралочка - НТМК 2:3 (31:29; 25:22; 10:25; 11:25; 9:15)
"Динамо" Краснодар - "Подмосковье" 3:1 (25:14; 25:20; 23:25; 25:16)
Уралочка-НТМК - Динамо-Метар 3:2 (25:27; 25:17; 19:25; 25:21;15:12)
финал Кубка России молодежной лиги 28.10.2018 год
Уралочка Екатеринбург первое место @vc_uralochka "Динамо-Метар" Челябинск второе место @dinamometar «Динамо» Краснодар третье место @dinamogram

Aryel Narvasa
13 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

отец и сын Дик Хойт (01.06.1940) и Рик Хойт (10.01.1962)
отцу делали обследование недавно и врачи ему сказали, что если бы вы не занимались спортом, то ваше сердце сдалось бы лет 15 назад! Вот так сын спас жизнь отцу!

Aryel Narvasa
7 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Muay Thai Motivational Fitness Video with Model Chontel Hau

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4 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Courtney King https://www.youtube.com/channe....l/UCJ9gscAQkNzgPM1A3
IFBB Professional Athlete (IFBB BIKINI PRO) - Fitness Management Group Athlete (FMG) - Gym Life Sponsored Athlete - Team Bombshell Athlete/Regional Coach

Aryel Narvasa
6 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Школа Олимпийского Тхэквондо "Юность-Метар" https://vk.com/tkdmetar
тренер Александр Игоревич Никифоров https://vk.com/nikiforov1990
28 мая 2017 год первенства МБУ СШОР "ЮНОСТЬ-МЕТАР" по тхэквондо памяти тренера Гайнуллина К.А.
taekwondo women training - Girls training taekwondo in Russia
Girls training taekwondo in Russia

Aryel Narvasa
5 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Чемпионат Уральского федерального округа по боксу среди мужчин 22 августа 2018 год Метар Спорт Chelyabinsk
#бокс #УрФО #метар #чмз #челябинск #боксер #боксеры#боксёр #boxing #боец

Aryel Narvasa
13 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

спорт бои без правил
Lektion Höflichkeit - positive sport

Aryel Narvasa
10 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

профессиональный немецкий бодибилдер IFBB Pro Germany
родился: 22 февраля 1972 г. , Дармштадт, Германия

Aryel Narvasa
5 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Alena Lutkovskaya @aalyonkaa https://vk.com/alenalutpv
Алёна Лутковская — российская легкоатлетка, специализирующаяся в прыжках с шестом. Обладательница мирового рекорда среди юниоров по прыжкам с шестом — 4,61 м.

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3 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

#run #running #Runners #RunnersRussia
первенство Челябинской области по эстафетному бегу
легкоатлетический комплекс имени Елены Елесиной г. Челябинск 14 сентября 2018 год

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18 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

первенство уральского федерального округа по художественной гимнастике 24 января 2018 год Метар Спорт г.Челябинск

Aryel Narvasa
7 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Анастасия Станиславовна Янькова - российская спортсменка и модель. Чемпионка России по тайскому боксу.

Aryel Narvasa
5 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

легенда мирового футбола Лев Яшин -
советский футболист, вратарь, выступавший за московское «Динамо» и сборную СССР. Олимпийский чемпион 1956 года и чемпион Европы 1960 года, 5-кратный чемпион СССР, заслуженный мастер спорта СССР. Герой Социалистического Труда. В 1963 году Лев Яшин получил приз лучшего футболиста Европы — «Золотой мяч».

Aryel Narvasa
19 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Метар Челябинск - Трёхгорный 2 : 0
17 ноября 2017 год соревнования по волейболу на первенство министерства образования и науки челябинской области

Aryel Narvasa
6 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Aliya Mustafina Win GOLD MEDAL
Алия Мустафина — российская гимнастка.
Двукратная олимпийская чемпионка в упражнении на брусьях, двукратный серебряный призёр Игр в командном первенстве и трекратный бронзовый призёр Игр

Aryel Narvasa
5 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Николь родилась в южной Флориде, она росла с тремя братьями и сестрами. Её мать, американка итальянского происхождения, а отец из Колумбии. Николь всегда была громким и подвижным ребенком, полным энергии.

Она присоединилась к сборной по плаванию, когда ей было 9 лет и плавала, пока не окончила среднюю школу. Она проводила каждое лето на Lifeguarding в городских парках, и она учила и защищала других используя свою любовь и знания плавания. Николь преуспевала во время всей учебы в школе и окончила её с отличием.

После окончания школы Николь поступила в мед. училище, но в конце концов поняла, что это не ее призвание, поэтому, оставила его после первого семестра, и пошла работать моделью. Вскоре после этого она начала получать приглашения и от других фотографов и в конечном счете даже компаний, которые хотели чтобы она работала у них моделью. Первые несколько фотосессий Николь были красивыми и модными, где она обучалась, как выражать эмоции через свое выражение лица.
Николь надеется представить свежий взгляд на фитнес. Mejia считает, что здоровый образа жизни изменяет тело и жизнь в целом.

Она также призывает женщин питаться естественными и натуральными продуктами для достижения здорового тела. Николь имеет 100% натуральное тело, являясь позитивной и сильной.

Aryel Narvasa
12 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Чемпионат России по лёгкой атлетике ПОДА 2 июля 2018
с 1 июля по 4 июля в г. Челябинске на Лёгкоатлетическом комплексе имени Елены Елесиной будет проходить Чемпионат России по лёгкой атлетике ПОДА. На Чемпионате будут выступать более 300 спортсменов из 45 регионов нашей страны.

Aryel Narvasa
4 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

стадион им. Е. Елесиной город Челябинск 27.07.2018 год
прыжки с шестом финал - первое место Ирина Иванова (Купер) @irishka_kuper7
соревнования по легкой атлетике в рамках IV летней Спартакиады молодёжи России Women's Polevault Russia
Russian Athletics Outdoor | 2018 Highlights | Girls of Russia
#polevault #прыжкисшестом #stabhochsprung #atleticaleggera #leichtathletik #легкаяатлетика

Aryel Narvasa
2 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Игумен Пётр (Мажетов), настоятель Свято-Косьминской мужской пустыни Екатеринбургской епархии. 2015 год 10 февраля

Aryel Narvasa
3 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Немного удивленная Диана Наяд выходит на побережье. В понедельник она стала первым человеком, переплывшим расстояние от Кубы до Флориды без клетки от акул.

64-летняя Наяд выплыла на берег через 53 часа после страта в Гаване в субботу.

Aryel Narvasa
2 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

праздник посвященный 100 летию физкультурно-спортивного движения в России - Юность Метар г.Челябинск 31 августа
в праздники приняли участие спортсмены и тренеры воспитавшие олимпийских чемпионов
#метар #чмз #челябинск #юностьметар #волейболистки #че #нашчелябинск #вчелябинске #челябинскспорт #волейбол #вфв

Aryel Narvasa
6 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

#урфо2020 #gymnastics #гимнаст
Челябинск спортивная гимнастика 12 марта 2020

Aryel Narvasa
4 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Кубок России по спортивной гимнастике 2018.
финал командных соревнований в Челябинске во дворце спорта «Юность» - открытие соревнований 4 июля 2018 год

Aryel Narvasa
5 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

#taekwondo #тхэквондо #челябинск #уралгуфк
всероссийский турнир по тхэквондо кубок губернатора Челябинской области 26 марта 2019
музыка Приключения Электроников

Aryel Narvasa
5 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

#легкаяатлетика #trackandfield #урфо2019 #leichtathletik
первенство Уральского федерального округа в Челябинске стадион им. Е. Елесиной

Aryel Narvasa
11 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Алия Мустафина г.Москва страница вк https://vk.com/id19257153
российская гимнастка. Двукратная олимпийская чемпионка в упражнении на брусьях, двукратный серебряный призёр Игр в командном первенстве и трекратный бронзовый призёр Игр.

Aryel Narvasa
7 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Святослава Спортивная @svatgym
Максим Сыров Челябинск @_cheesemax_
Алия Мустафина @musaliya135
Светлана Хоркина @khorkinasvetlana
Ляйсан Утяшева @liasanutiasheva
Алина Ермолова @ermolova832
Юлия Бравикова @bravik17
Алина Горносько @harnosik1
Мелитина Станюта @melitinastaniouta

Aryel Narvasa
7 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Ахен город в Германии - расположен в месте, где смыкаются три страны: Германия, Бельгия и Нидерланды, в 4—5 км от границ с последними двумя странами. К югу от города начинается национальный парк Эйфель.
Основание Ахена относится ещё к эпохе римлян, которые заложили город из-за минеральных источников и назвали его Aquisgranum.
В начале Средних веков Ахен часто служил резиденцией франкских королей , но своим блеском он обязан Карлу Великому, который в конце 790-х годов сделал Ахенский дворец своей зимней резиденцией, а в 807 году — столицей Франкского государства. Карл умер и был похоронен в Ахене в 814 году. Он почитается как святой покровитель города.

С 1306 года Ахен имел статус «вольного города святого римского престола». Здесь короновались императоры, происходили императорские сеймы (всего 17). В 1531 году в Ахене был последний раз коронован император Священной Римской империи Карл V.

Ахен делится на старый внутренний город и на новый внешний; кроме того, есть ещё несколько красивых мест за старой городской стеной.

С 1924 года в городе проходит фестиваль CHIO Aachen, считающийся самым престижным конноспортивным событием в мире. В 2008 году страной-партнером фестиваля стала Российская Федерация.

Aryel Narvasa
13 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

#спортивнаягимнастика #гимнастка #травма #gymnastics

Aryel Narvasa
4 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

#легкаяатлетика #polevault #trackandfield #русскаязима2019
видео полностью https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HlqD_VSER_U&t=761s "Русская Зима" 2019 - традиционный турнир по легкой атлетике в помещении Москва, ЛФК ЦСКА, Ленинградский пр. 39/1 03 февраля 2019г.
#running #прыжкисшестом

Aryel Narvasa
5 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Светлана Васильевна Хоркина - российская гимнастка, двукратная олимпийская чемпионка в упражнениях на брусьях, 9-кратная чемпионка мира, в том числе трижды в абсолютном первенстве и пять раз в упражнениях на брусьях, и 13-кратная чемпионка Европы.
Светлана Хоркина написала книгу - Магия побед -
эта книга её искренний рассказ о пути к олимпийским вершинам, становлении личности и характера, который помогал ей, как в спорте, так и в последующей жизни после него.
Вы узнаете подробности спортивных интриг и "засуживания" российских спортсменов на Олимпийских играх, о природе допинга и политических играх вокруг спорта. Спортсменка расскажет истории о звездах спорта, ТВ и театра, с которыми ее сводила жизнь, а также откровенно поведает о своей личной жизни: о семье и сыне, о личных победах после большого спорта.

Aryel Narvasa
6 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

IFBB Bikini Pro Janet Layug

Aryel Narvasa
8 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

#gymnastics #спортивнаягимнастика #гимнаст #челябинск
Чемпионат УрФО по спортивной гимнастике - финальные соревнования в отдельных дисциплинах 01.02.2019 г.
первое место конь - Виктор Британ @victor_britan Челябинск

Aryel Narvasa
26 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

#gymnastics #гимнастика #спортивнаягимнастика #gymnast
Челябинск СШОР №4 по спортивной гимнастике «Юный Гимнаст» соревнования приурочены к знаменательной дате – Всероссийскому дню гимнастики, который отмечается в нашей стране в последнюю субботу октября. Около 200 маленьких спортсменов из спортивных школ нашей большой страны будут соревноваться с 23 по 26 октября.

Aryel Narvasa
3 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

1+1 на Матч ТВ׃ Дарья Клишина
Двукратная чемпионка Европы в помещении, чемпионка мира среди спортсменов до 17 лет 2007 года, чемпионка Европы среди юниоров 2009 года, чемпионка Европы среди молодёжи 2011 года.

Aryel Narvasa
7 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Chloe Bruce https://www.youtube.com/user/Sc0rp1onCh1cK
Дата рождения: 05.10.1983
Место рождения: Великобритания, Англия
Основные направления: танг-су-до, кикбоксинг, фристайл-единоборства, гимнастика
Достижения: абсолютная чемпионка мира по экстремальному боевому искусству танг-су-до, рекордсменка из Книги Гиннесса (210 ударов ногой в минуту) Заинтересовалась танг-су-до стилем боевых искусств в возрасте восьми лет, когда ее младший брат вступил в местный клуб.
В возрасте девяти лет, она выступила в местных соревнованиях, а в 11, ей был присужден черный пояс.Свой первый чемпионат мира по танг-су-до Хлоя выиграла в 13 лет.К 16 годам она уже получила 3 мировых титула и решила переключиться на телевизионную карьеру.На сегодняшний момент Хлоя Брюс - одна из ведущих мировых специалистов в области боевых искусств (Tang-Su-Do) и оружия, с ее участием были поставлены некоторые боевые сцены в «Пиратах Карибского моря», «Гарри Поттере», «Битве титанов». Также занимается кикбоксингом, фристайл-единоборствами и гимнастикой, снималась в нескольких художественных фильмах, в музыкальных клипах, рекламе, выступает на различных шоу. У неё своя группа TeamFusion, танцуют смесь из брейк-данса, гимнастики и каратэ.

Aryel Narvasa
8 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Chloe Bruce дата рождения: 05.10.1983
Место рождения: Великобритания, Англия
Основные направления: танг-су-до, кикбоксинг, фристайл-единоборства, гимнастика
Достижения: абсолютная чемпионка мира по экстремальному боевому искусству танг-су-до, рекордсменка из Книги Гиннесса (210 ударов ногой в минуту) Заинтересовалась танг-су-до стилем боевых искусств в возрасте восьми лет, когда ее младший брат вступил в местный клуб.
В возрасте девяти лет, она выступила в местных соревнованиях, а в 11, ей был присужден черный пояс.Свой первый чемпионат мира по танг-су-до Хлоя выиграла в 13 лет.К 16 годам она уже получила 3 мировых титула и решила переключиться на телевизионную карьеру.На сегодняшний момент Хлоя Брюс - одна из ведущих мировых специалистов в области боевых искусств (Tang-Su-Do) и оружия, с ее участием были поставлены некоторые боевые сцены в «Пиратах Карибского моря», «Гарри Поттере», «Битве титанов». Также занимается кикбоксингом, фристайл-единоборствами и гимнастикой, снималась в нескольких художественных фильмах, в музыкальных клипах, рекламе, выступает на различных шоу. У неё своя группа TeamFusion, танцуют смесь из брейк-данса, гимнастики и каратэ.

Aryel Narvasa
5 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

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PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhaUQpYzjcQ&list=PLUw4qMP7FRt1Ll_LMWEGjdIEicejxHbyJ
------------★★ ★★-------------
#sportnewtw #sporttw #Taitzuzing #戴資穎 #bwf #bwf2018 #羽球

Aryel Narvasa
8 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

#SimonOUT #MillaIn #KualifikasiPialaDunia2022
malaysia vs indonesia kualifikasi piala dunia

Laga Indonesia vs Malaysia kali ini tersaji dalam kualifikasi piala dunia 2022 zona Asia. Laga ini berlangsung di stadion Bukit Jalil malaysia
Laga ini merupakan laga sengit karena rivalitas kedua negara ini.
Laga Indonesia vs Malaysia Kualifikasi Piala Dunia 2022 akan membuktikan siapa yang layak menjadi pemenang
Patch by Micano : http://in11.site/I8khiu

Part 1 : http://semawur.com/jQuhdiPgTD
Part 2 : http://semawur.com/a9FAyiwP2RxM
Password : #LikeDuluPESAIPMOD5.blogspot.com

Laga Timnas

Laga Liga 1

Ayo Bantu 1000 Subcriber Gengs

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Dukung channel ini dengan SUBSCRIBE
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Aryel Narvasa
9 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Mencoba namatin game God of War: Chains of Olympus .....
Selamat menonton.....

Subscribe : https://www.youtube.com/c/Leon....ardoImmanuel?sub_con

Kumpulan video game God of War Chains of Olympus : https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLV-4G1UllZM

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Song: Jamie Berry - Peeping Tom (Feat. Rosie Harte)

Intro Music: Mark G - "Never Let You Go"
Support Mark G through the following links!
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/realmarkg
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/realmarkg
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/markgofficial


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2 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Facebook: Playlist Malaysia Badminton Purple League 2016: .

Subscribe my channel for more videos: - Highlights MS #Badminton - #LeeChongWei #李宗偉 (MAS) Vs #KentoMomota #桃田賢斗 (JPN) .

Aryel Narvasa
12 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Li-Ning Jump Smash 2013™ | Tournament - Round 16 | Android Gameplay #1

Li-Ning Jump Smash 2013 Playlist

Download On Google Play

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#LiNingJumpSmash2013™ #Tournament #AndroidGameplay #1

Aryel Narvasa
8 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

AWESOME Fast & Furious Match! Badminton B 羽球 Badminton 2020 Singapore
Website : https://www.badmintonb.com

Watch MORE videos from Badminton B: https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLpvbsojYh-y

What's in my Badminton Bag
Bag: https://amzn.to/2TNBylF
Racket 1: https://amzn.to/2spjfaZ
Racket 2: https://amzn.to/2CnOuHM
Shoes: https://amzn.to/2CfU0MG
Shoe insole: https://amzn.to/2RGp7Ll
Racket grip: https://amzn.to/2ANRrl0
Muscle relieve rub: https://amzn.to/2TODPgI
Kit box: https://amzn.to/2Ma9g2b

My Gears
Mobile phone flexible tripod holder: https://amzn.to/2M7Dnau
Mobile phone: https://amzn.to/2VVvOZh
Gameplay Data tracker 1: https://actofit.com/discount/BADMINTONBOTAK
Gameplay Data tracker 2: https://amzn.to/2SvZiuh

Hi Welcome to badminton B, I am Michelle a full-time Choreographer and a Youtube Creator.
Badminton B shares badminton knowledge, experiences, techniques, and practical gameplay strategies. Be it badminton backhand, smash, drop shots. You name it. it will be creatively delivered.
Please Like and Subscribe to my Channel for continuous WEEKLY UPLOADS, I Welcome both your comments, request or questions.!

Welcome Collaboration
Business Email: badmbsg@gmail.com
Website : https://www.badmintonb.com

Aryel Narvasa
6 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Badminton Asia Championships 2018 Lee Chong Wei vs Kidambi Srikanth Quarter Final
Subscribe Badminton V Asia ►https://www.youtube.com/Badmin....tonVAsia?sub_confirm

PLAYLIST ►https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLAkCp--fov8

★ Round: Quarter Finals
★ Date: April 27, 2018


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Aryel Narvasa
9 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Facebook: Playlist Yonex Japan Open 2013 .

Facebook: Playlist Yonex Japan Open 2013 . Facebook: Playlist Yonex Japan Open 2013 . Facebook: Playlist Yonex Japan Open 2013 . Facebook: Playlist .

Facebook: Playlist Yonex Japan Open 2013 . Facebook: Playlist Yonex Japan Open 2013 . Facebook: Playlist Yonex Japan Open 2013 . Facebook: Playlist .

Facebook: Playlist Yonex Japan Open 2013 . Facebook: Playlist Yonex Japan Open 2013 . Facebook: Playlist Yonex Japan Open 2013 . Facebook: QF Kento .

Aryel Narvasa
5 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

AWESOME Fast & Furious Match! Badminton B 羽球 Badminton 2020 Singapore
Website : https://www.badmintonb.com

Watch MORE videos from Badminton B: https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLpvbsojYh-y

What's in my Badminton Bag
Bag: https://amzn.to/2TNBylF
Racket 1: https://amzn.to/2spjfaZ
Racket 2: https://amzn.to/2CnOuHM
Shoes: https://amzn.to/2CfU0MG
Shoe insole: https://amzn.to/2RGp7Ll
Racket grip: https://amzn.to/2ANRrl0
Muscle relieve rub: https://amzn.to/2TODPgI
Kit box: https://amzn.to/2Ma9g2b

My Gears
Mobile phone flexible tripod holder: https://amzn.to/2M7Dnau
Mobile phone: https://amzn.to/2VVvOZh
Gameplay Data tracker 1: https://actofit.com/discount/BADMINTONBOTAK
Gameplay Data tracker 2: https://amzn.to/2SvZiuh

Hi Welcome to badminton B, I am Michelle a full-time Choreographer and a Youtube Creator.
Badminton B shares badminton knowledge, experiences, techniques, and practical gameplay strategies. Be it badminton backhand, smash, drop shots. You name it. it will be creatively delivered.
Please Like and Subscribe to my Channel for continuous WEEKLY UPLOADS, I Welcome both your comments, request or questions.!

Welcome Collaboration
Business Email: badmbsg@gmail.com
Website : https://www.badmintonb.com

Aryel Narvasa
7 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Facebook: Playlist Malaysia Badminton Purple League 2016: .

Subscribe my channel for more videos: - Highlights MS #Badminton - #LeeChongWei #李宗偉 (MAS) Vs #KentoMomota #桃田賢斗 (JPN) .

Aryel Narvasa
6 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Badminton Asia Championships 2018 Lee Chong Wei vs Kidambi Srikanth Quarter Final
Subscribe Badminton V Asia ►https://www.youtube.com/Badmin....tonVAsia?sub_confirm

PLAYLIST ►https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLAkCp--fov8

★ Round: Quarter Finals
★ Date: April 27, 2018


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Aryel Narvasa
8 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/BanTinCauLong
Playlist giải Ciputra Hà Nội 2017: https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLUnkheh-gxX
Hendra Aprida Gunawan/ Markis Kido vs Chirag Shetty/ Satwiksairaj Rankireddy - Ciputra Hà Nội 2017
Bất ngờ đã xảy ra khi cặp đôi của Ấn Độ chiến thắng cặp đôi của Indonesia trong trận đấu này

Aryel Narvasa
8 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Li-Ning Jump Smash 2013™ | Tournament - Round 16 | Android Gameplay #1

Li-Ning Jump Smash 2013 Playlist

Download On Google Play

Subscribe My Youtube Channel 🐼 🎮

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Twitter - https://twitter.com/PANDAGAMINGszI1?s=09

#LiNingJumpSmash2013™ #Tournament #AndroidGameplay #1

Aryel Narvasa
3 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

CELCOM AXIATA Malaysia Open 2019 Date: April 02~07 / SPORT TW
------------★★ ★★-------------
Subscribe: https://goo.gl/UEUsn5
SPORT NEWS TW: https://goo.gl/UEUsn5
G+: https://goo.gl/E5eTDf
Blogger: sportnewstw.blogspot.com
------------★★ ★★-------------
PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhaUQpYzjcQ&list=PLUw4qMP7FRt1Ll_LMWEGjdIEicejxHbyJ
------------★★ ★★-------------
#sportnewtw #sporttw #Taitzuzing #戴資穎 #bwf #bwf2018 #羽球

Aryel Narvasa
6 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Tontowi/Apriani Dipasangkan-Daftar Pemain Indonesia di Perodua Malaysia Masters 2020.
Turnamen BWF Level Super 500 Perodua Malaysia Masters 2020 akan menjadi turnamen pembuka pada tahun 2020 mendatang. Dilaksanakan di Axiata Arena Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Mulai pada tanggal 7-12 Januari 2020. Berikut dalam video disajikan daftar pemain indonesia yang ikut pada turnamen ini. Salam olahrga bulutangkis.

Sumber Narasi telah mendapat izin persetujuan dari : indosport.com
Sumber : bwfbadminton.com
Sumber : PBSI

🔔 Update BWF Rangking :

📍 BWF ranking 2019:

🔔 Gratis Subcriber :

📍Badmintime Channel:

🔔 Saran lebih lanjut hubungi kami :

📍e-mail : zonminton@gmail.com


Aryel Narvasa
7 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Facebook: Playlist Yonex Japan Open 2013 .

Facebook: Playlist Yonex Japan Open 2013 . Facebook: Playlist Yonex Japan Open 2013 . Facebook: Playlist Yonex Japan Open 2013 . Facebook: Playlist .

Facebook: Playlist Yonex Japan Open 2013 . Facebook: Playlist Yonex Japan Open 2013 . Facebook: Playlist Yonex Japan Open 2013 . Facebook: Playlist .

Facebook: Playlist Yonex Japan Open 2013 . Facebook: Playlist Yonex Japan Open 2013 . Facebook: Playlist Yonex Japan Open 2013 . Facebook: QF Kento .

Aryel Narvasa
4 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Wish I could still play like him when I reach that antique age, wearing that white helmet 😝

Amazing 70 Vintage player! Be inspired - Badminton B 羽球 Badminton 2020
Website : https://www.badmintonb.com

Watch MORE videos from Badminton B: https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLpvbsojYh-y


Hi Welcome to badminton B, I am Michelle a full-time Choreographer and a Youtube Creator.
Badminton B shares badminton knowledge, experiences, techniques, and practical gameplay strategies. Be it badminton backhand, smash, drop shots. You name it. it will be creatively delivered.
Please Like and Subscribe to my Channel for continuous WEEKLY UPLOADS, I Welcome both your comments, request or questions.!

Welcome Collaboration
Business Email: badmbsg@gmail.com
Website : https://www.badmintonb.com

Aryel Narvasa
11 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

#SimonOUT #MillaIn #KualifikasiPialaDunia2022
malaysia vs indonesia kualifikasi piala dunia

Laga Indonesia vs Malaysia kali ini tersaji dalam kualifikasi piala dunia 2022 zona Asia. Laga ini berlangsung di stadion Bukit Jalil malaysia
Laga ini merupakan laga sengit karena rivalitas kedua negara ini.
Laga Indonesia vs Malaysia Kualifikasi Piala Dunia 2022 akan membuktikan siapa yang layak menjadi pemenang
Patch by Micano : http://in11.site/I8khiu

Part 1 : http://semawur.com/jQuhdiPgTD
Part 2 : http://semawur.com/a9FAyiwP2RxM
Password : #LikeDuluPESAIPMOD5.blogspot.com

Laga Timnas

Laga Liga 1

Ayo Bantu 1000 Subcriber Gengs

Terima kasih sudah menonton
Dukung channel ini dengan SUBSCRIBE
Jika kamu suka dengan video ini klik LIKE dan komen ya


Aryel Narvasa
4 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Badminton Asia Team Championships 2018 SHI Yuqi vs LEE Zii Jia
SUBSCRIBE Badminton V Asia ►https://www.youtube.com/Badmin....tonVAsia?sub_confirm
Facebook ►https://www.facebook.com/BadmintonV

PLAYLIST ►https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLAkCp--fov8

★ Round: Semi Finals
★ Date: February 10, 2018


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Aryel Narvasa
6 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

SPORT TW / BWF精選年度五大好球 戴資穎進攻讓張蓓雯使出一字馬救球
------------★★ ★★-------------
Subscribe: https://goo.gl/UEUsn5
SPORT NEWS TW: https://goo.gl/UEUsn5
G+: https://goo.gl/E5eTDf
Blogger: sportnewstw.blogspot.com
------------★★ ★★-------------
PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhaUQpYzjcQ&list=PLUw4qMP7FRt1Ll_LMWEGjdIEicejxHbyJ
------------★★ ★★-------------
#sportnewtw #sporttw #Taitzuzing #戴資穎 #bwf #bwf2018 #羽球

Aryel Narvasa
8 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

shaun robert evans Wasit Indonesia vs uni emirat arab (uae) yang kontroversial. Timnas Indonesia U23 gagal melaju ke babak perempat final cabor sepakbola Asian Games 2018. Tim asuhan Luis Milla kalah lewat drama adu penalti dari Uni Emirat Arab (UEA).

🎬 Klub Tertua di Liga 1 2018 ▶ https://youtu.be/fR-gOfZh-Y8

🎬 Klub Terkaya di Indonesia ▶ https://youtu.be/IguvVj3QKzU

🎬 Suporter terbanyak di Indonesia ▶ https://youtu.be/YwxaazQNm_o

🎬 Kasus Mafia Bola Indonesia ▶ https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLEk5YPMw3Xy

🎬 10 Jersey Klub Indonesia yang mirip jersey KLUB EROPA ▶ https://youtu.be/0J9pe4shABs

Terlepas dari kekalahan yang diterima Indonesia, kepemimpinan wasit asal autralia, Shaun Robert Evans layak disorot. Wasit evans terkesan membuat keputusan-keputusan yang kontroversial sepanjang pertandingan. Dia memberikan 2 penalti kepada UEA, selain itu beberapa keputusan lainnya juga perlu diperdebatkan.

Sebelum membuat keputusan konyol di Asian games 2018 ini, Wasit Evans ternyata memiliki catatan miring sepanjang karir wasitnya di Australia maupun dunia. Berikut adalah beberapa keputusan kontroversial wasit shaun robert evans :

1. Adelaide United vs Western Sydney Wanderers (14 Oktober 2016)

Tekel brutal diterima gelandang Sergio Cirio pada awal babak pertama. Tekel tersebut membuat Cirio harus ditarik keluar pada menit kesebelas. Sayang wasit Evans hanya memberikan kartu
kuning kepada Jack Clisby, bek yang menekel Cirio.
Keputusan itu berbuah protes keras dari bos Adelaide United Greg Griffin. Griffin meminta federasi sepak bola Australia dan FIFA memecat Evans. Sayang, harapan Griffin tak pernah terwujud. Evans tetap memimpin A-League hingga kini.

2. Sydney FC vs Wellington Phoenix (8 April 2017)

Ini adalah kali pertama penggunaan sistem Video Assistant Referee (VAR) di A-League. Sayang pertandingan ternoda oleh ulah Evans sebagai pengadil. Wasit Evans diserbu protes ketika menghadiahkan penalti untuk Sydney FC.

Protes dimulai ketika terjadi handball di kotak penalti Phoenix. Awalnya Evans tak menganggap itu sebagai pelanggaran. Ia pun dihujani protes dari pemain Sydney FC. Pertandingan pun kembali berjalan.
Setengah menit berselang, Evans tiba-tiba menghentikan pertandingan. Ia meniup peluit untuk melihat VAR. Tak berselang lama, ia memberikan hadiah penalti untuk Sydney FC. Kali ini giliran pemain-pemain Phoenix yang protes. Laga ini akhirnya berakhir dengan skor 1-1.

3. Bali United vs Madura United (13 Agustus 2017)

Madura United mempertanyakan kesabsahan gol pertama Bali United yang dicetak oleh Nick Van Der Velden pada menit keenam. Menurut pelatih Gomes de Oliveira, gol Van Der Velden berbau offiside. Sayang wasit Evans tak beranggapan demikian.

"Tiga gol Bali United dari bola mati. Satu dari corner kick dan dua tendangan penalti. Sayang gol pertama sedikit berbau offside. Sebagai wasit asing, dia juga manusia dan dia bisa salah," protes Gomes seusai laga.

