Real Story

Aryel Narvasa
9 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie - Fame 90 (Reversed Version)

Aryel Narvasa
7 Views · 4 years ago

un hymne intemporel extrait de l'album éponyme sorti en 1978 et produit par brian eno

Aryel Narvasa
7 Views · 4 years ago

Free Download book <br /> <br /> David Bowie The Star Zone Interviews <br /> David Bowie The Star Zone Interviews <br /> <br />Free Download book <br />David Bowie The Star Zone Interviews

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

My cover of David Bowies classic track "Heroes". Camera's quality is a lil' dodgy but had a lot of fun recording & putting this one together ❤️<br /><br />...<br /><br />Links to more of my work as well as free downloadable content can be found here; <br />Website:<br />Facebook:<br />Soundcloud:<br /><br />...<br /><br />All Rights Reserved.<br />© 2020 Lucid Productions.

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

superbe reprise de David bowie " five years " du mythique the rise and fall of ziggy stardust and the spider of mars qui date de 1972 du pur bonheur molko a vraiment une superbe voix

Aryel Narvasa
14 Views · 4 years ago

You’ve got your mother in a whirl <br />She’s not sure if you’re a boy or a girl <br /><br />Hey babe, your hair’s alright <br />Hey babe, let’s go out tonight <br />You like me, and I like it all <br />We like dancing and we look divine <br />You love bands when they’re playing hard <br />You want more and you want it fast <br />They put you down, they say I’m wrong <br />You tacky thing, you put them on <br /><br />CHORUS <br />Rebel Rebel, you’ve torn your dress <br />Rebel Rebel, your face is a mess <br />Rebel Rebel, how could they know? <br />Hot tramp, I love you so! <br /><br />Don’t ya? <br /><br />CHORUS <br /><br />You’ve torn your dress, your face is a mess <br />You can’t get enough, but enough ain’t the test <br />You’ve got your transmission and your live wire <br />You got your cue line and a handful of ludes <br />You wanna be there when they count up the dudes <br />And I love your dress <br />You’re a juvenile success <br />Because your face is a mess <br />So how could they know? <br />I said, how could they know? <br /><br />So what you wanna know Calamity’s child, <br />Where’d you wanna go? <br />What can I do for you? Looks like you’ve been there too <br />‘Cause you’ve torn your dress <br />And your face is a mess <br />Ooo, your face is a mess <br />Ooo, ooo, so how could they know? <br />Eh, eh, how could they know?

Aryel Narvasa
7 Views · 4 years ago

Música de grande sucesso do Britânico David Bowie

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie "Heroes" - Vegetarian Rock Stars

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie Fame (Cher show 1975)

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

Demand for David Bowie albums has massively increased since his death was announced on Monday. Manager of Flashback Records, Mark Burgess, says Bowie's last release has had to be reprinted. Report by Hullandl. Like us on Facebook at and follow us on Twitter at

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

Venez découvrir dans notre chronique culture, un programme qui commence en musique avec le nouveau clip de David Bowie qui fait couler beaucoup d'encre... En effet "Black Star" son nouveau titre, d'une grande qualité musicale et artistique avec un clip réalisé comme un court-métrage par John Renck, fait polémique à cause de son format de 11minutes. Il a être raccourci et passer à 9mn. 57 à cause de Itunes sur l'Apple store qui ne vend pas les titres au dela de 10 minutes sur sa plateforme... Même l'immense David Bowie a du se plier face à la logique commerciale. Puis au programme également un opéra d'un nouveau genre, avec une troupe de musicien qui mélange chants baroques et musique Congolaise. Ils sont 13 sur scène, autour du contre ténor Serge Kakudji pour un opéra qui s'appelle "Coup Fatal", ce spectacle a fait le tour du monde et commence dès ce soir au Théâtre Chaillot... Puis on termine avec un hommage à Fatima Mernissi, décédée hier. Une sociologue marocaine, une grande écrivaine mais avant tout une féministe. Toute sa vie elle a étudié le coran et les textes islamiques pour casser les idées préconçues véhiculées sur ce que doit être la place de la femme. A découvrir dans notre rubrique "Demandez le Programme".

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago A Universidade de Artes de Londres, em parceria com o Victoria & Albert Museum, reuniu jovens da antiga escola em que David Bowie estudou - Ravens Wood School, em Bromley - e produziu um curta-metragem em homenagem ao artista. Nele, os atores expressam estéticas e coreografias inspiradas em David Bowie. David Bowie is... one of us David Bowie is... one of us

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

Fans worldwide have responded with dismay to the news that David Bowie has passed away. At the age of 69 Bowie lost his battle to cancer. In London, tributes were laid at his childhood home of Brixton while fellow musicians and artists have shared their respects online. I his honor a note has been released with Bowies face on it , only usuable in his home town.

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

le derby du 11/12/13...

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie - Silly Boy Blue (Bowie at the Beeb version)

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

Angie Bowie Talks About David Bowie & The Spiders From Mars

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

En compagnie de Charlotte DE TURCKHEIM déjà sur le plateau, Thierry ARDISSON accueille le DJ David GUETTA. Il raconte l'histoire de son dernier tube qui est un remix de la chanson "Heroes" de David Bowie. (extrait en off de "Just for one day (heroes)" David Bowie vs David Guetta) <br /> <br />Retrouvez ce media sur</a>

Aryel Narvasa
8 Views · 4 years ago

Read or Download Now<br /><br /><br /><br />PDF David Bowie: The History Life Songs Discography and Death of David Bowie EBook

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

Bowie 4 ever

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie - Just A Gigolo

Aryel Narvasa
7 Views · 4 years ago

Under Pressure (Live - The Freddie Mercury Tribute)

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago O vídeo da música "Blackstar" é um curta-metragem de dez minutos surreal dirigido por Johan Renck (o diretor de Os Últimos panteras, o show para o qual a canção foi composta). Ele retrata uma mulher com rabo a descobrir um astronauta morto e tendo seu crânio incrustado de pedras preciosas a uma antiga cidade otherwordly. Os ossos do astronauta flutuam em um eclipse, enquanto um círculo de mulheres realizam um ritual com o crânio no centro da cidade. <br /> <br />O processo de filmagem foi altamente colaborativa, com Bowie fazendo muitas sugestões e enviar desenhos Renck de idéias que ele queria incorporadas. Enquanto os dois homens concordaram em deixar o vídeo aberto à interpretação, Renck ofereceu vários detalhes sobre seu significado, mencionando as obras de Aleister Crowley como uma fonte eles discutiram. Foi Bowie que pediu que a mulher tem uma cauda, ​​sua única explicação sendo "é uma espécie de sexo". <br /> <br />Renck especulou que Bowie pode te

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

3 jours après son anniversaire et la sortie de "Blackstar" son ultime album, la star de la pop et du rock mondial s'est éteinte.

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

Produced by David Bowie & Tony Visconti. <br />Written by David Bowie & Brian Eno. <br />From the album Lodger, released in 1979. <br />Played in <br /> |

Aryel Narvasa
10 Views · 4 years ago

"Let's dance"1983 <br />David Bowie,né le 8 janvier 1947 à Bromley,est un auteur-compositeur et chanteur de rock anglais <br /> <br />Epoustouflant!Une autre galaxie <br />Dansons <br />Mets tes chaussures rouges et danse le blues <br />Dansons <br />À la chanson qu'ils jouent à la radio <br />Swingons <br />Pendant que les couleurs éclairent ton visage <br />Swingons <br />Swing à travers la foule à un espace vide <br />Si tu dis cours,je courrai avec toi <br />Si tu me dis cache-toi, nous nous cacherons <br />Parce que mon amour pour toi <br />Casserait mon coeur en deux <br />Si tu tomberais <br />Dans mes bras <br />Et frissonnerais comme une fleure <br />Dansons <br />Par peur que ta grâce tombe <br />Dansons <br />Par peur que ce soir soit tout <br />Swingons <br />Tu pourrais regarder dans mes yeux <br />Swingons <br />Sous le clair de lune, ce sérieux clair de lune <br /><br />Si tu dis cours, je courrai avec toi <br />Si tu me dis cache-toi, nous nous cacherons <br />Parce-que mon amour pour toi <br />Casserait mon coeur en deux <br />Si tu tomberais <br />Dans mes bras <br />Et frissonnerais comme une fleur <br />Dansons <br />Swingons <br />Tu pourrais regarder dans mes yeux <br />Swingons <br />Sous le clair de lune,ce sérieux clair de lune <br />Dansons <br />Let's dance put on your red shoes and dance the blues <br />Let's dance to the song <br />they're playin'on the radio <br />Let's sway <br />while color lights up your face <br />Let's sway <br />sway through the crowd to an empty space <br />If you say run, I'll run with you <br />If you say hide, we'll hide <br />Because my love for you <br />Would break my heart in two <br />If you should fall <br />Into my arms <br />And tremble like a flower <br />Let's dance for fear <br />your grace should fall <br />Let's dance for fear tonight is all <br />Let's sway you could look into my eyes <br />Let's sway under the moonlight <br />this serious moonlight <br />Let's dance put on your red shoes <br />and dance the blues

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

extrait de l'album hours produit en collaboration avec tony visconti en 1999

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

"Be My Wife" recibiría primer video oficial de Bowie desde "Vida en Marte?". El video era de hecho bastante similar: Bowie está solo contra un telón de fondo blanco cantando la canción solo. Sin embargo, Stanley Dorfman nuevo clip de 's ofreció un Bowie en el maquillaje y la ropa influenciado por Buster Keaton y dando una, el rendimiento individual irreverente en una guitarra, gelificante con el sentimiento sincero generada por la canción. <br />Varios analistas de la carrera de Bowie han visto la canción como un ruego desesperado por Angela Bowie con la vana esperanza de salvar su matrimonio. La tensión había surgido entre la pareja, y los desacuerdos se había levantado sobre la ubicación de una nueva residencia en Europa. Angela había demostrado a sí misma a ser fuertemente afectados por su música; que había propuesto a ella por jugar "el más bonito de la estrella" a ella a través del teléfono. Al final David no estaría de acuerdo en regresar a Suiza desde Berlín, y la relación finalmente terminó en divorcio en 1980.

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Une exposition est consacrée au chanteur et producteur David Bowie à la Philharmonie à Paris.<br /><br />Retrouver toutes les infos sur la vidéo sur :

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

ABONNEZ-VOUS pour plus de vidéos :<br />Dominique Strauss-Kahn a été très ému d'apprendre la disparition de David Bowie, l'homme aux multiples tubes.<br />Retrouvez "La revue de presque de Nicolas Canteloup" sur :<br />LE DIRECT :<br /> <br /><br /> Retrouvez-nous sur :<br /> | Notre site :<br /> | Facebook :<br /> | Twitter :<br /> | Google + :<br /> | Pinterest :

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

★ Une Belle Version Live de Cette Chanson Magnifique de David Bowie ★ <br /><br />¤¤¤ Peace & Music ¤¤¤ With Love .. SnOOpy ;o)

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

Umm boom bah day <br />umm boom bah bay <br />umm bah boom bah bay day <br /><br />Pressure, pushing down on me <br />Pressing down on you, no man asks for <br />Under Pressure <br />That burns a building down <br />Splits a family in two <br />Puts people on streets <br /><br />Umm bah bah bay <br />Umm bah bah bay <br />Ea day da <br />Ea day da <br />That's okay! <br /><br />It's the terror of knowing <br />What this world is about <br />Watching some good friends <br />Screaming let me out <br />Pray tomorrow takes me higher <br />Pressure on people <br />People on streets <br /><br />Day day day <br />Umm... Buh da bah bah bah <br />O-kay! <br /><br />Chippin' around <br />Kick my brains 'round the floor <br />These are the days <br />It never rains but it pours <br /><br />Ea doe bay dup <br />Ea da doe bah bup <br />Ea doe bup <br />Bay lup <br /><br />People on streets <br /><br />Ea da dea da day <br /><br />People on streets <br /><br />Ea da dea da dea da dea da... <br /><br />It's the terror of knowing <br />What this world is about <br />Watching some good friends <br />Screaming let me out <br />Pray tomorrow takes me higher-higher-high... <br /><br />Pressure on people <br />People on streets <br /><br />Turned away from it all <br />Like a blind man <br />Sat on the fence but it don't work <br />Keep coming up with love <br />But it's so slashed and torn <br />(Why, why, whhhhhyyyy??) <br />Love love love love <br /><br />Insanity laughs under pressure we're cracking <br /><br />Can't we give ourselves one more chance? <br />Why can't we give love that one more chance? <br />Why can't we give love give love give love? <br />Give love give love give love give love give love <br /><br />Cause love's such an old fashioned word <br />And love dares you to care <br />For the people on the edge of the night <br />And love dares you to change our way <br />Of caring about ourselves <br /><br />This is our last dance <br />This is ourselves under pressure <br />Under pressure <br /><br />Pressure

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

du bowie du david

Aryel Narvasa
9 Views · 4 years ago

Short clip from Marc's show

Aryel Narvasa
7 Views · 4 years ago

david bowie dead at 69 sick singer rip iman breaking news died cancer.<br />Legendary musician David Bowie has died following a battle with cancer just days after his 69th birthday. Click here to read more: .<br />Music legend David Bowie has died after an 18-month battle with cancer, his publicity company said. Julie Noce reports. Subscribe: .<br />Numbers dont lie, these people practice numerology which is Satanic and so to know is to know how to crack their demonic code .<br />Legendary Artist David Bowie Dies at 69 by Mike Barnes, THR Staff 1/10/2016 10:42pm PST The singer-songwriter and producer dabbled in glam rock, art rock, .

