Real Story

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Interpretation de "Ca ne finira jamais" De Pascal Maronne. (Sosie vocal de Johnny Hallyday). Veuillez Laissez Vos commentaires SVP.

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Votez pour De lAmour chanson originale de lannée aux # Victoires2016 sur - Commandez votre Coffret Collector dès maintenant .<br>Commandez votre Coffret Collector dès maintenant : lAttente, le nouveau single en ligne de Johnny Hallyday dès le 2 .<br>Johnny Hallyday propose un «Grand Show» au cours duquel il chante en duo quelques-uns de ses plus grands succès tels que «LEnvie», «Que je taime», .<br>Lattente extrait du nouvel Album de Johnny Hallyday A quoi peuvent bien servir me bras Si cest pour brasser du vent Que vais-je faire de mes deux mains Si .

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Johnny Hallyday - Bercy 13/02/2007

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

johnny chante "gabrielle"

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago


Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Steven Wagner - Stevan Vagner, Podrum COLLEGIUM MELODIUM, World music museum in BELGRADE and Vladimir Bbovic, present, Jean-Philippe Smet (born 15 June 1943), better known by his stage name Johnny Hallyday a French singer and actor. An icon in the French-speaking world since the beginning of his career, he has been called "the French Elvis". He was married for 15 years to popular Bulgarian-French singer Sylvie Vartan and the two were considered a "golden couple" for 20 years. Hallyday has completed 181 tours, had 18 platinum albums, and has sold more than 80 million records worldwide, making him one of the world's best-selling music artists of all time. Hallyday announced in March 2012 that he would perform in Los Angeles on 24 April, in Quebec City on 10 July, and in New York City on 7 October, and he has continued to tour throughout the world (including Europe, North America, and Asia) through 2014.

Aryel Narvasa
8 Views · 4 years ago

Reportage consacré à la modification du bouclier fiscal promise par le nouveau président de la république Nicolas SARKOZY. Johnny HALLYDAY, en exil fiscal en Suisse depuis 5 mois, va sûrement revenir en France suite à cette réforme.En alternance, commentaire sur images factuelles et d'illustration, interviews de Johnny HALLAYDAY le soir du 6 mai, de Laetitia HALLYDAY (document RTL), et de Benoît BARDON, avocat fiscaliste[Source : prompteur France 2] Et puis, l'élection de Nicolas Sarkozy aura certainement une conséquence sur l'exil de Johnny Hallyday,dont on a beaucoup parlé et qui était à ses cotés dimanche soir... Son épouse, Laetitia, a annoncé ce matin sur RTL qu'il reviendrait certainement s'installer en France.. Explications, Martin GOUESSE, Daniel LEVY<br /><br /><a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#0086b0;">Retrouvez ce media sur</a>

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Johnny Hallyday & Clémence

Aryel Narvasa
7 Views · 4 years ago

johnny chante dans l'une de ses premières télévision souvenirs souvenirs et kili watch

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago


Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Canal Johnny 11-06-1993

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

House of Blues New Orleans 13/05/14

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Johnny Hallyday morphing <br /><br />Production : Morphing Revolution <br />Montage : Jimmy alias Jayu39 ( ) <br /><br /> <br /> <br /><br /> <br /><br />Johnny Hallyday (de son vrai nom Jean-Philippe Léo Smet, né le 15 juin 1943 à Paris) est un chanteur, interprète et acteur français.

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

répétition avant le concert des VEDIORBIS

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

J'avais enregistré un petit passage de Depardieu bourré (ou pas?) sur F2 en février. <br />Pour reprendre dans les "stars" bourrées en interview, en voici une (assez) célèbre de Johnny, l'idole des jeunes, en promo pour "Jean-Philippe", LE film ou Johnny Hallyday (Aka Jean-Philippe Smet) n'a jamais existé. <br />Rattrapage pour ceux qui n'ont pas encore vu ce moment d'anthologie ;).

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Johnny HALLYDAY chante "Essayez" accompagné de son orchestre. "N°2" et le titre de la chanson apparaissent en surimpression.

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Mise en service au parc d'attractions de Mirapolis à Cergy Pontoise d'un nouveau manège, le "Miralooping" réplique fidèle du "Roller coster" Américain (sera le plus haut d'Europe). Johnny HALLYDAY s'est donné des émotions en compagnie de Carlos. - [plan Américain] Johnny dans un des charriot du Miralooping. - [vue générale] et [contre-plongée] du Miralooping en action (sorte de montagne russe dont les rails se tordent en 8). - interview de Johnny HALLYDAY de retour au sol avec Carlos : donne ses impressions et comme preuve des tourments endurés montre sa paire de lunettes de soleil dont l'un des verres s'est détaché. Puis répond du bout des lèvres à une question concernant Michael JACKSON (en concert ce soir au Parc des Princes): "Pas trop mon truc, paraît que sur scène il est formidable". - Plans de HALLYDAY et Carlos installés dans soucoupe d'un autre manège. - interview de JEAN LOUIS PELLO (dir communication de Mirapolis).<br /><br /><a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#0086b0;">Retrouvez ce media sur</a>

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

La scène tirée du film "Jean-Philippe" ou Johnny vas se présenter au casting de "la nouvelle idole" <br />Poelvoorde magnifique dans cet extrait

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago


Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

video d'un mec bourée de talent on t'aime franck continue de nous faire plaisir

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Accompagné par des musiciens, Johnny HALLYDAY chante "C.C.Rider" en anglais. Jeu de scène avec sa guitare et nombreux plans sur le public en délire

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Clip vidéo 1988.

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

tournée d'adieu

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

<b>Salut :)<br />Les PAROLES et les ACCORDS (transcription perso) sont disponibles au lien ci-dessous :<br /><br /><br />L'envie, une chanson que j'adore, écrite et composée en 1986 par Jean-Jacques Goldman spécialement pour Johnny Hallyday. Je dédit cette reprise à Alain alias Patator45 parce que... euh... parce que je l'aime bien, c'est un mec bien, cool, bon esprit et il a du talant le bougre en plus, sans parler qu'il sait jouer et chanter en faisant du roller, trop fort le gars :)<br /><br />Lien vers les vidéos d'Alain =><br /><br />Amicalement,<br />Mickaël</b>

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Johnny Hallyday & Clémence

Aryel Narvasa
12 Views · 4 years ago

johnny chante dans l'une de ses premières télévision souvenirs souvenirs et kili watch