4. Persija Jakarta vs Persib Bandung (3 November 2017)

Inilah puncak dari ketidakcermatan wasit Evans di Liga 1 2017. Evans menganulir gol Ezechiel N'Douassel pada babak pertama. Shaun Evans menilai bola sundulan Ezechiel belum melewati garis gawang. Putusan ini kontan memicu emosi para pemain Persib.

Biodata Shaun Evans
Nama: Shaun Robert Evans
Lahir: Melbourne, 21 Oktober 1987 (30 tahun)

Wasit A-League sejak 2012
Wasit FIFA sejak 2016
Wasit Chinese Super League 2013
Wasit Liga 1 2017
Wasit Western Sydney Wanderers vs Arsenal (2017)

Ayo lur Download Aplikasi Berita Liga Indonesia di Playstore 😀

🎮 Download Game Bola Gojek Liga 1 dan Liga 2 Indonesia apk http://gamebola.id
Website : https://www.factasiafootball.com
Website : http://www.factasiaofficial.com
Facebook : https://facebook.com/liga1streaming
Instagram : https://instagram.com/factasiafootball
Subscribe : https://youtube.com/c/factasia?sub_confirmation=1
E-Mail : Factasiafootball@gmail.com

Aryel Narvasa
13 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

BWF - Federation Francaise de Badminton | Yonex French Open 2015 Tournament days : Tuesday, October 20, 2015 to Sunday, October 25, 2015 Playlist .

YONEX OPEN JAPAN 2013 PART OF THE OSIM BWF WORLD SUPERSERIES 準々決勝ハイライト動画(2013/9/20) 大会の結果は .

2017 2017 European Championships Final [30-04-2017] [MD] Mathias Boe-Carsten Mogensen vs Mads Conrad-Petersen-Mads Pieler Kolding 2017 Badminton .

Badminton World Federation - Dubai World Superseries Finals 2015 Playlist .

Aryel Narvasa
5 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Playlist - 2014 Swiss Badminton Open


This Channel is For People Who Like Badminton !!

We provide video below
――China Badminton Super League
――BWF Superseries & BWF Superseries Premier (All matches on Court1 & 2 except live streaming games provided by BWF)
――Grand Prix Gold (Depending on the situation)

Please be free to give us your comments, suggestions or feedback.


Aryel Narvasa
4 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

จิณห์นิภา ตันมณี (แวนด้า)【ทีม UNITY&RAWIN】+ หทัยทิพย์ มิจาด (แพท)【ทีม เกตุแก้ว】VS พรรษอร พรรณเชษฐ์【ทีม เทศบาลพิษณุโลก】+ จรรยพร มีพานทอง【ทีม KEEREE BADMINTON】
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• สินค้ารับประกันคุณภาพ 1 ปี!!! ทุกชิ้นส่วน...แบบไม่ต้องถามหา

Aryel Narvasa
7 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Subscribe my channel for more videos: - #VietNamOpen 2016 MD Final - #KooKienKiat / #TanBoonHeong (MAS) VS #LeeJheHuei #李哲辉 .

SKYCITY New Zealand Open 2016 from Playlist .

Badminton Yonex Sunrise Vietnam Open 2016 occurres from 7/18/2016 to 7/24/2016 at NGUYEN DU Stadium, Address: 116 Nguyen Du Street, District 1, Ho .

Subscribe my channel for more videos: - #VietNamOpen 2016 MD Final - #KooKienKiat / #TanBoonHeong (MAS) VS #LeeJheHuei #李哲辉 . SKYCITY New .

Aryel Narvasa
6 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

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Bat Bazi بیت بازی

Aryel Narvasa
8 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Playlist - 2013 Hong Kong Badminton Open


This Channel is For People Who Like Badminton !!

We provide video below
――China Badminton Super League
――BWF Superseries & BWF Superseries Premier (All matches on Court1 & 2 except live streaming games provided by BWF)
――Grand Prix Gold (Depending on the situation)

Please be free to give us your comments, suggestions or feedback.


Aryel Narvasa
2 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

การแข่งขันแบดมินตัน SCG Thailand Open 2016(06.10.59)
Sport Ringside - 6 ต.ค. 2016
คลิปที่มีการถ่ายทอดสด..SCG Thailand Open 2016
การแข่งขันแบดมินตัน SCG Thailand Open 2016(06.10.59)

Aryel Narvasa
5 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Playlist - 2014 The Star Australian Badminton Open


For Latest Badminton Tournament Information and Videos

For Past Tournament Videos

For your Favorite Player's Videos

This Channel is For People Who Like Badminton !!

Please be free to give us your comments, suggestions or feedback.


Aryel Narvasa
7 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

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★ Badminton Legends' Vision 2017 LIMITED EDITION Rackets : Lin Dan, Lee Chong Wei, Taufik Hidayat, Peter Gade (Set of All 4) : http://fave.co/2syxDfP (WORLDWIDE)

★ Lee Chong Wei Racket : Yonex Duora 10 LCW RIO *Limited Edition* (3000 pieces in the world) :

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Badminton Angle,Perfect Angle,Great Angle,Nice Angle,Full Match,Full Matches,Highlights,Short clips,Trick shots,Dives,Fights,Rallies,Full match highlights,Save time,Coaching,Tutorials,Diet,Nutrition,Mental Training,Psychology,Strategies,Techniques and much more coming.

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CRAZY BADMINTON VIDEOS : Dives, Fights, Trick Shots, Rallies
★ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYZtPxX0jyQ&list=PLu7WUOYoZXu17DvCPt-PEBJ5S45kT9jPX

★ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LsYWFozROt4&list=PLu7WUOYoZXu303Z_f4I1hbZ2C-qXfcVED

INDIA OPEN 2017 BWF Badminton Superseries Tournament Highlights, Best Rallies & Full matches :

INDIA OPEN 2014 BWF Superseries Badminton Tournament.
★ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQy1Ze0PRsk&list=PLu7WUOYoZXu3GsTvMZJLT3d9vg0Y52ZdO

INDIA OPEN 2013 BWF Superseries Badminton Tournament.
★ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYZtPxX0jyQ&list=PLu7WUOYoZXu3gOj1cqGnFuKfILwae1MHV


Lin Dan, PV Sindhu, Carolina Marin, Viktor Axelsen, Saina Nehwal, Badminton Legend, Lee Chong Wei, Chen Long, Taufik Hidayat, Prakash Padukone, Tai Tzu Ying, Pullela Gopichand, Lee Yong Dae, Kevin Sanjaya, Liliyana Natsir, Tontowi Ahmad, Kidambi Srikanth, Ashwini Ponnappa, Jwala Gutta, Tan Wee Kiong, Wang Yihan, jihyun, Koo Kien Keat, Ratchanok Intanon,


badminton trick shots training smash highlights asia world malaysia badminton asia backhand smash dive defence offence attack Best slow motion shot technique clear players b.i.o couples crazy Insane coaching china championship doubles singles 2017 2016 double single deception denmark defense strategy men drill techniques dive england exercises for beginners exhibition match expert Lee Chong wei epic shots footwork final friendly practice funny fitness forehand serve fails singapore open french grip group game Australia Indonesia Hong Kong India Japan Korea swiss Thomas Uber Sudirman Dubai BWF flash v vs

Aryel Narvasa
3 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Malaysia Open 2015 - LUO Ying /LUO Yu vs Nitya Krishinda MAHESWARI /Greysia POLII- Wonmen's Double Quarter Final Maybank Malaysia Open 2015 .

QF - 2015 Indonesia Open - Greysia Polli/Nitya Krishinda M. vs Luo Yu/Luo Ying INDONESIA OPEN 2015 Playlist .

Aryel Narvasa
15 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Witness the battle of the world's top 10 badminton players in the first ever prestigious Maybank Malaysia Open SuperSeries Premier 2014! Experience .

The playlist contains the following videos: YONEX All England Open Badminton Championships 2015 - MetLife BWF World Superseries Premier 2014 All .

Pertarungan sengit tersaji pada babak pertama tunggal putra Indonesia Open Super Series Premier 2015. Andalan Indonesia, Tommy Sugiarto berhasil .

Maybank Malaysia Open 2014, 17 - 20 April at Kuala Lumpur Golf & Country Club (KLGCC)! Purchase your ticket at Visit .

Aryel Narvasa
2 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Badminton World Fédération
MS R64 Victor AXELSEN vs Petr KOUKAL
Twitter: @badminton_life

Playlist : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...

Tournament days :
Monday, August 10, 2015 to Sunday August 16 2015
Please subscribe ;)

Aryel Narvasa
13 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Tanggal Tayang : 05/12/2019

Embrionya adalah program Seputar Jakarta yang pertama mengudara pada 1 November 1989 dan menyajikan berbagai perkembangan utama di ibukota. Sejak itu Seputar iNews memperluas cakupan liputannya ke seluruh nusantara.

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Aryel Narvasa
8 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

After a successful retirement campaign, Koo Kien Keat comes back to the scene of world badminton with a boom. With all the trick shots in his bag, he is ever .

hello guys, hope you like the video and it helps you. if you haven't already like the video and subscribe. Thanks.

Point of the Championship - Crazy Defense of 2014 BWF World ChampionshipLi Ning BWF World Championships 2014 Playlist : BWF .

Aryel Narvasa
3 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Namatin Harvest Moon: Back to Nature.....
Selamat menonton.....

Subscribe : https://www.youtube.com/c/Leon....ardoImmanuel?sub_con

Kumpulan video game Harvest Moon Back to Nature : https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLV-4G1UllZM

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Intro Music: Mark G - "Never Let You Go"
Support Mark G through the following links!
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Please watch: "Prank Tutoral How To Jadi Maling Mobil Payday 2 Indonesia #1"

Aryel Narvasa
8 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Playlist - 2013 Denmark Open


Aryel Narvasa
4 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

2017 BWF - Persatuan Bulutangkis Seluruh Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia BCA Indonesia Open
Playlist http://bit.ly/2rQmZmp

BCA Badminton Indonesia Open Superseries Premier 2017

Venue: Jakarta Convention Center (JCC)
Address: Jl. Jend. Gatot Subrotot
Jakarta Pusat
10270 Jakarta

Tournament days
Monday, June 12, 2017 to Sunday, June 18, 2017

Visit and Follow Us :)

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Badmintalk Badminton

Aryel Narvasa
6 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Playlist - 2013 China Masters


Guys, this is the second [Lin Chongwei] channel I have made. The first one has just got a copyright strike from youtube. Please subscribe this new channel and also please give your advise to me about this channel. Hope you like it.

Aryel Narvasa
6 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Ayah PV Sindhu, yakni PV Ramana, menyerang balik pelatih Korea Selatan, Kim Ji-hyun, yang tempo hari menyebut anaknya tidak punya hati.
Simak keterangan selengkapnya dalam video. Salam olahraga bulutangkis.

Sumber Narasi telah mendapat izin persetujuan dari : indosport.com
Sumber wawancara : firstpost.com
Foto : Jang-youtuber Korea
Narator : Badmintime

🔔 Update BWF Rangking :

📍 BWF ranking 2019:

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📍Badmintime Channel:

🔔 Saran lebih lanjut hubungi kami :

📍e-mail : zonminton@gmail.com


Aryel Narvasa
1 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Hey everyone! This is my first vlog (and most likely the only vlog that I will do) because I got to experience something rather unique. And it would be a waste if I did not show you my experience.

Badminton Ireland are celebrating their 125th anniversary and they hosted a home nations tournament. These included teams from the hosts (Ireland), England, Scotland and Wales. The uniqueness of this event is that it is a graded tournament meaning you have to be BELOW a certain standard to play this tournament. Basically if you are too good or a pro player, you can't play. The grading system is used in all countries (although the criteria of a player in a grade will be different between countries) to assess a player's ability. For this tournament, there were 4 categories: Grade E (1st), Grade F (2nd), Grade G (3rd), Grade H (4th). Just for some background for those who are not aware of the grading system, English pro players will be grade A's and English junior nationals will probably be grade B and above, very strong county players will be around grade C or D (please let me know if you disagree). In each category, all nations play against each other once in a round robin format. The events consisted of MS, WS, MD, WD and XD. I was lucky enough to be chosen for the Grade F team.

I have enclosed the following links should you be interested in any of them:
Playlist of all the games:


Track: Diamond Eyes - Stars [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Watch: https://youtu.be/Fmf-G9fpwto
Free Download / Stream: http://ncs.io/Stars

Aryel Narvasa
2 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Badminton World Fédération
MS QF Chen Long vs Viktor Axelsen

Twitter: @badminton_life

Playlist : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...

Tournament days :
Monday, August 10, 2015 to Sunday August 16 2015
Please subscribe ;)

Aryel Narvasa
4 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים





Aryel Narvasa
5 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/BanTinCauLong
Website: http://caulongplus.vn/
Playlist giải cầu lông quốc tế Việt Nam International Series 2015: https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLUnkheh-gxX
Phạm Cao Cường đã có 1 chiến thắng tuyệt hay và ghi tên mình vào vòng đấu bán kết giải cầu lông Việt Nam International Series 2015 khi vượt qua tay vợt của Indonesia là Hardianto Kurniawan với tỷ số 2-0 (21-19, 21-14) sau 45 phút tranh tài

Aryel Narvasa
7 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Lengkap Jadwal Hongkong Open 2019 Hari 1. Turnamen BWF World Tour Level Super 500 Akan dilangsungkan mulai besok tanggal 12 November 2019.
Terdapat 33 pertandingan yang akan disajikan. Sebagian besar melangsungkan babak kualifikasi dan sisanya sudah akan menjalani babak pertama. Pertandingan akan dimulai pada pukul 9.00 AM waktu Hongkong atau Pukul 08.00 Wib. Terdapat 6 perwakilan indonesia yang akan bertanding besok.
Tiga diantaranya melewati babak kualifikasi dan 3 wakil lainnya akan langsung bertanding babak pertama. Untuk babak kualifikasi ada ganda putri Ni Ketut Mahadewi Istarani/Tania Oktaviani Kusumah kemudian dari sektor tunggal putra Yehezkiel Fritz Mainaky dan sektor tunggal putri Lyanny Alessandra Mainaky. Sementara pemain indonesia yang langsung bertanding babak pertama semuanya dari sektor ganda campuran yaitu Gloria/Haviz, Tontowi/Winny, dan Rinov/Phita. Kabar Ganda Putri indonesia Greysia/Apriani menyatakan mundur dari Hongkong Open 2019 karena Greysia Polli Cidera Bahu. Berikut jadwal lengkap hari pertama Yonex-Sunrise Hongkong Open 2019.
Selamat menyaksikan.

Sumber : bwfbadminton.com

🔔 Update BWF Rangking :

📍 BWF ranking 2019:

🔔 Gratis Subcriber :

📍Badmintime Channel:

🔔 Saran lebih lanjut hubungi kami :

📍e-mail : zonminton@gmail.com


Aryel Narvasa
2 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Un spectaculaire point en féminin (Greysia Polii/Apriyani Rahayu vs. Kim So Yeong/Kong Hee Yong) au badminton pendant le Masters d’Indonésie. Pendant 1mn40, les joueurs ont enchaîné les échanges, portés par les cris de la foule en délire.


Top 10 des vidéos les plus vues: https://urlz.fr/bBzg

La Playlist CRANKY WORLD: https://urlz.fr/bnWz


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#CrankWorld #Badminton #DoubleMixte

Aryel Narvasa
6 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Website : https://www.badmintonb.com

Watch MORE videos from Badminton B: https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLpvbsojYh-y

What's in my Badminton Bag
Bag: https://amzn.to/2TNBylF
Racket 1: https://amzn.to/2spjfaZ
Racket 2: https://amzn.to/2CnOuHM
Shoes: https://amzn.to/2CfU0MG
Shoe insole: https://amzn.to/2RGp7Ll
Racket grip: https://amzn.to/2ANRrl0
Muscle relieve rub: https://amzn.to/2TODPgI
Kit box: https://amzn.to/2Ma9g2b

My Gears
Mobile phone flexible tripod holder: https://amzn.to/2M7Dnau
Mobile phone: https://amzn.to/2VVvOZh
Gameplay Data tracker 1: https://actofit.com/discount/BADMINTONBOTAK
Gameplay Data tracker 2: https://amzn.to/2SvZiuh

Hi Welcome to badminton B, I am Michelle a full-time Choreographer and a Youtube Creator.
Badminton B shares badminton knowledge, experiences, techniques, and practical gameplay strategies. Be it badminton backhand, smash, drop shots. You name it. it will be creatively delivered.
Please Like and Subscribe to my Channel for continuous WEEKLY UPLOADS, I Welcome both your comments, request or questions.!

Welcome Collaboration
Business Email: badmbsg@gmail.com
Website : https://www.badmintonb.com

Aryel Narvasa
6 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

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Aryel Narvasa
6 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Sameer Verma VS Hu Yun ● India Open 2017 FLASHBACK in 2018 ● Highlights BWF Yonex Badminton

Subscribe to BADMINTON LEGENDS for more & MORE : ★ http://www.youtube.com/subscri....ption_center?add_use ★ 👈 ★ CLICK HERE ★

To support Badminton :
Get yourself or your kid a PRO racket from your favourite player :

★ Saina Nehwal's Racket : http://amzn.to/2fHXO24 👈
★ PV Sindhu's Racket : http://amzn.to/2yiDITA 👈
★ Kidambi Srikanth's Racket : http://amzn.to/2yiDITA 👈

★ Lee Chong Wei &
★ Chou Tien Chen's Racket : Yonex Duora 10 LCW RIO *Limited Edition* (3000 pieces in the world) :
🇮🇳 INDIA : http://amzn.to/2qTV5DK OR https://bit.ly/2sAfPRs
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https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLu7WUOYoZXu 👈

INDIA OPEN 2017 BWF Badminton Superseries Tournament Highlights, Best Rallies & Full matches :
http://www.youtube.com/playlis....t?list=PLu7WUOYoZXu1 👈

CRAZY BADMINTON VIDEOS : Dives, Fights, Trick Shots, Rallies
★ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYZtPxX0jyQ&list=PLu7WUOYoZXu17DvCPt-PEBJ5S45kT9jPX 👈

★ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LsYWFozROt4&list=PLu7WUOYoZXu303Z_f4I1hbZ2C-qXfcVED 👈

INDIA OPEN 2014 BWF Superseries Badminton Tournament.
★ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQy1Ze0PRsk&list=PLu7WUOYoZXu3GsTvMZJLT3d9vg0Y52ZdO 👈

INDIA OPEN 2013 BWF Superseries Badminton Tournament.
★ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYZtPxX0jyQ&list=PLu7WUOYoZXu3gOj1cqGnFuKfILwae1MHV 👈


TOP PLAYERS to look up to for inspiration :

Lin Dan, PV Sindhu, Carolina Marin, Viktor Axelsen, Saina Nehwal, Lee Chong Wei, Chen Long, Taufik Hidayat, Prakash Padukone, Tai Tzu Ying, Pullela Gopichand, Lee Yong Dae, Kevin Sanjaya, Liliyana Natsir, Tontowi Ahmad, Kidambi Srikanth, Kento Momota, Ashwini Ponnappa, Jwala Gutta, Tan Wee Kiong, Wang Yihan, Koo Kien Keat, Ratchanok Intanon,


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Aryel Narvasa
7 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Badminton Asia Team Championships 2016 Indonesia vs Japan FINAL Christie JONATAN vs Kenta NISHIMOTO Asia Team Championships 2016 PLAYLIST .

Jonathan Christie vs Kenta Nishimoto - Badminton Asia Team Championships 2016 Final Princess Sirivannavari Thailand Masters 2016 BWF - Badminton .

Facebook: Playlist Badminton Asia Team Championships 2016: .

2016 아시아 단체전 배드민턴선수권대회 [일본-인도네시아] 결승전 - Kenta NISHIMOTO vs JONATAN Christie 배드민턴대표카페 늘턴 .

Aryel Narvasa
9 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

2017 BWF - Persatuan Bulutangkis Seluruh Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia BCA Indonesia Open
Playlist http://bit.ly/2rQmZmp

BCA Badminton Indonesia Open Superseries Premier 2017

Venue: Jakarta Convention Center (JCC)
Address: Jl. Jend. Gatot Subrotot
Jakarta Pusat
10270 Jakarta

Tournament days
Monday, June 12, 2017 to Sunday, June 18, 2017

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Aryel Narvasa
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Chen Long defeated Lee Chong Wei 21-18, 21-18 to claim gold in the men's badminton singles competition at the Rio 2016 Olympics. Lee has now lost the last .

Facebook: Playlist Top Badminton: .

My name is Jame. I'm 18 and I play badminton in competition since I was 12. I would like that this sport become more famous. Just one thing, Please .

Women Badminton Singles Final Rio Olympics 2016 | Gold Match P V Sindhu Vs Carolina Marin. Carolina won this match bagged gold and P V Sindhu won .

Aryel Narvasa
5 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

2009 SudirmanCup KOO / TAN vs CAI / FU Deception Operation.

Koo Kien Keat Shows You How To Be Cool During an Epic Badminton Rally Main Website ▻ Facebook Page .

Highlights Badminton KOO Kien Keat Tan Boon Heong vs Lee Yong CHUNG Dae Jae Sung 2009 China Super Series Part 1 Please subscribe, I will continue to .

Facebook: Full match: Playlist Victor Far East Malaysia .

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Guys and Dolls Annual Tournament

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East london university 27th July

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When Lin Dan sets a thing on his mind, it seems he really gets it done. In the earlier rounds of the CBSL when the league just began, Lin Dan told the media that .

Lin Dan was clinical in his match in the CBSL finals and gave his team a 3-1 win. To subscribe to Shuttle Flash click here .

2015-2016 China Badminton Super League [30-01-2016] Semi Final Zhejiang King (浙江竞体) vs Qingdao Capital Airlines (青岛首都航空) [MS] Guo Kai vs Lin .

2015-2016 China Badminton Super League [31-01-2016] Final Hunan Riverside Group (湖南江湾集团) vs Qingdao Capital Airlines (青岛首都航空) [MS] Zhou .

[CBSL] Lin Dan vs Chen Yuekun - China Badminton Super League 2010 VIVO BWF Sudirman Cup 2015 Badminton World Federation Playlist .

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7 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Mohammad AHSAN/Hendra SETIAWAN (Indonesia) [6] vs Takeshi KAMURA/Keigo SONODA 嘉村健士/園田 啓悟 (Japan) [3]

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Turnamen BWF World Tour Sepanjang Tahun 2019 telah berakhir.
Berikut dalam video disajikan paparan nama-nama pemain bulutangkis yang berhasil memperoleh total hadiah terbesar sepanjang tahun 2019 ini.
Salam olahraga bulutangkis.

Sumber : bwfbadminton.com

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Daftar Lengkap Degradasi PBSI dan Penghuni Pelatnas Cipayung Tahun 2020.
Akhir tahun 2019 PBSI bersih-bersih pemain atau yang dikenal dengan istilah Degradasi.
Berikut dalam video daftar Degradasi PBSI dan Penghuni baru pelatnas cipayung tahun 2020. Salam olahraga bulutangkis.

Sumber : PBSI

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Daftar Degradasi PBSI
Daftar Penghuni Pelatnas PBSI 2020
berita bulutangkis terbaru
daftar penghuni pelatnas cipayung tahun 2020


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Koo Kien Keat & Tan Boon Heong Great Defence .Badminton.

Point of the Championship - Crazy Defense of 2014 BWF World ChampionshipLi Ning BWF World Championships 2014 Playlist : BWF .

Yonex Dutch Open 2015 [11-10-2015 Final] [MD] Koo Kien Keat-Tan Boon Heong vs Manu Attri-B. Sumeeth Reddy 2015 Yonex Dutch Open Videos .

These guys can stop playing together isn't it ? Koo and Tan in an smooth, spectacular play during their opening win on the World badminton championships .

Aryel Narvasa
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पी वी सिंधु🔹World badminton Championship,🔹 P V Sindhu wins Gold Medal in world champion ship, p v sindhu gk, pv sindhu current affairs, pv sindhu gk question, pv bwf championship final

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7 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Buat yang ingin irit kuota dan update Skor Badminton Asia Team Championships 2020, Anda datang ke tempat yang tepat.
Cek juga video lainnya ya, :D
Ingin tau penghasilan para YouTuber cek disini : https://youtu.be/1hh4LSOcDas
Yang suka otak-atik listrik/elektronik datang ke sini : https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLbm0lIa2jej
Yang suka keindahan Time Lapse cek video ini : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-wdSQqOt34&list=PLbm0lIa2jejd0gWPPl4-MsCBm4Se2RjNb

Semoga Bermanfaat! 🙏

Aryel Narvasa
3 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Badminton Asia Championships 2018 TAI Tzu Ying vs Saina NEHWAL 戴資穎 Semi Final
Subscribe Badminton V Asia ►https://www.youtube.com/Badmin....tonVAsia?sub_confirm

PLAYLIST ►https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLAkCp--fov8

★ Round: Semi Finals
★ Date: April 28, 2018


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渡辺・東野 vs 保木・松本 全英オープン前日練習⬇️

園田・嘉村 vs 渡辺・遠藤 全英オープン前日練習⬇️

奥原 vs 大堀・高橋 全英オープン前日練習⬇️

高橋・松友 vs 福島・廣田・志田・松山

タイツーイン 全英オープン 練習風景⬇️


バドミントン日本代表 公開練習はこちら⬇️

バドミントン Badminton
全英オープン YONEX All England Open
日本代表 Japan オリンピック Olympic
東京オリンピック Tokyo 2020
志田千陽 ChiharuShida 松山奈未 NamiMatsuyama
高橋礼華 ReikaTakahashi 松友美佐紀
MisakiMatsutomo 福島由紀 YukiFukushima
廣田彩花 SayakaHirota 美人アスリート
再春館製薬所 日本ユニシス アメリカンベイプ岐阜
YONEX ヨネックス MIZUNO ミズノ
Wilson ウィルソン 女子アスリート
女子ダブルス WD

Aryel Narvasa
7 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Hasil Semifinal Barcelona Spain Masters 2020 Hari Ini ~ Part 1. Sabtu, 22 Februari 2020. Satu satu nya wakil indonesia Greysia/Apriani berhasil melaju ke babak final setelah mengalahkan wakil ganda putri Inggris. Berikut dalam video hasil pertandingan babak semifinal hari ini selengkapnya. Salam olahraga bulutangkis.

Sumber data : bwfbadminton.com

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Aryel Narvasa
4 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Hasil Drawing Malaysia Master 2020 ~ Full Draw Perodua Malaysia Masters 2020




Berikut daftar pemain Indonesia di Malaysia master 2020 :
Jonatan Christie
Anthony sinisuka ginting
Tommy sugiarto
Shesar hiren rhustavito

Gregoria mariska tunjung
Ruseli Hartawan (babak kualifikasi)

Marcus fernaldi gideon/kevin sanjaya sukomuljo
Mohammad ahsan/hendra setiawan
Wahyu nayaka arya pangkaryanira/ade yusuf santoso
Fajar alfian/muhammad rian ardianto

Greysia polii/apriyani rahayu
Anggia shitta awanda/Pia Zebadiah Bernadet (babak kualifikasi)
Siti fadia silva ramadahnti/Ribka sugiarto (babak kualifikasi)

Praveen jordan/melati daeve oktavianti
Rinov rivaldy/pitha haningtyas mentari
Hafiz faizal/gloria emanuelle widjaja
Ricky karandasuwardi/Pia Zebadiah bernadet
Tontowi ahmad/Apriyani RAHAYU (daftar tunggu ke 5)

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IG @alfaith_18

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Sumber: http://incompetech.com/music/r....oyalty-free/index.ht
Artis: http://incompetech.com/

Drawing Malaysia master 2020
Jadwal bulutangkis Malaysia master 2020
Perodua Malaysia masters 2020
Badminton 2020
Bulutangkis Malaysia master 2020
Hasil drawing perodua Malaysia master 2020

#drawperoduamalaysiamaster2020 #malaysiamaster2020 #badminton2020

Aryel Narvasa
1 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Badminton Asia Championships 2018 CHEN Xiaoxin vs PUSARLA V. Sindhu
Subscribe Badminton V Asia ►https://www.youtube.com/Badmin....tonVAsia?sub_confirm

PLAYLIST ►https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLAkCp--fov8

★ Round: of 16
★ Date: April 26, 2018


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Aryel Narvasa
6 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

The clips was taken from BWF BLIBLI Indonesia Open Finals between Kento Momota and Viktor Axelsen

Thanks for watching!

Let me know in the comments below, if you want to see analysis of other pro badminton players.


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Links to Strategy playlist:

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Track: Cartoon - Why We Lose (feat. Coleman Trapp) [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds
Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zyXmsVwZqX4
Free Download / Stream: http://ncs.io/whywelose


More detailed description:

(To clarify: the term "mixed point" is a danish term which is the area on the sides of the court. Will use the term side of the mid court in the future)

First part of MOMOTA's strategy series is about his use of the dead zone. He plays it both from the net and from the rear court and utilizes this more than any other pro badminton player. This episode is about his drop shots to the dead zone.

As he puts it to the dead zone his opponent cannot play fast drop shots close to the net making his area of coverage smaller so he can recover position faster and wait for another opportunity. This effectively removes the opponents ability to attack him as he invites the rally into the flat game or a neutral rally where the shuttle is just played around.

Another point is that is is very often playing the dead zone on the right side with a straight drop shot for two reasons besides opening his own court up. Firstly, the angle and the spin of the shuttle makes it harder to return a spinning net shot as the shuttle rotates clock wise from the opponents perspective. Secondly, he plays that side a lot because he can counter attack in his forehand side and around the head in his backhand side.

Also, he doesn't jump until he has a clear chance to attack making his recovery even faster. Every pro player is fast but Momota is effectively fast due to his brilliancy. He knows he has weapons to kill the shuttle so he rarely take risks and plays the patient game.

Although, I claim to know his so called "secret" there is no secret to these strategies. Opponents knows how he plays, coaches knows how he plays but he is just the best at what he does.

Part 2 will be episode #33 where I reveal another strategic thing he does better than any other player. We will observe Momota and follow his trails as he set the bar for the best badminton anno 2018 until another superstar rises to the surface.

Let me know in the comments below, if you want to see analysis of other pro badminton players.

Movement is art, sports brings us all together. Until next time, peace

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Remember to have fun while you practice :)

Badminton, pro players, tactic, tactics, badminton rackets, badminton net, badminton grip, badminton, raquets, net, grip, shuttle, shuttlecock, best badminton racket, racket, yonex

Aryel Narvasa
8 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Badminton Asia Championships 2018 Semi Final Tontowi Ahmad Liliyana Natsir vs Zheng Siwei Huang Yaqiong
Subscribe Badminton V Asia ►https://www.youtube.com/Badmin....tonVAsia?sub_confirm

PLAYLIST ►https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLAkCp--fov8

★ Round: Semi Finals
★ Date: April 28, 2018


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14 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Beyond Boundaries, Crossing Continents, Going Global: Para-badminton athletes continue to show their ability and competitive spirit all over the world. At the recent 2014 Para-Badminton European Championships in Murcia, Spain, a number of players again proved why they are among the best in the business and talked about their passion for the sport. Hear their stories in their own words.