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie, who died at the age of 69 after a long battle with cancer, had a long and celebrated musical career. But, the performer was also an actor, and .<br /><br />The Classic Documentary. If theres one artist who defines what Pop & Rock music should be better than any other, that artist simply has to be David Bowie.<br />What a place to fall. This movie was David Bowies acting debut and how appropriate for Ziggy Stardust and Mr. Space Oddity. The only other flick I am aware .<br />This is the great magic dance from the movie Labyrinth featuring super dancing from David and a coke snorting spell suggestion.

Aryel Narvasa
11 Views · 4 years ago

puedes ver mas videos en: <br />y las mejores fotos en: <br /> <br />David Bowie - Space Oddity (cover)

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie - The Jean Genie

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

★ To see this karaoke video click ★

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

Read or Download Now<br /><br /><br /><br />PDF David Bowie: The History Life Songs Discography and Death of David Bowie EBook

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Bowie 4 ever

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie - Just A Gigolo

Aryel Narvasa
7 Views · 4 years ago

Under Pressure (Live - The Freddie Mercury Tribute)

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago O vídeo da música "Blackstar" é um curta-metragem de dez minutos surreal dirigido por Johan Renck (o diretor de Os Últimos panteras, o show para o qual a canção foi composta). Ele retrata uma mulher com rabo a descobrir um astronauta morto e tendo seu crânio incrustado de pedras preciosas a uma antiga cidade otherwordly. Os ossos do astronauta flutuam em um eclipse, enquanto um círculo de mulheres realizam um ritual com o crânio no centro da cidade. <br /> <br />O processo de filmagem foi altamente colaborativa, com Bowie fazendo muitas sugestões e enviar desenhos Renck de idéias que ele queria incorporadas. Enquanto os dois homens concordaram em deixar o vídeo aberto à interpretação, Renck ofereceu vários detalhes sobre seu significado, mencionando as obras de Aleister Crowley como uma fonte eles discutiram. Foi Bowie que pediu que a mulher tem uma cauda, ​​sua única explicação sendo "é uma espécie de sexo". <br /> <br />Renck especulou que Bowie pode te

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie- Boys Keep Swinging

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

(1978) TVC 15 / David Bowie<br/>

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

Rock Legend David Bowie, 69, known for five decades of chart topping hits has died after an 18-month long battle with cancer, according to a family spokesman.

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

(Live in Santa M

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Here is my version of Let's Dance, One of my favourite David Bowie Song, with the greats SRV & Neil Rodgers<br /><br />The drum part comes from Guitar pro,<br />I recorded all the instruments with my toneport UX1 and Garageband.<br /><br />the guitar is a fender Stratocaster CS time machine 60 relic daphne blue(original pickups).<br />The Keyboard is an old technics & the Bass is a J&D I received few days ago. Thanks A & R for this present :)<br />I hope you enjoy, feel free to rate and comment (or even subscribe).<br />ThomasBtm

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Ah don't lean on me man, cause you can't afford the ticket.. Oh don't lean on me man 'cause you ain't got time to check it.. Don't lean on me man 'cause you can't afford the ticket.David Bowie - Suffragette City Lyrics MetroLyricsLyrics to "Suffragette City" song by DAVID BOWIE: Hey man, oh leave me alone you know Hey man, oh Henry, get off the phone, I gotta Hey man, I gotta s. Inajar Suffragette City Lyrics - David BowieHey man, oh leave me alone you know.. Hey man, well she's a total blam-blam.. Oh don't lean on me man, 'cause you can't afford the ticket.DAVID BOWIE LYRICS - Suffragette City - A-Z Lyrics <br /> <br />Suffragette City - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaThis song is performed by David Bowie and appears on the album The Rise And Fall Of Ziggy.Alice In Chains - Suffragette City(David Bowie Cover) Lyrics"Suffragette City" is a song by David Bowie.. "Suffragette City" features a piano riff heavily influenced by Little Richard, a lyrical reference to the book and film A .Alice In Chains lyrics - Suffragette City(David Bowie Cover): hey man oh leave me alone you know, hey man oh henry get off the phone i gotta, hey man i gotta .David Bowie:Suffragette City Lyrics - LyricWikia - Wikia <br /> <br />Suffragette City by David Bowie SongfactsLyrics and meaning of “Suffragette City” by David Bowie on Genius. David Bowie's love for Lou Reed and The Velvet Underground had already been well .Lyrics for "Suffragette City" by David Bowie - SongfactsSuffragette City by David Bowie song meaning, lyric interpretation, video and chart. People are taking these lyrics too seriously- it's just a song about a guy .David Bowie – Suffragette City Lyrics GeniusLyrics and video for the song "Suffragette City" by David Bowie.

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

Parce qu’on tentera pas de dresser son portrait en vingt minutes, on a demandé à trois invités de venir présenter des épisodes marquants de la vie et de l’oeuvre de David Bowie, disparu le 10 janvier dernier. Un héritage toutes catégories évoqué par Christelle Oyiri, Benjamin Waxx et Joe Hume au micro de Mehdi Maizi. <br /> <br />Animé par Mehdi Maizi avec Christelle Oyiri (@crystalmess, Noisey), Benjamin Waxx (@waxxgyver, Comité des Reprises) et Joe Hume (@Joe__Hume, Ouï FM) <br /> <br />RÉFÉRENCES CITÉES DANS L'ÉMISSION : <br /> <br />Blackstar (David Bowie, 2016), The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars (David Bowie, 1972), Transformer (Lou Reed, 1972), Hunkey Dory (David Bowie, 1971), Bob Dylan, Led Zeppelin, Guns N' Roses, The Rolling Stones, The Beatles, Elvis Presley, Crazy (Jean-Marc Vallée, 2006), KISS, Station to Station (David Bowie, 1976), Young Americans (David Bowie, 1975), Carlos Alomar, Mick Ronson, James Brown, Little Richard, Let's Dance (David Bowie, 1983), Patti LaBelle, Delfonics, Luther Vandross, John Lennon, James Brown, Justin Timberlake, Robin Thicke, Justin Bieber, Mothership Connection (George Clinton, 1975), Nile Rodgers, Michael Jackson, Prince, Public Enemy, Dr. Dre, Macklemore, P. Diddy, Kanye West, Kendrick Lamar, Queen, Furyo (Merry Christmas, Mr Lawrence - Nagisa Oshima, 1983), Ryuichi Sakamoto, Labyrinthe (Labyrinth - Jim Henson, 1986), Rebel Rebel (Chris O'Leary, Zero Books), <br /> <br />COUPS DE COEUR : <br /> <br />Christelle Oyiri : Rebel Rebel, All the songs of David Bowie from '64 to '76 (livre de Chris O'Leary, paru chez Zero Books) <br />Benjamin Waxx : <br />- dernière photo de David Bowie, prise par Jimmy King <br />- cette interview de Bowie sur MTV <br />Joe Hume : interviews des musiciens de David Bowie publiés sur Red Bull Daily <br /> <br /> <br />PLAYLIST DE L'ÉMISSION <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />RETROUVEZ NOFUN SUR LES INTERNETS : <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />CRÉDITS : <br /> <br />Enregistré le 15 janvier 2015 au Tank à Paris (11ème). Moyens techniques : Le Tank. Production : Joël Ronez - Iris Ollivault / TempsMachine.NET. Réalisation : Sébastien Salis. Générique : extrait de "Tyra Banks" de Nodey (Atrahasis EP) réalisé par Nodey.

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

L'Avenir - Décès de David Bowie - L'interview de BJ Scott Bowie - Q1 : bowie, l'immortel

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie - Under Pressure Feat. Gail Ann Dorsey <br />@ RakiaBeat

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

speciale dedicace à mon Yoda à moi,j'ai nommé le Grand(euh...c une image !!!) Marco ;-)

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

★ To see this karaoke video click ★

Aryel Narvasa
7 Views · 4 years ago

Une personnalité étrange ce Bowie ! Mais sa musique reste excellente...

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie - Lazarus (Reversed Version)

Aryel Narvasa
7 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie was one of the most influential musicians of our time. Let's take a look at some of the facts and figures behind the artist responsible for some of the most iconic songs and looks in rock 'n' roll history.

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

Hoje comemoramos 40 anos do lançamento de Heroes, um dos melhores e mais conhecidos álbuns da carreira de David Bowie. Assista e descubra tudo sobre o segundo disco da Trilogia de Berlim, feita em parceria com Brian Eno.<br /><br />Página do Facebook:

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

El 10 de enero de 2016 el planeta se paralizaba al despertarse con la noticia del fallecimiento de David Robert Jones, popularmente conocido como David Bowie, uno de los más grandes iconos de la cultura popular de nuestro tiempo en su sentido más amplio y transversal.

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie - Queen B*tch - my favourite Bowie moment courtesy of Wes Anderson.

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

★ Celle là je ne pense pas l'avoir déjà Postée :o) --- Et là j'ai bien Boosté la Ligne de Basse ★<br /><br />Enorme Morceau de Mr Bowie avec une Version Live bien Balaise ¤¤¤ Peace Music & Vibes ¤¤¤<br /><br />...SnOOpy ;o)

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

Fuertemente influenciado por los años 1950 doo-wop, "Drive-In Saturday" describe cómo los habitantes de un mundo post-apocalíptico en el futuro (Bowie dijo una vez el año era 2033) han olvidado cómo reproducir, y la necesidad de vigilar de edad películas porno para ver cómo se hace. La narrativa ha sido citado como un ejemplo de "la nostalgia futurista" de Bowie, donde la historia es contada desde la perspectiva de un habitante del futuro mirando hacia atrás en el tiempo. <br /> <br />Su composición fue inspirada por extrañas luces en medio del árido paisaje entre Seattle, Washington, y Phoenix, Arizona, como se ve desde un tren en la noche en 1972 la gira de Bowie Estados Unidos. La música aparece sintetizador y de Bowie saxofón, mientras que las letras nombre- comprobado Mick Jagger ("Cuando la gente se miraban a los ojos de Jagger y anotó"), el modelo Twiggy ("Había suspirar como Ramita el chico maravilla"), y Carl Jung ("Jung el capataz orado en el trabajo").

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

Free Download book <br /> <br /> David Bowie An Illustrated Record <br /> David Bowie An Illustrated Record <br /> <br />Free Download book <br />David Bowie An Illustrated Record

Aryel Narvasa
8 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie - Blue Jean 1984

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

He helped put the '€œglam'€ in glam rock, but this rock '€˜n'€™ roll chameleon is a lot more than just outrageous make-up and glittery clothes. And his songs prove it. Welcome to, and today we'€™re counting down our picks for the top 10 David Bowie songs.

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Ziggy played guitar, jamming good with Weird and Gilly,. 'Came on so loaded man, well hung and snow white tan.. So we bitched about his fans and should we crush his sweet hands?Ziggy Stardust Lyrics - David BowieZiggy played guitar, jamming good with Wierd and Gilly, And The Spiders from Mars. He played it left hand, but made it too far, Inajar David Bowie - Ziggy Stardust Lyrics MetroLyricsLyrics to Ziggy Stardust by David Bowie: Ziggy played guitar, jamming good with Weird and Gilly, / And the spiders from Mars. He played it.DAVID BOWIE LYRICS - Ziggy Stardust - A-Z Lyrics <br /> <br />Ziggy Stardust by David Bowie SongfactsStudio album by David Bowie. David Bowie during the Ziggy Stardust Tour.. exact, as Seu Jorge maintains the melodies and styles, but often varies the lyrics.Ziggy Stardust (song) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaZiggy Stardust by David Bowie song meaning, lyric interpretation, video and chart position."Ziggy Stardust" is a song written and recorded by David Bowie for his 1972 album The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars. The name Stardust was inspired by the.. External links[edit]. Lyrics of this song at MetroLyrics .The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the. - Wikipedia <br /> <br />David Bowie – Ziggy Stardust Lyrics GeniusThe Rise And Fall Of Ziggy Stardust And The Spiders From Mars. Design Brian Ward -. Producers Ken Scott, David Bowie. 1. Five Years. Lyrics. Video.David Bowie – The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust. - GeniusLyrics and meaning of “Ziggy Stardust” by David Bowie on Genius. The height of David Bowie's astonishing reinvention as a mythical rock & roll messiah, Ziggy .The Rise And Fall Of Ziggy Stardust And The Spiders From.The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars (1972) David Bowie. self-mythologizing schemes in rock, as David Bowie created the glittery, messianic alter ego Ziggy Stardust.. Moonage Daydream by David Bowie Lyrics; 4.

Aryel Narvasa
9 Views · 4 years ago

In memory of the late David Bowie...

Aryel Narvasa
36 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie<br />Rock / Ambiance / Pop

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie - The Jean Genie

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Um tributo a David Bowie, um novo teaser de Batman vs Superman, mais detalhes sobre a nova Guerra Civil dos quadrinhos e os vencedores do Globo de

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie, whose incomparable sound and chameleon-like ability to reinvent himself made him a pop music fixture for more than four decades, has died. He was 69. Bowie died Sunday after an 18-month battle with cancer. From a mop-topped unknown singer called David Jones, to his space alien alter ego "Ziggy Stardust," to his dapper departure as the Thin White Duke, Bowie married music and fashion in a way few artists have been able to master.

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

Ludovic Hunter-Tilney and Jan Dalley on the restless pop star

Aryel Narvasa
9 Views · 4 years ago

Rock star David Bowie was a legend for his music and ever-changing looks. His songs and stage presence influenced generations of musicians. He died .<br />Fans in shock as musical legend succumb to cancer just as his final album was released.<br />Legendary artist, David Bowie passed away today, January 10, 2016 at the age of 69. He had been battling cancer for the past year and a half and we are told .<br />Jimmy takes a moment to remember legendary entertainer David Bowie. Subscribe NOW to The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon: .