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago


Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

Canal Johnny 11-06-1993

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

House of Blues New Orleans 13/05/14

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

J'étais avec une fille qui me plaisait bien <br /> Mais j'ai du la quitter sans attendre demain <br /> Malgré son amour elle ne me comprenait pas <br /> Car elle était trop différente de moi <br /><br /> Elle n'a pas su comprendre <br /> Pourquoi je l'ai quitté <br /> Sitôt que je la vois <br /> Elle ne sait que répéter <br /><br /> Reviens, <br /> Johnny reviens, viens <br /> Johnny reviens, viens <br /> Johnny reviens, viens <br /> Johnny reviens, viens <br /> Ah ! Reviens vers moi <br /><br /> Et quand j'aurai voulu l'avoir seul avec moi <br /> Elle amenait des copainss qui troublaient ma joie <br /> Quand je voulais sortir elle ne le voulait pas <br /> Si je ne cédait pas elle pleurait dans mes bras <br /><br /> Elle n'a pas su comprendre <br /> Pourquoi je l'ai quitté <br /> Sitôt que je la vois <br /> Elle ne sait que répéter <br /><br /> Reviens, <br /> Johnny reviens, viens <br /> Johnny reviens, viens <br /> Johnny reviens, viens <br /> Johnny reviens, viens <br /> Ah ! Reviens vers moi <br /><br /> Je l'ai retrouvé hier au soir avec mes copains <br /> Elle m'a semblé changé elle n'avait plus de chagrin <br /> Je croyais bien qu'elle m'avait enfin oublié <br /> Mais il n'en était rien j'ai pu le constater <br /><br /> Elle n'a pas su comprendre <br /> Pourquoi je l'ai quitté <br /> Toujours elle ne fait que répéter <br /><br /> Reviens, <br /> Johnny reviens, viens <br /> Johnny reviens, viens <br /> Johnny reviens, viens <br /> Johnny reviens, viens <br /> Ah ! Reviens vers moi

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago


Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

Selon les dernières informations, Johnny Hallyday aurait laissé derrière lui une ardoise fiscale estimée à 30 millions d'euros. Un problème qui doit être résolu par les différentes parties...

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago


Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

1969, Johnny Hallyday se produit au Palais des sports dans un show qualifié de "Show de l' an 2000" par Rock&folk. Et ça fait Mal...

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

encore johnny !!!!!!

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago


Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

superbe chanson

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

superbe chanson

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

johnny hallyday gabrielle parc des princes 1993

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Johnny Hallyday et Marc Lavoine chantent " Je n'ai jamais pleuré" en 2003 au parc des princes

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago


Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Le chanteur Johnny Hallyday est accusé de fraude fiscale à la suite d'une enquête de la Radio Télévision Suisse (RTS) qui démontre que le chanteur n'a pas passé suffisamment de jours en Suisse pour être résident fiscal. <br> Retrouvez Star People sur Facebook ( ). Pour exploitation TV, droits réservés, nous contacter sur

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Johnny à Bruxelles

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

johnny chante "gabrielle"

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago


Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Steven Wagner - Stevan Vagner, Podrum COLLEGIUM MELODIUM, World music museum in BELGRADE and Vladimir Bbovic, present, Jean-Philippe Smet (born 15 June 1943), better known by his stage name Johnny Hallyday a French singer and actor. An icon in the French-speaking world since the beginning of his career, he has been called "the French Elvis". He was married for 15 years to popular Bulgarian-French singer Sylvie Vartan and the two were considered a "golden couple" for 20 years. Hallyday has completed 181 tours, had 18 platinum albums, and has sold more than 80 million records worldwide, making him one of the world's best-selling music artists of all time. Hallyday announced in March 2012 that he would perform in Los Angeles on 24 April, in Quebec City on 10 July, and in New York City on 7 October, and he has continued to tour throughout the world (including Europe, North America, and Asia) through 2014.

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

Reportage consacré à la modification du bouclier fiscal promise par le nouveau président de la république Nicolas SARKOZY. Johnny HALLYDAY, en exil fiscal en Suisse depuis 5 mois, va sûrement revenir en France suite à cette réforme.En alternance, commentaire sur images factuelles et d'illustration, interviews de Johnny HALLAYDAY le soir du 6 mai, de Laetitia HALLYDAY (document RTL), et de Benoît BARDON, avocat fiscaliste[Source : prompteur France 2] Et puis, l'élection de Nicolas Sarkozy aura certainement une conséquence sur l'exil de Johnny Hallyday,dont on a beaucoup parlé et qui était à ses cotés dimanche soir... Son épouse, Laetitia, a annoncé ce matin sur RTL qu'il reviendrait certainement s'installer en France.. Explications, Martin GOUESSE, Daniel LEVY<br /><br /><a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#0086b0;">Retrouvez ce media sur</a>

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Johnny Hallyday - Autoportrait

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago


Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Rendez vous du dimanche 1979 <br /><br />Gabrielle, tu brûles mon esprit <br />Ton amour étrangle ma vie <br />Et l'enfer, devient comme un espoir <br />Car dans tes mains je meurs chaque soir <br />Je veux partager autre chose que l'amour dans ton lit <br />Et entendre la vie et ne plus m'essouffler sous tes cris <br />Oh fini... fini pour moi <br />Je ne veux plus voir mon image dans tes yeux <br /><br />Dix ans de chaîne sans voir le jour c'était ma peine forçat de l'amour <br />Et bonne chance à celui qui veut ma place {oui ma place} <br />Dix ans de chaîne sans voir le jour c'était ma peine forçat de l'amour <br />J'ai refusé, mourir d'amour enchaîné <br /><br />Gabrielle, tu flottes dans mon cœur <br />C'est une illusion de douceur <br />Et tu chantes, c'est la voix d'une enfant <br />Avec laquelle tu glaces mon sang <br />Je veux t'expliquer tu confonds et le jour et la nuit <br />Je veux t'approcher, mais tu tournes le dos et tu t'enfuis <br />Oh sais-tu vraiment ce que tu veux faire <br />Je ne serai plus l'esclave de ta chair <br /><br />J'ai refusé, mourir d'amour enchaîné <br />{ad libitum}

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Johnny HALLYDAY chante "Gabrielle"<br /><br /><a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#0086b0;">Retrouvez ce media sur</a>

Aryel Narvasa
11 Views · 4 years ago

O cantor, compositor e ator morreu aos 74 anos, vítima de cancro.<br />

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Vidéo postée par<br /><br />Facebook :<br />Twitter :