Subscribe for highlights, full-length matches and badminton news: http://smarturl.it/BWFsubscribe
For full length matches from Para-Badminton:https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PL5AE03D29D1

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the major events on our calendar such as the MetLife BWF World Superseries and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
19 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Badminton Asia Junior Championships 2019 in Nice Angle Camera Badminton
Alwi FARHAN (Indonesia) vs Tanmoy Bikash BORUAH (India)

FULL PLAYLIST ► https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLfOXdzN0y-j


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#Badminton #AsiaJuniorChampionships2019

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11 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Badminton Asia Junior Championships 2019 in Nice Angle Camera Badminton
Jonathan Farrell GOSAL/Adrian PRATAMA (Indonesia) vs HUANG Jui-Hsuan/HUANG Tsung-I (Taiwan)

FULL PLAYLIST ► https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLfOXdzN0y-j


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#Badminton #AsiaJuniorChampionships2019

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3 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

渡辺・東野 vs 保木・松本 全英オープン前日練習⬇️

奥原 vs 大堀・高橋 全英オープン前日練習⬇️

高橋・松友 vs 福島・廣田・志田・松山

志田・松山 vs 高橋・松友・福島・廣田

タイツーイン 全英オープン 練習風景⬇️


バドミントン日本代表 公開練習はこちら⬇️

バドミントン Badminton
全英オープン YONEX All England Open
日本代表 Japan オリンピック Olympic
東京オリンピック Tokyo 2020
園田啓吾 KeigoSonoda 嘉村健士 TakeshiKamura
渡辺勇大 YutaWatanabe 遠藤大由 HiroyukiEndo
トナミ運輸 日本ユニシス 男子ダブルス MD
YONEX ヨネックス MIZUNO ミズノ

Aryel Narvasa
7 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Badminton Asia Junior Championships 2019 U-17
Raynaldi Oktavianur RIZKY (Indonesia) vs KAO Hong En (Taiwan)

FULL PLAYLIST ► https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLfOXdzN0y-j


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#Badminton #AsiaJuniorChampionships2019

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Buat yang ingin update Skor YONEX All England Open 2020, Anda datang ke tempat yang tepat. Hari ini Indonesia vs China Taipei dan Indonesia vs Inggris.
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Yang ingin tahu Perolehan Medali Asian Games dari Masa ke Masa (1951-2018) : https://youtu.be/JmD8J-Kklr0
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Semoga Bermanfaat! 🙏

Aryel Narvasa
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The LONGEST rally in badminton history ( XD ) | Legend vision |

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🔥 Shuttle stroke

▶My Gear, for shooting◀

📷Camera :- https://amzn.to/39gXZaX

📷Camera Lens :- https://amzn.to/2GOmznj


📱Mobile ( Vivo Z1 ):- https://amzn.to/2vOR5Lt

📱Secondary mobile :- https://amzn.to/3bbDTAk


Camera Tripod :- https://amzn.to/2SeRb6K

Camera Gorilla Tripod :- https://amzn.to/2u7IiUA

Mobile Tripod :- https://amzn.to/2vLR4I5

Mobile gorilla Tripod :- https://amzn.to/31pJ6ju

🔥🔥Best Badminton accessories🔥🔥 :-

▶Shuttle ◀

Yonex Mavis 350 shuttle :- https://amzn.to/3b1UV3U

Yonex AeroClub Feather shuttle cock :- https://amzn.to/2OpBvMB

Yonex AS 10 feather shuttle :- https://amzn.to/36YwUrc

▶Badminton net◀

Yonex Badminton net :- https://amzn.to/2twL6dy

▶Badminton racket string◀

Yonex BG 65 Titanium badminton racket string ( gut ) :- https://amzn.to/3b4XX7L

Yonex Nanogy 99 microfiber badminton racket string :- https://amzn.to/2GUso2x

▶Best Badminton Racket◀

✔Yonex Nanoray 18i :-▶ https://amzn.to/31l2Rcc

Yonex Muscle power 22 plus :- https://amzn.to/31l4o1Y

Yonex Dura 10 :- https://amzn.to/2uYdhT4

Yonex Z Force-|| :- https://amzn.to/2RSU26a

🏸🔥 -:Other use full videos :-🔥🏸
Crazy badminton rallies 2020 :-
Link :- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhLxngv5jGc

Kids beat lee chong wei and taufic hidiyat in legend vision malaysia :-
Link :- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9GCcFJ_k-0&t=6s

🏸 🔥-:Badminton tournament playlist:-🔥🏸
Link :- https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PL569zvgikj0

🙏🙏🔥🔥Join us on🔥🔥🙏🙏

▶Instagram ➡:- https://www.instagram.com/legend_vision_/

▶Facebook ➡:-https://www.facebook.com/groups/2540295296200395/

🏸 In this video🏸

1) how to play badminton

2) how to play badminton mix doubles

3) badminton skills

4) badminton tactics of mix doubles ( XD )


Disclaimer -

video is for educational propose only. Copyright disclaimer section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowances made for "fair use"for propose such as criticism, comment, news reporting ,teaching, scholarship ,and research .use is a use permitted by copyright statue that might otherwise be infringing Non-profit ,educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use

🙏🙏Pls subscribe the channel🙏🙏🙏

🔥🔥🔥🔥Thankd for watching🔥🔥🔥🔥

Aryel Narvasa
12 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Inilah Jadwal Live Badminton Barcelona Spain Masters 2020 ~ Babak Semifinal Hari ini. Sabtu, 22 Februari 2020. Berikut dalam video jadwal live selengkapnya. Salam olahraga bulutangkis.
Sumber jadwal : bwfbadminton.com

🔔 Berita Badminton terbaru :

📍 https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PL_oxiXgbMd_

🔔 Badminton Profil :


🔔 informasi lebih lanjut hubungi kami disini :

📍e-mail : zonminton@gmail.com


Aryel Narvasa
7 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Facebook: Playlist Top Badminton: .

Best Lee Chong Wei's Rallies in 10 years - Badminton lin dan 2015, lin dan vs lee chong wei, lin dan vs chen long 2015, lin dan smash, lin dan vs chen long, lin .

Facebook: R2 Lin Dan vs Lee Chong Wei - Nice Camera Badminton Yonex Japan Open 2015 Lin Dan (China) .

Malaysia Open 2016 [Superseries] PLAYLIST: @ Date: 05/4/2016 to .

Aryel Narvasa
5 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Badminton Asia Championships 2018 Tai Tzu Ying vs He Bingjiao Quarter Final 戴資穎 何冰娇
Subscribe Badminton V Asia ►https://www.youtube.com/Badmin....tonVAsia?sub_confirm

PLAYLIST ►https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLAkCp--fov8

★ Round: Quarter Finals
★ Date: April 27, 2018


❤ Don't forget to LIKE
❤ SHARE this video for Badminton Lovers


Aryel Narvasa
6 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Playlist - 2013 Badminton Superseries Finals


This Channel is For People Who Like Badminton !!

We provide video below
――China Badminton Super League
――BWF Superseries & BWF Superseries Premier (All matches on Court1 & 2 except live streaming games provided by BWF)
――Grand Prix Gold (Depending on the situation)

Please be free to give us your comments, suggestions or feedback.


Aryel Narvasa
31 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Sumber Narasi Telah mendapat Izin persetujuan dari: indosport.com
Dengan judul berita Media Asing Sebut Ginting Pemain Bulutangkis tercepat di Dunia.

🔔 Update BWF Rangking :

📍 BWF ranking 2019:

🔔 Gratis Subcriber :

📍Badmintime Channel:

🔔 Saran lebih lanjut hubungi kami :

📍e-mail : zonminton@gmail.com


Aryel Narvasa
7 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Badminton Asia Championships 2018 Lee Chong Wei vs Kento Momota Semi Final 李宗伟 桃田 賢斗
Subscribe Badminton V Asia ►https://www.youtube.com/Badmin....tonVAsia?sub_confirm

PLAYLIST ►https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLAkCp--fov8

★ Round: Semi Finals
★ Date: April 28, 2018


❤ Don't forget to LIKE
❤ SHARE this video for Badminton Lovers


Aryel Narvasa
7 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Buat yang ingin irit kuota dan update Skor The 29th Fajr Badminton International Challenge 2020, Anda datang ke tempat yang tepat.
Cek juga video lainnya ya, :D
Ingin tau penghasilan para YouTuber cek disini : https://youtu.be/1hh4LSOcDas
Yang suka otak-atik listrik/elektronik datang ke sini : https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLbm0lIa2jej
Yang suka keindahan Time Lapse cek video ini : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-wdSQqOt34&list=PLbm0lIa2jejd0gWPPl4-MsCBm4Se2RjNb

Semoga Bermanfaat! 🙏

Aryel Narvasa
5 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Badminton Asia Team Championships 2018 Final Anthony Sinisuka GINTING vs QIAO Bin
SUBSCRIBE Badminton V Asia ►https://www.youtube.com/Badmin....tonVAsia?sub_confirm
Facebook ►https://www.facebook.com/BadmintonV

PLAYLIST ►https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLAkCp--fov8

★ Round: Finals
★ Date: February 11, 2018


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❤ SHARE this video for Badminton Lovers


Aryel Narvasa
4 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

LIN DAN vs LEE CHONG WEI || HSBC world tour finals ||

If you like the video please subscribe the channel and comment down below and give your opinion about our channel please like the video and subscribe
🔥 Second channel🔥
🔥 Shuttle stroke

▶My Gear, for shooting◀

📷Camera :- https://amzn.to/39gXZaX

📷Camera Lens :- https://amzn.to/2GOmznj


📱Mobile ( Vivo Z1 ):- https://amzn.to/2vOR5Lt

📱Secondary mobile :- https://amzn.to/3bbDTAk


Camera Tripod :- https://amzn.to/2SeRb6K

Camera Gorilla Tripod :- https://amzn.to/2u7IiUA

Mobile Tripod :- https://amzn.to/2vLR4I5

Mobile gorilla Tripod :- https://amzn.to/31pJ6ju

🔥🔥Best Badminton accessories🔥🔥 :-

▶Shuttle ◀

Yonex Mavis 350 shuttle :- https://amzn.to/3b1UV3U

Yonex AeroClub Feather shuttle cock :- https://amzn.to/2OpBvMB

Yonex AS 10 feather shuttle :- https://amzn.to/36YwUrc

▶Badminton net◀

Yonex Badminton net :- https://amzn.to/2twL6dy

▶Badminton racket string◀

Yonex BG 65 Titanium badminton racket string ( gut ) :- https://amzn.to/3b4XX7L

Yonex Nanogy 99 microfiber badminton racket string :- https://amzn.to/2GUso2x

▶Best Badminton Racket◀

✔Yonex Nanoray 18i :-▶ https://amzn.to/31l2Rcc

Yonex Muscle power 22 plus :- https://amzn.to/31l4o1Y

Yonex Dura 10 :- https://amzn.to/2uYdhT4

Yonex Z Force-|| :- https://amzn.to/2RSU26a

🏸🔥 -:Other use full videos :-🔥🏸
Crazy badminton rallies 2020 :-
Link :- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhLxngv5jGc

Kids beat lee chong wei and taufic hidiyat in legend vision malaysia :-
Link :- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9GCcFJ_k-0&t=6s

🏸 🔥-:Badminton tournament playlist:-🔥🏸
Link :- https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PL569zvgikj0

🙏🙏🔥🔥Join us on🔥🔥🙏🙏

▶Instagram ➡:- https://www.instagram.com/legend_vision_/

▶Facebook ➡:-https://www.facebook.com/groups/2540295296200395/


Disclaimer -

video is for educational propose only. Copyright disclaimer section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowances made for "fair use"for propose such as criticism, comment, news reporting ,teaching, scholarship ,and research .use is a use permitted by copyright statue that might otherwise be infringing Non-profit ,educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use

🙏🙏Pls subscribe the channel🙏🙏🙏

🔥🔥🔥🔥Thankd for watching🔥🔥🔥🔥

Aryel Narvasa
4 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Badminton Asia Team Championships 2018 LEE Chong Wei vs NG Ka Long Angus
SUBSCRIBE Badminton V Asia ►https://www.youtube.com/Badmin....tonVAsia?sub_confirm
Facebook ►https://www.facebook.com/BadmintonV

PLAYLIST ►https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLAkCp--fov8

★ Round: Quarter Finals
★ Date: February 9, 2018


❤ Don't forget to LIKE
❤ SHARE this video for Badminton Lovers


Aryel Narvasa
13 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

園田・嘉村 vs 渡辺・遠藤 全英オープン前日練習⬇️

奥原 vs 大堀・高橋 全英オープン前日練習⬇️

高橋・松友 vs 福島・廣田・志田・松山

志田・松山 vs 高橋・松友・福島・廣田

タイツーイン 全英オープン 練習風景⬇️


バドミントン日本代表 公開練習はこちら⬇️

バドミントン Badminton
全英オープン YONEX All England Open
日本代表 Japan オリンピック Olympic
東京オリンピック Tokyo 2020
渡辺勇大 YutaWatanabe 東野有紗 ArisaHigashino
保木卓郎 TakuroHoki 松本麻佑 MayuMatsumoto
日本ユニシス トナミ運輸 北都銀行
YONEX ヨネックス MIZUNO ミズノ
ミックスダブルス XD

Aryel Narvasa
2 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

To subscribe to Shuttle Flash click here Music : Nicky Romero - Toulouse (Wumbaloo .

To subscribe to Shuttle Flash click here MUSIC: 1. Steam Phunk - Feelings (Imagine .

Badminton Unlimited Indonesia Men's Doubles - Marcus Fernaldi Gideon & Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo “ Indonesia has a .

Kisah Sedih MD England Frustasi dengan Permainan Kevin Sanjaya & Gideon Markus 2017 YONEX SUNRISE India Open Playlist BWF .

Aryel Narvasa
5 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים


If you like the video please subscribe the channel and comment down below and give your opinion about our channel please like the video and subscribe
🔥 Second channel🔥
🔥 Shuttle stroke

▶My Gear, for shooting◀

📷Camera :- https://amzn.to/39gXZaX

📷Camera Lens :- https://amzn.to/2GOmznj


📱Mobile ( Vivo Z1 ):- https://amzn.to/2vOR5Lt

📱Secondary mobile :- https://amzn.to/3bbDTAk


Camera Tripod :- https://amzn.to/2SeRb6K

Camera Gorilla Tripod :- https://amzn.to/2u7IiUA

Mobile Tripod :- https://amzn.to/2vLR4I5

Mobile gorilla Tripod :- https://amzn.to/31pJ6ju

🔥🔥Best Badminton accessories🔥🔥 :-

▶Shuttle ◀

Yonex Mavis 350 shuttle :- https://amzn.to/3b1UV3U

Yonex AeroClub Feather shuttle cock :- https://amzn.to/2OpBvMB

Yonex AS 10 feather shuttle :- https://amzn.to/36YwUrc

▶Badminton net◀

Yonex Badminton net :- https://amzn.to/2twL6dy

▶Badminton racket string◀

Yonex BG 65 Titanium badminton racket string ( gut ) :- https://amzn.to/3b4XX7L

Yonex Nanogy 99 microfiber badminton racket string :- https://amzn.to/2GUso2x

▶Best Badminton Racket◀

✔Yonex Nanoray 18i :-▶ https://amzn.to/31l2Rcc

Yonex Muscle power 22 plus :- https://amzn.to/31l4o1Y

Yonex Dura 10 :- https://amzn.to/2uYdhT4

Yonex Z Force-|| :- https://amzn.to/2RSU26a

🏸🔥 -:Other use full videos :-🔥🏸
Crazy badminton rallies 2020 :-
Link :- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhLxngv5jGc

Kids beat lee chong wei and taufic hidiyat in legend vision malaysia :-
Link :- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9GCcFJ_k-0&t=6s

🏸 🔥-:Badminton tournament playlist:-🔥🏸
Link :- https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PL569zvgikj0


Disclaimer -

video is for educational propose only. Copyright disclaimer section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowances made for "fair use"for propose such as criticism, comment, news reporting ,teaching, scholarship ,and research .use is a use permitted by copyright statue that might otherwise be infringing Non-profit ,educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use

🙏🙏Pls subscribe the channel🙏🙏🙏

🔥🔥🔥🔥Thankd for watching🔥🔥🔥🔥

Aryel Narvasa
2 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Facebook: Playlist Badminton Asia Team Championships 2016: .

Badminton Asia Team Championships 2016 Kento MOMOTA vs Ihsan Maulana MUSTOFA FINAL Japan vs Indonesia Asia Team Championships 2016 .

Facebook: Playlist Badminton Asia Team Championships 2016: . Badminton Asia Team Championships 2016 Kento MOMOTA vs Ihsan Maulana MUSTOFA .

Facebook: Playlist Badminton Asia Team Championships 2016: . Badminton Asia Team Championships 2016 Kento MOMOTA vs Ihsan Maulana MUSTOFA .

Aryel Narvasa
0 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Buat yang ingin update Skor YONEX All England Open 2020, Anda datang ke tempat yang tepat.
Cek juga video lainnya ya, :D
Sedikit Film : https://youtu.be/OB_WHpaSIE4
Ingin tau penghasilan para YouTuber cek disini :
Yang suka otak-atik listrik/elektronik datang ke sini : https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLbm0lIa2jej
How to make AC voltage detector : https://youtu.be/AooPIi3JK6g
How to make LED blinking using 1 transistor : https://youtu.be/VGAv6GygQEw
Pengaman Anti Konslet Tegangan DC : https://youtu.be/OSvfowqfjjo
Yang ingin tahu Perolehan Medali Asian Games dari Masa ke Masa (1951-2018) : https://youtu.be/JmD8J-Kklr0
Tips memblok per karakter pada MS world : https://youtu.be/dV-dqG1pezM
Cara membuka MS word & excel : https://youtu.be/DLlp3fSw76k
Monox Supir Sakti Bikin Ngakak dan Tegang : https://youtu.be/ssA94CkvS1s
Jangan Lupa Ya, dukung kita di : https://bit.ly/kaderjenengan

Semoga Bermanfaat! 🙏

Aryel Narvasa
7 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Hasil Quarter Final Yonex All England Open 2020 ~ Part 1. Turnamen badminton level super 1000 yonex all england open 2020 badminton championships telah memasuki babak quarter final hari ini, Jumat 13 maret 2020. Berikut dalam video hasil pertandingan part 1 selengkapnya. Selamat menyaksikan. Salam olahraga bulutangkis.

Sumber data : bwfbadminton.com

🔔 Berita Badminton terbaru :

📍 https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PL_oxiXgbMd_

🔔 Badminton Profil :


🔔 informasi lebih lanjut hubungi kami disini :

📍e-mail : zonminton@gmail.com


Aryel Narvasa
5 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Facebook: Playlist Yonex Japan Open 2013 .

Facebook: Playlist Yonex Japan Open 2013 .

Facebook: Playlist Yonex Japan Open 2013 . Facebook: Playlist Yonex Japan Open 2013 .

NEW VIDEO ALL THE TIME! SUBSCRIBE TO OUR BADMINTON CHANNEL NOW! LIKE this video? Show your support by clicking the THUMBS UP button .

Aryel Narvasa
5 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Buat yang ingin update Skor YONEX All England Open 2020, Anda datang ke tempat yang tepat.
Cek juga video lainnya ya, :D
Sedikit Film : https://youtu.be/OB_WHpaSIE4
Ingin tau penghasilan para YouTuber cek disini :
Yang suka otak-atik listrik/elektronik datang ke sini : https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLbm0lIa2jej
How to make AC voltage detector : https://youtu.be/AooPIi3JK6g
How to make LED blinking using 1 transistor : https://youtu.be/VGAv6GygQEw
Yang ingin tahu Perolehan Medali Asian Games dari Masa ke Masa (1951-2018) : https://youtu.be/JmD8J-Kklr0
Tips memblok per karakter pada MS world : https://youtu.be/dV-dqG1pezM
Cara membuka MS word & excel : https://youtu.be/DLlp3fSw76k
Monox Supir Sakti Bikin Ngakak dan Tegang : https://youtu.be/ssA94CkvS1s
Jangan Lupa Ya, dukung kita di : https://bit.ly/kaderjenengan

Semoga Bermanfaat! 🙏

Aryel Narvasa
3 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Facebook: R2 Lin Dan vs Lee Chong Wei - Nice Camera Badminton Yonex Japan Open 2015 Lin Dan (China) .

Lin Dan vs Lee Chong Wei 2015 Japan Open R16 Yonex Open Japan 2015 [Superseries] PLAYLIST: .

リン・ダン(中国)VS リー・チョンウェイ(マレーシア) 21-17 21-10.

Facebook: R2 Lin Dan vs Lee Chong Wei - Nice Camera Badminton Yonex Japan Open 2015 Lin Dan (China) .

Facebook: Final Lin Dan vs Viktor Axelsen - Nice Camera Badminton Japan Open 2015.

Aryel Narvasa
3 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Lin Dan vs Kento Momota | MS | SF | Yonex All Ingland badminton championship

If you like the video please subscribe the channel and comment down below and give your opinion about our channel please like the video and subscribe
🔥 Second channel🔥
🔥 Shuttle stroke

▶My Gear, for shooting◀

📷Camera :- https://amzn.to/39gXZaX

📷Camera Lens :- https://amzn.to/2GOmznj


📱Mobile ( Vivo Z1 ):- https://amzn.to/2vOR5Lt

📱Secondary mobile :- https://amzn.to/3bbDTAk


Camera Tripod :- https://amzn.to/2SeRb6K

Camera Gorilla Tripod :- https://amzn.to/2u7IiUA

Mobile Tripod :- https://amzn.to/2vLR4I5

Mobile gorilla Tripod :- https://amzn.to/31pJ6ju

🔥🔥Best Badminton accessories🔥🔥 :-

▶Shuttle ◀

Yonex Mavis 350 shuttle :- https://amzn.to/3b1UV3U

Yonex AeroClub Feather shuttle cock :- https://amzn.to/2OpBvMB

Yonex AS 10 feather shuttle :- https://amzn.to/36YwUrc

▶Badminton net◀

Yonex Badminton net :- https://amzn.to/2twL6dy

▶Badminton racket string◀

Yonex BG 65 Titanium badminton racket string ( gut ) :- https://amzn.to/3b4XX7L

Yonex Nanogy 99 microfiber badminton racket string :- https://amzn.to/2GUso2x

▶Best Badminton Racket◀

✔Yonex Nanoray 18i :-▶ https://amzn.to/31l2Rcc

Yonex Muscle power 22 plus :- https://amzn.to/31l4o1Y

Yonex Dura 10 :- https://amzn.to/2uYdhT4

Yonex Z Force-|| :- https://amzn.to/2RSU26a

🏸🔥 -:Other use full videos :-🔥🏸
Crazy badminton rallies 2020 :-
Link :- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhLxngv5jGc

Kids beat lee chong wei and taufic hidiyat in legend vision malaysia :-
Link :- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9GCcFJ_k-0&t=6s

🏸 🔥-:Badminton tournament playlist:-🔥🏸
Link :- https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PL569zvgikj0

🙏🙏🔥🔥Join us on🔥🔥🙏🙏

▶Instagram ➡:- https://www.instagram.com/legend_vision_/

▶Facebook ➡:-https://www.facebook.com/groups/2540295296200395/

▶Tik tok ➡:- https://vm.tiktok.com/ChAH3V/


Disclaimer -

video is for educational propose only. Copyright disclaimer section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowances made for "fair use"for propose such as criticism, comment, news reporting ,teaching, scholarship ,and research .use is a use permitted by copyright statue that might otherwise be infringing Non-profit ,educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use

▶In this video▶

1)How to play like lin dan

2)How to play like kento momota

3)All england badminton championship highlights

4)lin dan footwork

5)kento momota footwork

6)lin dan tactics

7)kento momota tactics

8)hsbc world tour final

🙏🙏Pls subscribe the channel🙏🙏🙏

🔥🔥🔥🔥Thankd for watching🔥🔥🔥🔥

Aryel Narvasa
1 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Buat yang ingin update Skor YONEX All England Open 2020, Anda datang ke tempat yang tepat.
Cek juga video lainnya ya, :D
Sedikit Film : https://youtu.be/OB_WHpaSIE4
Ingin tau penghasilan para YouTuber cek disini :
Yang suka otak-atik listrik/elektronik datang ke sini : https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLbm0lIa2jej
How to make AC voltage detector : https://youtu.be/AooPIi3JK6g
How to make LED blinking using 1 transistor : https://youtu.be/VGAv6GygQEw
Yang ingin tahu Perolehan Medali Asian Games dari Masa ke Masa (1951-2018) : https://youtu.be/JmD8J-Kklr0
Tips memblok per karakter pada MS world : https://youtu.be/dV-dqG1pezM
Cara membuka MS word & excel : https://youtu.be/DLlp3fSw76k
Monox Supir Sakti Bikin Ngakak dan Tegang : https://youtu.be/ssA94CkvS1s
Jangan Lupa Ya, dukung kita di : https://bit.ly/kaderjenengan

Semoga Bermanfaat! 🙏

Thank you so much to NCS : https://www.youtube.com/channe....l/UC_aEa8K-EOJ3D6gOs
List of Music :
Track: Syn Cole - Gizmo [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Watch: https://youtu.be/pZzSq8WfsKo
Free Download / Stream: http://ncs.io/Gizmo
Track: Lost Sky - Dreams pt. II (feat. Sara Skinner) [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Watch: https://youtu.be/L7kF4MXXCoA
Free Download / Stream: http://ncs.io/Dreams2YO
Track: Lost Sky - Where We Started (feat. Jex) [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Watch: https://youtu.be/U9pGr6KMdyg
Free Download / Stream: http://ncs.io/WhereWeStarted
Track: Ascence - Konnichiwa [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Watch: https://youtu.be/5eR1iOEp1oU
Free Download / Stream: http://ncs.io/Konnichiwa
Track: Robin Hustin x TobiMorrow - Light It Up (feat. Jex) [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Watch: https://youtu.be/bdE_SyHad90
Free Download / Stream: http://ncs.io/LightitupYO
Track: Unknown Brain x Rival - Control (feat. Jex) [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Watch: https://youtu.be/bLZHcnuqscU
Free Download / Stream: http://ncs.io/ControlYO
Track: NIVIRO - Flashes [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds
Watch : https://youtu.be/I8TyTCZ_5jI
Free Download / Stream: http://NCS.io/flashes

Aryel Narvasa
4 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Kejuaraan All England merupakan salah 1 kejuaran terbesar dengan level Super 1000. Kejuaraan tertua ini berhadiah total sebesar $1.100.000

Di babak 32 besar banyak kejutan yang terjadi seperti yang dibahas dalam video.

Tonton Juga Berita Seputar Kejuaraan All England 2020 All England 2020: https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLJkzgh0NCpq

#AllEngland2020 #JonatanChristie #AnthonyGinting

Aryel Narvasa
5 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

HOW TO TRAINE LIKE LIN DAN / LEE CHONG WEI || training sesion || Motivation for badminton player

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Crazy badminton rallies 2020 :-
Link :- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhLxngv5jGc

Kids beat lee chong wei and taufic hidiyat in legend vision malaysia :-
Link :- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9GCcFJ_k-0&t=6s

🏸 🔥-:Badminton tournament playlist:-🔥🏸
Link :- https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PL569zvgikj0


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Aryel Narvasa
13 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

[SET 2] Badminton Asia Junior Championships 2019 in Nice Angle Camera Badminton
Jonathan Farrell GOSAL/Adrian PRATAMA (Indonesia) vs HUANG Jui-Hsuan/HUANG Tsung-I (Taiwan)

FULL PLAYLIST ► https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLfOXdzN0y-j


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#Badminton #AsiaJuniorChampionships2019

Aryel Narvasa
1 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים


バドミントン日本代表 公開練習はこちら⬇️

桃田賢斗 KentoMomota リーチョンウェイ
LeeChongWei インドネシア Indonesia
バドミントン Badminton オリンピック Olympic
日本代表 Japan マレーシア代表 Malaysia
東京オリンピック Tokyo 2020 YONEX ヨネックス
レジェンド Legend

Aryel Narvasa
1 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Jadwal all England open 2020
S Rasmus GEMKE Denmark vs Indonesia Shesar Hiren RHUSTAVITO

WS CHEN Yu Fei [1] China vs Thailand Busanan ONGBAMRUNGPHAN

XD ZHENG Si Wei [1] China HUANG Ya Qiong China vs Netherlands Robin TABELING Netherlands Selena PIEK

MS ZHAO Jun Peng China vs China SHI Yu Qi [7]

WS WANG Zhi Yi China vs Spain Carolina MARIN [8]

XD SEO Seung Jae [6] Korea CHAE Yujung Korea vs Germany Mark LAMSFUSS Germany Isabel HERTTRICH

MS Kenta NISHIMOTO Japan vs Chinese Taipei WANG Tzu Wei

XD Dechapol PUAVARANUKROH [3] Thailand Sapsiree TAERATTANACHAI Thailand vs Chinese Taipei LEE Jhe-Huei Chinese Taipei HSU Ya Ching

XD Hafiz FAIZAL [8] Indonesia Gloria Emanuelle WIDJAJA Indonesia vs France Thom GICQUEL France Delphine DELRUE

MS Anders ANTONSEN [5] Denmark vs China HUANG Yu Xiang

XD TAN Kian Meng Malaysia LAI Pei Jing Malaysia vs Indonesia Praveen JORDAN [5] Indonesia Melati Daeva OKTAVIANTI

MS LU Guang Zu China vs Malaysia LEE Zii Jia

XD YANG Po-Hsuan Chinese Taipei HU Ling Fang Chinese Taipei vs China WANG Yi Lyu [2] China HUANG Dong Ping

MD Marcus Fernaldi GIDEON [1] Indonesia Kevin Sanjaya SUKAMULJO Indonesia vs China OU Xuan Yi China ZHANG Nan

WS Sayaka TAKAHASHI Japan vs Japan Akane YAMAGUCHI [3]

WS PUSARLA V. Sindhu [6] India vs KoreanSUNG Ji Hyun

MD LI Jun Hui [3] China LIU Yu Chen China vs China HUANG Kai Xiang China LIU Cheng

MS LIN Dan China vs China CHEN Long [3]

WD Misaki MATSUTOMO [7] Japan Ayaka TAKAHASHI Japan vs India Ashwini PONNAPPA India REDDY N. Sikki

MD LEE Yang [7] Chinese Taipei WANG Chi-Lin Chinese Taipei vs Malaysia ONG Yew Sin Malaysia TEO Ee Yi

WS Pornpawee CHOCHUWONG Thailand vs China HE Bing Jiao [7]

MD Vladimir IVANOV Russia Ivan SOZONOV Russia vs Japan Takeshi KAMURA [4] Japan Keigo SONODA

MD Takuro HOKI Japan Yugo KOBAYASHI Japan vs Indonesia Mohammad AHSAN [2] Indonesia Hendra SETIAWAN

WS Gregoria Mariska TUNJUNG Indonesia vs Chinese Taipei TAI Tzu Ying [2]

WD Yuki FUKUSHIMA [3] Japan Sayaka HIROTA Japan vs Korea BAEK Ha Na Korea JUNG Kyung Eun

WD Vivian HOO Malaysia YAP Cheng Wen Malaysia vs Korea CHANG Ye Na Korea KIM Hye Rin

WD Siti Fadia Silva RAMADHANTI Indonesia Ribka SUGIARTO Indonesia vs Korea LEE So Hee [4] Korea SHIN Seung Chan

WD Nami MATSUYAMA Japan Chiharu SHIDA Japan vs Japan Mayu MATSUMOTO [2] Japan Wakana NAGAHARA

WD CHOW Mei Kuan Malaysia LEE Meng Yean Malaysia vs China DU Yue [6] China LI Yin Hui

MD LEE Jhe-Huei Chinese Taipei YANG Po-Hsuan Chinese Taipei vs Japan Hiroyuki ENDO [6] Japan Yuta WATANABE
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When you are using this track, we simply ask that you put this in your description:

Track: Tobu & Itro - Sunburst [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4lXBH...
Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/tobu_itro_sunburst


Aryel Narvasa
4 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Jadwal Live Semifinal All England Open 2020 Badminton Hari Ini.
Turnamen level super 1000 yonex all england open 2020 badminton championships memasuki babak semifinal hari ini. Berikut jadwal live seluruh pertandingan selengkapnya yang disiarkan Live di tvri nasional. Salam olahraga bulutangkis.