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Personality Check ist extrem vielseitig. Vom Privatanwender bis zum Großkonzern – wir haben für jeden die richtige Lösung <br />Die Möglichkeiten mit Personality Check sind beinahe unbegrenzt. Und es gibt kaum einen Bereich im Privat- und Berufsleben, in dem Personality Check nicht nützlich wäre. Anwendungsmöglichkeiten von Personality Check: Persönlichkeitsanalysen, Zielgruppenanalysen, Kundenanalysen, Marketing und Recruiting – ein Tool, unendliche Möglichkeiten!

Aryel Narvasa
21 Views · 4 years ago

ELDERS REACT TO DAVID BOWIE<br />reaction,reactions,react,reacts,ELDERS REACT TO DAVID BOWIE,watch,discuss,review,for the first time,explain,reviews,discusses,responds,respond,elders react,teens react,kids react,adults react,parents react,youtubers react,teenagers react,children react,thefinebros,fine brothers,fine brothers entertainment,viral funny,comedy,David Bowie - Lazarus,david bowie

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

Evita is singing David Bowie's Space Oddity. Hope you like it!! :-)

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

<b>"The Jean Genie"<br />David BOWIE in 1972<br />Music & lyrics by David BOWIE</b><br /><br />A small Jean Genie snuck off to the city<br />Strung out on lasers and slash back plazas<br />Ate all your razors while pulling the waiters<br />Talking bout Monroe and walking on Snow White<br />New York's a go-go and everything tastes right<br />Poor little Greenie<br />The Jean Genie lives on his back<br />The Jean Genie loves chimney stacks<br />He's outrageous, he screams and he bawls<br />Jean Genie let yourself go!<br />Sits like a man but he smiles like a reptile<br />She loves him, she loves him but<br />just for a short while<br />She'll scratch in the sand, won't let go his hand<br />He says he's a beautician and sells you nutrition<br />And keeps all your dead hair for making up underwear<br />Poor little Greenie<br />The Jean Genie lives on his back<br />The Jean Genie loves chimney stacks<br />He's outrageous, he screams and he bawls<br />Jean Genie let yourself go!<br />He's so simple minded he can't drive his module<br />He bites on the neon and sleeps in the capsule<br />Loves to be loved, loves to be loved<br />The Jean Genie lives on his back<br />The Jean Genie loves chimney stacks<br />He's outrageous, he screams and he bawls<br />Jean Genie let yourself go!<br />(repeat)<br /><br /><br /><br /><i>La Musique du Royaume de Zinzin</i><br /><br />

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie Dance Magic dance <br /> <br />soundtrack from the movie "Labyrinth"

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

Taken from the movie labyrinth 1986

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

From my old channel "Dianera"

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

The world lost an incredible and incomparable icon in David Bowie. We here at Nerdist are deeply saddened by his passing, so Jessica pays tribute and relives his finest moments on today’s Nerdist News.

Aryel Narvasa
7 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie by <br /> <br />Big fan of the complete career of david Bowie, I wanted to offer him this tribute through my animation. The first time when I listened to one of its songs, I played playmobil. Today, after 50 years of career, I thank you mister Bowie. <br /> <br />References music : Space Oddity (1969) The Man Who Sold the World (1970) Hunky Dory (1971) The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars (1972) Aladdin Sane (1973) Pin Ups (1973) Diamond Dogs (1974) Young Americans (1975) Station to Station (1976) Low (1977) "Heroes" (1977) Lodger (1979) Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps) (1980) Let's Dance (1983 Tonight (1984) Never Let Me Down (1987) Black Tie White Noise (1993) The Buddha of Suburbia (1993) Outside (1995) Earthling (1997) 'Hours...' (1999) Heathen (2002) Reality (2003) The Next Day (2013) <br /> <br />References movie : Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence, The Hunger, Labyrinth, Basquiat

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago Um documentário intimista que abrange os cinco anos chave na carreira musical de David Bowie, com uma riqueza de imagens inéditas e traça a evolução contínua da estrela por meio de vários papéis, tornando-o um ícone do nosso tempo. Este retrato explora a regeneração de Bowie em Berlim, e seus numerosos triunfos críticos, e apresenta entrevistas com todos os seus colaboradores mais próximos. Produzido pela BBC. David Bowie - Five Years David Bowie - Five Years

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Lyrics to "The Dreamers" song by DAVID BOWIE: Black eyed ravens They spiral down They tilt his head back To the flame filled sunset Rise their.The Dreamers Lyrics - David BowieLyrics to 'The Dreamers' by David Bowie. Black eyed ravens / They spiral down / And they tilt his head back / Till flame filled the sunset / Raise their guns. Inajar DAVID BOWIE LYRICS - The Dreamers - A-Z LyricsLyrics to The Dreamers by David Bowie: Black eyed ravens / They spiral down / They tilt his head back / To the flame filled sunset / Raise.David Bowie - The Dreamers Lyrics MetroLyrics <br /> <br />DAVID BOWIE lyrics - The Dreamers - Oldie LyricsBlack eyed ravens They spiral down They tilt his head back To the flame filled sunset Raise their guns high As the darken falls These are the days boys Shallow .David Bowie - The Dreamers lyrics - Lyrics TranslateBlack eyed ravens. They spiral down. They tilt his head back. To the flame filled sunset. Rise their guns high. As the darken falls. These are the days, boys.Aug 27, 2012 - David Bowie The Dreamers lyrics: Black eyed ravens / They spiral down / They tilt his head back / To the f.David Bowie – The Dreamers Lyrics Song Lyrics at. <br /> <br />David Bowie – The Dreamers Lyrics GeniusDavid Bowie This song is performed by David Bowie and appears on the album 'Hours.DAVID BOWIE - THE DREAMERS LYRICSLyrics and meaning of “The Dreamers” by David Bowie on Genius. [Verse 1] / Black eyed ravens / They spiral down / They tilt his head back / To the flame filled .David Bowie:The Dreamers Lyrics - LyricWikia - WikiaDAVID BOWIE - The Dreamers Lyrics. Black eyed ravens They spiral down And they tilt his head back Till flame filled the sunset Raise their guns high As the .

Aryel Narvasa
8 Views · 4 years ago

Paroles de The Jean Genie <br />A small jean genie snuck off to the city <br />Strung out on lasers and slash back blazers <br />Ate all your razors while pulling the waiters <br />Talking bout monroe and walking on snow white <br />New york's a go-go and everything tastes nice <br />Poor little greenie, woh ho <br />Get back home <br />The jean genie lives on his back <br />The jean genie loves chimney stacks <br />He's outrageous, he screams and he bawls <br />Jean genie let yourself go! <br />Sits like a man but he smiles like a reptile <br />She love him, she love him but just for a short while <br />She'll scratch in the sand, won't let go his hand <br />He says he's a beautician and sells you nutrition <br />And keeps all your dead hair for making up underwear <br />Poor little greenie, woh ho <br />The jean genie lives on his back <br />The jean genie loves chimney stacks <br />He's outrageous, he screams and he bawls <br />Jean genie let yourself go oh <br />He's so simple minded he can't drive his module <br />He bites on the neon and sleeps in the capsule <br />Loves to be loved, loves to be loved <br />Woh ho <br />Woh ho <br />Aoo jean genie lives on his back <br />The jean genie loves chimney stacks <br />And he's outrageous, he screams and he bawls <br />The jean genie let yourself go! go <br />Go <br />Jean genie lives on his back <br />Jean genie loves chimney stacks <br />And he's outrageous, he screams and he bawls <br />Jean genie let yourself go woh go <br />Go go

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie 1975 Grammy Awards

Aryel Narvasa
7 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie - My Death - live

Aryel Narvasa
7 Views · 4 years ago


Aryel Narvasa
7 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie Girl Loves Me <br /> <br />Cheena so sound, so titi up this malcheck, say <br /> Party up moodge, nanti vellocet round on Tuesday <br />Real bad dizzy snatch making all the omeys mad - Thursday <br /> Popo blind to the polly in the hole by Friday <br />Where the fuck did Monday go? <br /> I'm cold to this pig and pug show <br />I'm sittin' in the chestnut tree <br /> Who the fuck's gonna mess with me?

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie 1947-2016 -- Subscribe to our subreddit: Follow us on Twitter:

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie - The Jean Genie

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie interview - Parkinson - BBC

Aryel Narvasa
7 Views · 4 years ago

Me Me Me! vocifera emocionado el público al final de esta bellísima canción originalmente inspiración del belga Jacques Brel luego traducida del frances al .<br>Traducción libre de este cover de la canción de Jacques Briel, por David Bowie (Ziggy Stardust). Grabado en el Hammersmith Odeon en 1973, en el último .<br>ángel o demonio, no me importa, por que al frente de esa puerta, estás tú.<br>David Bowie performs a haunting version of My Death live on the GQ Awards show. Featuring Mike Garson on Piano.

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Hot Gifts<br />2015 Holiday Gift<br />Popular Funny Shirts<br />Best-Sellers Gifts<br />Pro Gifts 2015

Aryel Narvasa
8 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie Across The Universe

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

★ Un Titre absolument Culte de Mr David Bowie. A écouter & réécouter... Music is Life :o) ★<br /><br />- Amicalement ~ In a Friendly Way ... SnOOpy ;o)

Aryel Narvasa
7 Views · 4 years ago

extrait de l'album the rise and full of ziggy stardust and the spiders from mars. magnifique interprétation

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Alice Cooper recalls a time when he may have inspired David Bowie.<br />Starting out in rock around the same time, the 67-year-old American rock singer remembers seeing Bowie, then known by his birth name David Jones, attending one of his early shows.<br />Having approached rock with a theatrical flair before Bowie, Alice Cooper told the Rolling Stone his performance showed him what it could be.<br />Cooper added he always admired what Bowie was doing.<br />Hoping more rock artists would incorporate theater into their live performances, Cooper appreciated the entirely new character Bowie created in Ziggy Stardust.<br />The 69-year-old Bowie died last month after succumbing to cancer.

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

Starman - The David Bowie Experience

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie and his family

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago <br />Check out this amazing performance by David Bowie and find many more in David Bowie's Official Youtube Channell!

Aryel Narvasa
7 Views · 4 years ago

The legendary David Bowie lost his battle to cancer just days after his 69th birthday. Here are 5 facts about the musician that might surprise you. Pop music lost .<br />twenty two facts about David Bowie, who has died just days after releasing his latest album on his 69th birthday. 1. David Bowie was born David Robert Jones in .<br />Bowies millions. BBC3 doc.<br />Mark Mothersbaugh recounts the beginnings of Devo, finding a sound through some of the bands early influences, working with Brian Eno and hanging out with .

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie - The Jean Genie

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Enregistré le 6 mars 2016 à la Coulée Douce <br /> <br />Réalisation: Jacky <br /> <br />Martine - chant <br />Eric - guitare, chant <br />Philippe - batterie <br />Vincent - guitare, chant <br />Kikou - basse

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Diese Porträts von David Bowie zusammengestellt wurden für ein Sky Arts Dokumentarfilm im Jahr 2015. ABONNIEREN Sie unseren YouTube-Kanal für mehr videos: .nnHe geholfen, das glam in glam-rock, aber dieser rock n roll Chamäleon ist viel mehr als nur empörend, make-up und Glitzer Kleidung. Und seine songs beweisen.nnAs angefordert machte ich eine neue version von dem video, das ich gemacht, als eine Hommage an Bowie an seinem Geburtstag. In dieser erweiterten version der Bilder sind langsamer und enthält mehr .nnIt ist schon ein Jahr

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Ma reprise acoustique de "Little Bombardier" de David Bowie (1967).

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

John Lennon & David Bowie - Fame

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

LEGO Rock Band (Xbox 360) - David Bowie

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Happy 69th Birthday David Bowie

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Me singing Heroes by David Bowie.

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

The great music and musician!

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

DAVID BOWIE Candidate Alternate Version

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie - Lady Grinning Soul

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago <br />One of the many David Bowie Classics. This and many more on David Bowie Official Youtube channel. Check it out now!

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie Valentine´s Day Prevideo Ted Bunny

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie Let's Dance remix

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

Produced by David Bowie & Arif Mardin. <br />Additional production & remix by Steve Thompson & Michael Barbiero. <br />From the 12", released in 1986. <br />Played in <br /> |

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Musik-video von David Bowie Durchführung von Änderungen Bearbeiten .nnFollowing die traurige Nachricht, dass David Bowie ist verstorben, hier ist ein Blick auf die pop-Ikone Leben in Bildern, begleitet von einer seiner vielen klassischen songs .nnDavid Bowie Hunky Dory Release date: 17. Dezember 1971 tracklist: 00:00 Änderungen 03:37 Oh! Sie Hübsche Sachen 06:49 Acht Line-Gedicht 09:45 Leben Auf Dem Mars?nnDavid Bowie cover getan in Portugiesisch von Seu Jorge wissen für seine Rolle in Stadt Gottes bei den anderen Filmen.nn2002 Paris.

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Among the most influential musicians of the century, Bowie has managed to stay at the top of the charts for more than thirty years largely due to his talent for modifying his persona with characters like 1972's Ziggy Stardust and The Thin White Duke. Emerging as a Mod out of Brixton, London at 19, he is best known for his role in the Glam movement of the early 1970s. Born David Robert Haywood Jones on January 8th, 1947, he changed his name in 1966 in order to avoid confusion with Monkees lead singer Davey Jones. Bowie has one perpetually dilated eye (which gives the appearance of two different colours) due to a schoolyard fight.<br /><br /><br />David Bowie definition by Urban Dictionary

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie - The Jean Genie

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

L'artiste est décédé le 10 janvier 2016. En quarante ans de carrière, plusieurs de ses tubes sont devenus légendaires.<br />Durée: 01:26<br />Lien vers l'article de 20 Minutes:<br />

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Un incontro inaspettato (Estate 1992) <br />In volo giravano voci della presenza di un artista internazionale di ritorno da una vacanza in Italia, ma essendo io entrato dalla coda non ho potuto osservare tutti i passeggeri, tranne il tipo sospetto con il disco in mano. Non sapevo ancora cosa mi sarebbe successo soltanto 2 ore dopo. <br />Non capita a tutti di scendere da un aereo e scoprire che, ad attendere le proprie valige accanto a noi, c'è il nostro mito. Che fortuna avere un amico munito di videocamera che riprende qualche particolare dell'evento.