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

JOHNNY HALLYDAY chanté par JOHNNY TENNESSEE sosie professionnel en spectacle sur toute la france<br />Fan invétéré du Patron, il chante Johnny depuis plus de 25 ans.<br />La puissance de sa voix est impressionnante et sa ressemblance est frappante.<br />Reproduisant dans le même esprit et la même tonalité les titres de l'idole des jeunes...<br />Son spectacle vous transportera dans la chaleur intense des concerts et du bon temps du rock’n’roll.<br />Une idée originale pour vos animations d'anniversaires, mariages, banquets ou séminaires.<br /><br />Osez l’illusion, et faites vous plaisir !<br />Si vous aimez Johnny Hallyday.<br />Vous apprécierez également… JOHNNY TENNESSEE<br /><br />ANGEL-PROD<br />Contact email :<br />Site internet :

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

CONCERT DU 28 11 2009 Accompagné de son groupe les ROCK MEN BLUES

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

johnny chante "johnny revien" lors de son service militaire , reprise de "johnny be good"

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago


Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

( LPHD 2200 )

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

Download:<br /><br />Abonnez-vous ici pour découvrir les nouvelles vidéos de la collection et retrouvez tous les titres de la Collection BnF Chanson Française et Francophone sur la chaîne officielle.

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Johnny à l'avant première de "JEAN-PHILIPPE" à BRUXELLES.

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

petite reprise de gabrielle

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

ri c

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

lors d un mariage a Madagascar, le chanteur, fan de Johnny, nous livre sa version des portes du pénitencier ...

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago


Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

C À VOUS (France 5) <br />Toute la bande d’Anne-Élisabeth Lemoine, Patrick Cohen, Maxime Switek, Pierre Lescure, Marion Ruggieri, Anne-Laure Bonnet et Samuel Laurent se retrouve dans le loft de «C à vous». Au cours d’un dîner en direct, ce rendez-vous incontournable de 19h donne la parole aux invités et fait la part belle à l’actualité la plus diverse <br /> <br />LES Z’AMOURS (France 2) <br /> <br />L’ANNÉE DES GUIGNOLS (Canal+) <br /> <br />C À VOUS, LA SUITE (France 5) <br />Toute la bande d’Anne-Élisabeth Lemoine, Patrick Cohen, Maxime Switek, Pierre Lescure, Marion Ruggieri, Anne-Laure Bonnet et Samuel Laurent se retrouve dans le loft de «C à vous». Au cours d’un dîner en direct, ce rendez-vous incontournable de 19h donne la parole aux invités et fait la part belle à l’actualité la plus diverse <br /> <br />TOUT LE MONDE VEUT PRENDRE SA PLACE (France 2) <br />Six candidats jouent, en répondant à des questions de culture générale, pour devenir le challenger du jour et affronter, en fin d’émission, le champion en titre, dans le but de lui prendre sa place. Une particularité du jeu réside dans le fait que le champion conserve sa place d’émission en émission et cumule ses gains tant qu’il n’est pas vaincu par un challenger <br /> <br />LES Z’AMOURS (France 2)

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

Retrouvez toute la sélection de vidéos Mensquare : <br />http://[a][/a] <br /> <br />

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Johnny hallyday david hallyday 1979- <br />VARIETE PODIUM sa 18 03 06

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

Canal johnny <br />11-06-93 <br />Music-Hall à domicile

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Concert à la Tour Eiffel du 14 juillet 2009

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago


Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Toujours en mode chez romain !

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

un vrai amateur de johnny, respect il chante bien

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Johnny hallyday

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Jean-Philippe Smet, dit Johnny Hallyday, est un chanteur, compositeur et acteur français né le 15 juin 1943 à Paris. <br />Avec cinquante cinq ans de carrière, il est l'un des plus célèbres chanteurs francophones et l'une des personnalités les plus présentes dans le paysage médiatique français, où plus de 2 100 couvertures de magazines lui ont été consacrées. <br /> <br />Lire la suite ici: <br /> <br />Voir plus de vidéos similaires ici: <br /> <br />Regarder plus de vidéos sur Wiki Videos: <br /> <br />Suivez nous sur Facebook : <br /> <br /> <br />Suivez nous sur Twitter : <br /> <br />Notre site : <br /> <br />Cette vidéo et ses contenus sont la propriété exclusive de WV Production Limited. <br /> <br />WikiVideos and all related characters and elements are trademarks of and © 2015 WV Production Limited. All rights reserved.

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

pour l amou de jh

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago


Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

je t'aime, je t'aime, je t'aime

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

concert metz

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

concert a forest national le dimanche 4 octobre <br />by angeblondoudemon

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

johnny hallyday <br />montage perso

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

attention son sature

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

johnny hallyday chante que je t'aime au zénith de lille

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Il ferait mieux de ne plus faire d’interview, oui.

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

tjs avec le gsm...on se croirait dans une soirée techno :-S

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

LE GRAND JOhNNY <br /><br /> Que tous le monde aime!

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Tout juste sorti de l'adolescence, Johnny HALLYDAY chante ses premiers tubes. Succès immédiat : le rock and roll a trouvé son style à la française.

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Petit clin d'oeil <br /><br /><a class="link" rel="nofollow" href=""></a>

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

attention son sature!!!!

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

pour toi paty,

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

photos du stade de france 1998 <br /><br /><a class="link" rel="nofollow" href=""></a>

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago


Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

OPTIQUE 20000000000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Johnny HALLYDAY sort du restaurant Rue Balzac le 7-05-2007 <br />©<a class="link" rel="nofollow" href=""></a>

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago


Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

Reportage consacré au premier concert de la tournée "Flashback Tour" de Johnny HALLYDAY, hier soir au Palais des Sports de Paris.Un commentaire sur des images factuelles alterne avec l'interview du chanteur.[Source : prompteur France 2] C'était hier soir au Palais des Sports... Johnny Hallyday entamait sa tournée marathon... un "Flash Back tour" qui devrait attirer 1 million de spectateurs au total... avec tous ses anciens titres... qui ont résonné comme il y a 45 ans lorque l'idole des jeunes se produisait pour la 1ère fois au Palais des Sports... Bruno LE DREF et bruno girodon<br /><br /><a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#0086b0;">Retrouvez ce media sur</a>

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

johnny hallyday a lens

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago


Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Blues suede shoes ( 1971 )

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

le 24/12/2007 sur fr3 il était une fois Noël passages Johnny

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Chanson de Jacques brel intérprèré par Johnny hallyday pour la tournée "flash back tour 2006" <br /><br />Rêver un impossible rêve <br />Porter le chagrin des départs <br />Brûler d'une possible fièvre <br />Partir où personne ne part <br /><br />Aimer jusqu'à la déchirure <br />Aimer, même trop, même mal, <br />Tenter, sans force et sans armure, <br />D'atteindre l'inaccessible étoile <br /><br />Telle est ma quête, <br />Suivre l'étoile <br />Peu m'importent mes chances <br />Peu m'importe le temps <br />Ou ma désespérance <br />Et puis lutter toujours <br />Sans questions ni repos <br />Se damner <br />Pour l'or d'un mot d'amour <br />Je ne sais si je serai ce héros <br />Mais mon cœur serait tranquille <br />Et les villes s'éclabousseraient de bleu <br />Parce qu'un malheureux <br /><br />Brûle encore, bien qu'ayant tout brûlé <br />Brûle encore, même trop, même mal <br />Pour atteindre à s'en écarteler <br />Pour atteindre l'inaccessible étoile.