Sumber data : bwfbadminton.com

🔔 Berita Badminton terbaru :

📍 https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PL_oxiXgbMd_

🔔 Badminton Profil :


🔔 informasi lebih lanjut hubungi kami disini :

📍e-mail : zonminton@gmail.com


Aryel Narvasa
25 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Hallo badminton lovers, kali ini ada kabar dari pemain tunggal putra Indonesia yang bersiap berlaga di ajang All England 2020, Anthony Sinisuka Ginting.
Menjelang perhelatan Kejuaraan All England 2020, pebulutangkis tunggal putra Indonesia, Anthony Sinisuka Ginting mendapat sorotan dari BWF. Pasalnya, Ginting mengatakan bahwa Kento Momota bukan lagi rivalnya.
Seperti kita ketahui, kejuaraan All England 2020 diketahui akan mulai bergulir pada 11-15 Maret mendatang di Arena Birmingham, Inggris. Namun seperti yang diketahui pada turnamen bulutangkis tertua ini, pebulutangkis Kento Momota dipastikan bakal absen.

Absennya pebulutangkis nomor satu dunia dari sektor tunggal putra itu nyatanya menjadi sorotan tunggal putra terbaik Indonesia, Anthony Sinisuka Ginting. Dirinya mengatakan bahwa Momota bukan lagi rivalnya.

Aryel Narvasa
2 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Hari ini Hasil TVRI DAY 1 R32 Wakil INDONESIA FajRi MENANG vs Denmark Mathias BOE/Mads CONRAD Peterson Hari Pertama ALL ENGLAND 2020 Badminton Live 21-17 21-19 YONEX ALL ENGLAND OPEN 2020 highlights

COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for 'fair use' for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing.

#badminton #AllEngland2020

Aryel Narvasa
7 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Michelle Li beat Tai Tzu Ying in the quarterfinals at Japan Open 2019!

Video: BWF

Aryel Narvasa
9 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים


Yonex All England Open 2017
World Superseries Premier
Match 4 – WS | Ratchanok Intanon vs Carolina Marin

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the major events on our calendar such as the MetLife BWF World Superseries and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
2 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Hasil Drawing Yonex All England Open 2020
BWF World Tour 2020 Super 1.000
11 - 15 Maret 2020
Arena Birmingham, England
Prize Money USD 1.100.000

15 Wakil Indonesia Siap Berjuang di Ajang Yonex All England Open 2020

Tunggal Putra
1. Anthony Sinisuka Ginting
2. Shesar Hiren Rhustavito
3. Jonatan Christie
4. Tommy Sugiarto

Tunggal Putri
1. Gregoria Mariska Tunjung

Ganda Putra
1. Marcus Fernaldi Gideon / Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo
2. Mohammad Ahsan / Hendra Setiawan
3. Wahyu Nayaka A. P. / Ade Yusuf Santoso
4. Fajar Alfian / Muhammad Rian Ardianto

Ganda Putri
1. Greysia Polii / Apriyani Rahayu
2. Siti Fadia Silva R. / Ribka Sugiarto

Ganda Campuran
1. Praveen Jordan / Melati Daeva Oktavianti
2. Hafizt Faizal / Gloria Emanuelle Widjaja
3. Rinov Rivaldy / Pitha Haningtyas Mentari
4. Adnan Maulana / Mychelle Christine

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Yonex All England Open 2020
BWF World Tour 2020
Badminton 2020
Badminton Indonesia 2020
Badminton Dunia
Jadwal All England 2020
Hasil All England 2020
Drawing All England 2020
Drawing Terbaru
Bulu Tangkis
All England 2020 Super 1000
Badminton Super 1000
Kejuaraan All England 2020
Kejuaraan Badminton Dunia

#DrawingAllEngland2020 #YonexAllEnglandOpen2020 #Super1000 #BWFWORDTOUR2020 #Badminton #BuluTangkis

Aryel Narvasa
7 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Full Drawing Yonex All England Open 2020 ~ Laga Berat Wakil Indonesia Di Babak Awal

Drawing all England open 2020
Hasil drawing lengkap yonex all England open 2020



Berikut daftar pemain Indonesia di yonex all England open 2020 :
Anthony sinisuka ginting
Jonatan Christie
Tommy sugiarto
Shesar hiren rhustavito

Gregoria mariska tunjung

Marcus fernaldi gideon/kevin sanjaya sukamuljo
Mohammad ahsan/hendra setiawan
Fajar alfian/muhammad rian ardianto
Wahyu nayaka arya pangkaryanira/ade yusuf santoso

Greysia polii/apriyani rahayu
Siti fadia silva ramadahnti/Ribka sugiarto

Praveen jordan/melati daeva oktavianti
Rinov rivaldy/pitha haningtyas mentari
Hafiz faizal/gloria emanuelle widjaja
Adnan maulana/mychelle crhystine bandaso

Alfaith SportsTV
IG @alfaith_18

Center Ring
Comin Round the Mountain - Modern oleh Kevin MacLeod berlisensi Creative Commons Attribution (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Sumber: http://incompetech.com/music/r....oyalty-free/index.ht
Artis: http://incompetech.com/

All England Open 2020
Drawing all england 2020
Jadwal all england 2020
Yonex all England open 2020
jadwal bulutangkis all england 2020
all England 2020
Badminton 2020
Bulutangkis all England 2020
All England open 2020 badminton
Badminton all England open 2020
Hasil bulutangkis hari ini
jadwal bulutangkis terbaru
jadwal badminton all england 2020

#allengland2020 #drwaningallenglandopen2020 #allenglandopen2020

Aryel Narvasa
9 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

#AllEngland #Live #Stream
YONEX All England Open 2020 - Live Score Badminton
Live Scores QF Badminton YONEX All England Open 2020 HSBC BWF SUPER 1000
Live Scores Badminton YONEX ALL ENGLAND OPEN 2020 day 3
Live Scores QF Badminton YONEX All England Open 2020 HSBC BWF SUPER 1000
ALL ENGLAND 2020, antony ginting- malam tadi !!!
Keren!! Kevin/Marcus JUARA Hasil FINAL All England 2020?? Badminton Live dan LOLOS Perempat FInal QF

Aryel Narvasa
8 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Aryel Narvasa
10 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Live Scores SF Badminton YONEX All England Open 2020 HSBC BWF SUPER 1000
YONEX All England Open 2020 - Live Score Badminton
badminton, live, livescore
🔴 Live Streaming HSBC BWF YONEX Badminton | All England 2020 Semifinal
Live, Livescore, Badminton, All England 2020, Minions, All england live streaming, All England 2020 badminton, All England 2020 live Streaming Badminton, All England 2020 kevin Sanjaya, All England 2020 kevin Sanjaya badminton, Semifinal badminton, Semifinal, Dian anita

Aryel Narvasa
9 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Memasuki hari kedua kejuaraan Bulutangkis Daihatsu Indonesia Masters 2018, yang berlangsung di Istora Senayan, para pemain unggulan masih mendominasi babak pertama.

Pasangan ganda putra peringkat satu dunia, Marcus Gideon dan Kevin Sanjaya, berhasil menambah wakil indonesia di putaran dua,usai mengalahkan pasangan thailand, Tinn Isri-Yanet dan Kitti-Sak Nam-Dash. Meski sempat mendapat perlawanan alot di awal set pertama, 'The Minions' mampu menuntaskan permainan dengan skor 21-16. Pada set kedua, kevin-marcus tampil meyakinkan dan mendominasi jalannya pertandingan. Pasangan peringkat satu dunia ini menutup set pertama dengan skor yang sama, 21-16.

Putaran kedua turnamen Indonesia Masters 2018 akan berlangsung esok Kamis

Ikuti berita terbaru di tahun 2018 dengan kemasan internasional berbahasa Indonesia, dan jangan ketinggalan breaking news 2018 dengan berita terakhir dan live report CNN Indonesia di https://www.cnnindonesia.com dan channel CNN Indonesia di Transvision.

Dalam tahun politik dan Pilkada 2018, CNN Indonesia mencangkan sebagai Layar Pemilu Tepercaya. Kami akan menayangkan konten-konten Pilkada 2018 secara seimbang untuk mengawal demokrasi dan demokratisasi di Indonesia yang kami cintai.

CNN Indonesia tergabung dalam grup Transmedia. Dalam Transmedia, tergabung juga Trans TV, Trans7, Detikcom, Transvision, dan CNN Indonesia.com.

Follow & Mention Twitter kami :

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Aryel Narvasa
5 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

#Badminton #YonexAllEnglandOpen2020

Live Scores R32 Badminton YONEX All England Open 2020 HSBC BWF SUPER 1000

----------------- Daftar Wakil Indonesia -----------------

1. Jonatan CHRISTIE 🇮🇩 Vs 🇲🇾 LEE Zii Jia

2. Fajar ALFIAN/Muhammad Rian ARDIANTO 🇮🇩 Vs 🇩🇰 Mathias BOE/Mads CONRAD-PETERSEN

3. Hafiz FAIZAL/Gloria Emanuelle WIDJAJA 🇮🇩 Vs 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 Chris ADCOCK/Gabrielle ADCOCK

4. Tommy SUGIARTO 🇮🇩 Vs 🇨🇳 SHI Yu Qi

5. Rinov RIVALDY/Pitha Haningtyas MENTARI 🇮🇩 Vs 🇲🇾 CHAN Peng Soon/GOH Liu Ying

Aryel Narvasa
1 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Kelolosan dua ganda putra Indonesia ke final Indonesia Terbuka 2019 menjadi berita gembira bagi bulu tangkis Indonesia. Usai pertandingan, kedua pasangan Indonesia ini memastikan memberikan penampilan terbaik di laga final.

Official Website: http://beritasatu.com


Aryel Narvasa
4 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

JPN v IDN - Badminton Beregu Putra: Kamura/Sonoda vs Gideon/Sukamulio | Asian Games 2018

Highlight semifinal badminton beregu putra antara Japan vs Indonesia. Pada partai kedua, Kamura/Sonoda bertemu Duet Maut Marcus Gideon / Kevin Sanjaya. Gideon dan Sanjaya berhasil meratakan tim Jepang dengan 2 set langsung. Asian Games 2018 21/08/2018

Tonton tayangan lengkap Indosiar di vidio.com atau klik http://bit.ly/tayanganlengkapIndosiar

Aryel Narvasa
7 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים


Badminton Unlimited
Vishwa Manya Badminton Academy
“ Hyderabad is the heart of badminton in India with many aspiring shuttlers flocking over to the South Indian metropolis to hone their skills, particularly at the renowned Pullela Gopichand Badminton Academy.
But with the badminton scene in the twin city of Secunderabad also thriving/flourishing, it is well on the road to earning a similar reputation. "

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the major events on our calendar such as the MetLife BWF World Superseries and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
1 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Live Final Diahatsu Indonesia Masters 2019 Kento Momota vs Anders Antonsen Mens Singles

Aryel Narvasa
4 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

All Indonesian Final terjadi di sektor ganda putra turnamen bulutangkis superseries premier Indonesia Open 2019. Juara bertahan Marcus Fernaldi Gideon-Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo ditantang seniornya di pelatnas, Mohammad Ahsan-Hendra Setiawan.

Laga berjalan ketat dari awal. Namun The Minions yang merupakan juara bertahan berhasil merebut gim pertama, 21-19. Usai rehat, kondisi tidak berubah. Sang junior masih mendominasi The Daddies. Gim kedua ditutup dengan kemenangan The Minions, 21-16.

Gelar juara ini sekaligus yang kedua untuk Marcus-Kevin di Indonesia Open. Juara ganda putra terbanyak masih dipegang pasangan Ricky Soebagja-Rexy Mainaky dengan empat gelar.

#MarcusKevin #TheMinions #IndonesiaOpen

Jangan lewatkan live streaming Kompas TV 24 jam non stop di https://www.kompas.tv/live. Supaya tidak ketinggalan berita-berita terkini, terlengkap, serta laporan langsung dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia, yuk subscribe channel youtube Kompas TV. Aktifkan juga lonceng supaya kamu dapat notifikasi kalau ada video baru.

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Aryel Narvasa
0 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Naomi Osaka is presented with the Daphne Ackhurst Memorial Cup.

Aryel Narvasa
13 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Indonesia Open 2019 akan menyajikan laga All Indonesian Final di sektor Ganda Putra.

Mohammad Ahsan-Hendra Setiawan The Daddies yang berjumpa dengan juniornya Marcus Fernaldi Gideon- Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo Minion berjanji akan tampil all out pada final hari Minggu.

Jangan lewatkan live streaming Kompas TV 24 jam non stop di https://www.kompas.tv/live. Supaya tidak ketinggalan berita-berita terkini, terlengkap, serta laporan langsung dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia, yuk subscribe channel youtube Kompas TV. Aktifkan juga lonceng supaya kamu dapat notifikasi kalau ada video baru.

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LINE: https://line.me/ti/p/%40KompasTV

Aryel Narvasa
2 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Muhammad Ahsan-Hendra Setiawan dan Marcus Fernaldi Gideon-Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo sukses merebut tiket Semifinal dalam ajang Indonesia Open 2019.

Sayangnya wakil ganda campuran Tontowi Ahmad-Winny Oktavina Kandow harus menelan kekalahan dari wakil Malaysia Chan Peng Soon-Goh Liu Ying dengan skor 21-11, 14-21, 21-14.

Jangan lewatkan live streaming Kompas TV 24 jam non stop di https://www.kompas.tv/live. Supaya tidak ketinggalan berita-berita terkini, terlengkap, serta laporan langsung dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia, yuk subscribe channel youtube Kompas TV. Aktifkan juga lonceng supaya kamu dapat notifikasi kalau ada video baru.

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Aryel Narvasa
9 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

#Live #Stream #AllEngland2020 #Badminton #YonexAllEngland

Dian Anita, Gepukan, StarEisLive, Badminton Planet, Sobat TIMNAS, SPORTS TV, DIAN SASTRAA, AllEnglandBadminton, BadmintonWorld.tv, BWF

MS Rasmus GEMKE Denmark vs Indonesia Shesar Hiren RHUSTAVITO

WS CHEN Yu Fei [1] China vs Thailand Busanan ONGBAMRUNGPHAN

XD ZHENG Si Wei [1] China HUANG Ya Qiong China vs Netherlands Robin TABELING Netherlands Selena PIEK

MS ZHAO Jun Peng China vs China SHI Yu Qi [7]

WS WANG Zhi Yi China vs Spain Carolina MARIN [8]

XD SEO Seung Jae [6] Korea CHAE Yujung Korea vs Germany Mark LAMSFUSS Germany Isabel HERTTRICH

MS Kenta NISHIMOTO Japan vs Chinese Taipei WANG Tzu Wei

XD Dechapol PUAVARANUKROH [3] Thailand Sapsiree TAERATTANACHAI Thailand vs Chinese Taipei LEE Jhe-Huei Chinese Taipei HSU Ya Ching

XD Hafiz FAIZAL [8] Indonesia Gloria Emanuelle WIDJAJA Indonesia vs France Thom GICQUEL France Delphine DELRUE

MS Anders ANTONSEN [5] Denmark vs China HUANG Yu Xiang

XD TAN Kian Meng Malaysia LAI Pei Jing Malaysia vs Indonesia Praveen JORDAN [5] Indonesia Melati Daeva OKTAVIANTI

MS LU Guang Zu China vs Malaysia LEE Zii Jia

XD YANG Po-Hsuan Chinese Taipei HU Ling Fang Chinese Taipei vs China WANG Yi Lyu [2] China HUANG Dong Ping

MD Marcus Fernaldi GIDEON [1] Indonesia Kevin Sanjaya SUKAMULJO Indonesia vs China OU Xuan Yi China ZHANG Nan

WS Sayaka TAKAHASHI Japan vs Japan Akane YAMAGUCHI [3]

WS PUSARLA V. Sindhu [6] India vs KoreanSUNG Ji Hyun

MD LI Jun Hui [3] China LIU Yu Chen China vs China HUANG Kai Xiang China LIU Cheng

MS LIN Dan China vs China CHEN Long [3]

WD Misaki MATSUTOMO [7] Japan Ayaka TAKAHASHI Japan vs India Ashwini PONNAPPA India REDDY N. Sikki

MD LEE Yang [7] Chinese Taipei WANG Chi-Lin Chinese Taipei vs Malaysia ONG Yew Sin Malaysia TEO Ee Yi

WS Pornpawee CHOCHUWONG Thailand vs China HE Bing Jiao [7]

MD Vladimir IVANOV Russia Ivan SOZONOV Russia vs Japan Takeshi KAMURA [4] Japan Keigo SONODA

MD Takuro HOKI Japan Yugo KOBAYASHI Japan vs Indonesia Mohammad AHSAN [2] Indonesia Hendra SETIAWAN

WS Gregoria Mariska TUNJUNG Indonesia vs Chinese Taipei TAI Tzu Ying [2]

WD Yuki FUKUSHIMA [3] Japan Sayaka HIROTA Japan vs Korea BAEK Ha Na Korea JUNG Kyung Eun

WD Vivian HOO Malaysia YAP Cheng Wen Malaysia vs Korea CHANG Ye Na Korea KIM Hye Rin

WD Siti Fadia Silva RAMADHANTI Indonesia Ribka SUGIARTO Indonesia vs Korea LEE So Hee [4] Korea SHIN Seung Chan

WD Nami MATSUYAMA Japan Chiharu SHIDA Japan vs Japan Mayu MATSUMOTO [2] Japan Wakana NAGAHARA

WD CHOW Mei Kuan Malaysia LEE Meng Yean Malaysia vs China DU Yue [6] China LI Yin Hui

MD LEE Jhe-Huei Chinese Taipei YANG Po-Hsuan Chinese Taipei vs Japan Hiroyuki ENDO [6] Japan Yuta WATANABE

Aryel Narvasa
6 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים


Aryel Narvasa
4 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Jadwal Semifinal
All England Open 2020

Pertandingan pertama dimulai pukul 17.00 WIB


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Aryel Narvasa
7 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Pasangan ganda putra Indonesia Mohammad Ahsan dan Rian Agung Saputro adalah kuda hitam alias tidak diunggulkan. Namun di ajang kejuaraan dunia bulutangkis BWF 2017 di Glasgow, Skotlandia, ganda putra ini justru membuat kejutan. Ahsan dan Rian mengalahkan unggulan ke - 16 Mathias Christiansen dan David Daugaard asal Denmark. 

Pasangan ini menjungkal pasangan Denmark dua set langsung 21 - 19 dan 21 - 12 dalam durasi 42 menit. 

Sementara di nomor tunggal putra, juara dunia lima kali Lin Dan berhasil masuk ke babak 8 besar. Pebulutangkis Tiongkok ini berjuang tiga gim sebelum menang atas Rajiv Ouseph dari Inggris. 

Di babak tunggal putri,  Carolina Marin hanya butuh 36 menit untuk menang atas pemain Denmark Mia Blich Feldt. 

Aryel Narvasa
5 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Indonesia berhasil menempatkan 3 wakilnya di partai final turnamen Tiongkok Open. Anthony Sinisuka Ginting berhasil melangkah ke final usai mengalahkan wakil Denmark, Anders Antonsen. Sementara di final ganda putra akan terjadi all Indonesian final, Marcus Gideon/Kevin Sukamulyo akan menghadapi Mohammad Ahsan dan Hendra Setiawan.

Jangan lewatkan live streaming Kompas TV 24 jam non stop di https://www.kompas.tv/live. Supaya tidak ketinggalan berita-berita terkini, terlengkap, serta laporan langsung dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia, yuk subscribe channel youtube Kompas TV. Aktifkan juga lonceng supaya kamu dapat notifikasi kalau ada video baru.

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BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the big events on the HSBC BWF World Tour, as well as the majors like the Thomas & Uber Cups and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
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Subscribe to the channel: http://smarturl.it/BWFsubscribe

The Indonesia Open is a HSBC BWF World Tour Super 1000 tournament and is one of only three Super 1000 level tournaments, the others being the China Open and the All England. The tournament is one of two HSBC BWF World Tour tournaments being hosted in Indonesia, the other being the Indonesia Masters, a HSBC BWF World Tour Super 500 tournament.

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the big events on the HSBC BWF World Tour, as well as the majors like the Thomas & Uber Cups and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
9 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Super Dan is vying for his fourth straight singles title in his fifth National Games final. Lin Dan has won every title badminton has to offer. Is he still hungry for more?

Aryel Narvasa
4 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים


The Star Australian Open 2015
Match 4
WS | Carolina Marin vs Wang Shixian

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the major events on our calendar such as the MetLife BWF World Superseries and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
5 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Korea Open 2019
World Tour Super 500
MS | Wang Tzu Wei vs. Jonatan Christie

Disclaimer: If you are not able to watch the live stream of matches on http://badmintonworld.tv due to it being geo-blocked in your country that is because the rights for this tournament has been sold to a broadcaster in your country.

Subscribe to the channel: http://smarturl.it/BWFsubscribe

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the big events on the HSBC BWF World Tour, as well as the majors like the Thomas & Uber Cups and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
4 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Subscribe to the channel: http://smarturl.it/BWFsubscribe

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the big events on the HSBC BWF World Tour, as well as the majors like the Thomas & Uber Cups and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
4 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים


BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the major events on our calendar such as the MetLife BWF World Superseries and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
6 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Subscribe to the channel: http://smarturl.it/BWFsubscribe

BLIBLI Indonesia Open 2018
World Tour Super 1000
Match MD | Marcus Fernaldi Gideon/Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo vs. Takuto Inoue/Yuki Kaneko

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the big events on the HSBC BWF World Tour, as well as the majors like the Thomas & Uber Cups and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
6 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Disclaimer: If you are not able to watch the live stream of matches on http://badmintonworld.tv due to it being geo-blocked in your country that is because the rights for this tournament has been sold to a broadcaster in your country.

Subscribe to the channel: http://smarturl.it/BWFsubscribe

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the big events on the HSBC BWF World Tour, as well as the majors like the Thomas & Uber Cups and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
8 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Subscribe to the channel: http://smarturl.it/BWFsubscribe

World Tour Super 750
Round of 16
MS | Anders Antonsen vs. Shi Yuqi

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the big events on the HSBC BWF World Tour, as well as the majors like the Thomas & Uber Cups and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
7 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים


Yonex Sunrise Indonesian Masters 2016
Grand Prix Gold
Match 5 - MD | Han Chengkai/Zhou Haodong vs Wahyu Nayaka Arya Pankaryanira/Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the major events on our calendar such as the MetLife BWF World Superseries and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
4 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Subscribe to the channel: http://smarturl.it/BWFsubscribe

Singapore Open is a World Tour Super 500 tournament held since 1987 in Singapore. The Singapore Open is one of only seven Super 500 tournaments on the Tour, with the others being hosted in Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia and Thailand.

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the big events on the HSBC BWF World Tour, as well as the majors like the Thomas & Uber Cups and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
3 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Event: Li Ning BWF World Superseries Finals 2011 - Final
Date: 14 December to 18 December 2011
Venue: Li Ning Stadium
Players: Lin Dan (CHN) vs Chen Long (CHN)
Category: Men's Singles Welcome to BadmintonWorld.TV, the official Badminton World Federation channel bringing you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the major events on our calendar such as the MetLife BWF World Superseries and the BWF World Championships. You will also find official highlights, badminton news and features.


Aryel Narvasa
5 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Subscribe to the channel: http://smarturl.it/BWFsubscribe

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the big events on the HSBC BWF World Tour, as well as the majors like the Thomas & Uber Cups and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
3 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Subscribe to the channel: http://smarturl.it/BWFsubscribe

World Tour Super 750
XD | Zheng Siwei/Huang Yaqiong vs. Wang Yilu/Huang Dongping

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the big events on the HSBC BWF World Tour, as well as the majors like the Thomas & Uber Cups and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
5 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Subscribe to the channel: http://smarturl.it/BWFsubscribe

World Tour Super 500
Match MS | Kento Momota vs. Son Wan Ho

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the big events on the HSBC BWF World Tour, as well as the majors like the Thomas & Uber Cups and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
6 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Semi final clash of the 2013 Yonex All England Open Badminton Championships between Intanon Ratchanok and Saina Nehwal.

Aryel Narvasa
5 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Katowice, Poland.
The BWF World Senior Championships are held every two years. This is an individual championships with men’s and women’s singles and doubles, and mixed doubles events.
The age categories are divided as follows: +35, +40, +45, +50, +55, +60 +65, +70 and +75.

Subscribe to the channel: http://smarturl.it/BWFsubscribe


BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the big events on the HSBC BWF World Tour, as well as the majors like the Thomas & Uber Cups and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
4 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Subscribe to the channel: http://smarturl.it/BWFsubscribe

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the big events on the HSBC BWF World Tour, as well as the majors like the Thomas & Uber Cups and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
3 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Subscribe to the channel: http://smarturl.it/BWFsubscribe

Singapore Open 2019
World Tour Super 500
Play of the Day
MS | Anthony Sinisuka Ginting vs. Chou Tien Chen

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the big events on the HSBC BWF World Tour, as well as the majors like the Thomas & Uber Cups and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
5 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים


Pertandingan pertama dimulai pukul 09.00 waktu Birmingham atau 16.00 WIB.


Selamat menonton!

Subscribe HOBI BADMINTON untuk tau update selanjutnya :)

Aryel Narvasa
5 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Subscribe to the channel: http://smarturl.it/BWFsubscribe

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the big events on the HSBC BWF World Tour, as well as the majors like the Thomas & Uber Cups and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
7 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Subscribe to the channel: http://smarturl.it/BWFsubscribe

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the big events on the HSBC BWF World Tour, as well as the majors like the Thomas & Uber Cups and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
3 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Yonex All England Open 2020
Babak QF
13 Maret 2020

Selamat menonton!

Subscribe HOBI BADMINTON untuk tau update selanjutnya seputar bulutangkis :)

Aryel Narvasa
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#SEMIFINALallengland #allengland2020 #livescoreallengland2020 #yonexallenglandopen2020 #allenglandopen2020 #allenglandopen

Aryel Narvasa
6 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Subscribe to the channel: http://smarturl.it/BWFsubscribe

World Tour Super 1000
Play of the Day
MS | Kento Momota vs. Viktor Axelsen

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the big events on the HSBC BWF World Tour, as well as the majors like the Thomas & Uber Cups and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
8 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Simple, effective and easy to learn. The long-awaited side drive tutorial is here!

The most comprehensive video I have made so far- timing and volume of the music, captions, and animations I hope everyone enjoys it.

PS. Pardon my strong Singaporean accent, I'm working on it

Subscribe to see More: https://www.youtube.com/channe....l/UCxK48hVtyyZQaCPsn

Beginner's badminton checklist Coming soon! Stay tuned

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Aryel Narvasa
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coba dengan menggunakan google chrome ya, ,,, jangan lupa share dan subcribe nya,terimakasih

Aryel Narvasa
1 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Enjoy the best of an action packed game at Carrow Road as Scott McTominay (scoring United's 2000 Premier League goal), Marcus Rashford and Anthony Martial all scored as the Reds ran out 3-1 winners against Norwich City.

Enjoy extended highlights on MUTV later tonight with this HALF PRICE MUTV OFFER FOR YOUTUBE SUBSCRIBERS!
Get 12 months subscription to MUTV for the price of 6. Use the offer code MUTVYT at https://mutv.manutd.com/en/home?t=y&utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=mutv&utm_content=12for6offer

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Aryel Narvasa
8 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Prestasi Anthony Sinisuka Ginting menang di China Terbuka 2018 patut diacungi jempol. Pasalnya, pebulutangkis tunggal putra 21 tahun itu sukses mengalahkan empat pebulutangkis juara dunia sebelum memastikan gelar juara China Terbuka 2018.

Anthony Ginting mengawali perjalanannya di China Terbuka 2018 dengan menyingkirkan Lin Dan, pebulutangkis senior China yang berstatus peraih lima gelar juara dunia.

Ikuti berita terbaru di tahun 2018 dengan kemasan internasional berbahasa Indonesia, dan jangan ketinggalan breaking news 2018 dengan berita terakhir dan live report CNN Indonesia di https://www.cnnindonesia.com/tv dan channel CNN Indonesia di Transvision.

Dalam tahun politik 2018 dan menuju pilpres 2019, CNN Indonesia mencanangkan sebagai Layar Pemilu Tepercaya. Kami akan menayangkan konten-konten politik 2018 secara seimbang untuk mengawal demokrasi dan demokratisasi di Indonesia yang kami cintai.

CNN Indonesia tergabung dalam grup Transmedia. Dalam Transmedia, tergabung juga Trans TV, Trans7, Detikcom, Transvision, dan CNN Indonesia.com.

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Aryel Narvasa
7 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Shamrock Badminton Hall, Cikupa, Tangerang

Aryel Narvasa
4 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Spektakuläre Schläge in Echtzeit, beeindruckende Aktionen in Zeitlupe, Emotionen weckende Jubelszenen und begeisterte Badmintonfans – dies alles umrahmt von spannungsgeladener Musik: Wer den Trailer zu den nächsten YONEX German Open Badminton Championships in Mülheim an der Ruhr anschaut, wird nicht umhin kommen zu denken: Da möchte ich auch hin! Das Turnier der Kategorie Grand Prix Gold startet am 28. Februar 2017. Bis zum 5. März sind dann Olympiateilnehmer und Medaillengewinner von Welt- und Europameisterschaften live in der innogy Sporthalle zu erleben.