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

Pour découvrir les paroles de ce morceau, cliquer sur le lien ci-dessous : <br /><a href=""></a> <br />Clip de 1972.

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Homenagem do programa Metropolis da TV Cultura ao artista David Bowie devido seu falecimento em 19 de Janeiro de 2016.

Aryel Narvasa
7 Views · 4 years ago

I know when to go out <br />And when to stay in <br />Get things done [spoken] <br /><br />I catch a paper boy <br />But things don't really change <br />I'm standing in the wind <br />But I never wave bye-bye <br /><br />But I try <br />I try <br /><br />There's no sign of life <br />It's just the power to charm <br /><br />I'm lying in the rain <br />But I never wave bye-bye <br /><br />But I try <br />I try <br /><br />Never gonna fall for <br />Modern Love walks beside me <br />Modern Love walks on by <br />Modern Love gets me to <br />the Church on Time <br />Church on Time terrifies me <br />Church on Time makes me party <br />Church on Time puts my <br />trust in God and Man <br />God and Man no confessions <br />God and Man no religion <br />God and Man don't believe <br />in Modern Love

Aryel Narvasa
11 Views · 4 years ago

roland GW-8

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Un petit truc tout simple, la ligne de basse de Ashes to ashes de Bowie... Pas plus compliqué que celà mais la difficulté est, avec les autres musiciens, de faire sonner cette ligne SANS prendre le devant de la scène musicale avec les takatakataka habituels du slap ! Très fin cette ligne qd on écoute le morceau.

Aryel Narvasa
7 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie, qui est décédé à l'âge de 69 ans, a eu une carrière incroyable. Retour sur cinq moments qui ont jalonné la vie de cet artiste...

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

No matter how original you think you are, David Bowie did it first. Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel officially proclaimed Sept. 23 as David Bowie Day in honor of the rock star's retrospective exhibit, David Bowie Is... , opening that day at the Chicago Museum of Contemporary Art.

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

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Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie is never touring again. Bowie’s booking agent, John Giddings, confirmed his retirement while speaking at the International Festival Forum in London, according to Music Week. Bowie hasn’t performed on the road in over 10 years — his last tour ended in 2004. “David [Bowie] is one of the best artists I’ve ever worked with. But every time I see him now, before I even speak to him, he goes, ‘I’m not touring’ and I say, ‘I’m not asking,'” Giddings said.

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

The legendary rocker died on Sunday after a battle with cancer.

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie interview at 17!

Aryel Narvasa
7 Views · 4 years ago

Retired astronaut, who honoured Bowie with a Space Oddity cover from space, recalls the musical icon. To read more: .<br />Why Hadfields Space Oddity video almost didnt happen If Emm Gryner had her way, Chris Hadfield would not have performed Space Oddity in zero-gravity on .<br />Commander Chris Hadfield, the astronaut who shot to fame with his work onboard the International Space Station this year, cherry picks the best moments from .<br />As Canadas national public news and information service, the CBC is committed to a set of values that include accuracy, fairness, balance, impartiality and .

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie - Moonage Daydream (live)

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

3 jours après son anniversaire et la sortie de "Blackstar" son ultime album, la star de la pop et du rock mondial s'est éteinte.

Aryel Narvasa
7 Views · 4 years ago

"Be My Wife" recibiría primer video oficial de Bowie desde "Vida en Marte?". El video era de hecho bastante similar: Bowie está solo contra un telón de fondo blanco cantando la canción solo. Sin embargo, Stanley Dorfman nuevo clip de 's ofreció un Bowie en el maquillaje y la ropa influenciado por Buster Keaton y dando una, el rendimiento individual irreverente en una guitarra, gelificante con el sentimiento sincero generada por la canción. <br />Varios analistas de la carrera de Bowie han visto la canción como un ruego desesperado por Angela Bowie con la vana esperanza de salvar su matrimonio. La tensión había surgido entre la pareja, y los desacuerdos se había levantado sobre la ubicación de una nueva residencia en Europa. Angela había demostrado a sí misma a ser fuertemente afectados por su música; que había propuesto a ella por jugar "el más bonito de la estrella" a ella a través del teléfono. Al final David no estaría de acuerdo en regresar a Suiza desde Berlín, y la relación finalmente terminó en divorcio en 1980.

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

extrait de l'album hours produit en collaboration avec tony visconti en 1999

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

"Let's dance"1983 <br />David Bowie,né le 8 janvier 1947 à Bromley,est un auteur-compositeur et chanteur de rock anglais <br /> <br />Epoustouflant!Une autre galaxie <br />Dansons <br />Mets tes chaussures rouges et danse le blues <br />Dansons <br />À la chanson qu'ils jouent à la radio <br />Swingons <br />Pendant que les couleurs éclairent ton visage <br />Swingons <br />Swing à travers la foule à un espace vide <br />Si tu dis cours,je courrai avec toi <br />Si tu me dis cache-toi, nous nous cacherons <br />Parce que mon amour pour toi <br />Casserait mon coeur en deux <br />Si tu tomberais <br />Dans mes bras <br />Et frissonnerais comme une fleure <br />Dansons <br />Par peur que ta grâce tombe <br />Dansons <br />Par peur que ce soir soit tout <br />Swingons <br />Tu pourrais regarder dans mes yeux <br />Swingons <br />Sous le clair de lune, ce sérieux clair de lune <br /><br />Si tu dis cours, je courrai avec toi <br />Si tu me dis cache-toi, nous nous cacherons <br />Parce-que mon amour pour toi <br />Casserait mon coeur en deux <br />Si tu tomberais <br />Dans mes bras <br />Et frissonnerais comme une fleur <br />Dansons <br />Swingons <br />Tu pourrais regarder dans mes yeux <br />Swingons <br />Sous le clair de lune,ce sérieux clair de lune <br />Dansons <br />Let's dance put on your red shoes and dance the blues <br />Let's dance to the song <br />they're playin'on the radio <br />Let's sway <br />while color lights up your face <br />Let's sway <br />sway through the crowd to an empty space <br />If you say run, I'll run with you <br />If you say hide, we'll hide <br />Because my love for you <br />Would break my heart in two <br />If you should fall <br />Into my arms <br />And tremble like a flower <br />Let's dance for fear <br />your grace should fall <br />Let's dance for fear tonight is all <br />Let's sway you could look into my eyes <br />Let's sway under the moonlight <br />this serious moonlight <br />Let's dance put on your red shoes <br />and dance the blues

Aryel Narvasa
8 Views · 4 years ago

Produced by David Bowie & Tony Visconti. <br />Written by David Bowie & Brian Eno. <br />From the album Lodger, released in 1979. <br />Played in <br /> |

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

ABONNEZ-VOUS pour plus de vidéos :<br />Dominique Strauss-Kahn a été très ému d'apprendre la disparition de David Bowie, l'homme aux multiples tubes.<br />Retrouvez "La revue de presque de Nicolas Canteloup" sur :<br />LE DIRECT :<br /> <br /><br /> Retrouvez-nous sur :<br /> | Notre site :<br /> | Facebook :<br /> | Twitter :<br /> | Google + :<br /> | Pinterest :

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Umm boom bah day <br />umm boom bah bay <br />umm bah boom bah bay day <br /><br />Pressure, pushing down on me <br />Pressing down on you, no man asks for <br />Under Pressure <br />That burns a building down <br />Splits a family in two <br />Puts people on streets <br /><br />Umm bah bah bay <br />Umm bah bah bay <br />Ea day da <br />Ea day da <br />That's okay! <br /><br />It's the terror of knowing <br />What this world is about <br />Watching some good friends <br />Screaming let me out <br />Pray tomorrow takes me higher <br />Pressure on people <br />People on streets <br /><br />Day day day <br />Umm... Buh da bah bah bah <br />O-kay! <br /><br />Chippin' around <br />Kick my brains 'round the floor <br />These are the days <br />It never rains but it pours <br /><br />Ea doe bay dup <br />Ea da doe bah bup <br />Ea doe bup <br />Bay lup <br /><br />People on streets <br /><br />Ea da dea da day <br /><br />People on streets <br /><br />Ea da dea da dea da dea da... <br /><br />It's the terror of knowing <br />What this world is about <br />Watching some good friends <br />Screaming let me out <br />Pray tomorrow takes me higher-higher-high... <br /><br />Pressure on people <br />People on streets <br /><br />Turned away from it all <br />Like a blind man <br />Sat on the fence but it don't work <br />Keep coming up with love <br />But it's so slashed and torn <br />(Why, why, whhhhhyyyy??) <br />Love love love love <br /><br />Insanity laughs under pressure we're cracking <br /><br />Can't we give ourselves one more chance? <br />Why can't we give love that one more chance? <br />Why can't we give love give love give love? <br />Give love give love give love give love give love <br /><br />Cause love's such an old fashioned word <br />And love dares you to care <br />For the people on the edge of the night <br />And love dares you to change our way <br />Of caring about ourselves <br /><br />This is our last dance <br />This is ourselves under pressure <br />Under pressure <br /><br />Pressure

Aryel Narvasa
10 Views · 4 years ago

★ Une Belle Version Live de Cette Chanson Magnifique de David Bowie ★ <br /><br />¤¤¤ Peace & Music ¤¤¤ With Love .. SnOOpy ;o)

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

Short clip from Marc's show

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

du bowie du david

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Une exposition est consacrée au chanteur et producteur David Bowie à la Philharmonie à Paris.<br /><br />Retrouver toutes les infos sur la vidéo sur :

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

david bowie dead at 69 sick singer rip iman breaking news died cancer.<br />Legendary musician David Bowie has died following a battle with cancer just days after his 69th birthday. Click here to read more: .<br />Music legend David Bowie has died after an 18-month battle with cancer, his publicity company said. Julie Noce reports. Subscribe: .<br />Numbers dont lie, these people practice numerology which is Satanic and so to know is to know how to crack their demonic code .<br />Legendary Artist David Bowie Dies at 69 by Mike Barnes, THR Staff 1/10/2016 10:42pm PST The singer-songwriter and producer dabbled in glam rock, art rock, .

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie, who died at the age of 69 after a long battle with cancer, had a long and celebrated musical career. But, the performer was also an actor, and .<br /><br />The Classic Documentary. If theres one artist who defines what Pop & Rock music should be better than any other, that artist simply has to be David Bowie.<br />What a place to fall. This movie was David Bowies acting debut and how appropriate for Ziggy Stardust and Mr. Space Oddity. The only other flick I am aware .<br />This is the great magic dance from the movie Labyrinth featuring super dancing from David and a coke snorting spell suggestion.

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

puedes ver mas videos en: <br />y las mejores fotos en: <br /> <br />David Bowie - Space Oddity (cover)

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie - The Jean Genie

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

★ To see this karaoke video click ★

Aryel Narvasa
7 Views · 4 years ago

le roi david et sa cour

Aryel Narvasa
13 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie Berlin 2002.. live

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

Chanson qui parle de drogues <br />Voir les 10 autres chansons célèbres autour des drogues

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Lyrics to Young Americans by David Bowie: They pulled in just behind the bridge / He lays her down, he frowns / "Gee my life's a funny.David Bowie – Young Americans Lyrics GeniusLyrics to 'Young Americans' by David Bowie. They pulled in just behind the bridge / He lays her down, he frowns / Gee my life's a funny thing, am I still too. Inajar Young Americans Lyrics - David BowieLyrics and meaning of “Young Americans” by David Bowie on Genius. The result of Bowie's obsession with soul music. In a hodgepodge of political and social .David Bowie - Young Americans Lyrics MetroLyrics <br /> <br />DAVID BOWIE lyrics - Young Americans - Oldie LyricsFeatures Song Lyrics for David Bowie's Young Americans album. Includes Album Cover, Release Year, and User Reviews.DAVID BOWIE "Young Americans". They pulled in just behind the bridge. He lays her down, he frowns "Gee my life's a funny thing, am I still too young?"DAVID BOWIE - YOUNG AMERICANS LYRICS <br /> <br />Young Americans by David Bowie Songfacts"Young Americans" is a single by English singer and songwriter David Bowie,. later reflected on by Bowie as "plastic soul", was matched by a cynical lyric, .David Bowie:Young Americans Lyrics - LyricWikia - WikiaYoung Americans by David Bowie song meaning, lyric interpretation, video and chart position.Young Americans (song) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaThis song is performed by David Bowie and appears on the album Young Americans (1975).

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

découvre ce remix envoûtant de let's dance de Bowie créé en 1985, remixé façon Bollywood <br />l'occasion de vous faire un thé des Indes et de vous laisser aller

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

Placebo - Five years (David Bowie)

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie sort dans quelques jours son premier album depuis 10 ans et son utilisation du Web depuis près 2 mois est extraordinaire. <br /> <br />Retrouvez les chroniques de Guy Birenbaum sur

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie - The Bewlay Brothers

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

le roi david et sa cour

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Chanson qui parle de drogues <br />Voir les 10 autres chansons célèbres autour des drogues

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie Berlin 2002.. live

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

Placebo - Five years (David Bowie)

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Lyrics to Young Americans by David Bowie: They pulled in just behind the bridge / He lays her down, he frowns / "Gee my life's a funny.David Bowie – Young Americans Lyrics GeniusLyrics to 'Young Americans' by David Bowie. They pulled in just behind the bridge / He lays her down, he frowns / Gee my life's a funny thing, am I still too. Inajar Young Americans Lyrics - David BowieLyrics and meaning of “Young Americans” by David Bowie on Genius. The result of Bowie's obsession with soul music. In a hodgepodge of political and social .David Bowie - Young Americans Lyrics MetroLyrics <br /> <br />DAVID BOWIE lyrics - Young Americans - Oldie LyricsFeatures Song Lyrics for David Bowie's Young Americans album. Includes Album Cover, Release Year, and User Reviews.DAVID BOWIE "Young Americans". They pulled in just behind the bridge. He lays her down, he frowns "Gee my life's a funny thing, am I still too young?"DAVID BOWIE - YOUNG AMERICANS LYRICS <br /> <br />Young Americans by David Bowie Songfacts"Young Americans" is a single by English singer and songwriter David Bowie,. later reflected on by Bowie as "plastic soul", was matched by a cynical lyric, .David Bowie:Young Americans Lyrics - LyricWikia - WikiaYoung Americans by David Bowie song meaning, lyric interpretation, video and chart position.Young Americans (song) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaThis song is performed by David Bowie and appears on the album Young Americans (1975).