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago


Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

johnny hallyday début de quoi ma geule

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Tout juste sorti de l'adolescence, Johnny HALLYDAY chante ses premiers tubes. Succès immédiat : le rock and roll a trouvé son style à la française.<br /><br /><a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#0086b0;">Retrouvez ce media sur</a>

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

peinture acrylique

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Interview en plateau du chanteur Johnny HALLYDAY à l'occasion de la sortie du film : "Jean Philippe" de Laurent TUEL dans lequel il incarne son propre rôle.[Source : prompteur France 2] - Johnny Hallyday, bonsoir... Quel tandem, quel duo ! et quelle énergie ! surtout si on additionne celle de Luchini à la vôtre... Pas de court-circuit pendant le tournage ? Beaucoup de plaisir, ça se sent... - Ca ne pouvait être que Fabrice Luchini et personne d'autre ? - Qu'est-ce qui vous a décidé finalement pour accepter ce film ? Précisément, parce que ce n'était pas un film sur Johnny ? ((*** DIRECT ***)) - Un film qui se déroule donc dans un monde parallèle extrêmement proche de la réalité, à ceci près qu'Hallyday n'existe pas ? Un monde sans Johnny et où Jean-Philippe Smet, serait resté un anonyme.... Au fond, un film sur le destin... les chemins qui bifurquent.. ? - Qu'aurait pu être votre vie s'il y avait eu un autre embray<br /><br /><a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#0086b0;">Retrouvez ce media sur</a>

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

photo du concer a caen

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

entrè de johnny hallyday sur scéne impréssionante avoir absolument et enchaine sur quoi ma geule

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

johnny hallyday chante et maintenant pour le final

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
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Aryel Narvasa
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Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

johnny hallyday chante L'envie au zénith de lille

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Johnny Hallyday en interview sur France 3 Montpellier

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago


Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Images d'actualités et d'archives sur Johnny HALLIDAY Johnny sur scène à Bruxelles (le 24 mars 79), [gros plan] aigle, [gros plan] visage en sueur, [plan d'ensemble] foule de spectateurs. Interview sur le "mythe de l'artiste ". Arc. Sépia sur chanson d'il y a 20 ans, en noir et blanc : mariage avec Sylvie, diff. B. T évoquant sa carrière ; [gros plan] sa statue au musée GREVIN. [Très gros plan] son visage en concert, chante "je suis né dans la rue par une nuit d'orage ". Suite interview sur ses projets de concert. [Différents plans] en concert, couché par terre et ondulant du bassin, rock n'roll ; Johnny se met le micro au sexe et ondule]<br /><br /><a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#0086b0;">Retrouvez ce media sur</a>

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

JOHNNY HALLIDAY au studio d'enregistrement - devant table de mixage - casque sur la tête - "je fais ce que j'aime, j'aime le rock, le blues" . "J'adore ma femme - je vis avec ma femme et mon fils".<br /><br /><a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#0086b0;">Retrouvez ce media sur</a>

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

je veux te graverdans ma vie+ joue pas de rock'n'roll pour moi. <br />juste un ptit délire d'un fan lol

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Medley des chansons "Oh, ma jolie Sarah", "Les coups", "L'envie" et "Dégage", illustré par une grande photothèque et des vidéos des concerts de Lyon-Gerland et Lyon-La Halle de la "Tournée 66" - 2009. (Générique de fin : "L'Aigle noir" - Barbara).

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

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Aryel Narvasa
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Aryel Narvasa
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Aryel Narvasa
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Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Johnny Hallyday coffret vynils 1960/1970 <br /><br />Si vous avez des infos , cotes , dates..etc..sur ce coffret ,elles seront la bienvenue

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

johnny hallyday chante elvis au zénith de lille

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago


Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Johnny Hallyday que sa Harley repose en paix <br /><br /><a class="link" rel="nofollow" href=""></a>

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

johnny hallyday <br />mes dvd

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago


Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

johnny hallyday chante allumer le feu au zénith de lille

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Jean-Philippe Smet (born 15 June 1943), better known by his stage name Johnny Hallyday, is a French singer and actor. An icon in the French-speaking world since the beginning of his career, he has been called "the French Elvis". <br /> <br />Read more here: <br /> <br />Watch similar videos here: <br /> <br />See more from Wiki Videos: <br /> <br />Follow us on Facebook : <br />Follow us on Twitter : <br />Our Website : <br /> <br />This video is the sole and exclusive property of WV Production Limited.

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

johnny hallyday

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

un vrai amateur de johnny, respect il chante bien

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Johnny hallyday

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Jean-Philippe Smet, dit Johnny Hallyday, est un chanteur, compositeur et acteur français né le 15 juin 1943 à Paris. <br />Avec cinquante cinq ans de carrière, il est l'un des plus célèbres chanteurs francophones et l'une des personnalités les plus présentes dans le paysage médiatique français, où plus de 2 100 couvertures de magazines lui ont été consacrées. <br /> <br />Lire la suite ici: <br /> <br />Voir plus de vidéos similaires ici: <br /> <br />Regarder plus de vidéos sur Wiki Videos: <br /> <br />Suivez nous sur Facebook : <br /> <br /> <br />Suivez nous sur Twitter : <br /> <br />Notre site : <br /> <br />Cette vidéo et ses contenus sont la propriété exclusive de WV Production Limited. <br /> <br />WikiVideos and all related characters and elements are trademarks of and © 2015 WV Production Limited. All rights reserved.

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

pour l amou de jh

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago


Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

je t'aime, je t'aime, je t'aime

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

concert metz

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
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Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

concert a forest national le dimanche 4 octobre <br />by angeblondoudemon

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

johnny hallyday <br />montage perso

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

attention son sature

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

johnny hallyday chante que je t'aime au zénith de lille

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Il ferait mieux de ne plus faire d’interview, oui.