Aryel Narvasa
10 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

#women's double

Aryel Narvasa
7 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Highlight Muhammad Ahsan ,Salah Satu Legenda Badminton Indonesia yang Sekarang Menjadi ranking 2 Dunia Bersama Hendra Setiawan , yang biasa disebut The Daddies .
Mantan Ranking 1 dunia juga bersama Hendra Setiawan .

#MohammadAhsan #Badminton #AhsanHendra #MuhammadAhsan #Ahsan
#Bulutangkis #HendraAhsan #MohammadAhsanHendraSetiawan

Video Link https://youtu.be/ki3i3Um3_pE

Vid Credit BadmintonWorld.tv :


Song Credit :

youtube audio library :

I make a lot effort editing in this video,and not hurt to the original video
This Video actually make people want to watch the original video

If any content owners would like their images/videos removed, please contact us by email at androjulio95@gmail.com
If you want to take down or removed the video you can contact me and i will remove immadiately.

Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing.”

Aryel Narvasa
11 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

badminton viral juara minion kevin sanjaya marces fernaldi gideon best rallies kevin sanjaya yonex shuttle gideon smash goh v shem smas badminton europa badminto malaysia badminton asia badminton indonesia badminton smas badminton trick shot badminton rally badminton japan goh v shem lin dan smash lindan lee cong wei smash lee cong wei badminton power taufik hidayat badminton viktor shuttle roket sukamuljo malaysia open 2019 kevin gideon bulutangkis smas cup all england asia 2019

Aryel Narvasa
1 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

If you missed out some of P V Sindhu's matches in 2019, you have come to the right place. Just watch this video.


Please give this video a LIKE and SUBSCRIBE to our channel. This video has taken lots and lots of efforts. Help me by more and more comments and likes.

Note : Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research.Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. If you have any complaints against this channel, mail us at epicshuttlers@gmail.com
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2) This video is similar to a "movie trailer" and will only increase the demand of the original full match video

If you ever wish a video to be taken down, all you need to do is ask and i will take it down immediately.

Music By:

Track: Ahrix - Nova
Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5mcY8ecs8I

Track: Cartoon - On & On (feat. Daniel Levi) [NCS Release]
Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4DyBUG242c

Track: Vexento - Masked Raver
Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nvc0hgt9I1g


Aryel Narvasa
2 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Perodua Malaysia Master 2020
MD Round of 32
Lee Yang/Wang Chi Lin(TPE) VS Vladimir IVANOV/Ivan SOZONOV(Russia)

Game 2 Highlight Pt 2

Video Copyright Reserved: Elites Badminton Academy

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Aryel Narvasa
11 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Which country has the most All England Men's Singles Champions since its inception in 1900? Who is the first men to win the men's singles? Which country have not win any men singles championship since 1994?
Negara mana yang memiliki Juara Tunggal Pria All England terbanyak sejak didirikan pada tahun 1900? Siapa pria pertama yang memenangkan single pria? Negara mana yang belum memenangkan kejuaraan tunggal pria sejak 1994?
自1900年成立以来,哪个国家的全英男子单打冠军最多? 谁是第一个赢得男单的人? 自1994年以来,哪个国家没有赢得任何男单冠军?
自1900年成立以來,哪個國家的全英男子單打冠軍最多? 誰是第一個贏得男單的人? 自1994年以來,哪個國家沒有贏得任何男單冠軍?
1900年の設立以来、全イングランドメンズシングルチャンピオンが最も多い国はどこですか? 男子シングルスで優勝した最初の男は誰ですか? 1994年以来、男子シングルスのチャンピオンシップを獲得していない国はどこですか?
Qual país tem o maior número de Campeões Individuais Masculinos da All England desde o seu início em 1900? Quem são os primeiros homens a ganhar singles masculinos? Qual país não vence nenhum campeonato masculino desde 1994?
¿Qué país tiene la mayor cantidad de campeones individuales de hombres de All England desde su creación en 1900? ¿Quiénes son los primeros hombres en ganar los singles masculinos? ¿Qué país no ha ganado ningún campeonato individual masculino desde 1994?
1900 में अपनी स्थापना के बाद से किस देश में ऑल इंग्लैंड पुरुष एकल चैंपियंस है? पुरुषों का एकल जीतने वाला पहला पुरुष कौन है? किस देश ने 1994 से कोई पुरुष एकल चैंपियनशिप नहीं जीती है?
1900 ஆம் ஆண்டில் தொடங்கப்பட்டதிலிருந்து அதிக இங்கிலாந்து ஆண்கள் ஒற்றையர் சாம்பியன்களைக் கொண்ட நாடு எது? ஆண்கள் ஒற்றையர் வென்ற முதல் ஆண்கள் யார்? 1994 முதல் எந்த நாடு ஒற்றையர் சாம்பியன்ஷிப்பை வெல்லவில்லை?
Photo and Logo Credits:
All England Open Championship
Badminton World Federation
Badminton World Press
Birmingham Arena
BWF Virtual Museum
Badminton Europe
Global Times China
1977 World Championship Anniversary Book
Tan Joe Hok - Badminton Talk Twitter
Zhao Jian Hua - Facebook Profile
Ralph Nichols - Outlet Historic Images
Sven Pri - Indosports

Music: Epic from https://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music

Aryel Narvasa
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Cara nonton live streaming badminton di youtube bwf

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Aryel Narvasa
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BADMINTON Player Corolina Marine Amazing Gameplay

Aryel Narvasa
2 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Jadwal pertandingan semifinal All England 9 Maret 2019

📺 LIVE di TVRI Sabtu, 9 Maret 2019 pukul 19.00 WIB menyiarkan 8 pertandingan sejak pertandingan ke-3

LIVE STREAMING (silahkan coba alternatif berikut):
➡️ badmintonworld.tv (Court 1, VPN)
➡️ Youtube AllEnglandBadminton (Court 2, No VPN)
➡️ http://www.hadetv.com/2018/09/badminton.html?m=1
➡️ http://www.tvbersamahd.com/2018/09/badminton-live-streaming.html?fbclid=IwAR1l4sAbPlCg-gLlm1FR2qrV9aC0iUfOILttRwFm1sPIKoNIdbryVssjTtQ&m=1

➡️ Tournamentsoftware

Aryel Narvasa
7 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Corona Epidemic | Indonesia Badminton Team CANCELS All Their Participation in Lingsui China Master 2020
Indonesia Badminton Association declared to withdraw all of their athletes from Lingshui China Master 2020
Due to the Corona Virus, Indonesia Association (PP PBSI) cancelled all of their players's participation in China's tournament.
Lingsui China Master is an official BWF tournaments which takes place from Feb. 25 to Mar. 1, 2020

Currently, BWF has yet made the decision on any change in status to the Lingshui China Masters 2020.
But they are working closely with local organisers and the Chinese Badminton Association to create greater clarity around any risks.

But Indonesian needs an action. They said:
"The situation in China is less conducive, this Corona virus outbreak is very dangerous,"

They also informed some National teams from other sports, that had been training in China, were drawn back Indo too.
Badminton Asia Championship - Another BWF flagship event, which was staged in Wuhan - China, is being reviewed - however too early at this time to make any final conclusion related to this event.
Corona Virus outbreak begins before Chinese New Year, then it spreads throughout China and neighbor country.
31 Jan. 2020 213 confirmed dead in China Mainland
included 1 doctor
Nearly 10,000 confirmed cases
Wuhan coronavirus has now surpassed SARS

The virus, provisionally known as 2019-nCov, has been declared a Global Health emergency by the World Health Organization as nations across the globe scramble to protect their populations from the outbreak.
News about badminton events, BWF world tour tournaments, result
Lingsui - Hainan is not in the China Mainland But prevention is necessary
Hopefully this horible epidemic will end soon...And the world badminton tournaments can take place normally
The time falls within the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games qualification window and is one of the last opportunities for athletes to qualify for the Olympics Games.

badminton, daily lives of badminton well-known players

Aryel Narvasa
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Aryel Narvasa
6 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

R16 - 2015 All England - Lin Dan vs Tian Houwei
Read more Badminton news at http://www.badmintonplanet.com or watch more badminton videos at http://video.badmintonplanet.com

Aryel Narvasa
4 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Appearing on the 8th episode of India Today Inspiration, World Champion PV Sindhu talked about her next mission, which is Tokyo 2020, opened up on her rivalry with compatriot Saina Nehwal and also shed light on her equation with head coach Pullela Gopichand. The Hyderabad shuttler had created history when she became the first Indian to clinch gold at the World Championships last year but after that, she had a disappointing 2019. With the Tokyo Olympics in sight, Sindhu talked about her fitness, preparations for the big showdown and how she relaxes in her free time.

#IndiaTodayInspiration #PVSindhu

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✅OVO is the Official streaming partner in Australia for the BWF✅ from 2019 - All Semi, Qtr and Finals live streamed on OVOPlay starting with the 🏆 🏆 BWF Super 1000 All English Open 🏆 🏆

👉👉To watch it live, in HD please follow these steps:👈👈
Download #OVOPlay from your app store (search for OVO) - or https://ovo.app.link/ovoplay
Register and choose a subscription (it takes less than 1 min)

Then when the action starts sign in and watch on your phone or tablet and even cast it to your TV!

Aryel Narvasa
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Kento Momota (Japan) vs Victor Axelsen (Denmark) Men Single Final Malaysia Master 2020 Nice Angle

Aryel Narvasa
5 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

BWF Batalkan Semua Turnamen Bulutangkis di China Akibat Virus Corona ?
Dilansir dari : indosport.com
music by : bensound.com

Aryel Narvasa
3 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Tim Indonesia mencatatkan hasil sempurna di babak penyisihan grup B, piala Thomas yang digelar di Impact Arena, Bangkok, Thailand. Hendra Setiawan dan kawan-kawan memastikan diri sebagai juara grup setelah di pertandingan terakhir penyisihan grup, mengalahkan Korea, 3-2.

Ikuti berita terbaru di tahun 2018 dengan kemasan internasional berbahasa Indonesia, dan jangan ketinggalan breaking news 2018 dengan berita terakhir dan live report CNN Indonesia di https://www.cnnindonesia.com dan channel CNN Indonesia di Transvision.

Dalam tahun politik dan Pilkada 2018, CNN Indonesia mencanangkan sebagai Layar Pemilu Tepercaya. Kami akan menayangkan konten-konten Pilkada 2018 secara seimbang untuk mengawal demokrasi dan demokratisasi di Indonesia yang kami cintai.

CNN Indonesia tergabung dalam grup Transmedia. Dalam Transmedia, tergabung juga Trans TV, Trans7, Detikcom, Transvision, dan CNN Indonesia.com.

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Aryel Narvasa
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Total gelar juara the minion di tahun 2019, kevin dan markus tampil sangat baik di tahun 2019, banyak gelar juara yang mereka dapatkan dan mereka juga mempertahankan rengking 1 dunia.

Aryel Narvasa
2 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Pasangan ganda putra peringkat 1 dunia Kevin Sanjaya/Markus Gideon kembali diturunkan di Kejuaraan Bulutangkis Asia 2019 yang akan berlangsung 23 hingga 28 April di Wuhan, Tiongkok.

Sempat gagal dalam 3 turnamen sebelumnya, di Kejuaraan Asia 2019 Minion tak dibebani target khusus. Namun pelatih ganda putra Indonesia, Herry Iman Pierngadi menegaskan evaluasi telah dilakukan setelah duet Minion menelan 3 kekalahan berturut-turut dalam 3 turnamen terakhir. Teknik pukulan dan sistem pertahanan menjadi catatan yang harus diperbaiki Kevin/Markus.

Total ada 4 pasangan ganda putra terbaik yang akan turun di Kejuaraan Asia 2019. Selain duet Minion yang menjadi unggulan pertama, Indonesia juga menurunkan pasangan Fajar Alfian/Muhammad Rian Ardianto, Wahyu Nayaka Arya/Ade Yusuf Susanto dan Mohammad Ahsan/Hendra Setiawan.

#KejuaraanBulutangkisAsia #MarkusKevin #AhsanHendra

Jangan lewatkan live streaming Kompas TV 24 jam non stop di https://www.kompas.tv/live. Supaya tidak ketinggalan berita-berita terkini, terlengkap, serta laporan langsung dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia, yuk subscribe channel youtube Kompas TV. Aktifkan juga lonceng supaya kamu dapat notifikasi kalau ada video baru.

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Badminton Amateur | Nghia Linh vs Kien Giao

The 2020 Malaysia Masters (officially known as the Perodua Malaysia Masters 2020 for sponsorship reasons) is a badminton tournament that will take place at the Axiata Arena in Malaysia from 7 to 12 January 2020 and has a total purse of $400,000.

The 2020 Malaysia Masters is the first tournament of the 2020 BWF World Tour and also part of the Malaysia Masters championships, which have been held since 2009. This tournament is organized by the Badminton Association of Malaysia and sanctioned by the BWF.[1]

This international tournament will be held at the Axiata Arena in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.[1]

Point distribution
Below is the point distribution table for each phase of the tournament based on the BWF points system for the BWF World Tour Super 500 event.[2]

Prize money
The total prize money for this tournament is US$400,000. Distribution of prize money is in accordance with BWF regulations.[1]

Kento Momota
Jonatan Christie
Anthony Sinisuka Ginting

Men's doubles
Marcus Fernaldi Gideon / Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo
Mohammad Ahsan / Hendra Setiawan
Fajar Alfian / Muhammad Rian Ardianto

Women's doubles
Greysia Polii / Apriyani Rahayu

Mixed doubles
Praveen Jordan / Melati Daeva Oktavianti
Hafiz Faisal / Gloria Emanuelle Widjaja

#badminton #malaysiamaster2020 #malaysiamaster

Aryel Narvasa
5 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Spektakuläre Ballwechsel, Weltklasse-Schläge, die Top-Leute der internationalen Badmintonszene, begeisterungsfähige Zuschauer und ein besonderes Ambiente. Dies und noch viel mehr zeichnet die YONEX German Open Badminton Championships in Mülheim an der Ruhr aus. Der Trailer zur 2018er-Veranstaltung (6. bis 11. März) weckt zweifelsohne die Vorfreude auf die nächste Auflage!

Aryel Narvasa
4 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Daftar pemain badminton di all england 2020

Inilah skuat Indonesia yang akan bertanding di turnamen All England 2020, di mana Indonesia dipastikan bakal tampil dengan kekuatan penuh.

All England 2020 diketahui merupakan salah satu gelaran BWF World Tour Super 1000 yang akan berlangsung pada 11-15 Maret mendatang di  Arena Birmingham, Birmingham, Inggris.

Kompetisi ini merupakan turnamen keempat di tahun 2020, yang diselenggarakan usai Badminton Asia Team Championships 2020 di Filipina pada 11-16 Februari mendatang.

Seperti pengumuman yang dirilis resmi oleh PBSI melalui akun Twitternya, Indonesia hanya mengirimkan satu wakil di sektor tunggal putri, yakni Gregoria Mariska Tunjung.

PBSI tampaknya serius ingin memberikan waktu kepada Fitriani untuk melakukan perbaikan diri dan performanya setelah tak mengirimkannya ke turnamen All England 2020 ini.

Sementara di sektor tunggal putra, Indonesia tetap pada skuat terbaiknya yakni trio JoShenTing yaitu Jonatan Christie, Shesar Hiren Rhustavito, dan Anthony Sinisuka Ginting di turnamen All England 2020.

Demikian pula dengan sektor ganda putra, yang akan diperkuat oleh Kevin Sanjaya/Marcus Gideon, Mohammad Ahsan/Hendra Setiawan serta Fajar Alfian/M.Rian Ardianto yang juga akan bermain di All England 2020.

Berikut skuat Indonesia di turnamen All England 2020:

Tunggal Putra:

Jonatan Christie, Anthony Sinisuka Ginting, Shesar Hiren Rhustavito, Tommy Sugiarto.

Tunggal Putri:

Gregoria Mariska Tunjung.

Ganda Putra:

Marcus Fernaldi Gideon/Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo, Fajar Alfian/Muhammad Rian Ardianto, Wahyu Nayaka Arya Pangkaryanira/Ade Yusuf Santoso, Mohammad Ahsan/Hendra Setiawan.

Ganda Putri:

Greysia Polii/Apriyani Rahayu, Siti Fadia Silva Ramadhanti/Ribka Sugiarto.

Ganda Campuran:

Praveen Jordan/Melati Daeva Oktavianti, Hafiz Faizal/Gloria Emanuelle Widjaja, Rinov Rivaldy/Pitha Haningtyas Mentari, Adnan Maulana/Mychelle Crhystine Bandaso.

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Victor Korea Open 2015
Match 2
MD | Lee Yong Dae/Yoo Yeon Seong vs Hiroyuki Endo/Kenichi Hayakawa

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the major events on our calendar such as the MetLife BWF World Superseries and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
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Save humanity.

Aryel Narvasa
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#badminton #pbl #pbl2020 #bwf #rallyoftheday

Aryel Narvasa
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HARI ke 2,14 November 2018,
Ada 14 wakil indonesia yg masih berjuang,melolos kan diri ke babak 16 besar
Semangat Indonesia

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Aryel Narvasa
3 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

badminton Wolrd Federation secara resmi menyatakan bahwa telah membatalkan 2 turnamen yang menjadi salah satu Turnamen kualifikasi road to Tokyo 2020 atau Turnamen kualifikasi Bulutangkis Olimpiade Tokyo 2020 RESMI dinyatakan BATAL.
ya 2 Turnamen yang dinyatakan Batal adalah German Open & Polish Open 2020, alasan pembatalan tersebut masih berkaitan tentang Masalah Virus Corona yang mulai menyebar di wilayah benua Eropa.
dilansir dari JawaPos.com. Virus korona benar-benar mengacaukan jadwal olahraga dunia. Setelah beberapa ajang penting di Asia ditunda, dibatalkan, atau tanpa penonton, dampak virus korona juga saat ni mulai merambah ke Eropa.
Dalam satu hari, dua turnamen bulu tangkis yang masuk dalam kualifikasi Olimpiade Tokyo 2020 dibatalkan dari jadwal semula. yang Pertama adalah turnamen “pemanasan” All England 2020, German Open 2020. Lalu yang kedua adalah Polish Open 2020.
German Open adalah turnamen berlevel Super 300. Sejatinya ajang itu berlangsung pada 3 sampai 8 Maret mendatang Innogy Sporthalle, kota Muelheim, North Rhine-Westphalia.
Sementara itu, Polish Open merupakan turnamen yang masuk dalam kalender sirkuit Eropa. Ajang itu sejatinya bergulir pada 26 sampai 29 Maret mendatang di Krakow.
“Setelah mendapatkan saran medis dari departemen kesehatan publik Muelheim dan menimbang semua proses yang sudah dilalui, kami (pemerintah kota Muelheim) memutuskan membatalkan ajang ini dari jadwal yang sudah ditentukan,” begitu pernyataan resmi pihak Muelheim sebagaimana dilansir dari situs Federasi Bulu Tangkis Dunia (BWF) hari ini (27/2).
Federasi bulu tangkis Jerman (GBA) sudah mengonfirmasikan kebenaran kabar tersebut. Mereka juga menyetujui keputusan pemerintah kota Muelheim.
“Tidak ada rencana konkret yang akan dibuat dalam waktu dekat. Namun yang pasti, turnamen ini tidak akan berlangsung sampai pekan depan,” tulis BWF dalam siaran pers resmi mereka.
Sebelumnya, pada Selasa 25 Februari, BWF memastikan menunda Vietnam International Challenge 2020.
Vietnam International Challenge seharusnya berlangsung pada 24 sampai 29 Maret. Namun, BWF akhirnya memindahkannya ke bulan Juni.
Kualifikasi cabang olahraga bulu tangkis Olimpiade 2020 berakhir pada April mendatang.
Sebelumnya, virus korona membuat BWF Tour Lingshui China Masters yang seharusnya berlangsung pada 25 Februari sampai 1 Maret resmi ditunda.
Empat turnamen yang telah terdampak yakni Vietnam International Challenge, Lingshui China Masters, German Open, dan Polish Open 2020 memang masuk dalam kualifikasi Olimpiade Tokyo 2020.
saat ini, Badminton Lover Dunia masih menunggu nasib turnamen tertua dan salah satu yang paling prestisius di dunia, All England 2020. Ajang ini akan berlangsung pada 11 sampai 15 Maret di Birmingham, Inggris…dan Kalau seandainya pemerintah Birmingham membatalkan, Turnamen All England yang tinggal menghitung hari di gelar .. Pihak BWF tentu tak akan bisa berkutik.. karena ini juga menyangkut tentang keselamatan & kesehatan para atlet bulutangkis terbaik dunia..
well.. ditulis JawaPost.com Virus korona memang bertambah mengerikan. Wabah ini sudah menyerang lebih dari 80.000 orang dan menghilangkan setidaknya 2.663 nyawa di Tiongkok.
Total, saat ini, virus korona telah menerjang 31 negara.

Aryel Narvasa
4 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Model baru 2020, sepatu Badminton Yonex All England. Harga ekonomis & kualitas top

Aryel Narvasa
1 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Dari kejuaraan dunia bulu tangkis 2019. Indonesia berhasil menempatkan satu wakilnya di final, usai terjadi all Indonesian semifinal di nomor ganda putra. Mohammad Ahsan dan Hendra Setiawan akan saling berhadapan dengan juniornya, Fajar Alfian dan Mohammad Rian Ardianto di laga semifinal nanti.

Di pertandingan lainnya, Takura Hoki/Yugo Kobayashi juga melangkah ke semifinal setelah menyingkirkan rekan senengaranya yang menjadi unggulan ketiga, Takeshi Kamura/Keigo Sonoda.

Jangan lewatkan live streaming Kompas TV 24 jam non stop di https://www.kompas.tv/live. Supaya tidak ketinggalan berita-berita terkini, terlengkap, serta laporan langsung dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia, yuk subscribe channel youtube Kompas TV. Aktifkan juga lonceng supaya kamu dapat notifikasi kalau ada video baru.

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5 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Palais des Sports de Mulhouse – Samedi 1er Février 2020

Aryel Narvasa
5 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Except for Lee Chong Wei, Lin Dan, and Chen Long, do you know which players were also once world NO.1? Check this video and you will know!

I spent three days to form this video, Please SUBSCRIBE my Channel for future videos on Badminton rankings of Women's Single/Men's Double/Women's Double/Mixed Double and more great, fun badminton games!
Please also LIKE the Video and COMMENT your idea on anything related, thank you!

Ranking History of Top 10 Badminton Players 2020 Version
Data Source: BWF World Rankings https://bwfbadminton.com/

Badminton, Badminton Ranking, BWF, Badminton Ranking History, 2020 Badminton Ranking

Aryel Narvasa
2 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Rouen, Kindarena, 3 février.

Finales à partir de 11h :
Double Mixte :
Simple Hommes : Brice LEVERDEZ vs Lucas CORVEE
Simple Dames : Marie BATOMENE vs Yaëlle HOYAUX
Double Dames : Emilie LEFEL/Anne TRAN vs Léa PALERMO/Délphine DELRUE
Double Hommes : Ronan LABAR/Thom GICQUEL vs Julien MAIO/Bastian KERSAUDY

Aux commentaires :
- Olivier JACQUEMIN, journaliste
+ Matchs de simple : Fabrice VALLET : Directeur technique national adjoint, FFBAD
+ Matchs de double : Baptiste CAREME : entraîneur national, FFBAD

Aryel Narvasa
8 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

The game is like a spear and a shield.^^
2019 Sudirman Cup Final #LIUYuChen #LIJunHui VS #Endo #Watanabe

For more videos ▶ https://bit.ly/2RFNxCA

e-Mail : bbbaww99@gmail.com
Edited : BestMinton

#li #liu #Badminton #BestMinton #Cầulông
#渡辺勇大 #HiroyukiEndo #遠藤大由 #đậpvỡ
#羽毛球 #粉碎 #Fěnsuì #Yǔmáoqiú #Smash

Aryel Narvasa
3 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Dari turnamen bulutangkis Tiongkok Open 2019. Ganda putra andalan Indonesia, Marcus Fernaldi Gideon/Kevin Sanjaya Sukamulyo melangkah ke semifinal, setelah menyingkirkan wakil Malaysia, Goh V Shem, Tan Wee Kiong di perempat final. Namun langkah Marcus/Kevin gagal diikuti ganda campuran Tontowi Ahmad dan Winny Oktavina Kandow yang menyerah dari unggulan kedua Wang Yilyu/Huang Dongping.

Jangan lewatkan live streaming Kompas TV 24 jam non stop di https://www.kompas.tv/live. Supaya tidak ketinggalan berita-berita terkini, terlengkap, serta laporan langsung dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia, yuk subscribe channel youtube Kompas TV. Aktifkan juga lonceng supaya kamu dapat notifikasi kalau ada video baru.

Media social Kompas TV:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KompasTV
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kompastv
Twitter: https://twitter.com/KompasTV
LINE: https://line.me/ti/p/%40KompasTV

Aryel Narvasa
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Malaysia Masters (SS) , Semifinals Live :
Viktor Axelsen vs Ka Long Ng
#PMM2020 - Court 1 (Day 5)
Malaysia Masters 2020, MS | Semifinals

Aryel Narvasa
3 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

#allengland2020 #yonexallengland

Aryel Narvasa
1 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

MataNajib kali ini mengajak Manajers menonton pertandingan semifinal Yonex All England 2019. Ikuti juga perjalanan keliling kota Birmingham, kota terbesar kedua di Britania Raya/The United Kingdom!

P.S. Selamat Ahsan/Hendra sudah mengharumkan nama Indonesia sebagai juara!
Pemain yang lain juga keren, kalian tetap menjadi juara di hati seluruh bangsa.

P.S.S. Thanks @rio.girsang & @andiraputri buat beberapa footage nya.

Backsound: (Cokelat) Bendera - Nathan Fingerstyle | Guitar Cover &
Smile - Alundra (Smile - https://thmatc.co/?l=9A6485D7)

Aryel Narvasa
3 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

MataNajib kali ini mengajak Manajers menonton pertandingan semifinal Yonex All England 2019. Ikuti juga perjalanan keliling kota Birmingham, kota terbesar kedua di Britania Raya/The United Kingdom!

P.S. Selamat Ahsan/Hendra sudah mengharumkan nama Indonesia sebagai juara!
Pemain yang lain juga keren, kalian tetap menjadi juara di hati seluruh bangsa.

P.S.S. Thanks @rio.girsang & @andiraputri buat beberapa footage nya.

Backsound: (Cokelat) Bendera - Nathan Fingerstyle | Guitar Cover &
Smile - Alundra (Smile - https://thmatc.co/?l=9A6485D7)

Aryel Narvasa
1 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

hendra setiawan dan mohammad ahsan dalam final world championship 2019 dan yonex all england 2019#hendra setiawan#anthony ginting#jonatan christie#mohammad ahsan

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source video : BWF
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Aryel Narvasa
2 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Spektakuläre Ballwechsel, Weltklasse-Schläge, die Top-Leute der internationalen Badmintonszene, begeisterungsfähige Zuschauer und ein besonderes Ambiente. Dies und noch viel mehr zeichnet die YONEX German Open Badminton Championships in Mülheim an der Ruhr aus. Der Trailer zur 2019er-Veranstaltung (26. Februar bis 3. März) weckt zweifelsohne die Vorfreude auf die nächste Auflage!

Aryel Narvasa
2 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Full length version @ http://badmintonmap.com/video/205

Commented by Badmintonmap

All England Badminton Open is the only badminton tournament has a history more than 100 years. Before Badminton became an Olympic game and World Champion Game was introduced, AEO was long deemed as the Mt. Everest for badminton players. Even today, when some tournament pays much higher than AEO, it is still widely accepted as one of the only three games where a laureate can claim a 'World Champion', along with Olympic Game and World Champion Game.
This game between LIN and LEE has been long waited by most badminton fan around the globe.
LIN and LEE are widely deemed as the only two best men's single players today. On the one side, LIN Dan has won 4 All England title along side with any championship he can ever play for, including Olympic, World Champion, Aisan Champion, etc. On the other side, LEE Chong Wei has long been ranked as No. 1 by WBF, but he has won only one majoy title so far: the 100th AEO Men's Single Champion. Will LEE defend his title? Or LIN will won his 5th AEO title? All badminton fans have the same question.
I never gamble against badminton game. But if I ever did, I would have bet on LIN. Even thouhg LEE is the only player today who can give LIN a serious challenge, LIN has won majority of the games among two. He defeated LEE in Korean Open not long ago. However, the result of this game is a bit surprise to me. I have to say, this is a positive surprise: LIN's dominance on Men's single now seems seriously being challenged.
For so many games I watched between these two greatest players today, I have to say LEE has better defense and net play. But on the offsense side, LEE is always short of those lighting-strike like attack that can win the point against LIN. On the contrary, LIN's explosive smash normally helped him excel with narrow margin.
I am very happy to see that LEE finally improve the explosiveness of his attack while still maintaining his strength at defense and net play. LEE use to be too patient to wait for a better opportunity to smash when he play with LIN. This time, he plays much more aggressively and confidently. He now feels comfortable to attack where he use to wait for a better opportunity. And it pays out.
As for LIN, his agility is in question. Particularly when LEE dropshot to LIN's right front court, where LIN has to turn his body and play with with back hand, LIN seems to have trouble to response fast enough. After the game when LIN was interviewed by reporters in China, he said he was swarmped by business activities like shooting TV ads recently. Maybe his waist injury also drag him slower a bit.
There are some other interesting details here.
LEE's coach has long been Misbun Sidek. But this time, we saw one more 'new' face. Rexy Mainaky, 1996 Olympic Men's Double Champion, who is famous for his fast and hard hitting. It seems he gave LEE quite some suggestions. Maybe Mainaky's style did encourage LEE to play more aggressively this time. Another change is LEE's racket, he is using latest Yonex VT80 racket this time instead of Amortec 900p he has been using for a while. Combining aerodynamic qualities of a Z Slash with the thin frame of a Nanospeed 9900 (not as thin as VT70, although the shaft is the slimmest in Yonex range) and given the racquet the head weight of an Armortec, it is claimed by seasoned fans as the best racket in years. Maybe this also gives LEE an edge?

Aryel Narvasa
4 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

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World Tour Super 300
Match MS | Lin Dan vs. Lu Guangzu

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the big events on the HSBC BWF World Tour, as well as the majors like the Thomas & Uber Cups and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
5 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

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World Tour Super 1000
Match MD | Han Chengkai/Zhou Haodong vs. Kim Astrup/Anders Skaarup Rasmussen

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the big events on the HSBC BWF World Tour, as well as the majors like the Thomas & Uber Cups and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
2 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

with CameraFi Live

Aryel Narvasa
1 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

This week on Badminton Unlimited. – we look ahead to the final Super 1000 event of the year – the Victor China Open 2019, and hit the gym once more with India's Kidambi Srikanth. Plus Indonesian Para badminton star Suryo Nugroho opens up about getting a second chance through the sport

Disclaimer: If you are not able to watch the live stream of matches on http://badmintonworld.tv due to it being geo-blocked in your country that is because the rights for the World Championships has been sold to a broadcaster in your country.