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

découvre ce remix envoûtant de let's dance de Bowie créé en 1985, remixé façon Bollywood <br />l'occasion de vous faire un thé des Indes et de vous laisser aller

Aryel Narvasa
7 Views · 4 years ago

 David Bowie de retour avec ''Where Are We Now".

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

The News - 01/11/2016

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

The music ushering the beginning of BCBG Max Azaria’s New York Fashion Week show was haunting, trance-y, church-y.<br />It was the start of NYFW, temperatures frigid outside, and inside—well, of course, a woman in a tight, fitted red silk cocktail dress took her seat. Practicality is not your friend this week.

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie sort dans quelques jours son premier album depuis 10 ans et son utilisation du Web depuis près 2 mois est extraordinaire. <br /> <br />Retrouvez les chroniques de Guy Birenbaum sur

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie - The Bewlay Brothers

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie - The Jean Genie

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie - The Jean Genie

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

Free Download book <br /> <br /> David Bowie An Illustrated Record <br /> David Bowie An Illustrated Record <br /> <br />Free Download book <br />David Bowie An Illustrated Record

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

Celebrity Entertainment Columnist Jennifer Brett & CineStars' Noah Coslov discuss Yamma Brown's touching tribute to David Bowie, the 32nd annual Mayor's Masked Ball, and T.I.'s holiday surprise.

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

The legendary rocker died on Sunday after a battle with cancer.

Aryel Narvasa
9 Views · 4 years ago

extrait de l'album hours sorti la même année

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

DAVID BOWIE Candidate Alternate Version

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie - Lady Grinning Soul

Aryel Narvasa
8 Views · 4 years ago

The great music and musician!

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago <br />One of the many David Bowie Classics. This and many more on David Bowie Official Youtube channel. Check it out now!

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie Valentine´s Day Prevideo Ted Bunny

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie Let's Dance remix

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

Produced by David Bowie & Arif Mardin. <br />Additional production & remix by Steve Thompson & Michael Barbiero. <br />From the 12", released in 1986. <br />Played in <br /> |

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

Musik-video von David Bowie Durchführung von Änderungen Bearbeiten .nnFollowing die traurige Nachricht, dass David Bowie ist verstorben, hier ist ein Blick auf die pop-Ikone Leben in Bildern, begleitet von einer seiner vielen klassischen songs .nnDavid Bowie Hunky Dory Release date: 17. Dezember 1971 tracklist: 00:00 Änderungen 03:37 Oh! Sie Hübsche Sachen 06:49 Acht Line-Gedicht 09:45 Leben Auf Dem Mars?nnDavid Bowie cover getan in Portugiesisch von Seu Jorge wissen für seine Rolle in Stadt Gottes bei den anderen Filmen.nn2002 Paris.

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

Among the most influential musicians of the century, Bowie has managed to stay at the top of the charts for more than thirty years largely due to his talent for modifying his persona with characters like 1972's Ziggy Stardust and The Thin White Duke. Emerging as a Mod out of Brixton, London at 19, he is best known for his role in the Glam movement of the early 1970s. Born David Robert Haywood Jones on January 8th, 1947, he changed his name in 1966 in order to avoid confusion with Monkees lead singer Davey Jones. Bowie has one perpetually dilated eye (which gives the appearance of two different colours) due to a schoolyard fight.<br /><br /><br />David Bowie definition by Urban Dictionary

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie - The Jean Genie

Aryel Narvasa
7 Views · 4 years ago

A documentary, which takes you on a journey of Bowie's revolutionary career, struggle with his personal life and his achievements and successes. Features interviews with Bowie, Iman his wife, his musical contemporaries including Iggy Pop, Moby and Trent Reznor. Exclusive footage of live performances of the showman's best and music and film to showcase 30 years of his career. Highlights Bowie's interests, passions and involvement with the arts. One not to be missed!<br /><br />Song included in this Documentry;<br />Fame<br />Ziggy Stardust<br />Young Americans<br />Space Oddity<br />Changes<br />Suffragette City<br />Golden Years<br />Heroes<br />Peace On Earth/The Little Drummer Boy (With Bing Crosby)<br />Ashes To Ashes<br />Modern Love<br />Let's Dance<br />Dancing In The Street<br />And Many More<br /><br /><br />For more info on our great videos and exciting clips please...<br />Follow us on Twitter:<br />Like our page on Facebook:

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie revient dans les bacs ce lundi avec "The Next Day". Un opus déjà salué par la critique. Dix ans que le caméléon n’avait pas sorti d’album studio. Ce come-back met fin aux rumeurs qui courraient depuis des années sur son état de santé.

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Kate Moss a récemment donné une interview au webzine The Edit, dans laquelle elle raconte ses souvenirs avec Prince et David Bowie.

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Video Coming 19 November ☆ Album Out 8 January 2016

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

Lyrics to 'Within You' by David Bowie. How you turned my world, You precious thing / You starve and near-exhaust me / Everything I've done, I've done for you /Within You Lyrics - David BowieLyrics to "Within You" song by DAVID BOWIE: How you turn my world You precious thing. You starve and near exhaust me. Everything I've done,. Inajar David Bowie - Within You Lyrics MetroLyricsLyrics to Within You by David Bowie: How you turned my world, / you precious thing / You starve and near exhaust me / Everything I've.DAVID BOWIE LYRICS - Within You - A-Z Lyrics <br /> <br />David Bowie – Within You Lyrics GeniusWithin You Lyrics. David Bowie. How you turned my world, you precious thing. You starve and near exhaust me. Everything I've done, I've done for youLyrics and meaning of “Within You” by David Bowie on Genius. [Verse 1] / How you turn my world / You precious thing / You starve and near exhaust me .David Bowie - Within You Lyrics [V] Music <br /> <br />Labyrinth soundtrack – Bowie, David - Within You lyricsDavid Bowie This song is performed by David Bowie and appears on the soundtrack Labyrinth.BOWIE, DAVID - WITHIN YOU Lyrics - LABYRINTH.Labyrinth soundtrack - Bowie, David - Within You lyrics lyrics: How you turned my world, you precious thing You starve and near exhaust me Everything I've .David Bowie:Within You Lyrics - LyricWikia - WikiaListen and sing "Within You" by Bowie, David from "Labyrinth" soundtrack. Song lyrics: How you turned my world, you precious thing You starve and near .

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie - I Feel Free

Aryel Narvasa
10 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie - Fame (2002 Live)

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie - Panic In Detroit

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

De son avatar Ziggy Stardust à son tube bien nommé "Fame", en passant par sa période soul américaine ("Young americans"), son virage berlinois électronique ("Heroes") puis vers la musique romantique moderne ("Scary monsters"), ce documentaire nous raconte David Bowie à travers cinq années clés de sa carrière, comprises entre 1971 et 1982.

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie Across The Universe

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

★ Un Titre absolument Culte de Mr David Bowie. A écouter & réécouter... Music is Life :o) ★<br /><br />- Amicalement ~ In a Friendly Way ... SnOOpy ;o)

Aryel Narvasa
7 Views · 4 years ago

extrait de l'album the rise and full of ziggy stardust and the spiders from mars. magnifique interprétation

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Alice Cooper recalls a time when he may have inspired David Bowie.<br />Starting out in rock around the same time, the 67-year-old American rock singer remembers seeing Bowie, then known by his birth name David Jones, attending one of his early shows.<br />Having approached rock with a theatrical flair before Bowie, Alice Cooper told the Rolling Stone his performance showed him what it could be.<br />Cooper added he always admired what Bowie was doing.<br />Hoping more rock artists would incorporate theater into their live performances, Cooper appreciated the entirely new character Bowie created in Ziggy Stardust.<br />The 69-year-old Bowie died last month after succumbing to cancer.

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago <br />Check out this amazing performance by David Bowie and find many more in David Bowie's Official Youtube Channell!

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie and his family

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

Starman - The David Bowie Experience

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

The legendary David Bowie lost his battle to cancer just days after his 69th birthday. Here are 5 facts about the musician that might surprise you. Pop music lost .<br />twenty two facts about David Bowie, who has died just days after releasing his latest album on his 69th birthday. 1. David Bowie was born David Robert Jones in .<br />Bowies millions. BBC3 doc.<br />Mark Mothersbaugh recounts the beginnings of Devo, finding a sound through some of the bands early influences, working with Brian Eno and hanging out with .

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie - The Jean Genie

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

Enregistré le 6 mars 2016 à la Coulée Douce <br /> <br />Réalisation: Jacky <br /> <br />Martine - chant <br />Eric - guitare, chant <br />Philippe - batterie <br />Vincent - guitare, chant <br />Kikou - basse

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Diese Porträts von David Bowie zusammengestellt wurden für ein Sky Arts Dokumentarfilm im Jahr 2015. ABONNIEREN Sie unseren YouTube-Kanal für mehr videos: .nnHe geholfen, das glam in glam-rock, aber dieser rock n roll Chamäleon ist viel mehr als nur empörend, make-up und Glitzer Kleidung. Und seine songs beweisen.nnAs angefordert machte ich eine neue version von dem video, das ich gemacht, als eine Hommage an Bowie an seinem Geburtstag. In dieser erweiterten version der Bilder sind langsamer und enthält mehr .nnIt ist schon ein Jahr

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

De son avatar Ziggy Stardust à son tube bien nommé "Fame", en passant par sa période soul américaine ("Young americans"), son virage berlinois électronique ("Heroes") puis vers la musique romantique moderne ("Scary monsters"), ce documentaire nous raconte David Bowie à travers cinq années clés de sa carrière, comprises entre 1971 et 1982.

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie - Port Of Amsterdam

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

Du Grand David Bowie, C'est KDO pour toi Véro <br /><br />¤¤¤ Music is Life ¤¤¤ Amitiés ~ Friendships ... SnOOpy ;o)

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Starman (David Bowie Acoustic Cover)

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

Alice Cooper recalls a time when he may have inspired David Bowie.<br />Starting out in rock around the same time, the 67-year-old American rock singer remembers seeing Bowie, then known by his birth name David Jones, attending one of his early shows.<br />Having approached rock with a theatrical flair before Bowie, Alice Cooper told the Rolling Stone his performance showed him what it could be.<br />Cooper added he always admired what Bowie was doing.

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie, whose incomparable sound and chameleon-like ability to reinvent himself made him a pop music fixture for more than four decades, has died. He was 69. Bowie died Sunday after an 18-month battle with cancer. From a mop-topped unknown singer called David Jones, to his space alien alter ego "Ziggy Stardust," to his dapper departure as the Thin White Duke, Bowie married music and fashion in a way few artists have been able to master.

Aryel Narvasa
8 Views · 4 years ago

Musikfans in der ganzen Welt trauern um die Pop-Ikone David Bowie, doch die Berliner verbindet ein besonderes Verhältnis zu dem britischen Musiker, der am Sonntag im Alter von 69 Jahren einem Krebsleiden erlegen ist. Bowie lebte in den siebziger Jahren mehrere Jahre im Stadtteil Schöneberg. An seinem ehemaligen Wohnhaus legten viele Menschen Blumen nieder; Berlins Regierender Bürgermeister Michael Müller (SPD) würdigte Bowie mit den Worten: "Er gehörte zu uns."

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

Labyrinth - Magic Dance - David Bowie

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Tin Machine song.

Aryel Narvasa
18 Views · 4 years ago

British music legend's latest album released last week

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

TV News David Bowie and Belgium

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Tributes pour in for the iconic British singer David Bowie, who has died aged 69 after an 18 month battle with cancer. (Jan. 11) Subscribe for more Breaking

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

Hey everyone, heres a message from us about everything thats been going on recently. Thank you. DAVID BOWIE Bonus video on the

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

on dirait qu'il déchire ses vieilles compo. mais qu'est-ce qu'il les déchire bien !