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

tjs avec le gsm...on se croirait dans une soirée techno :-S

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

LE GRAND JOhNNY <br /><br /> Que tous le monde aime!

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Tout juste sorti de l'adolescence, Johnny HALLYDAY chante ses premiers tubes. Succès immédiat : le rock and roll a trouvé son style à la française.

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Petit clin d'oeil <br /><br /><a class="link" rel="nofollow" href=""></a>

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

attention son sature!!!!

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

pour toi paty,

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

photos du stade de france 1998 <br /><br /><a class="link" rel="nofollow" href=""></a>

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago


Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

OPTIQUE 20000000000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Johnny HALLYDAY sort du restaurant Rue Balzac le 7-05-2007 <br />©<a class="link" rel="nofollow" href=""></a>

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago


Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Reportage consacré au premier concert de la tournée "Flashback Tour" de Johnny HALLYDAY, hier soir au Palais des Sports de Paris.Un commentaire sur des images factuelles alterne avec l'interview du chanteur.[Source : prompteur France 2] C'était hier soir au Palais des Sports... Johnny Hallyday entamait sa tournée marathon... un "Flash Back tour" qui devrait attirer 1 million de spectateurs au total... avec tous ses anciens titres... qui ont résonné comme il y a 45 ans lorque l'idole des jeunes se produisait pour la 1ère fois au Palais des Sports... Bruno LE DREF et bruno girodon<br /><br /><a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#0086b0;">Retrouvez ce media sur</a>

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

johnny hallyday a lens

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
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Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Blues suede shoes ( 1971 )

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

le 24/12/2007 sur fr3 il était une fois Noël passages Johnny

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Chanson de Jacques brel intérprèré par Johnny hallyday pour la tournée "flash back tour 2006" <br /><br />Rêver un impossible rêve <br />Porter le chagrin des départs <br />Brûler d'une possible fièvre <br />Partir où personne ne part <br /><br />Aimer jusqu'à la déchirure <br />Aimer, même trop, même mal, <br />Tenter, sans force et sans armure, <br />D'atteindre l'inaccessible étoile <br /><br />Telle est ma quête, <br />Suivre l'étoile <br />Peu m'importent mes chances <br />Peu m'importe le temps <br />Ou ma désespérance <br />Et puis lutter toujours <br />Sans questions ni repos <br />Se damner <br />Pour l'or d'un mot d'amour <br />Je ne sais si je serai ce héros <br />Mais mon cœur serait tranquille <br />Et les villes s'éclabousseraient de bleu <br />Parce qu'un malheureux <br /><br />Brûle encore, bien qu'ayant tout brûlé <br />Brûle encore, même trop, même mal <br />Pour atteindre à s'en écarteler <br />Pour atteindre l'inaccessible étoile.

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
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Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
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Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

johnny hallyday début de quoi ma geule

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Tout juste sorti de l'adolescence, Johnny HALLYDAY chante ses premiers tubes. Succès immédiat : le rock and roll a trouvé son style à la française.<br /><br /><a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#0086b0;">Retrouvez ce media sur</a>

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

peinture acrylique

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

Interview en plateau du chanteur Johnny HALLYDAY à l'occasion de la sortie du film : "Jean Philippe" de Laurent TUEL dans lequel il incarne son propre rôle.[Source : prompteur France 2] - Johnny Hallyday, bonsoir... Quel tandem, quel duo ! et quelle énergie ! surtout si on additionne celle de Luchini à la vôtre... Pas de court-circuit pendant le tournage ? Beaucoup de plaisir, ça se sent... - Ca ne pouvait être que Fabrice Luchini et personne d'autre ? - Qu'est-ce qui vous a décidé finalement pour accepter ce film ? Précisément, parce que ce n'était pas un film sur Johnny ? ((*** DIRECT ***)) - Un film qui se déroule donc dans un monde parallèle extrêmement proche de la réalité, à ceci près qu'Hallyday n'existe pas ? Un monde sans Johnny et où Jean-Philippe Smet, serait resté un anonyme.... Au fond, un film sur le destin... les chemins qui bifurquent.. ? - Qu'aurait pu être votre vie s'il y avait eu un autre embray<br /><br /><a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#0086b0;">Retrouvez ce media sur</a>

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

photo du concer a caen

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

entrè de johnny hallyday sur scéne impréssionante avoir absolument et enchaine sur quoi ma geule

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

johnny hallyday chante et maintenant pour le final

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

johnny hallyday chante L'envie au zénith de lille

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Johnny Hallyday en interview sur France 3 Montpellier

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago


Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Images d'actualités et d'archives sur Johnny HALLIDAY Johnny sur scène à Bruxelles (le 24 mars 79), [gros plan] aigle, [gros plan] visage en sueur, [plan d'ensemble] foule de spectateurs. Interview sur le "mythe de l'artiste ". Arc. Sépia sur chanson d'il y a 20 ans, en noir et blanc : mariage avec Sylvie, diff. B. T évoquant sa carrière ; [gros plan] sa statue au musée GREVIN. [Très gros plan] son visage en concert, chante "je suis né dans la rue par une nuit d'orage ". Suite interview sur ses projets de concert. [Différents plans] en concert, couché par terre et ondulant du bassin, rock n'roll ; Johnny se met le micro au sexe et ondule]<br /><br /><a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#0086b0;">Retrouvez ce media sur</a>

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

JOHNNY HALLIDAY au studio d'enregistrement - devant table de mixage - casque sur la tête - "je fais ce que j'aime, j'aime le rock, le blues" . "J'adore ma femme - je vis avec ma femme et mon fils".<br /><br /><a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#0086b0;">Retrouvez ce media sur</a>

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

je veux te graverdans ma vie+ joue pas de rock'n'roll pour moi. <br />juste un ptit délire d'un fan lol

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Medley des chansons "Oh, ma jolie Sarah", "Les coups", "L'envie" et "Dégage", illustré par une grande photothèque et des vidéos des concerts de Lyon-Gerland et Lyon-La Halle de la "Tournée 66" - 2009. (Générique de fin : "L'Aigle noir" - Barbara).