Subscribe to the channel: http://smarturl.it/BWFsubscribe

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the big events on the HSBC BWF World Tour, as well as the majors like the Thomas & Uber Cups and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
3 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

The official trailer for the YONEX All England Open Badminton Championships 2016.

Watch history in the making at the stunning new Barclaycard Arena in Birmingham as all the world’s best battle it out for precious Olympic qualification points on the #RoadtoRio at the oldest and most prestigious badminton event, one of the five ‘majors’ of our sport.

All the speed, drama and passion will return to Birmingham for the 106th Championships from 8-13 March 2016.

Tickets on general sale from 15 July: www.allenglandbadminton.com/tickets.

Aryel Narvasa
2 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים


Yonex German Open 2016
Grand Prix Gold
Match 2-MD | Lee Yong Dae/Yoo Yeon Seong vs Hiroyuki Endo/Kenichi Hayakawa

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the major events on our calendar such as the MetLife BWF World Superseries and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
5 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Subscribe to the channel: http://smarturl.it/BWFsubscribe

Yuki Fukushima and Gronya Somerville abandon their rackets for a true test of skills.

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the big events on the HSBC BWF World Tour, as well as the majors like the Thomas & Uber Cups and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
5 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

#livestreamingAllEngland2020 #AllEngland2020

Marcus Gideon Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo
Rinov Phita
Hendra Ahsan
Praveen Melati

Aryel Narvasa
1 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Hasil Lengkap Babak 16 Besar All England Open 2020 ~ 4 Wakil Indonesia Tersisa Di Perempat Final

Hasil all England open 2020
Hasil lengkap yonex all England open 2020



Shesar Hiren Rhustavito VS Rasmus Gemke 21-18, 13-21, 19-21 (L)
Hafiz Faisal/Gloria Emanuelle Widjaja VS Tom Gicquel/Dhelpine Delrue 21-15, 21-12 (W)
Praveen Jordan/Melati Daeva Oktavianti VS Tan Kian Meng/Lai Pei Jing 21-19, 18-21, 21-10 (W)
Marcus Fernaldi Gideon/Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo VS Ou Xuan Yi/Zhang Nan 21-9, 21-15 (W)
Rinov rivaldy/pitha haningtyas mentari VS Tan Chung Man/Tse Ying Suet 21-19, 12-21, 13-21 (L)
Mohammad Ahsan/Hendra Setiawan VS Takuro Hoki/Yugo Kobayashi 14-21, 21-15, 21-14 (W)
Gregoria mariska tunjung VS Tai Tzu Ying 20-22, 16-21 (L)
Siti fadia silva ramadahnti/Ribka sugiarto VS Lee So Hee/Shin Seung Chan 8-21, 18-21 (L)
Fajar Alfian/Muhammad Rian Ardianto VS Marcus Ellis/Chris Langridge 14-21,15 21 (L)

Berikut daftar pemain Indonesia di yonex all England open 2020 :
Anthony sinisuka ginting
Jonatan Christie
Tommy sugiarto
Shesar hiren rhustavito

Gregoria mariska tunjung

Marcus fernaldi gideon/kevin sanjaya sukamuljo
Mohammad ahsan/hendra setiawan
Fajar alfian/muhammad rian ardianto
Wahyu nayaka arya pangkaryanira/ade yusuf santoso

Greysia polii/apriyani rahayu
Siti fadia silva ramadahnti/Ribka sugiarto

Praveen jordan/melati daeva oktavianti
Rinov rivaldy/pitha haningtyas mentari
Hafiz faizal/gloria emanuelle widjaja
Adnan maulana/mychelle crhystine bandaso

All England Open 2020
Drawing all england 2020
Jadwal all england 2020
Yonex all England open 2020
jadwal bulutangkis all england 2020
all England 2020
Badminton 2020
Bulutangkis all England 2020
All England open 2020 badminton
Badminton all England open 2020
Hasil bulutangkis hari ini
Hasil bulutangkis terbaru
Hasil badminton live tvri
Hasil bulutangkis tvri
Hasil all England live tvri

#allengland2020 #hasilallenglandopen2020 #allenglandopen2020

Aryel Narvasa
2 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

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The Indonesia Open is a HSBC BWF World Tour Super 1000 tournament and is one of only three Super 1000 level tournaments, the others being the China Open and the All England. The tournament is one of two HSBC BWF World Tour tournaments being hosted in Indonesia, the other being the Indonesia Masters, a HSBC BWF World Tour Super 500 tournament.

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the big events on the HSBC BWF World Tour, as well as the majors like the Thomas & Uber Cups and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
3 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

I hope you enjoy this video!!
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Previous video : https://youtu.be/LQV-WZJO41c

Aryel Narvasa
3 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

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DAIHATSU Indonesia Masters 2019
World Tour Super 500
Match MS | Kento Momota vs. Anders Antonsen

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the big events on the HSBC BWF World Tour, as well as the majors like the Thomas & Uber Cups and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
5 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Watch all the Perodua Malaysia Masters 2020 presented by Daihatsu action LIVE from Axiata Arena, KL Sports City

Aryel Narvasa
2 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Subscribe to the channel: http://smarturl.it/BWFsubscribe

The Princess Sirivannavari Thailand Masters is a HSBC BWF World Tour Super 300 tournament and is one of two Tour tournaments in Thailand, the other being the Thailand Open, a Super 500 tournament.

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the big events on the HSBC BWF World Tour, as well as the majors like the Thomas & Uber Cups and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
5 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Jonatan christie dipermalukan Lee Zi Jia

Jonatan Christie kalah dari Lee Zi Jia Melalui Straight Game
#AllEngland2020 #Jonathancristie #leeZiJia

Aryel Narvasa
4 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Jadwal All England Open 2020 Hari Ke 2 Live TVRI~9 Wakil Indonesia Masuk ke 16 Besar All England

Jadwal all England open 2020
Jadwal lengkap yonex all England open 2020


Praveen Jordan/Melati Daeva Oktavianti VS Tan Kian Meng/Lai Pei Jing
Fajar Alfian/Muhammad Rian Ardianto VS Marcus Ellis/Chris Langridge
Hafiz Faisal/Gloria Emanuelle Widjaja VS Tom Gicquel/Dhelpine Delrue
Marcus Fernaldi Gideon/Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo VS Ou Xuan Yi/Zhang Nan
Mohammad Ahsan/Hendra Setiawan VS Takuro Hoki/Yugo Kobayashi
Gregoria mariska tunjung VS Tai Tzu Ying
Siti fadia silva ramadahnti/Ribka sugiarto VS Lee So Hee/Shin Seung Chan
Shesar hiren rhustavito VS Rasmus Gemke
Rinov rivaldy/pitha haningtyas mentari VS Tan Chung Man/Tse Ying Suet

Berikut daftar pemain Indonesia di yonex all England open 2020 :
Anthony sinisuka ginting
Jonatan Christie
Tommy sugiarto
Shesar hiren rhustavito

Gregoria mariska tunjung

Marcus fernaldi gideon/kevin sanjaya sukamuljo
Mohammad ahsan/hendra setiawan
Fajar alfian/muhammad rian ardianto
Wahyu nayaka arya pangkaryanira/ade yusuf santoso

Greysia polii/apriyani rahayu
Siti fadia silva ramadahnti/Ribka sugiarto

Praveen jordan/melati daeva oktavianti
Rinov rivaldy/pitha haningtyas mentari
Hafiz faizal/gloria emanuelle widjaja
Adnan maulana/mychelle crhystine bandaso

All England Open 2020
Drawing all england 2020
Jadwal all england 2020
Yonex all England open 2020
jadwal bulutangkis all england 2020
all England 2020
Badminton 2020
Bulutangkis all England 2020
All England open 2020 badminton
Badminton all England open 2020
Hasil bulutangkis hari ini
jadwal bulutangkis terbaru
jadwal badminton live tvri
jadwal bulutangkis tvri
jadwal all England live tvri

#allengland2020 #jadwalallenglandopen2020 #allenglandopen2020

Aryel Narvasa
5 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

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Singapore Open is a World Tour Super 500 tournament held since 1987 in Singapore. The Singapore Open is one of only seven Super 500 tournaments on the Tour, with the others being hosted in Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia and Thailand.

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the big events on the HSBC BWF World Tour, as well as the majors like the Thomas & Uber Cups and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
6 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Berikut wakil Indonesia yang akan bertanding di all england badminton 2020 pada tanggal 11-15 maret 2020 Arena Birmingham, Birmingham, England, Indonesia memiliki wakil yang sudah lolos babak kualifikasi YONEX All England Open 2020, pada bulan ini turnamen Badminton paling bergengsi di dunia kembali di pertandingkan pada tanggal 11-15 Maret 2020 wakil Indonesia yang akan bertanding. Datang dan saksikan YONEX All England Open 2020 di Arena Birmingham pada bulan Maret. YONEX All England Open 2020 merupakan ajang bulutangkis terbaik dunia karena semua pemain bulutangkis dunia akan bermain di YONEX All England Open 2020, 15 WAKIL DARI INDONESIA LOLOS DI ALL ENGLAND OPEN 2020 ajang turnamen badminton terbaik dunia akan menunjukkan kebolehannya besok pada tanggal 11-15 maret 2020 Semua pemain terbaik dari seluruh dunia akan datang bersama untuk bertarung di lapangan untuk membawa pulang gelar.



Source SoundTrack : https://www.youtube.com/audiolibrary/music?nv=1

Aryel Narvasa
3 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

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The French Open is a HSBC World Tour Super 750 tournament and held since 1909 as an annual badminton tournament by Fédération Française de badminton (FFBaD). The French Open became one of the BWF Superseries tournament in 2007 and has been hosted since then at the Stade Pierre de Coubertin, Paris.

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the big events on the HSBC BWF World Tour, as well as the majors like the Thomas & Uber Cups and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
3 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Subscribe to the channel: http://smarturl.it/BWFsubscribe

DAIHATSU Indonesia Masters 2019
World Tour Super 500
Match MD | Marcus Fernaldi Gideon/Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo vs. Mohammad Ahsan/Hendra Setiawan

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the big events on the HSBC BWF World Tour, as well as the majors like the Thomas & Uber Cups and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
3 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Subscribe to the channel: http://smarturl.it/BWFsubscribe

YONEX German Open 2019
Top Backhands of the Week

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the big events on the HSBC BWF World Tour, as well as the majors like the Thomas & Uber Cups and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
3 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Subscribe to the channel: http://smarturl.it/BWFsubscribe

The Barfoot and Thompson New Zealand Open kick-started the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games qualification and we review the big moments

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the big events on the HSBC BWF World Tour, as well as the majors like the Thomas & Uber Cups and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
1 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

HSBC BWF World Tour Finals 2019
Top Backhands of the Week

Disclaimer: If you are not able to watch the live stream of matches on http://badmintonworld.tv due to it being geo-blocked in your country that is because the rights for this tournament has been sold to a broadcaster in your country.

Subscribe to the channel: http://smarturl.it/BWFsubscribe

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the big events on the HSBC BWF World Tour, as well as the majors like the Thomas & Uber Cups and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
2 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Jadwal pertandingan bwf yonex All England open 2020 yang akan di pertandingkan oleh pemain top dunia

Aryel Narvasa
2 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Barcelona Spain Masters 2019
World Tour Super 300
Match MS | Viktor Axelsen vs. Anders Antonsen

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BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the big events on the HSBC BWF World Tour, as well as the majors like the Thomas & Uber Cups and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
4 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

berikut Jadwal Yonex All England 2020 Open babak 32 besar | Perwakilan Indonesia

Aryel Narvasa
3 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים


BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the major events on our calendar such as the MetLife BWF World Superseries and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
5 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים


Aryel Narvasa
1 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Hasil Drawing Wakil Indonesia di Yonex All England Open 2020 Yang berlangsung di Birminghan London inggris
Berikut hasil undian 15 wakil Indonesia pada babak pertama All England Open 2020 per 18 Februari 2020.
Tunggal Putra
• Anthony Sinisuka Ginting (4) vs Rasmus Gemke (Denmark)
• Shesar Hiren Rhustavito vs Parupalli Kashyap (India)
• Jonatan Christie (6) vs Lee Zii Jia (Malaysia)
• Tommy Sugiarto vs Shi Yu Qi (China/7)
Tunggal Putri
• Gregoria Mariska Tunjung vs Yeo Jia Min (Singapura)
Ganda Putra
• Marcus Fernaldi Gideon/Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo (1) vs Satwiksairaj Rankireddy/Chirag Shetty (India)
• Fajar Alfian/Muhammad Rian Ardianto (5) vs Han Cheng Kai/Zhou Hao Dong (China)
• Wahyu Nayaka Arya Pangkaryanira/Ade Yusuf Santoso vs Li Jun Hui/Liu Yu Chen (China/3)
• Mohammad Ahsan/Hendra Setiawan (2) vs Akira Koga/Taichi Saito (Jepang)
Ganda Putri
• Greysia Polii/Apriyani Rahayu (8) vs Chang Ye-na/Kim Hye-rin (Korea Selatan)
• Siti Fadia Silva Ramadhanti/Ribka Sugiarto vs Maiken Fruergaard/Sara Thygesen (Denmark)
Ganda Campuran
• Hafiz Faizal/Gloria Emanuelle Widjaja (8) vs Chris Adcock/Gabrielle Adcock (Inggris)
• Adnan Maulana/Mychelle Crhystine Bandaso vs Thom Gicquel/Delphine Delrue (Prancis)
• Rinov Rivaldy/Pitha Haningtyas Mentari vs Chan Peng Soon/Goh Liu Ying (Malaysia/7)
• Praveen Jordan/Melati Daeva Oktavianti (5) vs Wang Chi-Lin/Cheng Chi Ya (Taiwan)

Aryel Narvasa
5 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Subscribe to the channel: http://smarturl.it/BWFsubscribe

YONEX German Open 2019
World Tour Super 300
Match WD | Yuki Fukushima/Sayaka Hirota vs. Du Yue/Li Yinhui

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the big events on the HSBC BWF World Tour, as well as the majors like the Thomas & Uber Cups and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
4 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Subscribe to the channel: http://smarturl.it/BWFsubscribe

DAIHATSU YONEX Japan Open 2019
World Tour Super 750
MD | Marcus Fernaldi Gideon/Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo vs. Li Jun Hui/Liu Yu Chen

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the big events on the HSBC BWF World Tour, as well as the majors like the Thomas & Uber Cups and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
9 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

DANISA Denmark Open 2019
World Tour Super 750
Play of the Day
XD | Praveen Jordan/Melati Daeva Oktavianti vs. Wang Yi Lyu/Huang Dong Ping

Disclaimer: If you are not able to watch the live stream of matches on http://badmintonworld.tv due to it being geo-blocked in your country that is because the rights for this tournament has been sold to a broadcaster in your country.

Subscribe to the channel: http://smarturl.it/BWFsubscribe

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the big events on the HSBC BWF World Tour, as well as the majors like the Thomas & Uber Cups and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
6 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Hasil Undian All England Open 2020, Final Dini Bagi Marcus & Kevin

Kunjungi: https://www.bolasport.com/

Hasil undian All England Open 2020 sudah keluar. Sebanyak 15 wakil Indonesia telah menemukan lawan yang akan dihadapi di Birmingham Arena.

Turnamen bulu tangkis tertua All England Open 2020 akan dilangsungkan pada 11-15 Maret mendatang di Birmingham Arena, Birmingham, Inggris.

Kendati Inggris bukan lagi kekuatan besar di dunia bulu tangkis, All England Open 2020 tetap memiliki aura sakral bagi para atlet tepok bulu.

Fakta bahwa All England Open menjadi turnamen akbar terakhir dalam periode kualifikasi Olimpiade 2020 menyebabkan tensi pertandingan bakal semakin panas.


Teks: Delia Mustikasari/Bolasport.com
Video Editor: Reyhanesa Putra/Bolasport.com





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Hasil Undian All England Open 2020, Final Dini Bagi Marcus & Kevin
#KevinMarcus #Allenglanopen2020 #bulutangkis #BWF

Aryel Narvasa
2 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Jadwal QF LENGKAP Badminton Live Hari ini Kevin/Marcus vs Malaysia Perempat Final QF DAY 3 hanya 4 Wakil Indonesia Lolos ke Babak Perempat Final HASIL DAY 2 R16 Babak 16 besar di YONEX ALL ENGLAND 2020 Badminton TVRI LIVE. 4 Wakil Indonesia yang Lolos ke babak selanjutnya di perempat final qf adalah Kevin/Marcus Minions, Daddies Ahsan/Hendra, Praveen/Melati, Hafiz/Gloria, mereka lolos ke babak selanjutnya di turnamen All England 2020. So, semoga indonsia juara di yonex all england 2020 badminton. Sedangkan Jojo kalah, ginting kalah,Fajri Fajar/Rian kalah, Rinov/Pitha kalah, Sheshar Vito kalah di babak 16 besar dan gagal ke perempat final.

#badminton #AllEngland2020 #KevinSanjaya

Aryel Narvasa
2 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

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YONEX All England Open 2019


World Tour Super 1000




Match MS | Kento Momota vs. Viktor Axelsen

Aryel Narvasa
5 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Jadwal all England open 2020
Hasil drawing lengkap yonex all England open 2020


Jadwal LENGKAP ALL ENGLAND OPEN TAHUN 2020 wakil indonesia

Berikut daftar pemain Indonesia di yonex all England open 2020 :
Anthony sinisuka ginting
Jonatan Christie
Tommy sugiarto
Shesar hiren rhustavito

Gregoria mariska tunjung

Marcus fernaldi gideon/kevin sanjaya sukamuljo
Mohammad ahsan/hendra setiawan
Fajar alfian/muhammad rian ardianto
Wahyu nayaka arya pangkaryanira/ade yusuf santoso

Greysia polii/apriyani rahayu
Siti fadia silva ramadahnti/Ribka sugiarto

Praveen jordan/melati daeva oktavianti
Rinov rivaldy/pitha haningtyas mentari
Hafiz faizal/gloria emanuelle widjaja
Adnan maulana/mychelle crhystine bandaso
Men's doubles
Indonesia Marcus Fernaldi Gideon / Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo
Indonesia Mohammad Ahsan / Hendra Setiawan (Withdrew)
China Li Junhui / Liu Yuchen
Japan Takeshi Kamura / Keigo Sonoda
Japan Hiroyuki Endo / Yuta Watanabe
Indonesia Fajar Alfian / Muhammad Rian Ardianto
China Han Chengkai / Zhou Haodong
Denmark Kim Astrup / Anders Skaarup Rasmussen
NoCopyrightSounds: Music Without Limitations.

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© NCS releases are free to be used and monetised in user-generated content (UGC) made by independent content creators in video content on YouTube & Twitch, without the fear of copyright claims.

When you are using this track, we simply ask that you put this in your description:

Track: Tobu & Itro - Sunburst [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4lXBH...
Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/tobu_itro_sunburst#BADMINTON

Aryel Narvasa
5 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Kunjungi: https://tinyurl.com/vor4y25

Pemain ganda putra Indonesia, Hendra Setiawan, menargetkan bisa menembus babak semifinal All England Open 2020 yang berlangsung di Birmingham, Inggris, 11-15 Maret mendatang.
Mohammad Ahsan/Hendra Setiawan akan bertanding sebagai juara bertahan pada All England Open 2020.
Mereka memenangi turnamen BWF World Tour Super 1000 itu tahun lalu usai menang atas Aaron Chia/Soh Wooi Yik (Malaysia) 11-21, 21-14, 21-12.
Menurut Hendra, tantangan yang dia dan Ahsan hadapi akan lebih berat tahun ini.

Teks & Videografer: Lariza Oky Adisty/Bolasport.com
Video Editor: Ndaru Guntur/Bolasport.com




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Aryel Narvasa
3 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Jadwal all England open 2020
Hasil drawing lengkap yonex all England open 2020


Jadwal LENGKAP ALL ENGLAND OPEN TAHUN 2020 wakil indonesia

Berikut daftar pemain Indonesia di yonex all England open 2020 :
Anthony sinisuka ginting
Jonatan Christie
Tommy sugiarto
Shesar hiren rhustavito

Gregoria mariska tunjung

Marcus fernaldi gideon/kevin sanjaya sukamuljo
Mohammad ahsan/hendra setiawan
Fajar alfian/muhammad rian ardianto
Wahyu nayaka arya pangkaryanira/ade yusuf santoso

Greysia polii/apriyani rahayu
Siti fadia silva ramadahnti/Ribka sugiarto

Praveen jordan/melati daeva oktavianti
Rinov rivaldy/pitha haningtyas mentari
Hafiz faizal/gloria emanuelle widjaja
Adnan maulana/mychelle crhystine bandaso
Men's doubles
Indonesia Marcus Fernaldi Gideon / Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo
Indonesia Mohammad Ahsan / Hendra Setiawan (Withdrew)
China Li Junhui / Liu Yuchen
Japan Takeshi Kamura / Keigo Sonoda
Japan Hiroyuki Endo / Yuta Watanabe
Indonesia Fajar Alfian / Muhammad Rian Ardianto
China Han Chengkai / Zhou Haodong
Denmark Kim Astrup / Anders Skaarup Rasmussen
NoCopyrightSounds: Music Without Limitations.

Our Spotify Playlist: http://bit.ly/SpotifyNCSio

🔊 NCS: Colors - http://bit.ly/ColorsNCSio


🎧 YouTube Playlists:
↪︎ http://bit.ly/NCSioALLmusic
↪︎ http://bit.ly/DanceNCSio
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↪︎ http://bit.ly/HardStyleNCSio
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↪︎ http://bit.ly/MelDubstepNCSio
↪︎ http://bit.ly/DubstepNCSio
↪︎ http://bit.ly/NCSioElectronic
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↪︎ http://bit.ly/NCSioTrap

🎶 Spotify Playlists:
↪︎ http://bit.ly/SpotifyNCSio
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🔑 Become a SuperFan → http://bit.ly/SuperFanNCSio

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© NCS releases are free to be used and monetised in user-generated content (UGC) made by independent content creators in video content on YouTube & Twitch, without the fear of copyright claims.

When you are using this track, we simply ask that you put this in your description:

Track: Tobu & Itro - Sunburst [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4lXBH...
Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/tobu_itro_sunburst#BADMINTON

Aryel Narvasa
6 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Hasil Lengkap Perempat Final All England 2020 ~ The Daddies Gagal Pertahankan Gelar Tahun Lalu

Hasil all England open 2020
Hasil lengkap yonex all England open 2020



Praveen Jordan/Melati Daeva Oktavianti VS Wang Yi Lyu/Huang Dong Ping 15-21, 21-19, 21-19 (W)
Hafiz Faisal/Gloria Emanuelle Widjaja VS Puavaranukroh/Taerattanachai 17-21, 11-21 (L)
Marcus Fernaldi Gideon/Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo VS Aaron Chia/Soh Wooi Yik 21-17, 21-19 (W)
Mohammad Ahsan/Hendra Setiawan VS Hiroyuki Endo/Yuta Watanabe 19-21, 18-21 (L)

Berikut daftar pemain Indonesia di yonex all England open 2020 :
Anthony sinisuka ginting
Jonatan Christie
Tommy sugiarto
Shesar hiren rhustavito

Gregoria mariska tunjung

Marcus fernaldi gideon/kevin sanjaya sukamuljo
Mohammad ahsan/hendra setiawan
Fajar alfian/muhammad rian ardianto
Wahyu nayaka arya pangkaryanira/ade yusuf santoso

Greysia polii/apriyani rahayu
Siti fadia silva ramadahnti/Ribka sugiarto

Praveen jordan/melati daeva oktavianti
Rinov rivaldy/pitha haningtyas mentari
Hafiz faizal/gloria emanuelle widjaja
Adnan maulana/mychelle crhystine bandaso

Alfaith SportsTV
IG @alfaith_18

All England Open 2020
Drawing all england 2020
Jadwal all england 2020
Yonex all England open 2020
jadwal bulutangkis all england 2020
all England 2020
Badminton 2020
Bulutangkis all England 2020
All England open 2020 badminton
Badminton all England open 2020
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#allengland2020 #hasilallenglandopen2020 #allenglandopen2020

Aryel Narvasa
3 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Indonesia Targetkan Satu Gelar dari All England Open 2020.

Kunjungi: https://www.bolasport.com/

Skuad bulu tangkis Indonesia mengincar satu gelar pada All England Open 2020, 11-15 Maret mendatang di Birmingham, Inggris.

Indonesia mengirim total 25 wakil yang berlaga pada lima sektor dalam turnamen BWF World Tour Super 1000 tersebut.

Kepala Bidang Pembinaan dan Prestasi PBSI, Susy Susanti, menargetkan Indonesia bisa menyamai pencapaian pada All England Open 2019.

Teks: Imamdudin Adam/Bolasport.com
Video Editor: Reyhanesa Putra/Bolasport.com




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Indonesia Targetkan Satu Gelar dari All England Open 2020.
#PBSI #AllEnglandOpen2020 #Badminton

Aryel Narvasa
3 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Subscribe to the channel: http://smarturl.it/BWFsubscribe

The Chinese Taipei Open is a HSBC World Tour Super 300 tournament, one of 11 Super 300 tournaments on the Tour. Held since 1970s, and formally known as the Chinese Taipei Open Grand Prix Gold, the tournament has been hosted in Taiwan for most of its history.

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the big events on the HSBC BWF World Tour, as well as the majors like the Thomas & Uber Cups and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
0 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Subscribe to the channel: http://smarturl.it/BWFsubscribe

PERODUA Malaysia Masters 2019
World Tour Super 500
Match XD | Yuta Watanabe/Arisa Higashino vs. Dechapol Puavaranukroh/Sapsiree Taerattanachai

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the big events on the HSBC BWF World Tour, as well as the majors like the Thomas & Uber Cups and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
11 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Sebanyak 25 atlet Indonesia dipastikan turun pada turnamen bulutangkis tertua, All England Open 2020. Pertandingan akan berlangsung di Arena Birmingham, Inggris pada 11-15 Maret 2020.
Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo/Marcus Fernaldi Gideon, pasangan peringkat 2 dunia, Mohammad Ahsan/Hendra Setiawan, pasangan peringkat 5 dunia, Fajar Alfian/Muhammad Rian Ardianto serta pasangan peringkat 26 dunia, Wahyu Nayaka Arya Pankaryanira/Ade Yusuf Santoso.

Ganda putri mengirim dua wakil terbaiknya yakni pasangan peringkat 8 dunia yang juga juara Indonesia Masters 2020 bulan lalu, Greysia Polii/Apriyani Rahayu serta juara Yuzu Indonesia Masters 2019, Siti Fadia Silva Ramadhanti/Ribka Sugiarto.

Sementara ganda campuran mengirim empat wakil yakni, pasangan peringkat 5 dunia, Praveen Jordan/Melati Daeva Oktavianti yang diharapkan mampu membayar kegagalan di dua turnamen beruntun di Malaysia Masters dan Indonesia Masters lalu, bersama dengan pasangan peringkat 8 dunia yang juga runner-up Thailand Masters pekan lalu, Hafiz Faisal/Gloria Emanuelle Widjaja, pasangan peringkat 20 dunia, Rinov Rivaldy/Pitha Haningtyas Mentari serta pasangan muda yang tengah naik daun, Adnan Maulana/Mychelle Crhystine Bandaso.

Aryel Narvasa
2 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Subscribe to the channel: http://smarturl.it/BWFsubscribe

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the big events on the HSBC BWF World Tour, as well as the majors like the Thomas & Uber Cups and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
5 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

VICTOR Swedish Open 2020 - Main draw
Watch all courts at HTTP://www.badmintoneurope.tv

Aryel Narvasa
2 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Hasil Lengkap Babak 32 Besar All England Open 2020..

#AllEnglandopen2020 #AllEngland

Aryel Narvasa
2 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Subscribe to the channel: http://smarturl.it/BWFsubscribe

The Yonex All England Open Championships is a HSBC BWF World Tour Super 1000 tournament and is one of only three Super 1000 level tournaments, the others being the China Open and the Indonesia Open.

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the big events on the HSBC BWF World Tour, as well as the majors like the Thomas & Uber Cups and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
2 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

DAY 1 Competition results 11 March
Badminton World Federation
Venue: Arena Birmingham
King Edwards Road
B1 2AA Birmingham
Route at
Google Maps
Website: http://www.arenabham.co.uk/
Tournament contact
Name: Badminton England
Phone: +44 (0)1908 268400
Email: enquiries@badmintonengland.co.uk
Online entry
Entry open: Wednesday, December 4, 2019 12:00 AM (GMT +08:00)
Entry deadline: Tuesday, January 28, 2020 11:59 PM (GMT +08:00)
Withdrawal deadline: Tuesday, February 18, 2020 11:59 PM (GMT +08:00)
Tournament days
Wednesday, March 11, 2020 to Sunday, March 15, 2020

Aryel Narvasa
6 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Halo teman teman, berikut ini adalah hasil lengkap pertandingan hari pertama untuk babak 32 besar Yonex All England 2020, Rabu 11 Maret 2020:

Aryel Narvasa
4 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Subscribe to the channel: http://smarturl.it/BWFsubscribe

The Yonex All England Open Championships is a HSBC BWF World Tour Super 1000 tournament and is one of only three Super 1000 level tournaments, the others being the China Open and the Indonesia Open.