Aryel Narvasa
14 Views · 4 years ago

NEW YORK / LONDON — David Bowie, one of the world’s most transcendent and celebrated artists, died on Sunday. <br /> <br />The visionary musician, whose hits range from the haunting “Space Oddity” to the timeless “Heroes,” died surrounded by his family, a post to his official Facebook page said. <br /> <br />“David Bowie died peacefully today surrounded by his family after a courageous 18 month battle with cancer. While many of you will share in this loss, we ask that you respect the family’s privacy during their time of grief.” <br /> <br />As news spread of his passing on Monday, tributes from giants of the musical world poured in. <br /> <br />"I’m proud to think of the huge influence he has had on people all around the world,” Paul McCartney said in a Reuters report. “His star will shine in the sky forever.” <br /> <br />Rolling Stones frontman Mick Jagger described Bowie “as inspiration” and “a true original” in a post to his official Facebook page. “He was wonderfully shameless in his work,” Jagger said, “We had so many good times together. He was my friend, I will never forget him.” <br /> <br />“David Bowie was one of my most important inspirations, so fearless, so creative, he gave us magic for a lifetime,” Kanye West tweeted. <br /> <br />A master of self-reinvention, Bowie’s craft and evocative performance style endured five decades of music. <br /> <br />Originally named David Jones when he was born in 1947, Bowie rocketed to fame in 1969 with the release of “A Space Oddity,” though it was his 1972 transformation into Ziggy Stardust that cemented his place in the era’s pop culture pantheon. <br /> <br />Despite a dip in his popularity in the 1980s, Bowie bounced back in the 1990s and early 2000s. He stopped touring in 2004 after he received emergency heart surgery. Many had thought he had retired, but the singer returned to music in 2014 with the release of album “Nothing Has Changed.” <br /> <br />Bowie had just turned 69 last Friday. His latest album, “Blackstar,” was released the same day to critical acclaim, two days prior to his death. He is survived by his second wife, ex-model Iman, his son, film director Duncan Jones, and daughter, Alexandria Zahra Jones.<br /><br />----------------------------------------­­---------------------<br /><br />Welcome to TomoNews, where we animate the most entertaining news on the internets. Come here for an animated look at viral headlines, US news, celebrity gossip, salacious scandals, dumb criminals and much more! Subscribe now for daily news animations that will knock your socks off.<br /><br />Visit our official website for all the latest, uncensored videos:<br />Check out our Android app:<br />Check out our iOS app:<br /><br />Get top stories delivered to your inbox everyday:<br /><br />Stay connected with us here:<br />Facebook<br />Twitter @tomonewsus<br />Google+<br />Instagram @tomonewsus

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie - Station To Station

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie - Ziggy Stardust (Live)

Aryel Narvasa
11 Views · 4 years ago

c'est un footage basé sur le livre icône de la génération des quadra actuels <br />moi Christian F 13ans droguée prostituée <br />heroes de David BOWIE, en fut la bande musicale titre <br />Christiane F Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo <br /><a href=""></a> <br /><a href=""></a> <br />Christiane Vera Felscherinow

Aryel Narvasa
7 Views · 4 years ago

Most famous for his alter-ego, the ostentatious, androgynous "Ziggy Stardust", Bowie has continually reinvented his music and image. He has had numerous top ten hits in the US & UK, most notably China Girl, Space Oddity, Under Pressure and more. Told through archive interviews (originally thought lost) and rare and unseen footage, this DVD is a worthy addition to any Bowie collection. Items genuinely unseen and never before appeared on DVD including film from the ITN archive. Includes lost and now restored TV interviews from the past and rare film of the singer talking about his career.

Aryel Narvasa
18 Views · 4 years ago

images 11 septembre 2005 Fête nationale de Catalogne - Llançà - Coléra - Portbou (frontière Espagnole) - Cèrbère (frontière rançaise) mais toujours Catalane... petit homage pour ma 100 ème vidéo sur Dailymotion....

Aryel Narvasa
7 Views · 4 years ago

une version assez détournée, intéressante à écouter quand on connait l'originale

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Live Aid 13th July 1985

Aryel Narvasa
15 Views · 4 years ago

DAVID BOWIE Bonus video on the REACT channel: Watch all main React episodes (Kids/Teens/Elders/Adults/YouTubers):

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

comedy classic

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

LEGO Rock Band (PlayStation 3) - David Bowie

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Hommage à David Bowie disparu il y a un an, avec une archive étonnante : en 1974, Bowie arrive aux États-Unis, il vient d’enterrer son personnage lunaire de Ziggy Stardust et se met à chanter du Aretha Franklin. <br /><br />«Stupéfiant !», le magazine culturel présenté par Léa Salamé.<br />Mercredi à 22.40 sur France 2<br /><br /><br />#Stupéfiant

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Moonage daydream en live avec un solo plein d'émotions de Mick Ronson. Super performance !

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie, Live Acoustic "Heroes"

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

une reprise des pixies extrait de l'album heathen

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Copyright 2017 Pavement Entertainment, Inc

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

Hello, <br />Is there anybody in there <br />Just nod if you can hear me <br />Is there anyone home? <br />Come on, now <br />I hear you're feeling down <br />I can ease your pain <br />Get you on your feet again <br />Relax <br />I'll need some information first <br />Just the basic facts <br />Can you show me where it hurts? <br /> <br />There is no pain, you are receding <br />A distant ship's smoke on the horizon <br />You are only coming through in waves <br />Your lips move but I can't hear what you're saying <br />When I was a child I had a fever <br />My hands felt just like two balloons <br />Now I've got that feeling once again <br />I can't explain, you would not understand <br />This is not how I am <br />I have become comfortably numb <br /> <br />O.K. <br />Just a little pin prick <br />There'll be no more aaaaaaaah! <br />But you may feel a little sick <br />Can you stand up? <br />I do believe it's working, good <br />That'll keep you going through the show <br />Come on it's time to go. <br /> <br />There is no pain, you are receding <br />A distant ship's smoke on the horizon <br />You are only coming through in waves <br />Your lips move but I can't hear what you're saying <br />When I was a child <br />I caught a fleeting glimpse <br />Out of the corner of my eye <br />I turned to look, but it was gone <br />I cannot put my finger on it now <br />The child is grown <br />The dream is gone <br />I have become comfortably numb.

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

This video is posted with the aim of raising attention to the Mick Ronson Hall of Fame induction campaign and for a chance to see Mick and David working together for one last time.<br />David has personally written to the HOF stating his support for Mick's induction.<br />The campaign is active on many fronts, one of them being a petition, you add your name to the 4500+ names here (it's free, choose to ignore ipetitions plea for a voluntary contribution - it has nothing to do with the campaign)

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

(tribute to Freddy Mercury) répétition

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie<br /><br />Rock / Ambiance / Pop

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie - Heroes (Live 1977)

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie - The Alabama song

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

You make me act real gone, you make me trawl along. I had to ravish your capsule, suck you dry.. Velvet Goldmine, you stroke me like the rain.Velvet Goldmine (song) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaLyrics to 'Velvet Goldmine' by David Bowie. You got crazy legs, you got amazing head / You got rings on your fingers and your hair's hot red / You got wit from. Inajar Velvet Goldmine Lyrics - David Bowie"Velvet Goldmine" is a song written by David Bowie and recorded during the. too risqué a song (even after watering down the lyrics) to be released in 1972.David Bowie - Velvet Goldmine Lyrics MetroLyrics <br /> <br />Velvet Goldmine Pushing Ahead of the DameLyrics and meaning of “Velvet Goldmine” by David Bowie on Genius. You got crazy legs, you got amazin' head / You got rings on your fingers and your hair's hot .Apr 16, 2010 - Those unfamiliar with Bowie (if you're reading this blog, that likely disqualifies you) might assume. David Bowie, song by song. “Velvet Goldmine,” originally called “He's a Goldmine,” had been slated for Ziggy's. He said “the lyrics are a little bit too provocative” during a radio interview in February 1972.David Bowie – Velvet Goldmine Lyrics Genius <br /> <br />VELVET GOLDMINE LYRICS - DAVID BOWIE - Sing365.This song is performed by David Bowie and appears on the reissue of the album The Rise And Fall.DAVID BOWIE LYRICS - Velvet Goldmine - A-Z LyricsMay 27, 2008 - "Velvet Goldmine" Lyrics by David Bowie: You got crazy legs, you got amazing head You got rings on your fingers and your hairs hot red You .David Bowie:Velvet Goldmine Lyrics - LyricWikia - WikiaLyrics to "Velvet Goldmine" song by DAVID BOWIE: You got crazy legs, you got amazin' head You got rings on your fingers and your hair's hot red You g.

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Legendary musician David Bowie has died following a battle with cancer just days after his 69th birthday.

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

The music ushering the beginning of BCBG Max Azaria’s New York Fashion Week show was haunting, trance-y, church-y.<br />It was the start of NYFW, temperatures frigid outside, and inside—well, of course, a woman in a tight, fitted red silk cocktail dress took her seat. Practicality is not your friend this week.

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

david bowie (born david robert jones) b. 08-01-1947, d. 10-01-2016

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

The UK's Royal Mail Group is honoring David Bowie, "The Man Who Fell to Earth," with a set of commemorative stamps. The stamps show some of his iconic album covers. Those stamps launched in more ways than one this week. The Royal Mail shot 52 sets of the special stamps into space so they can fall back to Earth. This was done in recognition of the late musician's space-themed music and starring role as an alien in the surreal 1976 movie "The Man Who Fell to Earth."

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

La estrella musical se suma a este juego.

Aryel Narvasa
10 Views · 4 years ago

David Robert Jones (8 January 1947 – 10 January 2016), known as David Bowie was an English singer, songwriter, actor and record producer. He was a figure in popular music for over five decades, regarded by critics and musicians as an innovator, particularly for his work in the 1970s. His career was marked by reinvention and visual presentation, his music and stagecraft significantly influencing popular music. During his lifetime, his record sales, estimated at 140 million worldwide, made him one of the world's best-selling music artists. In the UK, he was awarded nine platinum album certifications, eleven gold and eight silver, releasing eleven number-one albums. In the US, he received five platinum and seven gold certifications. He was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1996. <br /> <br />Born and raised in south London, Bowie developed an interest in music as a child, eventually studying art, music and design before embarking on a professional career as a musician in 1963. "Space Oddity" became his first top-five entry on the UK Singles Chart after its release in July 1969. After a period of experimentation, he re-emerged in 1972 during the glam rock era with his flamboyant and androgynous alter ego Ziggy Stardust. The character was spearheaded by the success of his single "Starman" and album The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars, which won him widespread popularity. In 1975, Bowie's style shifted radically towards a sound he characterised as "plastic soul", initially alienating many of his UK devotees but garnering him his first major US crossover success with the number-one single "Fame" and the album Young Americans. In 1976, Bowie began a sporadic acting career, starring in the cult film The Man Who Fell to Earth. The following year, he further confounded musical expectations with the electronic-inflected album Low (1977), the first of three collaborations with Brian Eno that would come to be known as the "Berlin Trilogy". "Heroes" (1977) and Lodger (1979) followed; each album reached the UK top five and received lasting critical praise. <br /> <br />After uneven commercial success in the late 1970s, Bowie had UK number ones with the 1980 single "Ashes to Ashes", its parent album Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps), and "Under Pressure", a 1981 collaboration with Queen. He then reached his commercial peak in 1983 with Let's Dance, with its title track topping both UK and US charts. Throughout the 1990s and 2000s, Bowie continued to experiment with musical styles, including industrial and jungle. Bowie also continued acting; his roles included Major Celliers in Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence (1983), the Goblin King Jareth in Labyrinth (1986), Pontius Pilate in The Last Temptation of Christ (1988), and Nikola Tesla in The Prestige (2006), among other film and television appearances and cameos. He stopped concert touring after 2004 and his last live performance was at a charity event in 2006. In 2013, Bowie returned from a decade-long recording hiatus with the release of The Next Day. He remained musically active until his death on 10 January 2016, just two days after the release of his final album, Blackstar.

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

NEW YORK / LONDON — David Bowie, one of the world’s most transcendent and celebrated artists, died on Sunday. <br /> <br />The visionary musician, whose hits range from the haunting “Space Oddity” to the timeless “Heroes,” died surrounded by his family, a post to his official Facebook page said. <br /> <br />“David Bowie died peacefully today surrounded by his family after a courageous 18 month battle with cancer. While many of you will share in this loss, we ask that you respect the family’s privacy during their time of grief.” <br /> <br />As news spread of his passing on Monday, tributes from giants of the musical world poured in. <br /> <br />"I’m proud to think of the huge influence he has had on people all around the world,” Paul McCartney said in a Reuters report. “His star will shine in the sky forever.” <br /> <br />Rolling Stones frontman Mick Jagger described Bowie “as inspiration” and “a true original” in a post to his official Facebook page. “He was wonderfully shameless in his work,” Jagger said, “We had so many good times together. He was my friend, I will never forget him.” <br /> <br />“David Bowie was one of my most important inspirations, so fearless, so creative, he gave us magic for a lifetime,” Kanye West tweeted. <br /> <br />A master of self-reinvention, Bowie’s craft and evocative performance style endured five decades of music. <br /> <br />Originally named David Jones when he was born in 1947, Bowie rocketed to fame in 1969 with the release of “A Space Oddity,” though it was his 1972 transformation into Ziggy Stardust that cemented his place in the era’s pop culture pantheon. <br /> <br />Despite a dip in his popularity in the 1980s, Bowie bounced back in the 1990s and early 2000s. He stopped touring in 2004 after he received emergency heart surgery. Many had thought he had retired, but the singer returned to music in 2014 with the release of album “Nothing Has Changed.” <br /> <br />Bowie had just turned 69 last Friday. His latest album, “Blackstar,” was released the same day to critical acclaim, two days prior to his death. He is survived by his second wife, ex-model Iman, his son, film director Duncan Jones, and daughter, Alexandria Zahra Jones.<br /><br />----------------------------------------­---------------------<br /><br />Covering the biggest stories in current affairs, world news, sports, entertainment, and technology, the creators from Next Animation Studio deliver world famous news animations to a global audience. News doesn’t have to be boring. <br /><br />Can't get enough of these animations?<br />Watch more:<br />Like:<br />Follow: @TomoAnimators<br />Subscribe to our newsletter:

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

"Blue Jean" is a song from the album Tonight by David Bowie. One of only two tracks on the album to be written entirely by Bowie, it was released as a single ahead of the album. <br /><br />Loosely inspired by Eddie Cochran, the song was an uncomplicated composition, recalling earlier Bowie rockers such as “The Jean Genie”, and is generally regarded as the best part of a disappointing album. <br /><br />Following the huge commercial success of Bowie’s previous album, Let's Dance, its singles and the Serious Moonlight Tour, “Blue Jean” was launched with massive promotion. Julien Temple was engaged to direct a 21-minute short film to promote the song, Jazzin' for Blue Jean. The song performance segment from this was also used as a more conventional music video.