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

<a href=""></a>

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Johnny Hallyday coffret vynils 1960/1970 <br /><br />Si vous avez des infos , cotes , dates..etc..sur ce coffret ,elles seront la bienvenue

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

johnny hallyday chante elvis au zénith de lille

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago


Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Johnny Hallyday que sa Harley repose en paix <br /><br /><a class="link" rel="nofollow" href=""></a>

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

johnny hallyday <br />mes dvd

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago


Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

johnny hallyday chante allumer le feu au zénith de lille

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Jean-Philippe Smet (born 15 June 1943), better known by his stage name Johnny Hallyday, is a French singer and actor. An icon in the French-speaking world since the beginning of his career, he has been called "the French Elvis". <br /> <br />Read more here: <br /> <br />Watch similar videos here: <br /> <br />See more from Wiki Videos: <br /> <br />Follow us on Facebook : <br />Follow us on Twitter : <br />Our Website : <br /> <br />This video is the sole and exclusive property of WV Production Limited.

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

johnny hallyday

Aryel Narvasa
17 Views · 4 years ago

Cardi B Shares Photo <br />From Wedding Day Happy one year anniversary to <br />the happy couple! The “I Like It” rapper posted a never-before-seen photo from the secret wedding <br />to celebrate. The two successfully prevented an “invasion of privacy” when they kept their marriage under wraps for months. Cardi B, via Instagram The photo shows off Cardi in a white track suit holding hands with Offset in a <br />black sweatshirt. Cardi B, via Twitter The couple <br />kept their wedding <br />a secret <br />until June. Cardi B, via Twitter Offset proposed to Cardi last October during a sold-out show. Cardi B, via Twitter The two are now parents to their baby girl, Kulture Kiari Cephus.

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

Check out the Spotify "Music School" commercial with Cardi B!<br /><br />What's your favorite commercial of all time? Join the conversation!<br /><br />Spotify is a music, podcast, and video streaming service launched on 7 October 2008. It is developed by Spotify AB in Stockholm, Sweden. It provides DRM-protected content from record labels and media companies. Spotify is a freemium service; basic features are free with advertisements or limitations, while additional features, such as improved streaming quality and music downloads, are offered via paid subscriptions.

Aryel Narvasa
10 Views · 4 years ago

According to ExtraTV, singer Cardi B gave birth to her first child, a baby girl, in an Atlanta hospital on Tuesday night. Her husband, rapper Offset, was also there to meet his newborn daughter, who the pair have named Kulture Kiari Cephus. The child is Cardi’s first and Offset’s fourth, with three being from previous relationships. The baby’s arrival comes just weeks after news broke the couple have been secretly married for nearly a year.

Aryel Narvasa
8 Views · 4 years ago

Cardi B is this year's most nominated musician at the MTV Video Music Awards.<br />Access Hollywood reports MTV announced Monday that the rapper received 10 nods.<br />Five of Cardi B's nominations are for her collaboration with Bruno Mars on "Finesse (Remix)."<br />Beyonce and Jay-Z (The Carters) are nominated for eight awards with **Apes*t**.<br />Cardi B is up for artist of the year with Mars, Drake, Post Malone, Camila Cabello and Ariana Grande.<br />Taylor Swift was shut out of the major categories.

Aryel Narvasa
7 Views · 4 years ago

An overwhelmed Cardi B won her first Grammy Award on Sunday night, making history as the first solo woman to win best rap album. "Invasion of Privacy" beat out albums by the late Mac Miller, Nipsey Hussle, Pusha T and Travis Scott. "Oh my goodness," she said, struggling to gather herself. "Whoa, child." SFGate reports Cardi B is just the fifth woman ever nominated in the category, which was created in 1995. Lauryn Hill was part of the Fugees when the group won in 1997 for "The Score." Cardi B took the stage at the Staples Center holding the hand of husband, Offset, with whom she has reunited after marital issues last year.

Aryel Narvasa
9 Views · 4 years ago

Allure reports Cardi B just had liposuction surgery.<br />The rapper opened up about her latest procedure during a performance on Sunday at Beale Street Music Festival in Memphis.<br />"Let me tell y'all something. I shouldn't really be performing. I should have canceled today because moving too much is gonna f- up my lipo."<br />Cardi didn't share when she had the procedure.<br />Cardi appeared at the Met Gala one night later.

Aryel Narvasa
7 Views · 4 years ago

Cardi B hasn't been in the studio for two days because her daughter keeps giving her sad eyes.

Aryel Narvasa
12 Views · 4 years ago

Cardi B confirmed that she is pregnant during her performance on Saturday Night Live. Following her appearance on the NBC night show, Cardi B took to Twitter to confirm the news once more. The rapper went on SNL's stage for the second time in her career, to perform songs from her debut studio album, "Invasion of Privacy." She first performed a medley of hit singles "Bodak Yellow" and "Bartier Cardi," while wearing a large black-and-white feathered coat. She returned to the stage to perform "Be Careful," in a tight white dress that revealed her baby bump.

Aryel Narvasa
7 Views · 4 years ago

La rappeuse Cardi B s'apprête à célébrer Noël avec son mari Offset, malgré leur récente rupture.

Aryel Narvasa
7 Views · 4 years ago

Cardi B y Offset se han reconciliado Parece que el dúo de hip hop se ha reconciliado. TMZ informó que Cardi está regresando a su hogar Atlanta con el rapero Migos y su hija Kulture. Cardi anunció en diciembre de 2018 que los dos se estaban separando después de las noticias de que Offset supuestamente la había engañado. Fuentes cercanas a la pareja dijeron que Offset cambió su número, que es estrictamente para Cardi y negocios. También hay una nueva regla de "no groupis" para que Offset demuestre que es honesto y fiel. Cardi publicó anteriormente, "Quiero irme a casa", con una foto de Offset antes de volverse a mudar. También recientemente tuiteó que el próximo álbum en solitario de Offset es "demasiado picante". Offset inicialmente tenía previsto un lanzamiento en diciembre pero fue rechazado debido a la separación de la pareja.

Aryel Narvasa
9 Views · 4 years ago

The moment that everyone has been waiting for has arrived: Cardi B’s daughter has been born. According to Channel24, Cardi B’s announced the birth of her baby girl on Instagram. In the post the rapper also revealed the name of he daughter: Kulture Kiari Cephus. She tagged her husband and father of her child, Offset, in the post. Right before her daughter was born, Cardi B had an extravagant baby shower.

Aryel Narvasa
9 Views · 4 years ago

Cardi B consigue un acuerdo con Pepsi La cantante de "Bodak Yellow" será la portavoz de Pepsi durante los próximos 12 meses. TMZ informa que ya filmó un comercial que se emitirá el próximo mes durante <br />el Super Bowl. El anuncio de Pepsi se considera el mejor comercial del Super Bowl, visto por cientos de millones de personas. El año pasado, Cindy Crawford apareció en el anuncio. Las Spice Girls, One Direction, Beyonce y Britney Spears han hecho apariciones. Incluso el rey del pop, Michael Jackson, hizo varios anuncios para la compañía.