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the big events on the HSBC BWF World Tour, as well as the majors like the Thomas & Uber Cups and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
5 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Sahabat kece.. BWF atau badminton Wolrd Federation secara resmi menyatakan bahwa telah membatalkan 2 turnamen yang menjadi salah satu Turnamen kualifikasi road to Tokyo 2020 atau Turnamen kualifikasi Bulutangkis Olimpiade Tokyo 2020 RESMI dinyatakan BATAL.
ya 2 Turnamen yang dinyatakan Batal adalah German Open & Polish Open 2020, alasan pembatalan tersebut masih berkaitan tentang Masalah Virus Corona yang mulai menyebar di wilayah benua Eropa.
dilansir dari JawaPos.com. Virus korona benar-benar mengacaukan jadwal olahraga dunia. Setelah beberapa ajang penting di Asia ditunda, dibatalkan, atau tanpa penonton, dampak virus korona juga saat ni mulai merambah ke Eropa.
Dalam satu hari, dua turnamen bulu tangkis yang masuk dalam kualifikasi Olimpiade Tokyo 2020 dibatalkan dari jadwal semula. yang Pertama adalah turnamen “pemanasan” All England 2020, German Open 2020. Lalu yang kedua adalah Polish Open 2020.
German Open adalah turnamen berlevel Super 300. Sejatinya ajang itu berlangsung pada 3 sampai 8 Maret mendatang Innogy Sporthalle, kota Muelheim, North Rhine-Westphalia.
Sementara itu, Polish Open merupakan turnamen yang masuk dalam kalender sirkuit Eropa. Ajang itu sejatinya bergulir pada 26 sampai 29 Maret mendatang di Krakow.
“Setelah mendapatkan saran medis dari departemen kesehatan publik Muelheim dan menimbang semua proses yang sudah dilalui, kami (pemerintah kota Muelheim) memutuskan membatalkan ajang ini dari jadwal yang sudah ditentukan,” begitu pernyataan resmi pihak Muelheim sebagaimana dilansir dari situs Federasi Bulu Tangkis Dunia (BWF) hari ini (27/2).
Federasi bulu tangkis Jerman (GBA) sudah mengonfirmasikan kebenaran kabar tersebut. Mereka juga menyetujui keputusan pemerintah kota Muelheim.
“Tidak ada rencana konkret yang akan dibuat dalam waktu dekat. Namun yang pasti, turnamen ini tidak akan berlangsung sampai pekan depan,” tulis BWF dalam siaran pers resmi mereka.
Sebelumnya, pada Selasa 25 Februari, BWF memastikan menunda Vietnam International Challenge 2020.
Vietnam International Challenge seharusnya berlangsung pada 24 sampai 29 Maret. Namun, BWF akhirnya memindahkannya ke bulan Juni.
Kualifikasi cabang olahraga bulu tangkis Olimpiade 2020 berakhir pada April mendatang.
Sebelumnya, virus korona membuat BWF Tour Lingshui China Masters yang seharusnya berlangsung pada 25 Februari sampai 1 Maret resmi ditunda.
Empat turnamen yang telah terdampak yakni Vietnam International Challenge, Lingshui China Masters, German Open, dan Polish Open 2020 memang masuk dalam kualifikasi Olimpiade Tokyo 2020.
saat ini, Badminton Lover Dunia masih menunggu nasib turnamen tertua dan salah satu yang paling prestisius di dunia, All England 2020. Ajang ini akan berlangsung pada 11 sampai 15 Maret di Birmingham, Inggris…dan Kalau seandainya pemerintah Birmingham membatalkan, Turnamen All England yang tinggal menghitung hari di gelar .. Pihak BWF tentu tak akan bisa berkutik.. karena ini juga menyangkut tentang keselamatan & kesehatan para atlet bulutangkis terbaik dunia..
well.. ditulis JawaPost.com Virus korona memang bertambah mengerikan. Wabah ini sudah menyerang lebih dari 80.000 orang dan menghilangkan setidaknya 2.663 nyawa di Tiongkok.
Total, saat ini, virus korona telah menerjang 31 negara.

Aryel Narvasa
4 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Watch all matches from all courts LIVE on https://www.badmintoneurope.tv

Download Badminton Live app now!
iOS - https://apple.co/2Qgdya9
Android - https://goo.gl/AFuKVh

Subscribe to BEC YouTube channel: http://goo.gl/f8iNYG

Aryel Narvasa
2 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Subscribe to the channel: http://smarturl.it/BWFsubscribe

DAIHATSU YONEX Japan Open 2019
World Tour Super 750
MD | Marcus Fernaldi Gideon/Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo vs. Mohammad Ahsan/Hendra Setiawan

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the big events on the HSBC BWF World Tour, as well as the majors like the Thomas & Uber Cups and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
1 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Day 4 YONEX All England Open 2020 HSBC BWF SUPER 1000
Badminton World Federation | EnglandBirmingham, England
Hasil Minion All England https://youtu.be/RNe3EZ0xD0g
Jadwal Hari Ini https://youtu.be/KKDgBZdJH5k
Gep https://youtu.be/9toMAQZI9BQ


https://youtu.be/JYoormC8Oso MS LEE Zii Jia Malaysia vs Denmark Viktor AXELSEN [2]

https://youtu.be/Zv96xS2K6_4 WD LEE So Hee [4] Korea SHIN Seung Chan Korea vs China DU Yue [6] China LI Yin Hui

https://youtu.be/oSzDJyVQFWI XD SEO Seung Jae [6] Korea CHAE Yujung Korea vs Thailand Dechapol PUAVARANUKROH [3] Thailand Sapsiree TAERATTANACHAI

https://youtu.be/HSB8hF9tWJ4 MD Marcus Fernaldi GIDEON [1] Indonesia Kevin Sanjaya SUKAMULJO Indonesia vs Chinese Taipei LEE Yang [7] Chinese Taipei WANG Chi-Lin

https://youtu.be/Me8mTNmIvkE WS CHEN Yu Fei [1] China vs Japan Nozomi OKUHARA [4]

https://youtu.be/zmcrPD2-T-w MS CHOU Tien Chen [1] Chinese Taipei vs Denmark Anders ANTONSEN [5]

https://youtu.be/CKGj4vKDEr0 WD Misaki MATSUTOMO [7] Japan Ayaka TAKAHASHI Japan vs Japan Yuki FUKUSHIMA [3] Japan Sayaka HIROTA

https://youtu.be/Vd-367b7i0Y XD Marcus ELLIS England Lauren SMITH England vs Indonesia Praveen JORDAN [5] Indonesia Melati Daeva OKTAVIANTI

https://youtu.be/XAeWVGk5fvU MD Vladimir IVANOV Russia Ivan SOZONOV Russia vs Japan Hiroyuki ENDO [6] Japan Yuta WATANABE

https://youtu.be/HVR7KSJM1XM WS Carolina MARIN [8] Spain vs Chinese Taipei TAI Tzu Ying [2]

music provided by

Aryel Narvasa
6 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים


Turnamen BWF World Tour Super 1,000 YONEX All England Open 2020 akan di mulai 11-15 Maret 2020 dengan total hadiah $1,100,000

#bwf #allengland2020 #badminton #yonexallenglandopen2020

Aryel Narvasa
11 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

#BADMINTON #BWF #allengland #YonexAllEnglandOPen
tournament badminton bwf world tour super 1000 yonex all england open 2020
akan berlangsung pada 11 sampai 15 maret
ajang yang menawarkan hadiah total senilai 15 miliar ini akan di gelar di birmingham england
jndonesia sendiri tampil dengan kekuatan penuh di semua sektor
berikut daftar pemain indonesia di turnament all england 2020

tunggal putra
jonatan christie
antony sinisuka ginting
tommy sugiarto
shesar hiren rhustavito

tunggal putri
gregoria mariska tunjung

ganda putra
marcus fernaldi gideon / kevin sanjaya sukamuljo
mohammad ahsan / hendra setiawan
fajar alfian / muhammad rian ardianto
wahyu nayaka / ade yusuf santoso

ganda putri
greysia polli / apriyani rahayu
siti fadia silva / ribka sugiarto

ganda campuran
praveen jordan / melati daeva oktavianti
Hafiz Faizal / Gloria Emanuelle Widjaja
Adnan Maulana / Mychelle Crhistine Bandoso
Rinov Rivaldy / Pitha Haningtyas Mentari

Aryel Narvasa
1 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Day 3 YONEX All England Open 2020 HSBC BWF SUPER 1000
Badminton World Federation | EnglandBirmingham, England

Starting at 10:00 AM MS
LEE Zii Jia Malaysia -
China CHEN Long [3]
2. Followed by WS
CHEN Yu Fei [1] China -
Thailand Ratchanok INTANON [5]
3. Followed by XD
TANG Chun Man Hong Kong China
TSE Ying Suet Hong Kong China -
England Marcus ELLIS
England Lauren SMITH
4. Followed by MS
SHI Yu Qi [7] China -
Denmark Viktor AXELSEN [2]
5. Followed by WS
Nozomi OKUHARA [4] Japan -
India PUSARLA V. Sindhu [6]
6. Not before 5:00 PM MD
Marcus Fernaldi GIDEON [1] Indonesia
Kevin Sanjaya SUKAMULJO Indonesia -
Malaysia Aaron CHIA [8]
Malaysia SOH Wooi Yik
7. Followed by WS
Carolina MARIN [8] Spain -
Japan Akane YAMAGUCHI [3]
8. Followed by MD
Marcus ELLIS England
Chris LANGRIDGE England -
Russia Vladimir IVANOV
Russia Ivan SOZONOV
9. Followed by WD
Yuki FUKUSHIMA [3] Japan
Sayaka HIROTA Japan -
Korea KIM So Yeong [5]
Korea KONG Hee Yong
10. Followed by WS
Pornpawee CHOCHUWONG Thailand -
Chinese Taipei TAI Tzu Ying [2]
Arena Birmingham - Court 2
1. Starting at 10:00 AM XD
Praveen JORDAN [5] Indonesia
Melati Daeva OKTAVIANTI Indonesia -
China WANG Yi Lyu [2]
China HUANG Dong Ping
2. Followed by WD
CHANG Ye Na Korea
KIM Hye Rin Korea -
Korea LEE So Hee [4]
Korea SHIN Seung Chan
3. Followed by WD
DU Yue [6] China
LI Yin Hui China -
Japan Mayu MATSUMOTO [2]
Japan Wakana NAGAHARA
4. Followed by XD
Dechapol PUAVARANUKROH [3] Thailand
Sapsiree TAERATTANACHAI Thailand -
Indonesia Hafiz FAIZAL [8]
Indonesia Gloria Emanuelle WIDJAJA
5. Followed by MD
HUANG Kai Xiang China
LIU Cheng China -
Chinese Taipei LEE Yang [7]
Chinese Taipei WANG Chi-Lin
6. Not before 5:00 PM XD
Robin TABELING Netherlands
Selena PIEK Netherlands -
Korea SEO Seung Jae [6]
Korea CHAE Yujung
7. Followed by MS
CHOU Tien Chen [1] Chinese Taipei -
Chinese Taipei WANG Tzu Wei
8. Followed by WD
CHEN Qing Chen [1] China
JIA Yi Fan China -
Japan Misaki MATSUTOMO [7]
9. Followed by MS
Rasmus GEMKE Denmark -
Denmark Anders ANTONSEN [5]
10. Followed by MD
Hiroyuki ENDO [6] Japan
Yuta WATANABE Japan -
Indonesia Mohammad AHSAN [2]
Indonesia Hendra SETIAWAN🔊 NCS: Colors - http://bit.ly/ColorsNCSio


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Aryel Narvasa
8 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

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Aryel Narvasa
4 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Subscribe to the channel: http://smarturl.it/BWFsubscribe

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the big events on the HSBC BWF World Tour, as well as the majors like the Thomas & Uber Cups and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
1 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Subscribe to the channel: http://smarturl.it/BWFsubscribe

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the big events on the HSBC BWF World Tour, as well as the majors like the Thomas & Uber Cups and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
1 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Subscribe to the channel: http://smarturl.it/BWFsubscribe

The Yonex All England Open Championships is a HSBC BWF World Tour Super 1000 tournament and is one of only three Super 1000 level tournaments, the others being the China Open and the Indonesia Open.

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the big events on the HSBC BWF World Tour, as well as the majors like the Thomas & Uber Cups and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
4 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Lin Dan vs Chen Long | Malaysia Open Finals 2019

The 2019 Malaysia Open, officially the CELCOM AXIATA Malaysia Open 2019, is a badminton tournament which takes place at Axiata Arena in Malaysia from 2 to 7 April 2019 and has a total purse of $700,000.

The 2019 Malaysia Open is the ninth tournament of the 2019 BWF World Tour and also part of the Malaysia Open championships, which has been held since 1937. This tournament is organized by the Badminton Association of Malaysia with sanction from the BWF

This international tournament is held at Axiata Arena in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


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Lin Dan (born October 14, 1983) is a Chinese professional badminton player. He is a two-time Olympic champion, five-time World champion, as well as a six-time All England champion.

Widely regarded as the greatest badminton player of all time, by the age of 28 Lin had completed the "Super Grand Slam", having won all nine major titles in the badminton world:
Olympic Games, World Championships, World Cup, Thomas Cup, Sudirman Cup, Super Series Masters Finals, All England Open, Asian Games, and Asian Championships, becoming the first and only player to achieve this feat.[6][7] He also became the first men's singles player to retain the Olympic gold medal by winning in 2008 and defending his title in 2012.[8] Winning the Malaysian Open in 2017 marked Lin's success in having won every major title in the badminton world.[9]

In 2004, he was dubbed "Super Dan" by opponent Peter Gade after winning the All England Open final, and the nickname has since been widely used by his fans as well as the media to refer to him, in recognition of his achievements.

Chen Long (Chinese: ??; pinyin: Chén Lóng; Mandarin; born 18 January 1989), is a Chinese professional badminton player. He is the reigning Olympic champion and two-time World champion and All England champion.
2016 Summer Olympics
In the 2016 Olympic Games, Chen Long was the second seed behind World No.1 Lee Chong Wei of Malaysia. After defeating Niluka Karunaratne of Sri Lanka 21-7, 21-10 and Poland's Adrian Dziólko 21-12, 21-9 during the Group Stage, Chen Long qualified for the knockout rounds.

In the Quarter-finals, he defeated Son Wan-ho of South Korea by a tight scoreline of 21-11, 18-21, 21-11, after which he defeated eventual bronze-medalist Denmark's Viktor Axelsen 21-14, 21-15 in the semi-finals.

Facing Lee Chong Wei in the Badminton Men's Singles final at the Pavilion 4, Riocentro on 20 August 2016, Chen Long grabbed the Olympic gold medal after he defeated the Malaysian(Lee Chong Wei) and won the match with a score of 21-18, 21-18, earning his first Olympic Gold Medal.[6]
In 7–12 March, All England Open, Chen Long lost to Tanongsak Saensomboonsuk in Round 16 by 16–21, 19–21.

In 25–30 April, Badminton Asian Championships in Wuhan, China, Chen Long defeated Lin Dan by rubble set game, 21–23, 21–11, 21–10, in the Men's Singles final and he get his first Asian Championships title.

On 21–28 May in the 2017 Sudirman Cup, Chen Long won all the three games he played, but in the final, China team lost to Korea by 2–3.

On 20–25 June, Crown Group Australia Open, Chen Long lost to Kidambi Srikanth in the Men's Singles final by straight set game, 20–22, 16–21.

On 21–27 August, Total BWF World Championships, Chen Long lost to Viktor Axelsen in the Men's Singles quarter final, 9–21, 10–21. He failed to defend his World Championship title of 2016.

On 14–19 November, China Open Superseries Premier in Tahoe, China, Chen Long defeated Viktor Axelsen in the Men's Singles final by rubble set game, 21–16, 14–21, 21–13. He get his fourth China Open title.

On 21–26 November, Yonex–Sunrise Hong Kong Open, Chen Long lost to Lee Chong Wei by straight set game, 14–21, 19–21.

In the Dubai Superseries Final, Chen Long withdrew due to a knee injury.

He represented the China national badminton team in the 2018 Thomas & Uber Cup .In the group stage, he upset Prannoy from India and Brice Leverdez from France.In the quarter finals,he defeated Chou Tien-Chen from Chinese Taipei. China beaten Chinese Taipei in 3-0.In the match against Indonesia in semi finals.He defeated Anthony Sinisuka Gintingin two sets.During the final match,China was against Japan.He lost his match against the 2018 world champion and then world no.1 Kento Momota in two sets. Though he lost his match, China beat Japan 3–1 and won the 2012 Thomas & Uber Cup).

Intro Credit: Obito Artz

Aryel Narvasa
1 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

DAY 3 (QF) Competition results (Hasil pertandingan bulutangkis) YONEX ALL ENGLAND OPEN 2020
Badminton World Federation
Venue: Arena Birmingham
King Edwards Road
B1 2AA Birmingham
Route at
Google Maps
Website: http://www.arenabham.co.uk/
Tournament contact
Name: Badminton England
Phone: +44 (0)1908 268400
Email: enquiries@badmintonengland.co.uk
Online entry
Entry open: Wednesday, December 4, 2019 12:00 AM (GMT +08:00)
Entry deadline: Tuesday, January 28, 2020 11:59 PM (GMT +08:00)
Withdrawal deadline: Tuesday, February 18, 2020 11:59 PM (GMT +08:00)
Tournament days
Wednesday, March 11, 2020 to Sunday, March 15, 2020

Aryel Narvasa
5 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Sumber : BWF (https://bwfworldtour.bwfbadminton.com)

Hei sahabat kece & BL..turnamen badminton Eropa tahun ini akan kembali lebih kompetitif dan menarik dengan kembalinya tim china untuk berlaga di German open, All England & Swiss Open 2020
The Chinese Badminton Association (CBA) dapat mengkonfirmasi keikutsertaan pemain Tiongkok dalam turnamen Tur Dunia BWF HSBC mendatang di Eropa.
Dalam sebuah pernyataan yang dirilis pada hari Jumat, CBA mengatakan bahwa anggota tim itu sehat dan tidak terinfeksi Covid-19. Itu juga menegaskan bahwa sejumlah pemain telah berada di Inggris dalam pelatihan minggu lalu.
Pernyataan dari CBA: “Sejak wabah Coronavirus, ada perhatian besar pada apakah tim Tiongkok dapat melatih dan berpartisipasi dalam turnamen.
“Kami ingin menjelaskan bahwa anggota Tim Bulutangkis Tiongkok sehat dan tidak ada yang terinfeksi atau diduga terinfeksi.
“Mayoritas tim melakukan perjalanan ke Inggris untuk pelatihan [minggu lalu] dan sisanya tetap di Beijing mengajukan visa Inggris.
“Tim Bulu Tangkis Tiongkok akan terus berpartisipasi dalam turnamen termasuk YONEX German Open 2020, YONEX All England Open 2020 dan YONEX Swiss Open 2020.
“Dengan Jerman Terbuka akan dimulai, tim akan meninggalkan Inggris dan melakukan perjalanan ke Jerman.
“Partisipasi pemain masih di Beijing tergantung pada penerbitan visa. CBA dengan bantuan BWF dan pihak lain bekerja untuk memastikan kehadiran mereka di turnamen ini.
“Sementara wabah Coronavirus telah membawa kesulitan pada perencanaan dan pengelolaan Tim China, kami telah menerima banyak bantuan dan dukungan dari semua pihak.
"Ini adalah tahap kritis untuk mengamankan kualifikasi untuk Pertandingan Olimpiade dan Tim Bulu Tangkis Tiongkok tidak akan berusaha keras untuk lolos dan memberikan penampilan bagus di Olimpiade."
BWF menyambut baik berita itu dan mengonfirmasi semua risiko kesehatan, keselamatan, dan logistik yang relevan telah dipertimbangkan dan bahwa kesejahteraan pemain, rombongan, dan ofisial di turnamen tetap menjadi prioritas utama.
Ya kita akan segera kembali merasakan kompetisi badminton dunia yang kembali menarik dan lebih kompetitif dengan kehadiran pemain pemain china.. di mulai dari YONEX German Open dimulai 3 - 8 Maret 2020 nanti..

Aryel Narvasa
1 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

#BADMINTON #BWF #allengland #YonexAllEnglandOpen2020
kejuaraan bulu tangkis yonex all england open tinggal menghitung hari
Di kejuaraan yang memperebutkan hadiah fantastis ini indonesia menurunkan skuad terbaiknya
berikut hasil drawing wakil indonesia
di sektor tunggal putra indonesia di perkuat 4 wakil andalan nya
yaitu ginting,jojo,tomy dan sesar
di sektor tunggal putri hanya menurunkan 1 wakil yaitu jorji mariska tunjung
di sektor ganda putra 4 wakil di turunkan
guna mempertahankan gelar tahun lalu
di ganda putri hanya menurunkan 2 wakil terbaiknya

sedangkan di sektor ganda campuran indonesia menurunkan 4 wakil di kejuaraan ini

Aryel Narvasa
1 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Hasil Sesi 1 All England https://youtu.be/9ObsMJe4ZN0
Breaking News minion tebus Final All England https://youtu.be/RNe3EZ0xD0g
Jadwal hari Ini https://youtu.be/KKDgBZdJH5k

Music By NCS

Aryel Narvasa
2 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Jadwal Siaran Langsung Badminton All England Open 2020 Di TVRI Nasional & TVRI Sport HD
Babak Penyisihan
Rabu, 11-03-2020
16-00 - 01.00 WIB
Babak Penyisihan
Kamis, 12-03
18.00 - 04.00 WIB
Jumat, 13-03
17.00 - 03.00 WIB
17.00 - 03.00 WIB
Minggu, 15-03
19.00 - 24.00 WIB
#Allengland #Allengland2020 #bwfworldtour #tvrirumahbulutangkis

Aryel Narvasa
2 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Tutorial Cara Menonton Badminton Live Streaming Youtube YONEX All England Open 2020


tutorial cara nonton badminton, live streaming badminton, yonex all england opes 2020, cara nonton live streaming youtube, cara nonton badminton pakai vpn, cara menonton badminton di bwf youtube,

Aryel Narvasa
5 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

YONEX Estonian International 2020 - Quarter Finals
Watch all courts at HTTP://www.badmintoneurope.tv

Aryel Narvasa
8 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

HSBC BWF World Tour Super 1000 , YONEX ALL ENGLAND OPEN 2020 Dilaksanakan di Birmingham Arena, pada 11-15 Maret

#AllEngland #YonexAllEnglandOpen #AllEngland2020

Aryel Narvasa
2 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים


BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the major events on our calendar such as the MetLife BWF World Superseries and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
3 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים


Yonex All England Open 2017
World Superseries Premier
Match 1 – WS | Tai Tzu Ying vs Pusarla V. Sindhu

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the major events on our calendar such as the MetLife BWF World Superseries and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
0 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Jadwal Perempat Final Yonex All England 2020 ~ Minions Hadapi Unggulan Malaysia

Jadwal all England open 2020
Jadwal lengkap yonex all England open 2020



Praveen Jordan/Melati Daeva Oktavianti VS Wang Yi Lyu/Huang Dong Ping
Hafiz Faisal/Gloria Emanuelle Widjaja VS Puavaranukroh/Taerattanachai
Marcus Fernaldi Gideon/Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo VS Aaron Chia/Soh Wooi Yik
Mohammad Ahsan/Hendra Setiawan VS Hiroyuki Endo/Yuta Watanabe

Berikut daftar pemain Indonesia di yonex all England open 2020 :
Anthony sinisuka ginting
Jonatan Christie
Tommy sugiarto
Shesar hiren rhustavito

Gregoria mariska tunjung

Marcus fernaldi gideon/kevin sanjaya sukamuljo
Mohammad ahsan/hendra setiawan
Fajar alfian/muhammad rian ardianto
Wahyu nayaka arya pangkaryanira/ade yusuf santoso

Greysia polii/apriyani rahayu
Siti fadia silva ramadahnti/Ribka sugiarto

Praveen jordan/melati daeva oktavianti
Rinov rivaldy/pitha haningtyas mentari
Hafiz faizal/gloria emanuelle widjaja
Adnan maulana/mychelle crhystine bandaso

Alfaith SportsTV
IG @alfaith_18

Comin Round the Mountain - Modern oleh Kevin MacLeod berlisensi Creative Commons Attribution (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Sumber: http://incompetech.com/music/r....oyalty-free/index.ht
Artis: http://incompetech.com/

All England Open 2020
Drawing all england 2020
Jadwal all england 2020
Yonex all England open 2020
jadwal bulutangkis all england 2020
all England 2020
Badminton 2020
Bulutangkis all England 2020
All England open 2020 badminton
Badminton all England open 2020
Jadwal bulutangkis hari ini
Jadwal bulutangkis terbaru
Jadwal badminton live tvri
Jadwal bulutangkis tvri
Jadwal all England live tvri

#allengland2020 #jadwalallenglandopen2020 #allenglandopen2020

Aryel Narvasa
3 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Yonex All England 2020 telah memasuki babak perempat final pada Jumat 13 Maret 2020. Sebanyak 4 wakil Indonesia telah berjuang untuk dapat lolos ke semifinal, namun tidak semuanya mampu memenangi pertandingan nya. Berikut ini adalah hasil lengkap babak perempat final All England 2020.

Aryel Narvasa
1 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Hasil Babak 16 Besar All England Open 2020 ~ 3 Wakil Indonesia Lolos Ke Perempat Final

Hasil all England open 2020
Hasil lengkap yonex all England open 2020


Shesar Hiren Rhustavito VS Rasmus Gemke 21-18, 13-21, 19-21 (L)
Hafiz Faisal/Gloria Emanuelle Widjaja VS Tom Gicquel/Dhelpine Delrue 21-15, 21-12 (W)
Praveen Jordan/Melati Daeva Oktavianti VS Tan Kian Meng/Lai Pei Jing 21-19, 18-21, 21-10 (W)
Marcus Fernaldi Gideon/Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo VS Ou Xuan Yi/Zhang Nan 21-9, 21-15 (W)

Rinov rivaldy/pitha haningtyas mentari VS Tan Chung Man/Tse Ying Suet
Mohammad Ahsan/Hendra Setiawan VS Takuro Hoki/Yugo Kobayashi
Gregoria mariska tunjung VS Tai Tzu Ying
Siti fadia silva ramadahnti/Ribka sugiarto VS Lee So Hee/Shin Seung Chan
Fajar Alfian/Muhammad Rian Ardianto VS Marcus Ellis/Chris Langridge

Berikut daftar pemain Indonesia di yonex all England open 2020 :
Anthony sinisuka ginting
Jonatan Christie
Tommy sugiarto
Shesar hiren rhustavito

Gregoria mariska tunjung

Marcus fernaldi gideon/kevin sanjaya sukamuljo
Mohammad ahsan/hendra setiawan
Fajar alfian/muhammad rian ardianto
Wahyu nayaka arya pangkaryanira/ade yusuf santoso

Greysia polii/apriyani rahayu
Siti fadia silva ramadahnti/Ribka sugiarto

Praveen jordan/melati daeva oktavianti
Rinov rivaldy/pitha haningtyas mentari
Hafiz faizal/gloria emanuelle widjaja
Adnan maulana/mychelle crhystine bandaso

Alfaith SportsTV
IG @alfaith_18

All England Open 2020
Drawing all england 2020
Jadwal all england 2020
Yonex all England open 2020
jadwal bulutangkis all england 2020
all England 2020
Badminton 2020
Bulutangkis all England 2020
All England open 2020 badminton
Badminton all England open 2020
Hasil bulutangkis hari ini
Hasil bulutangkis terbaru
Hasil badminton live tvri
Hasil bulutangkis tvri
Hasil all England live tvri

#allengland2020 #hasilallenglandopen2020 #allenglandopen2020

Aryel Narvasa
0 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

2020 All England Open The 2020 All England Open (officially known as the Yonex All England Open Badminton Championships 2020 for sponsorship reasons) is a badminton tournament which will take place at Arena Birmingham in England from 11 to 15 March 2020. It has a total purse of $1,100,000. Tournament The 2020 All England Open becomes the fifth tournament of the 2020 BWF World Tour following the postponement of the 2020 German Open due to the ongoing coronavirus outbreak. It is a part of the All England Op championships, which have been held since 1899. This tournament is organized by Badminton England and sanctioned by the BWF.[1] Venue This international tournament is held at Arena Birmingham in Birmingham, England.[1] Point distribution Below is the point distribution for each phase of the tournament based on the BWF points system for the BWF World Tour Super 1000 event.[2] Prize money The total prize money for this tournament is US$1,100,000. Distribution of prize money is in accordance with BWF regulations.[1]

#theminions #allenglandopen

Aryel Narvasa
6 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Di selenggarakan di Birmingham Arena, England dengan hadiah total $1.100.000, Kemungkinan besar TVRI akan menayangkan All England Open 2020 dari babak 32 besar pada tanggal 11-15 Maret 2020.

Support channel ini dengan subscribe,like and share ya gaees:)

For copyright: Kangsport23@gmail.com

The content in this video is taken from a third party, not to be re-uploaded, but is cited as an illustration and image material so that the message can be delivered, we include video sources if needed, we also take refuge in Youtube "fair use".

#AllEngland2020 #BadmintonIndonesia #BulutangkisIndonesia

Aryel Narvasa
2 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

YONEX All England Open 2020 | R32 | DAY 1| LIVE

Aryel Narvasa
6 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Halo semua Subscriber Cah Bolang TV dan Para Badminton Lovers, Selamat menyaksikan LIVE STREAMING SCORE Babak Perempat Final / 8 Besar HSBC BWF Super 1000 Yonex All England Open 2020 4 Wakil Badminton Indonesia, Semoga Kalian terhibur.. Dukung terus Atlit Badminton Indonesia..