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

LONDON (AP) — The Latest on the Brit Awards ceremony (all times local): 8:07 p.m. David Bowie has won the Brit Award for best male artist, the latest posthumous honor for the superstar. Bowie died in January 2016 and has received numerous honors for his last album, "Blackstar." He won four Grammy Awards earlier this month. "Blackstar" is also nominated for British album of the year, which will be presented later in the ceremony. The solo artist award was accepted on his behalf by actor Michael C. Hall, star of Lazarus, a stage musical based on the late artist's songs.

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

Le chanteur britannique s'est éteint ce dimanche à l'âge de 69 ans, entouré de sa famille deux jours après la sortie de son nouvel album. Un choc pour des millions de fans à travers le monde.

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

Le Journal du Soir avec Jean-Charles Banoun - 11/01/2016

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie performs Pablo Picaso.

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Concert de Depeche Mode : Global Spirit Tour 2017 - Stade de France, Paris

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Music video for David Bowie performed by Neeb Bogatar.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Copyright (C) 2017 SK8park Musik.<br />---<br />Powered by

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

Pop and Co dans le 7/9 par Rebecca Manzoni (7h23 - 3 Mars 2015) <br />Retrouvez toutes les chroniques de Rebecca Manzoni sur

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie - Ziggy in Dunstable - Bowie humps MIck

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

Pop and Co dans le 7/9 par Rebecca Manzoni (7h23 - 4 Mars 2015) <br />Retrouvez toutes les chroniques de Rebecca Manzoni sur

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

sDay in 1983: David Bowie tops the chart with "Let's Dance". RIP to a legend.

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

extrait de l'album scary monsters sorti en 1980

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie- 01 Changes

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie Velvet Goldmine

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

little wonder extrait de earthling sorti en 1997. <br />Promo NPA

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

LONDON (AP) — The Latest on the Brit Awards ceremony (all times local): 8:07 p.m. David Bowie has won the Brit Award for best male artist, the latest posthumous honor for the superstar. Bowie died in January 2016 and has received numerous honors for his last album, "Blackstar." He won four Grammy Awards earlier this month. "Blackstar" is also nominated for British album of the year, which will be presented later in the ceremony. The solo artist award was accepted on his behalf by actor Michael C. Hall, star of Lazarus, a stage musical based on the late artist's songs.

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Une sélection spéciale "David Bowie"

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie Morphing GIF. <br />film: <br />Photo Gif film of David Bowie that blend together, using Morphing. <br />Music song: "Visions and sounds" by Karpa - <br />Page:

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

He makes references in new music.

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago


Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Live in Santa Monica ('72)

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Daid Bowie - vittel

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

LE grand moment d'HYPERSHOW : Frédéric Beigbeder a eu l'insigne chance et honeur de recevoir MONSIEUR DAVID BOWIE !!!!!! un très très grand moment sur canal proposé par TELEPARIS

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

A műalkotás a világhírű zenész három alteregóját ábrázolja.<br />

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie, the other-worldly musician who broke pop and rock boundaries died of cancer on Sunday. Fans around the world are mourning the loss. (Jan 11.)

Aryel Narvasa
7 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie Quotes

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

the best 500 songs.

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Une chanson que j'adore et sur laquelle je m'éclate vraiment. L'occasion pour moi d'exhiber ma toute nouvelle Gibson SJ-200 standard.

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie - Ziggy Stardust

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

video clip

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie - Nite Flights

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago Último videoclipe oficial da carreira de David Bowie, o mostra no leito de morte tentando encontrar um mundo melhor através de um armário. David Bowie: Lazarus David Bowie: Lazarus

Aryel Narvasa
9 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie - Diamond Dogs

Aryel Narvasa
7 Views · 4 years ago

Hallo Spaceboy Lyrics <br />Artist: David Bowie <br />Album: 1. Outside <br /> <br /> <br />VERSE <br />(Hallo) Spaceboy, you're sleepy now [second time Hallo] <br />Your silhouette is so stationary <br />You're released but your custody calls <br />And I want to be free <br /> <br />Don't you want to be free <br />Do you like girls or boys <br />It's confusing these days <br />But Moondust will cover you <br />Cover you <br /> <br /> <br />This chaos is killing me <br /> <br />CHORUS <br />So bye bye love <br />Yeah bye bye love <br />Bye bye love <br />Yeah bye bye love <br /> <br />This chaos is killing me <br /> <br />VERSE <br /> <br />And the chaos is calling me <br /> <br />Yeah bye bye love <br />CHORUS <br /> <br />This chaos is killing me <br />This chaos is killing me <br /> <br />Yeah bye bye love <br />Bye bye love <br />Good time love <br />Be sweet sweet dove <br />Bye bye spaceboy <br />Bye bye love <br /> <br />Moondust will cover you

Aryel Narvasa
9 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie impersonation by Stevie Riks. More impersonations at:<a class="link" rel="nofollow" href=""></a>

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Space Oddity est une chanson de David Bowie sortie en single en 1969. Apparue dans la retransmission par la BBC des images de l'atterrissage sur la Lune d'Apollo 11, Space Oddity constitue le premier succès de Bowie auprès du grand public (numéro 5 au Royaume-Uni, puis numéro 1 lors de sa réédition en 1975). Son titre, signifiant littéralement : bizarrerie de l'espace, renvoie à celui du film de Stanley Kubrick 2001: A Space Odyssey, sorti l'année précédente. <br /> <br />La chanson raconte l'histoire d'un jeune astronaute, nommé Major Tom, sous la forme d'un dialogue entre le contrôle au sol et l'astronaute. Le décollage se déroule à la perfection (« you've really made the grade »), mais après sa sortie dans l'espace, le Major Tom semble faire face à un problème technique (« your circuit's dead there's something wrong ») et se résout à son sort, celui d'errer dans l'espace, à bord de son vaisseau, vers une fin certaine (« I think my spaceship knows which way to go »), puis on devine la liaison coupée entre le centre de contrôle et l'astronaute (« Can you hear me, major Tom? »). <br /> <br />Space Oddity est, chronologiquement, la première chanson de David Bowie à employer la thématique de l'espace, largement reprise dans l'album The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars et la chanson Life on Mars?. Dix ans plus tard, dans sa chanson Ashes to Ashes, Bowie offre une autre interprétation de l'histoire du Major Tom : « We all know Major Tom's a junkie » (« On sait tous que le Major Tom est un drogué »). <br /> <br />La chanson a été reprise en français par Gérard Palaprat en 1971, sous le titre Un homme a disparu dans le ciel, dans une dimension qui évoque plus la poésie de l'enfant rêvant à l'espace.

Aryel Narvasa
7 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie-Sweet Head

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

Live Aid 13th July 1985

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

Some of the late musician and actor’s roles in cinema and on television.

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

Annie Lennox & David Bowie

Aryel Narvasa
10 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie Concert For New York Uncut Original Version 2001

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie - Modern Love

Aryel Narvasa
9 Views · 4 years ago

Oh oh oh ohoo little china girl <br />Oh oh oh ohoo little china girl <br /> <br />I could escape this feeling, with my china girl <br />I feel a wreck without my, little china girl <br />I hear her heart beating, loud as thunder <br />Saw the stars crashing <br /> <br />Im a mess without my, little china girl <br />Wake up mornings wheres my, little china girl <br />I hear hearts beating, loud as thunder <br />I saw they stars crashing down <br /> <br />I feel an tragic like an marlon brando <br />When I look at my china girl <br />I could pretend that nothing really meant too much <br />When I look at my china girl <br /> <br />I stumble into town just like a sacred cow <br />Visions of swastikas in my head <br />Plans for everyone <br />Its in the white of my eyes <br /> <br />My little china girl <br />You shouldnt mess with me <br />Ill ruin everything you are <br />Ill give you television <br />Ill give you eyes of blue <br />Ill give you men who want to rule the world <br /> <br />And when I get excited <br />My little china girl says <br />Oh baby just you shut your mouth <br />She says ... sh <br />She says <br />She says <br /> <br />And when I get excited <br />My little china girl says <br />Oh baby just you shut your mouth <br />And when I get excited <br />My little china girl says <br />Oh baby just you shut your mouth <br />She says ... sh <br />She says <br /> <br />Oh oh oh ohoo little china girl <br />Oh oh oh ohoo little china girl <br />Oh oh oh ohoo little china girl <br />Oh oh oh ohoo little china girl <br />Oh oh oh ohoo little china girl

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie - Ziggy Stardust

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

david bowie tres jeune

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

Five Years" es una canción escrita por David Bowie, registrada el 15 de noviembre de 1971, y lanzado como el tema que abre el álbum Auge y caída de Ziggy Stardust y las arañas de Marte en 1972. <br />La canción habla de una Tierra condenado a la destrucción de cinco años y las secuelas de este conocimiento. Bowie se rumorea que han optado por la cantidad de tiempo, cinco años, como resultado de un sueño en el que su difunto padre le dijo que nunca se debe volar de nuevo y moriría en cinco años. <br />Allmusic describe la canción como "fácilmente una de las mejores canciones del álbum de apertura de los tiempos

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie - Lady Stardust

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie - Sweet Thing

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

david bowie interview 1973

Aryel Narvasa
8 Views · 4 years ago

KMazur/WireImage Nearly one year after his tragic passing, Iman is doing her part to keep David Bowie's legacy more alive than ever. The iconic supermodel recently took to Instagram to reflect on the upcoming anniversary of her late husband's death on Jan. 10, which falls just two days after the singer would have celebrated his 70th birthday. The couple tied the knot in 1992 before welcoming a daughter, Alexandria Zahra Jones, eight years later.

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie and Ray Davies perform Waterloo Sunset live at the Tibet House Benefit, Carnegie Hall, New York, 26/02/2003.

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

Petite escapade sur la planète Bowie des 70's avec un morceau que j'adore ...

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie makeup january 2016<br />We found a model with different eyes colors to pay tribute to David Bowie songs and career.<br />We reproduce the alladin sane makeup, some thinks it's ziggy stardust one...<br />After the death of David Bowie , ITM Paris makeup school thougth it was important to make a video for one of the singers who use makeup as a second skin to express himself along his musical career.<br />makeupartist : Bénédicte Philippe <br />model : charles mouillet<br />make-up artist: Bénédicte Philippe<br /><br />Дэвид Боуи макияж<br />maquillaje david bowie<br />데이빗 보위 메이크업<br />大卫·鲍伊妆<br />デヴィッド・ボウイメイク

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

CONAN Highlight: The Thin White Duke was a frequent guest on "Late Night" and Conan picks some of his favorite moments <br /> <br />For Full Episodes of CONAN on TBS, visit <br /> <br />Get Social With Team Coco: <br />On Twitter: <br />On Tumblr: <br /> <br /> <br />Follow Conan O'Brien on Twitter:

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Inspiración moda - David Bowie

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

Con este disco Bowie tomaba una nueva dirección musical, desechando ya por completo su etapa glam rock y explorando el sonido soul de Filadelfia, incluyendo entre sus coristas a un jovencísimo Luther Vandross. Este disco contiene el primer número uno en las listas norteamericanas de Bowie, el tema "Fame", co-escrito con John Lennon (que también contribuyó con su guitarra y coros). <br /> <br />David Bowie se encontraba presentando su álbum Diamond Dogs por EE.UU., cuando en agosto de 1974 se encierra en los estudios de grabación Sigma en Filadelfia con el productor Tony Visconti para comenzar la grabación de un nuevo disco orientado totalmente a la música soul. <br /> <br />Durante las sesiones que tienen lugar entre el 8 y el 18 de agosto, Bowie graba gran parte de los temas: "Young Americans", "Right", "Somebody Up There Likes Me" (que Bowie había compuesto para el grupo Ava and the Astronettes bajo el título "I Am Divine"), "Who Can I Be Now", "It's Gonna Be Me" (inicialmente llamada "Come Back My Baby"), "Can You Hear Me" (que Bowie había compuesto en las sesiones de Diamond Dogs bajo el título "Take It In Right" y que había cedido a la cantante Lulú en marzo de 1974), "After Today" (que no llegaría a terminar) y una versión disco de su tema de 1972: "John I'm Only Dancing Again"

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

Ziggy Stardust...

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

Music Video -1984

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Bowie at his peak

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Thankyou, we are all heroes!