Aryel Narvasa
9 Views · 4 years ago

Cardi B has people talking again, but this time it has nothing to do with her movie debut or Bernie Sanders.<br />Instead, the 26-year-old hip hop star sparked an online debate after revealing that she puts ketchup on her eggs.<br />On August 8, when Cardi B revealed that she doesn't trust people who refrigerate their ketchup bottles.<br />Not only does she like her ketchup at room temperature, but she uses it to add flavor to her breakfast eggs.

Aryel Narvasa
7 Views · 4 years ago

Cardi B a révélé qu'il était difficile pour elle de se déconnecter de son travail à cause des réseaux sociaux, mais elle affirme que son mari Offset sait ce dont elle a besoin.

Aryel Narvasa
10 Views · 4 years ago

Reuters reports that Hip Hop sensation Cardi B has separated from her husband Offset. Cardi B made the surprising announcement in a video posted on Instagram on Wednesday. Cardi B, said in the post “We’re really good friends and you know we’re really good business partners, and you know, he’s always somebody that I run to, to talk to and we got a lot of love for each other, but things just haven’t been working out between us for a long time.

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

Cardi B CANCELS Multiple Concerts Last Minute!

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Studierende und Hochschulabsolventen bekommen die Coronakrise ebenso zu spüren. Cardi B und weitere Prominente machen den Studierenden Mut.

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

Urgence climatique : grosse mobilisation en France<br />Sundance : un docu accablant sur #MichaelJackson <br />#Neymar : plus grave que prévu ? <br />#CardiB star du porno ! <br />Reportage : rencontre avec le rappeur Bolémvn <br />--<br />Mouv' 13 Actu c'est l'actu façon Mouv' du lundi au vendredi à 13h avec Alex Nassar et sa team.<br />--<br />Photo : JEAN-PHILIPPE KSIAZEK / AFP<br />--<br />Toutes les fréquences de Mouv' ▶<br />--<br />Télécharge l'appli ▶<br />Web ▶<br />Facebook ▶<br />Twitter ▶<br />Instagram ▶<br />Snapchat ▶ mouvradio<br />

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Cardi B will spend Christmas with Offset, despite the pair not being together right now.

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

After missing court on Monday due to a scheduling conflict, Cardi B arrived to court just minutes before her scheduled arraignment hearing on Friday.<br />CNN reports that the rapper could have been arrested after skipping court on Monday.<br />The court case stems from Cardi's alleged involvement in a fight that went down in a Queens strip club in August. <br />She was charged with two misdemeanor counts of reckless endangerment and one misdemeanor count of assault.

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

Chance The Rapper talks about Cardi B and Nicki Minaj’s beef. The internet thinks Rihanna is pregnant. Plus – we have another update on Tekashi 69.

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

Cardi B is mad about her taxes.<br />The singer posted a video ranting about how much money she's giving to the government for taxes.<br />She posted the video to her Instagram Friday.<br />"The government is taking 40 percent of my taxes. Uncle Sam, I want to know what you're doing with my f***ing tax money."<br />"I'm from New York and the streets are always dirty. This is one of the dirtiest cities in America… There's still rats on the d**n trains."<br />She didn't stop there.<br />"I want to know. I want receipts.

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

Offset and Cardi B are "taking things slowly" since their reconciliation, as they don't want to rush back into their relationship too quickly.

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

Rapper Cardi B was indicted on 14 charges by a grand jury on Friday related to a strip-club altercation that took place nearly a year ago. Cardi was charged last year with two counts of reckless endangerment and one count of third-degree assault after she was accused of throwing a hookah pipe and drink glasses at two bartenders in a Queens strip club.

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

Cardi B hat "Bodyshamern" kontra gegeben, nachdem diese behauptet hatten, sie habe ihre Fotos bearbeitet.

Aryel Narvasa
10 Views · 4 years ago

Rap has easily dominated the pop charts and on streaming services in the last few years, and that's reflected at the 2018 American Music Awards. Website reports Drake and Cardi B are the leaders with eight nominations each — earning bids in both the pop/rock and rap/hip-hop categories. Drake has the year's top-selling album with Scorpion and also scored three No. 1 hits on the Billboard Hot 100 chart.

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

Cardi B Wants <br />Her Own Chat Show The "I Like It" rapper reportedly <br />filed a trademark application <br />for "Bocktails with Cardi B." She'd like to host a TV program <br />with celebrity guests talking about <br />gossip as they drink booze. She will also create <br />her own line of alcohol, <br />"except beer and beverages <br />containing beer." Although she has all these plans up <br />her sleeve, she's been forced to put her <br />music career on hold for the time being. Cardi won't perform again until June <br />so that she can fully recover from <br />her recent liposuction surgery. The rap star's healing is <br />her main focus at this time.

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

Offset Surprises Cardi B <br />With New Car The rapper scared his wife into making a trip to Atlanta because she was told something was wrong with him. Cardi B, via Instagram Cardi B, via Instagram Cardi B showed off her new Lamborghini truck and then continued explaining how worried she was. Cardi B, via Instagram Cardi said she bought Offset sneakers in Paris but wouldn’t show them because they couldn’t compare to her new whip. The “I Like It” rapper’s gift isn’t completely random since she turns 26 on October 11.

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

VH1 informa que Cardi B ha dado a luz a una niña, Kulture Kiari Cephus. Después de esconder su embarazo de sus fans durante meses y sorprender a todos al revelar su pancita en el escenario de SNL, ¡el público finalmente conoce a Baby Bardi! Cardi ha estado esperando el nacimiento de su pequeña niña desde hace un tiempo, actualizando a sus fans con fotos de su creciente pancita cada vez más grande. El miércoles, la nueva mamá publicó una hermosa foto de su sesión de maternidad junto con una leyenda que sugiere que su bebé había ya nacido.

Aryel Narvasa
11 Views · 4 years ago

She's the queen of the show.

Aryel Narvasa
7 Views · 4 years ago

Bruno Mars Announces Cardi B Tour Replacements The “Finesse” singer announced that Ciara, Charlie Wilson, Ella Mai and Boyz II Men will be joining him on tour. The additions happened after Cardi B dropped out in order to stay home with her daughter Kulture. Mars made the announcement on social media. Bruno Mars, <br />via Instagram He then instructed fans to swipe left to view his video announcement. The '24K Magic Tour' kicks off on Sept. 7.