#AllEngland2020 #Live #Stream #LiveBadmintonHariini

Aryel Narvasa
1 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Day 2 YONEX All England Open 2020 HSBC BWF SUPER 1000
Badminton World Federation | EnglandBirmingham, England

DIAN 1 https://youtu.be/DPSXqZ_1Rss
DIAN 2 https://youtu.be/VeD4PBY7FCA
DIAN 3 https://youtu.be/uEUxR1Cluk0
DIAN 4 https://youtu.be/uZhbhgJ4FAU
GEPU https://youtu.be/5DCjb1cVBJA


Court 1

https://youtu.be/jsLNu4j3DAAMS MS CHOU Tien Chen [1] Chinese Taipei vs Japan Kanta TSUNEYAMA19-21 26-24 21-13

https://youtu.be/14Ux5bR_g1c XD Marcus ELLIS England Lauren SMITH England vs Japan Yuta WATANABE [4] Japan Arisa HIGASHINO 21-15 21-10

https://youtu.be/IXBsE_yufNg WS Ratchanok INTANON [5] Thailand vs Japan Aya OHORI 21-11 21-11

https://youtu.be/vJ1ouDP4HN4 MS Lakshya SEN India vs Denmark Viktor AXELSEN [2]

https://youtu.be/-M0yWI5cleE WD KIM So Yeong [5] Korea KONG Hee Yong Korea vs Thailand Jongkolphan KITITHARAKUL Thailand Rawinda PRAJONGJAI

https://youtu.be/iMs8KxCjEIU XD TANG Chun Man Hong Kong China TSE Ying Suet Hong Kong China vs Indonesia Rinov RIVALDY Indonesia Pitha Haningtyas MENTARI

https://youtu.be/Cfkg87dkvyQ MD Aaron CHIA [8] Malaysia SOH Wooi Yik Malaysia vs Chinese Taipei LU Ching Yao Chinese Taipei YANG Po Han

https://youtu.be/miWs2ylTfQ4 WS Nozomi OKUHARA [4] Japan vs
Denmark Line Højmark KJAERSFELDT

https://youtu.be/y0RlN74yqpA WD CHEN Qing Chen [1] China JIA Yi Fan China vs England Chloe BIRCH England Lauren SMITH

https://youtu.be/WZq1wZ-Puao MD Marcus ELLIS England Chris LANGRIDGE England vs Indonesia Fajar ALFIAN [5] Indonesia Muhammad Rian ARDIANTO


MS Rasmus GEMKE Denmark vs Indonesia Shesar Hiren RHUSTAVITO 18-21 21-13 21-19

WS CHEN Yu Fei [1] China vs Thailand Busanan ONGBAMRUNGPHAN 21-17 21-13

XD Robin TABELING Netherlands Selena PIEK Netherlands vs China ZHENG Si Wei [1] China HUANG Ya Qiong 22-20 21-17

MS SHI Yu Qi [7] China vs China ZHAO Jun Peng 21-13 21-13

WS Carolina MARIN [8] Spain vs China WANG Zhi Yi 21-13 21-14

XD SEO Seung Jae [6] Korea CHAE Yujung Korea vs Germany Mark LAMSFUSS Germany Isabel HERTTRICH 21-18 21-15

MS WANG Tzu Wei Chinese Taipei vs Japan Kenta NISHIMOTO 21-16 21-16

XD Dechapol PUAVARANUKROH [3] Thailand Sapsiree TAERATTANACHAI Thailand vs Chinese Taipei LEE Jhe-Huei Chinese Taipei HSU Ya Ching 21-15 21-7

XD Hafiz FAIZAL [8] Indonesia Gloria Emanuelle WIDJAJA Indonesia vs France Thom GICQUEL France Delphine DELRUE 21-15 21-12

MS Anders ANTONSEN [5] Denmark vs China HUANG Yu Xiang

XD TAN Kian Meng Malaysia LAI Pei Jing Malaysia vs Indonesia Praveen JORDAN [5] Indonesia Melati Daeva OKTAVIANTI

MS LU Guang Zu China vs Malaysia LEE Zii Jia

XD YANG Po-Hsuan Chinese Taipei HU Ling Fang Chinese Taipei vs China WANG Yi Lyu [2] China HUANG Dong Ping

MD Marcus Fernaldi GIDEON [1] Indonesia Kevin Sanjaya SUKAMULJO Indonesia vs China OU Xuan Yi China ZHANG Nan

WS Sayaka TAKAHASHI Japan vs Japan Akane YAMAGUCHI [3]

WS PUSARLA V. Sindhu [6] India vs KoreanSUNG Ji Hyun

MD LI Jun Hui [3] China LIU Yu Chen China vs China HUANG Kai Xiang China LIU Cheng

MS LIN Dan China vs China CHEN Long [3]

WD Misaki MATSUTOMO [7] Japan Ayaka TAKAHASHI Japan vs India Ashwini PONNAPPA India REDDY N. Sikki

MD LEE Yang [7] Chinese Taipei WANG Chi-Lin Chinese Taipei vs Malaysia ONG Yew Sin Malaysia TEO Ee Yi

WS Pornpawee CHOCHUWONG Thailand vs China HE Bing Jiao [7]

MD Vladimir IVANOV Russia Ivan SOZONOV Russia vs Japan Takeshi KAMURA [4] Japan Keigo SONODA

MD Takuro HOKI Japan Yugo KOBAYASHI Japan vs Indonesia Mohammad AHSAN [2] Indonesia Hendra SETIAWAN

WS Gregoria Mariska TUNJUNG Indonesia vs Chinese Taipei TAI Tzu Ying [2]

WD Yuki FUKUSHIMA [3] Japan Sayaka HIROTA Japan vs Korea BAEK Ha Na Korea JUNG Kyung Eun

WD Vivian HOO Malaysia YAP Cheng Wen Malaysia vs Korea CHANG Ye Na Korea KIM Hye Rin

WD Siti Fadia Silva RAMADHANTI Indonesia Ribka SUGIARTO Indonesia vs Korea LEE So Hee [4] Korea SHIN Seung Chan

WD Nami MATSUYAMA Japan Chiharu SHIDA Japan vs Japan Mayu MATSUMOTO [2] Japan Wakana NAGAHARA

WD CHOW Mei Kuan Malaysia LEE Meng Yean Malaysia vs China DU Yue [6] China LI Yin Hui

MD LEE Jhe-Huei Chinese Taipei YANG Po-Hsuan Chinese Taipei vs Japan Hiroyuki ENDO [6] Japan Yuta WATANABE


music provided by

Aryel Narvasa
0 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Live from Westgate Badminton Centre

Aryel Narvasa
0 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Live Scores QF Badminton YONEX All England Open 2020 HSBC BWF SUPER 1000
YONEX All England Open Badminton | SEMI FINALS 2020

Mens Singles SEMI FINALS,
Womens Singles SEMI FINALS,
Mens Doubles SEMI FINALS,
Womens Doubles SEMI FINALS,
Mixed Doubles SEMI FINALS,

Follow me on Twitter : https://twitter.com/StarEyt
Follow me on Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/stareislive
Like me on Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/stareislive

Music provided by http://spoti.fi/NCS

Aryel Narvasa
2 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

The following results are the latest draws all England badminton 2020 seating plan in March 2020 the Yonex, All England open badminton championships 2020 tickets will be opened soon, the results of draw all England badminton 2020 schedule 11-15 March 2020, the result draws tournament badminton 2020 all England open already entered the qualification round and all England 2020 dates 11-15 march following all England badminton 2020 ticket prices, you can see the badminton all England badminton championship 2020 event the Arena Birmingham in England from 11 to 15 March 2020 just enjoy Tournament all England badminton 2020 ticket box, here are the complete results of the 2020 badminton tournament all England badminton 2020 draws results.

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النتائج التالية هي آخر السحوبات في خطة جلوس إنجلترا للريشة الطائرة 2020 في مارس 2020 ، سيتم فتح تذاكر بطولة دوري أبطال الريشة المفتوحة لعام 2020 في يونكس ، نتائج سحب جميع جداول تنس الريشة في إنجلترا 2020 في الفترة 11-15 مارس 2020 ، كرة الريشة 2020 ، كل إنجلترا المفتوحة ، دخلت بالفعل جولة التصفيات ، وجميع تواريخ إنجلترا 2020 11-11 مسيرة ، بعد جميع أسعار تذاكر كرة الريشة 2020 في إنجلترا ، يمكنك مشاهدة حدث بطولة الريشة الطائرة 2020 في انجلترا برمنغهام في إنجلترا من 11 إلى 15 مارس 2020 فقط استمتع بصندوق تذاكر Tournament all England badminton 2020 ، فيما يلي النتائج الكاملة لبطولة الريشة 2020 2020 التي حصلت عليها جميع مباريات England badminton 2020.
alnatayij alttaliat hi akhar alsuhubat fi khutat julus 'iinjiltira lilriyshat alttayirat 2020 fi maris 2020 , sayatimu fath tadhakur butulat dawrii 'abtal alriyshat almaftuhat lieam 2020 fi yunkis , natayij sahb jmye jaddawil tans alriyshat fi 'iinjiltira 2020 fi alfatrat 11-15 maris 2020 , kurat alriyshat 2020 , kl 'iinjiltira almaftuhat , dakhalat balfel jawlat altasfiat , wajamie tawarikh 'iinjiltira 2020 11-11 masiratan , baed jmye 'asear tadhakar kurat alriyshat 2020 fi 'iinjiltira , yumkinuk mushahadat hadath butulat alriyshat alttayirat 2020 fi 'iinjiltira biraminghham fi 'iinjiltira min 11 'iilaa 15 maris 2020 faqat astamtae bisunduq tadhakur Tournament all England badminton 2020 , fima yali alnatayij alkamilat libutulat alriyshat 2020 2020 alty hasalat ealayha jmye mubarayat England badminton 2020.

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Sound Source : https://www.youtube.com/audiolibrary/music?nv=1

Aryel Narvasa
0 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Jadwal R16 All England Open 2020
Super 1000
12 Maret 2020

Pertandingan pertama dimulai pukul 18.00 WIB


Subscribe HOBI BADMINTON untuk tau update selanjutnya seputar bulutangkis :)

Aryel Narvasa
3 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Halo semua Subscriber Cah Bolang TV dan Para Badminton Lovers, Selamat menyaksikan LIVE STREAMING SCORE Babak Semi Final HSBC BWF Super 1000 Yonex All England Open 2020 2 Wakil Badminton Indonesia, Semoga Kalian terhibur.. Dukung terus Atlit Badminton Indonesia agar menjadi juara di ALL ENGLAND tahun 2020..

#AllEngland2020 #Live #Stream #LiveBadmintonHariini

Aryel Narvasa
1 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

#BADMINTON #BWF #allengland #8besar #perempatfinalalllenglandopen
kejuaraan bwf world tour super 1000 yonex all england open telah memasuki babak 8 besar
indonesia sendiri menyisakan 4 wakil di babak ini
berkut jadwal 8 besar yonex all england open yang akan di siarkan langsung oleh tvri

Aryel Narvasa
0 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Jadwal Siaran Langsung All England 2020
Dari babak 32 Besar Hingga Final

32 Besar : 11 Maret 2020 Live TVRI Mulai Jam 16.00 - 01.00 WIB

16 Besar : 12 Maret 2020 Live TVRI Mulai Jam 18.00 - 04.00 WIB

Perempat Final : 13 Maret 2020 Live TVRI Mulai Jam 17.00 - 03.00

Semi Final : 14 Maret 2020 Live TVRI Mulai Jam 17.00 - 03.00 WIB

Final : 15 Maret 2020 Live TVRI Mulai jam 19.00 - 24.00

Yuk tonton juga video Terbaru di

All England 2020
Yonex All England Open 2020
Jadwal All england 2020 live TVRI
Jadwal Lengkap All England 2020 live TVRI
Siaran Langsung All England 2020
Siaran Langsung TVRI
Hari ini
Malam ini
Tadi malam

#AllEngland #YonexAllEnglandOpen2020 #TVRI #SiaranLangsungAllEngland2020

Aryel Narvasa
1 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

DAY 1 Competition results 11 March
Badminton World Federation
Venue: Arena Birmingham
King Edwards Road
B1 2AA Birmingham
Route at
Google Maps
Website: http://www.arenabham.co.uk/
Tournament contact
Name: Badminton England
Phone: +44 (0)1908 268400
Email: enquiries@badmintonengland.co.uk
Online entry
Entry open: Wednesday, December 4, 2019 12:00 AM (GMT +08:00)
Entry deadline: Tuesday, January 28, 2020 11:59 PM (GMT +08:00)
Withdrawal deadline: Tuesday, February 18, 2020 11:59 PM (GMT +08:00)
Tournament days
Wednesday, March 11, 2020 to Sunday, March 15, 2020

Aryel Narvasa
0 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

It's #NeverMindTheShuttlecocks! Join Bryan, Rob and Martin on Quarter Final Friday at the YONEX All England Open Badminton Championships!

Tonight's episode features:

➡️ Highlights from 5 matches, including the #NMTS debut of Kevin Sukamuljo & Marcus Gideon
➡️ An exclusive interview with Kevin & Marcus

➡️ Rob watches Chou Tien Chen's match (and behaves totally professionally!)
➡️ Former All England winner Nathan Robertson


We'll be back tomorrow night, but head to our All England Socials for more exclusive content!

Twitter | @YonexAllEngland
Facebook | @AllEnglandOfficial
Instagram | allenglandofficial

Want to experience the All England yourselves? Tickets are still available, so make sure you join us as Lauren Smith and Marcus Ellis aim for glory this weekend!

Aryel Narvasa
0 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Subscribe to the channel: http://smarturl.it/BWFsubscribe

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the big events on the HSBC BWF World Tour, as well as the majors like the Thomas & Uber Cups and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
1 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

indonesia meloloskan 4 wakilnya ke babak perempat final YONEX ALL ENGLAND OPEN 2020, yaitu marcus fernaldi Gideon/Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo , Mohammad Ahsan/Hendra Setiawan, Praveen Jordan?Melati daeva Oktavianti & Hafiz Faizal/Gloria Emanuelle Widjaja.
#allengland #yonexallengland2020

Aryel Narvasa
2 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Jadwal Perempat Final Yonex All England 2020 ~ Minions Hadapi Unggulan Malaysia

Jadwal all England open 2020
Jadwal lengkap yonex all England open 2020



Praveen Jordan/Melati Daeva Oktavianti VS Wang Yi Lyu/Huang Dong Ping
Hafiz Faisal/Gloria Emanuelle Widjaja VS Puavaranukroh/Taerattanachai
Marcus Fernaldi Gideon/Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo VS Aaron Chia/Soh Wooi Yik
Mohammad Ahsan/Hendra Setiawan VS Hiroyuki Endo/Yuta Watanabe

Berikut daftar pemain Indonesia di yonex all England open 2020 :
Anthony sinisuka ginting
Jonatan Christie
Tommy sugiarto
Shesar hiren rhustavito

Gregoria mariska tunjung

Marcus fernaldi gideon/kevin sanjaya sukamuljo
Mohammad ahsan/hendra setiawan
Fajar alfian/muhammad rian ardianto
Wahyu nayaka arya pangkaryanira/ade yusuf santoso

Greysia polii/apriyani rahayu
Siti fadia silva ramadahnti/Ribka sugiarto

Praveen jordan/melati daeva oktavianti
Rinov rivaldy/pitha haningtyas mentari
Hafiz faizal/gloria emanuelle widjaja
Adnan maulana/mychelle crhystine bandaso

Alfaith SportsTV
IG @alfaith_18

Comin Round the Mountain - Modern oleh Kevin MacLeod berlisensi Creative Commons Attribution (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Sumber: http://incompetech.com/music/r....oyalty-free/index.ht
Artis: http://incompetech.com/

All England Open 2020
Drawing all england 2020
Jadwal all england 2020
Yonex all England open 2020
jadwal bulutangkis all england 2020
all England 2020
Badminton 2020
Bulutangkis all England 2020
All England open 2020 badminton
Badminton all England open 2020
Jadwal bulutangkis hari ini
Jadwal bulutangkis terbaru
Jadwal badminton live tvri
Jadwal bulutangkis tvri
Jadwal all England live tvri

#allengland2020 #jadwalallenglandopen2020 #allenglandopen2020

Aryel Narvasa
6 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Halo semua Subscriber Cah Bolang TV dan Para Badminton Lovers, Selamat menyaksikan LIVE STREAMING SCORE Babak Perempat Final / 8 Besar HSBC BWF Super 1000 Yonex All England Open 2020 4 Wakil Badminton Indonesia, Semoga Kalian terhibur.. Dukung terus Atlit Badminton Indonesia..

#AllEngland2020 #Live #Stream #LiveBadmintonHariini

Aryel Narvasa
6 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Subscribe to the channel: http://smarturl.it/BWFsubscribe

World Tour Super 1000
WS | Tai Tzu Ying vs. Chen Yufei

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the big events on the HSBC BWF World Tour, as well as the majors like the Thomas & Uber Cups and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
0 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Halo semua Subscriber Cah Bolang TV dan Para Badminton Lovers, Selamat menyaksikan LIVE STREAMING SCORE Babak Semi Final HSBC BWF Super 1000 Yonex All England Open 2020 2 Wakil Badminton Indonesia, Semoga Kalian terhibur.. Dukung terus Atlit Badminton Indonesia agar menjadi juara di ALL ENGLAND tahun 2020..

#AllEngland2020 #Live #Stream #LiveBadmintonHariini

Aryel Narvasa
5 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Day 4 YONEX All England Open 2020 HSBC BWF SUPER 1000
Badminton World Federation | EnglandBirmingham, England

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BRI 562201014022534 agus daniel sipayung


Jad https://youtu.be/IfJ3BpN5DOs
Gep https://youtu.be/aKwfl0N20Nk
Dian https://youtu.be/9hX7er4hnWg


https://youtu.be/JYoormC8Oso MS Viktor AXELSEN [2] Denmark vs Malaysia LEE Zii Jia 17-21 21-13 21-19

https://youtu.be/Zv96xS2K6_4 WD DU Yue [6] China LI Yin Hui China vs Korea LEE So Hee [4] Korea SHIN Seung Chan 21-17 21-17

https://youtu.be/oSzDJyVQFWI XD Dechapol PUAVARANUKROH [3] Thailand Sapsiree TAERATTANACHAI Thailand vs Korea SEO Seung Jae [6] Korea CHAE Yujung 21-18 17-21 21-19

https://youtu.be/HSB8hF9tWJ4 MD Marcus Fernaldi GIDEON [1] Indonesia Kevin Sanjaya SUKAMULJO Indonesia vs Chinese Taipei LEE Yang [7] Chinese Taipei WANG Chi-Lin 21-18 21-13

https://youtu.be/Me8mTNmIvkE WS CHEN Yu Fei [1] China vs Japan Nozomi OKUHARA [4] 21-14 23-21

https://youtu.be/zmcrPD2-T-w MS CHOU Tien Chen [1] Chinese Taipei vs Denmark Anders ANTONSEN [5]

https://youtu.be/CKGj4vKDEr0 WD Misaki MATSUTOMO [7] Japan Ayaka TAKAHASHI Japan vs Japan Yuki FUKUSHIMA [3] Japan Sayaka HIROTA

https://youtu.be/Vd-367b7i0Y XD Marcus ELLIS England Lauren SMITH England vs Indonesia Praveen JORDAN [5] Indonesia Melati Daeva OKTAVIANTI

https://youtu.be/XAeWVGk5fvU MD Vladimir IVANOV Russia Ivan SOZONOV Russia vs Japan Hiroyuki ENDO [6] Japan Yuta WATANABE

https://youtu.be/HVR7KSJM1XM WS Carolina MARIN [8] Spain vs Chinese Taipei TAI Tzu Ying [2]

music provided by

Aryel Narvasa
1 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Berpasangan sejak februari 2018 Praveen Jordan-Melati Daeva Oktavianti baru bisa berbicara banyak pada akhir 2019. Dua gelar juara Super Series dan 1 emas Sea Games menjadi bukti. Namun pasangan Praveen-Meli ini masih perlu banyak perbaikan. Terutama dari segi non teknis.

Asisten pelatih ganda campuran Indonesia, Nova Widianto menyebut Ucok-Meli masih belum bisa mempraktekan ambisi juara. Mereka relatif cepat puas jika sudah merebut gelar juara.

Problem ini sejatinya disadari Ucok-Meli. Pada 2020 pasangan yang sama-sama berusia 25 tahun ini berharap akan mampu mengatasinya. Apalagi komunikasi keduanya yang kerap disinyalir kurang baik kini telah mencair. Ucok-Meli kini menduduki ranking 5 dunia. Jika posisi ini bertahan hingga 4 bulan keduanya dipastikan akan tampil pada olimpiade pertama mereka di Tokyo 2020.

#PraveenJordan #MelatiDaeva #Bulutangkis

Aryel Narvasa
7 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Hari kedua kejuaraan All England 2020 kembali diwarnai kejutan.

Ada beberapa pemain unggulan yang dipaksa harus menjadi penonton pada babak selanjutnya.

Tonton Juga Berita Seputar Kejuaraan All England 2020 All England 2020: https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLJkzgh0NCpq

#AllEngland2020 #ZhengHuang #FajarRian

Aryel Narvasa
1 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

PERODUA Malaysia Masters 2020
World Tour Super 500
MS | Viktor Axelsen vs. Ng Ka Long Angus

Disclaimer: If you are not able to watch the live stream of matches on http://badmintonworld.tv due to it being geo-blocked in your country that is because the rights for this tournament has been sold to a broadcaster in your country.

Subscribe to the channel: http://smarturl.it/BWFsubscribe

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the big events on the HSBC BWF World Tour, as well as the majors like the Thomas & Uber Cups and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
2 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Barcelona Spain Masters 2020
Top Backhands of the Week

Disclaimer: If you are not able to watch the live stream of matches on http://badmintonworld.tv due to it being geo-blocked in your country that is because the rights for this tournament has been sold to a broadcaster in your country.

Subscribe to the channel: http://smarturl.it/BWFsubscribe

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the big events on the HSBC BWF World Tour, as well as the majors like the Thomas & Uber Cups and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
3 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

PERODUA Malaysia Masters 2020
World Tour Super 500
MS | Kento Momota vs. Lee Zii Jia

Disclaimer: If you are not able to watch the live stream of matches on http://badmintonworld.tv due to it being geo-blocked in your country that is because the rights for this tournament has been sold to a broadcaster in your country.

Subscribe to the channel: http://smarturl.it/BWFsubscribe

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the big events on the HSBC BWF World Tour, as well as the majors like the Thomas & Uber Cups and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
0 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

YONEX All England Open 2020
World Tour Super 1000
Round of 32
WS | Chen Yu Fei vs. An Se Young

Disclaimer: If you are not able to watch the live stream of matches on http://badmintonworld.tv due to it being geo-blocked in your country that is because the rights for this tournament has been sold to a broadcaster in your country.

Subscribe to the channel: http://smarturl.it/BWFsubscribe

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the big events on the HSBC BWF World Tour, as well as the majors like the Thomas & Uber Cups and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
1 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Subscribe to the channel: http://smarturl.it/BWFsubscribe

The French Open is a HSBC World Tour Super 750 tournament and held since 1909 as an annual badminton tournament by Fédération Française de badminton (FFBaD). The French Open became one of the BWF Superseries tournament in 2007 and has been hosted since then at the Stade Pierre de Coubertin, Paris.

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the big events on the HSBC BWF World Tour, as well as the majors like the Thomas & Uber Cups and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
8 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים


TOTAL BWF Thomas & Uber Cup Finals 2016
Session 2 – Thomas Cup – China vs Korea
Match 1 – MS | Chen Long vs Son Wan Ho
Match 2 – MD | Fu Haifeng/Zhang Nan vs Lee Yong Dae/Yoo Yeon Seong
Match 3 – MS | Lin Dan vs Lee Dong Keun
Match 4 – MD | Li Junhui/Zheng Siwei vs Kim Gi Jung/Kim Sa Rang

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the major events on our calendar such as the MetLife BWF World Superseries and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
3 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים


Ratchanok Intanon - Top 5 | Play Of The Day
Ratchanok Intanon Top 5 "Play Of The Day" a recap over the past 12 months
#5 - BCA Indonesia Open 2015
Quarterfinals | Ratchanok Intanon vs Lindaweni Fanetri

#4 - Princess Sirivannavari Thailand Masters 2016
Finals | Sun Yu vs Ratchanok Intanon

#3 - Dubai World Superseries Finals 2015
Day 2 | Wang Yihan vs Ratchanok Intanon

#2 - Yonex French Open 2015
Semifinals | Ratchanok Intanon vs Wang Shixian

#1- BCA Indonesia Open 2015
Semifinals | Ratchanok Intanon vs Wang Shixian

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the major events on our calendar such as the MetLife BWF World Superseries and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
3 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Subscribe to the channel: http://smarturl.it/BWFsubscribe

DAIHATSU Indonesia Masters 2018
World Tour Super 500
Match MD | Marcus Fernaldi GIDEON (INA) / Kevin Sanjaya SUKAMULJO (INA) vs. LI Junhui (CHN) / LIU Yuchen (CHN)

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the big events on the HSBC BWF World Tour, as well as the majors like the Thomas & Uber Cups and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
1 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Subscribe to the channel: http://smarturl.it/BWFsubscribe

The Axiata Arena in the small suburb of Bukit Jalil (Kuala Lumpur) will be hosting the first "Super 500" tournament of the HSBC BWF World Tour 2018.

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the big events on the HSBC BWF World Tour, as well as the majors like the Thomas & Uber Cups and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
4 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Subscribe to the channel: http://smarturl.it/BWFsubscribe

It is for two trophies – one 71cm high and the other, 45.7cm – that the world’s strongest teams will contest in Bangkok from 20 to 27 May 2018.

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the big events on the HSBC BWF World Tour, as well as the majors like the Thomas & Uber Cups and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
2 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Subscribe to the channel: http://smarturl.it/BWFsubscribe

Perodua Malaysia Masters 2018
World Tour Super 500
Match - MS Viktor AXELSEN (DEN) vs. Kenta NISHIMOTO (JPN)

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the big events on the HSBC BWF World Tour, as well as the majors like the Thomas & Uber Cups and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
3 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Subscribe to the channel: http://smarturl.it/BWFsubscribe

The Malaysia Open is a HSBC BWF World Tour Super 750 tournament and is one of only five Super 750 level tournaments on the Tour - the others being hosted in China, Denmark, France and Japan.

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the big events on the HSBC BWF World Tour, as well as the majors like the Thomas & Uber Cups and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
4 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Subscribe to the channel: http://smarturl.it/BWFsubscribe

The India Open is a HSBC BWF World Tour Super 500 tournament and one of only seven Super 500 tournaments on the Tour.

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the big events on the HSBC BWF World Tour, as well as the majors like the Thomas & Uber Cups and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
3 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

WARNING! Like A Boss has everything: Strong language, drug use, and coochie cakes. Watch the new NSFW trailer now! Starring Tiffany Haddish, Rose Byrne, and Salma Hayek, see #LikeABoss in theatres January 10.

Best friends Mia and Mel (Tiffany Haddish and Rose Byrne) are living their best lives running their own cosmetics company they’ve built from the ground up. Unfortunately, they’re in over their heads financially, and the prospect of a big buyout offer from a notorious titan of the cosmetics industry Claire Luna (Salma Hayek) proves too tempting to pass up, putting Mel and Mia’s lifelong friendship in jeopardy. The beauty business is about to get ugly. LIKE A BOSS also stars Billy Porter, Jennifer Coolidge, Ari Graynor, Natasha Rothwell, Jessica St. Clair and Karan Soni.

Connect with #LikeABoss

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LikeABossMov/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LikeABossMov
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/LikeABossMov/

Paramount Pictures Corporation (PPC), a major global producer and distributor of filmed entertainment, is a unit of Viacom (NASDAQ: VIAB, VIA), home to premier global media brands that create compelling television programs, motion pictures, short-form content, apps, games, consumer products, social media experiences, and other entertainment content for audiences in more than 180 countries.

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Aryel Narvasa
3 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Event: Yonex French Badminton Open 2013 -- Finals
Date: 22 October 2013 - 27 October 2013
Venue: Stade Pierre de Coubertin, Paris, France
Players: Koo Kien Keat / Tan Boon Heong (MAS) vs Gideon Markus Fernaldi / Markis Kido (INA)
Category: Men's Doubles

The 2013 Yonex French Badminton Open is the 10th leg of the OSIM BWF World Superseries and takes place in Paris from the 22nd till the 27th of October 2013. Live streaming of this Superseries tournament will begin from the Quarter Finals on 25th October through to the Finals on 27th October.

The OSIM BWF World Superseries is a 12-tournament series that attracts the participation of the top 32 badminton players from around the world. The top eight in each of the five disciplines on the Superseries standings will stand to fight for the Championship in season grand finale, the BWF Superseries Finals.

It is BWF's goal to provide the live streaming of the Yonex French Badminton Open 2013 and delayed videos in as many countries as possible. However, due to reasons including government internet and media rights restrictions, it will be unavailable to viewers in Denmark, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Singapore.

Check out your local TV listing for more broadcast.

Delays/match replays on BadmintonWorld.TV will be available worldwide a day after the end of event, except in host country (France). Welcome to BadmintonWorld.TV, the official Badminton World Federation channel bringing you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the major events on our calendar such as the MetLife BWF World Superseries and the BWF World Championships. You will also find official highlights, badminton news and features.


Aryel Narvasa
2 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Subscribe to the channel: http://smarturl.it/BWFsubscribe

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the big events on the HSBC BWF World Tour, as well as the majors like the Thomas & Uber Cups and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
6 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Subscribe to the channel: http://smarturl.it/BWFsubscribe

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the big events on the HSBC BWF World Tour, as well as the majors like the Thomas & Uber Cups and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
3 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Subscribe to the channel: http://smarturl.it/BWFsubscribe

Total BWF World Mixed Team Championships
Day 1
MS | Shi Yuqi vs Lee Zii Jia

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the big events on the HSBC BWF World Tour, as well as the majors like the Thomas & Uber Cups and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
1 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Subscribe to the channel: http://smarturl.it/BWFsubscribe

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the big events on the HSBC BWF World Tour, as well as the majors like the Thomas & Uber Cups and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
0 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

VICTOR China Open 2019
World Tour Super 1000
XD | Tontowi Ahmad/Winny Oktavina Kandow vs. Wang Yi Lyu/Huang Dong Ping

Disclaimer: If you are not able to watch the live stream of matches on http://badmintonworld.tv due to it being geo-blocked in your country that is because the rights for this tournament has been sold to a broadcaster in your country.

Subscribe to the channel: http://smarturl.it/BWFsubscribe

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the big events on the HSBC BWF World Tour, as well as the majors like the Thomas & Uber Cups and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
6 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Subscribe to the channel: http://smarturl.it/BWFsubscribe

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the big events on the HSBC BWF World Tour, as well as the majors like the Thomas & Uber Cups and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
0 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Jadwal BWF World Tour Finals 2019 Day 2 Live TVRI & Youtube Badmintonworld.tv - Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo/Marcus Fernaldi Gideon Vs Hiroyuki Endo/Yuta Watanabe Partai Terakhir
Track: Beatcore & Ashley Apollodor - Everyday [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Watch: https://youtu.be/eYByk569e90
Free Download / Stream: http://ncs.io/Everyday

Aryel Narvasa
0 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Subscribe to the channel: http://smarturl.it/BWFsubscribe

Singapore Open 2019
World Tour Super 500
XD | Dechapol Puavaranukroh/Sapsiree Taerattanachai vs. Tan Kian Meng/Lai Pei Jing

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the big events on the HSBC BWF World Tour, as well as the majors like the Thomas & Uber Cups and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
2 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Subscribe to the channel: http://smarturl.it/BWFsubscribe

We find out just how popular badminton is in the city of Guangzhou, the hosts of the HSBC BWF World Tour Finals.

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the big events on the HSBC BWF World Tour, as well as the majors like the Thomas & Uber Cups and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
0 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Subscribe to the channel: http://smarturl.it/BWFsubscribe

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the big events on the HSBC BWF World Tour, as well as the majors like the Thomas & Uber Cups and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
3 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Subscribe to the channel: http://smarturl.it/BWFsubscribe

World Tour Super 500
MD | Lee Yang/Wang Chi-Lin vs. Ricky Karandasuwardi/Angga Pratama

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the big events on the HSBC BWF World Tour, as well as the majors like the Thomas & Uber Cups and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
3 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Subscribe to the channel: http://smarturl.it/BWFsubscribe

TOYOTA Thailand Open 2019
World Tour Super 500
XD | Yuta Watanabe/Arisa Higashino vs. Wang Yi Lyu/Huang Dong Ping

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the big events on the HSBC BWF World Tour, as well as the majors like the Thomas & Uber Cups and the BWF World Championships.


Aryel Narvasa
1 צפיות · לִפנֵי 4 שנים

Subscribe to the channel: http://smarturl.it/BWFsubscribe

DAIHATSU YONEX Japan Open 2019
World Tour Super 750
XD | Praveen Jordan/Melati Daeva Oktavianti vs. Wang Yi Lyu/Huang Dong Ping

BadmintonWorld.TV is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), where we bring to you live, catch-up and delayed streaming of the big events on the HSBC BWF World Tour, as well as the majors like the Thomas & Uber Cups and the BWF World Championships.


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