Aryel Narvasa
8 Views · 4 years ago

CONAN Highlight: The Thin White Duke was a frequent guest on "Late Night" and Conan picks some of his favorite moments <br /> <br />For Full Episodes of CONAN on TBS, visit <br /> <br />Get Social With Team Coco: <br />On Twitter: <br />On Tumblr: <br /> <br /> <br />Follow Conan O'Brien on Twitter:

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Inspiración moda - David Bowie

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago Último videoclipe oficial da carreira de David Bowie, o mostra no leito de morte tentando encontrar um mundo melhor através de um armário. David Bowie: Lazarus David Bowie: Lazarus

Aryel Narvasa
9 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie - Diamond Dogs

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Hallo Spaceboy Lyrics <br />Artist: David Bowie <br />Album: 1. Outside <br /> <br /> <br />VERSE <br />(Hallo) Spaceboy, you're sleepy now [second time Hallo] <br />Your silhouette is so stationary <br />You're released but your custody calls <br />And I want to be free <br /> <br />Don't you want to be free <br />Do you like girls or boys <br />It's confusing these days <br />But Moondust will cover you <br />Cover you <br /> <br /> <br />This chaos is killing me <br /> <br />CHORUS <br />So bye bye love <br />Yeah bye bye love <br />Bye bye love <br />Yeah bye bye love <br /> <br />This chaos is killing me <br /> <br />VERSE <br /> <br />And the chaos is calling me <br /> <br />Yeah bye bye love <br />CHORUS <br /> <br />This chaos is killing me <br />This chaos is killing me <br /> <br />Yeah bye bye love <br />Bye bye love <br />Good time love <br />Be sweet sweet dove <br />Bye bye spaceboy <br />Bye bye love <br /> <br />Moondust will cover you

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Space Oddity est une chanson de David Bowie sortie en single en 1969. Apparue dans la retransmission par la BBC des images de l'atterrissage sur la Lune d'Apollo 11, Space Oddity constitue le premier succès de Bowie auprès du grand public (numéro 5 au Royaume-Uni, puis numéro 1 lors de sa réédition en 1975). Son titre, signifiant littéralement : bizarrerie de l'espace, renvoie à celui du film de Stanley Kubrick 2001: A Space Odyssey, sorti l'année précédente. <br /> <br />La chanson raconte l'histoire d'un jeune astronaute, nommé Major Tom, sous la forme d'un dialogue entre le contrôle au sol et l'astronaute. Le décollage se déroule à la perfection (« you've really made the grade »), mais après sa sortie dans l'espace, le Major Tom semble faire face à un problème technique (« your circuit's dead there's something wrong ») et se résout à son sort, celui d'errer dans l'espace, à bord de son vaisseau, vers une fin certaine (« I think my spaceship knows which way to go »), puis on devine la liaison coupée entre le centre de contrôle et l'astronaute (« Can you hear me, major Tom? »). <br /> <br />Space Oddity est, chronologiquement, la première chanson de David Bowie à employer la thématique de l'espace, largement reprise dans l'album The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars et la chanson Life on Mars?. Dix ans plus tard, dans sa chanson Ashes to Ashes, Bowie offre une autre interprétation de l'histoire du Major Tom : « We all know Major Tom's a junkie » (« On sait tous que le Major Tom est un drogué »). <br /> <br />La chanson a été reprise en français par Gérard Palaprat en 1971, sous le titre Un homme a disparu dans le ciel, dans une dimension qui évoque plus la poésie de l'enfant rêvant à l'espace.

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie impersonation by Stevie Riks. More impersonations at:<a class="link" rel="nofollow" href=""></a>

Aryel Narvasa
8 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie-Sweet Head

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

Live Aid 13th July 1985

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Some of the late musician and actor’s roles in cinema and on television.

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

Annie Lennox & David Bowie

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

TARATATA N°112 (Dif. 28/01/96) <br /> <br />This show TV live performance was shot in France - 10/12/95. <br />French TV Show. Live Performances. Broadcast on France 2, 26 January 1996. <br />Special guest on this show: The Smashing Pumpkins (Not on this video) <br /> <br />Opening Intro de l'émission <br />The Voyeur Of Utter Destruction (As Beauty) <br />Interview <br />Under Pressure <br />Interview <br />Smashing Pumpkins <br />Interview <br />The Man Who Sold The World <br />Interview <br />Hallo Spaceboy <br />Strangers When We Meet <br /> <br />On this video I choose to share only the David's song... <br /> <br /> <br />Like this video, share with your friends and come back for more! <br /> <br />Not the owner of the rights! <br />Subscribe to Taratata On Air for more live music & exclusive videos. <br />Abonnez-vous à la chaîne pour plus de live de Taratata

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Live at the Olympia 2002

Aryel Narvasa
19 Views · 4 years ago

from ca. 1984

Aryel Narvasa
8 Views · 4 years ago

Le Journal - 11/01/2016

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago | | <br /> <br /> <br />In der Serie der Golden Globe-Preisträger Ricky Gervais und Stephen Merchant dreht sich alles um die unbekannten Seiten weltbekannter Filmstars. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Es gibt noch soviel zu entdecken. <br /> <br />Das neue WATCHEVER: <br /> <br />8,99€ / Monat

Aryel Narvasa
8 Views · 4 years ago

Hot Gifts<br />2015 Holiday Gift<br />Popular Funny Shirts<br />Best-Sellers Gifts<br />Pro Gifts 2015

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago<br />David Bowie naci? en Briston, Londres, en 1947. En 1962 su amigo George le di? un pu?etazo en el ojo y eso provoc? que le cambiara el color de la pupila. A los dieciseis a?os dej? la escuela para centrarse en la m?sica. Su primer ?xito, Space Oddity se emiti? por TV durante el aterrizaje del hombre en la Luna. Grab? 26 ?lbumes, ingres? en el Sal?n de la Fama del Rock and Roll y gan? el Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award. De estilo camale?nico, continu? haciendo m?sica hasta su muerte en 2016. Est? considerado como uno de los cantautores m?s ic?nicos de su generaci?n.<br />

Aryel Narvasa
9 Views · 4 years ago

Live Aid 13th July 1985

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Music video by David Bowie performing Space Oddity.
<br>Blackstar off David Bowies album Blackstar available now on iTunes: Amazon: Spotify: .
<br>Lazarus off David Bowies album Blackstar available now on iTunes: Amazon: Spotify: .
<br>Music video by David Bowie performing Lets Dance. Taken from the album Heroes Buy the David Bowie back catalogue on iTunes here: .

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Icône du rock. En se réinventant tout au long de ses 50 ans de carrière, il a révolutionné la musique et la mode. David Bowie disparaissait il y a 3 ans, le 10 janvier 2016. Voici son histoire.

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie- 04 Starman

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

Sound & Vision David Bowie

Aryel Narvasa
7 Views · 4 years ago

China Girl" is a song which was co-written by Iggy Pop and David Bowie, for Iggy Pop's album The Idiot. However it was not popularized until it was re-released by David Bowie on the album Let's Dance. <br /><br />An edit of David Bowie's 1977 version was also released as a single. <br /><br />Under the auspices of Nile Rodgers, the song was given a much more commercial sheen than the sinister Iggy Pop version. <br /><br />This song is arguably about heroin addiction; "China white" is a street nickname for heroin, and based on the following lyrics in the song:

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

Ive nothing much to offer <br />Theres nothing much to take <br />Im an absolute beginner <br />And Im absolutely sane <br />As long as were together <br />The rest can go to hell <br />I absolutely love you <br />But were absolute beginners <br />With eyes completely open <br />But nervous all the same <br /> <br />If our love song <br />Could fly over mountains <br />Could laugh at the ocean/sail over heartaches second time <br />Just like the films <br />Theres no reason <br />To feel all the hard times <br />To lay down the hard lines <br />Its absolutely true <br /> <br />Nothing much could happen <br />Nothing we cant shake <br />Oh were absolute beginners <br />With nothing much at stake <br />As long as youre still smiling <br />Theres nothing more I need <br />I absolutely love you <br />But were absolute beginners <br />But if my love is your love <br />Were certain to succeed <br /> <br />If our love song <br />Could fly over mountains <br />Could laugh at the ocean/sail over heartaches second time <br />Just like the films <br />Theres no reason <br />To feel all the hard times <br />To lay down the hard lines <br />Its absolutely true

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

nine inch nails <br /><br />Alternative / Rock / Industrielle

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie - Cat People

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

Dar adeus ao camaleão do rock não é uma tarefa fácil. Descubra algumas curiosidades sobre o ícone pop<br /><br />Locução/Edição: Renata Quintieri<br />Arte: Fernando Kazuo

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

I hope you enjoy this David Bowie Quiz. Much love and effort went into creating it. I adore David Bowie and his passing hit me very hard. Working on Bowie projects like this helps me to cope. If you enjoyed this quiz please Like, Share, Comment and Subscribe. Thank you. <br /> <br />DAVID BOWIE TRIBUTE QUIZ ANSWERS <br />01) Ashes To Ashes / Blue Clown / Pierrot / Designer Natasha Korniloff / Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps) / 1980 <br />02) Hunk Dory / 1971 <br />03) The Prestige / Nikola Tesla / 2006 <br />04) Ziggy Stardust / Eyepatch / 1974 <br />05) Ziggy Stardust / "Space Oddity" space suit / Des. Kansai Yamamoto / Ziggy Stardust tour / 1972-3 <br />06) Thin White Duke / Young Americans / Station to Station / 1974-1976 <br />07) The Man Who Fell To Earth / Thomas Jerome Newton / Dir. Nicolas Roeg / 1976 <br />08) Blackstar / 2016 <br />09) Labyrinth / Jareth / Goblin King / 1986 <br />10) Vinyl "Tokyo Pop" bodysuit / Des. Kansai Yamamoto / Aladdin Sane tour / 1973 <br />11) Heathen / 2002 <br />12) Diamond Dogs / 1974 <br />13) David Live / Tower Theatre Philadelphia / 1974 <br />14) Earthling / Des. Alexander McQueen / 1997 <br />15) Ziggy Stardust / The Spiders From Mars / Des. Freddie Burretti / 1972 <br />16) Mick Ronson / The Spiders From Mars / 1972 <br />17) Trevor Bolder / The Spiders From Mars / 1972 <br />18) Mick "Woody" Woodmansey / The Spiders From Mars / 1973 <br />19) Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence / Jack Celliers / Ruichi Sakamoto / Dir. Nagisa Oshima / 1983 <br />20) Station To Station / 1976 <br />21) Let's Dance / Serious Moonlight tour / 1983 <br />22) Baal / 1982 <br />23) The Elephant Man / 1980-81 <br />24) Life On Mars / Des. Freddie Burretti / 1973 <br />25) The Next Day / 2013 <br />26) Dancing In The Street / Mick Jagger / Live Aid / 1985 <br />27) Andy Warhol / Basquiat / 1996 <br />28) Blue Jean / Screaming Lord Byron / 1984 <br />29) David Jones / The Konrads / First group / 1962 <br />30) Peace on Earth / Little Drummer Boy / Bing Crosby / 1977 <br />31) Reality / 2003 <br />32) Absolute Beginners / 1986 <br />33) Aladdin Sane / 1973 <br />34) Tin Machine / Reeves Gabrels / Hunt Sales / Tony Sales / 1989 <br />35) Low / 1977 <br />36) One of last official photos / Photographer Jimmy King / Blackstar / 2016 <br />37) Lodger / 1979 <br />38) "Heroes" / 1977 <br />39) Reality tour / 2003 <br />40) Lazarus / "Just like that bluebird" / Blackstar / 2016 <br /> <br />DAVID BOWIE COLLAGE MUG <br />Are you interested in my David Bowie collage mug? The mugs are strictly limited and are made strictly to order. You can only buy this mug from me. You can not buy one from anyone else. For more details please email me at and please tell me where in the world you are.

Aryel Narvasa
7 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie Quotes

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

Iggy Pop & David Bowie <br /> -Dinah Shore tv show 1977

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

Mais um grande tema musical dos anos dourados, com o grande David Bowie ao vivo.

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

- Under Pressure

Aryel Narvasa
7 Views · 4 years ago

Trent reznor est un grand fan de Bowie depuis longtemps et ils ont fait quelques morceaux ensemble , Hurt en fait partie , je vous le met en live. <br /> <br />Ce morceau vaut le détour. <br /> <br />Moulti <br /> <br /><a href=""></a>

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

Dinah Shore tv show 1977

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

Cleber Akio fazendo um cover de David Bowie no Major em Suzano com tom Ribeiro na percuteria.

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago


Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Dans son premier album depuis dix ans, l'icône du rock britannique David Bowie revit son histoire d'amour avec Berlin qui, de son côté, conserve toute son affection à celui qu'elle considère comme un fils adoptif. A partir de 1976, Bowie a vécu trois ans dans la ville divisée et toujours marquée par les stigmates de la guerre. Fatigué par la gloire, il cherchait à y fuir les démons de la drogue et de l'alcool qui menaçaient d'ajouter son nom à la longue liste des victimes du rock'n roll. Durée: 01:15

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie - Golden Years

Aryel Narvasa
13 Views · 4 years ago

BBC documentary

Aryel Narvasa
7 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie - China Girl

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

09 David Bowie Tribute

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago David Bowie Absolute Beginners

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago Durante os agitados anos 50, Colin (Eddie O'Connell), é um jovem londrino de 19 anos que está a procura de seu lugar no mundo. Tentando se estabelecer como um fotógrafo, ele está perdidamente apaixonado por Crepe Suzette (Patsy Kensit), uma linda modelo. Porém, seu relacionamento está estritamente ligado ao mundo da moda e a seu crescente sucesso. Então, Colin se envolve com um promotor de música pop e tenta assim, novamente se aproximar de Crepe Suzette. Enquanto os dois decidem entre viver seus princípios idealistas ou se vendar ao sucesso, a tensão racial fermenta a seu redor... Muitos sucesso musicais recheiam esta superprodução intepretados por: Fine Young Canibals, Sade, David Bowir, Patsey Kensit etc. Absolute Beginners Absolute Beginners

Aryel Narvasa
7 Views · 4 years ago

da Rete4

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie - Scary Monsters

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie Gets Annoyed

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Recordando a David Robert Jones, también conocido como David Bowie, nació el 8 de enero de 1947. El fallecido cantante inglés falleció el 10 de enero de 2016, a la edad de 69 años. Nació en Brixton, Londres. El influyente músico es uno de los artistas más vendidos del mundo y vendió aproximadamente 140 millones de álbumes en todo el mundo. Su single de 1969, "Space Oddity", fue su debut en las listas del Reino Unido. Más tarde, Bowie tuvo un gran éxito en Estados Unidos con "Fame". Era conocido por experimentar con su música, estilo y su alter ego, Ziggy Stardust. Ha actuado en numerosas películas como 'The Man Who Fell to Earth', 'Labyrinth' y muchas más. Bowie fue incluido en el Salón de la Fama del Rock and Roll en 1996. Lanzó su último álbum, "Blackstar", en 2016 y murió dos días después. ¡Feliz cumpleaños, David Bowie!

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

David Bowie - Heroes (live)

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

★ To see this karaoke video click ★

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

le maitre de la pop anglaise

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

Live aid 13th July 1985

Showing 22 out of 23