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

Cardi B | Snapchat Videos | October 27th 2017 Cardi Bs Snapchat story videos that were posted: OCTOBER 27TH 2017 Subscribe for daily uploads of all your favourite Celebrity Snapchats.

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

Cardi B a encore posté une vidéo qui va faire parler! On voit son mari Offset lui caresser les parties intimes pendant qu'elle filme. <br />Plus de vidéos sur

Aryel Narvasa
8 Views · 4 years ago

Cardi B - Savage ft.Young M.A (Official Video)

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

"On apprend que le postérieur rebondi de Cardi.B... a failli lui faire perdre la vie…"<br />--<br />Vignette : Johnny Nunez/Getty Images<br />--<br />Retrouve les GossipHop de Ngiraan dans Mouv'13 Actu d'Alex Nassar du lundi au vendredi à 13h sur Mouv' <br />-- <br />Télécharge l'appli Mouv' ▶ <br />Toutes les fréquences de Mouv' ▶ <br />-- <br />Web ▶ <br />Facebook ▶ <br />Twitter ▶ <br />Instagram ▶ <br />Snapchat ▶ mouvradio<br /><br />

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

Cardi B has been showered with love following her pregnancy announcement. On Saturday, the rapper revealed she's expecting a baby with Migos' Offset. The announcement took place on "Saturday Night Live." Following her appearance, Cardi shared her feelings to her Instagram. She wrote, "The love I'm receiving is overwhelming. I can't thank you enough for always finding the time to share your support!!." Offset also wrote on his Instagram that he is feeling "blessed."

Aryel Narvasa
7 Views · 4 years ago

Cardi B ve Offset, ilk Noel'ini kutlayacak olan kızları Kulture için bir araya gelecek.

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

MonoNeon & Cardi B - "BEFORE I WAS FAMOUS..."

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

Cardi B Offers Support for Khloe Kardashian In new Instagram videos, the "Money" singer called out trolls cheering Kardashian's split from Tristan Thompson. Cardi B, via Instagram Cardi added that she doesn't understand why some people enjoy other's misery. Cardi B, via Instagram The Grammy-winner has recently been through a similar scandal after it was revealed her husband, Offset, cheated on her last year. The pair have reunited. Cardi B, via Instagram

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

Offset insists he and Cardi B are "blessed" amid her ongoing court case over an alleged altercation at a strip club.

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Dans une vidéo récente publiée sur les réseaux sociaux, la rappeuse Cardi B se déchaîne contre le gouvernement américain.

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Cantora admitiu que não está orgulhosa das coisas que fez no passado após uma reação sobre um antigo post no Instagram Live

Aryel Narvasa
8 Views · 4 years ago

Cardi B has revealed her husband Offset has decided to keep five puppies from the litter of eight the couple's pet dogs had in June.

Aryel Narvasa
7 Views · 4 years ago

Cardi B fue a la cena de Kim y Kanye junto con Kris Jenner, y Kim documentó toda la noche en Snapchat. <br />

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

Cardi B and Nicki Minaj get into rumble at Fashion Week

Aryel Narvasa
7 Views · 4 years ago

Yes, red bottoms were involved.<br /><br />SUBSCRIBE: <br /><br />About TMZ:<br />TMZ has consistently been credited for breaking the biggest stories dominating the entertainment news landscape and changed the way the public gets their news. Regularly referenced by the media, TMZ is one of the most cited entertainment news sources in the world. <br /><br />Subscribe to TMZ on YouTube for breaking celebrity news/ gossip and insight from the newsroom staff (TMZ Chatter & TMZ News), the best clips from TMZ on TV, Raw & Uncut TMZ paparazzi video (from and the latest video from TMZ Sports and TMZ Live! <br /><br />Keeping Up with Our YouTube Exclusive Content:<br />TMZ Chatter: TMZ newsroom staff insight and commentary from stories/ photos/ videos on <br />TMZ News: The latest news you need to know from<br />Raq Rants: Raquel Harper talks to a celebrity guest with ties to the hip hop and R&B communities.<br />Behind The Bar Podcast: TMZ's lawyers Jason Beckerman and Derek Kaufman loiter at the intersection of law and entertainment, where they look closely at the personalities, events and trends driving the world of celebrity — and how the law affects it all.<br /><br />We love Hollywood, we just have a funny way of showing it.<br /><br />Need More TMZ?<br />TMZ Website: <br />LIKE TMZ on Facebook! <br />FOLLOW TMZ on Twitter! <br />FOLLOW TMZ on Instagram! <br />TMZ on TV & TMZ Sports on FS1 Tune In Info: <br />TMZ is on iOS! <br />TMZ is on Android! <br /><br />Got a Tip?<br />Contact TMZ: <br /><br />Check out TMZ Live, TMZ Sports and toofab!<br />TMZ Live: <br />Subscribe! TMZ Live: <br />TMZ Sports: <br />Subscribe! TMZ Sports: <br />Toofab: <br />Subscribe! toofab:

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

Cardi B weet hoe ze over serieuze onderwerpen moet praten, en dat doet ze ook over Covid-19.

Aryel Narvasa
24 Views · 4 years ago

Cardi B - Realest ft. Rihanna (Music Video)

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

<br /> Reuters reports that Hip Hop sensation Cardi B has separated from her husband Offset. Cardi B made the surprising announcement in a video posted on Instagram on Wednesday. Cardi B, said in the post “We’re really good friends and you know we’re really good business partners, and you know, he’s always somebody that I run to, to talk to and we got a lot of love for each other, but things just haven’t been working out between us for a long time. <br />

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Offset insists he and Cardi B are "blessed" amid her ongoing court case over an alleged altercation at a strip club.

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

Maury Povich wants to help Cardi B with her relationship woes. The talk show host reached out to the “Bodak Yellow” rapper to offer his help after her fiancee Offset was recently accused of cheating on her. Povich tweeted Friday, “.@iamcardib if you ever need a Lie Detector Test or have more relationship drama…you know you can always call Uncle Maury!" This week, Offset was accused of cheating on Cardi B when a new video surfaced that appears to show the musician in bed with another woman.

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

Cardi B has admitted she feels "so grateful and happy" after her fiancé Offset survived a car crash which put him in hospital.

Aryel Narvasa
7 Views · 4 years ago

According to Reuters, Rappers Cardi B and Drake led nominations on Wednesday for the American Music Awards with eight apiece in a line-up that included Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran. The fan-voted American Music Award nominations also included five nods for Cuban-born singer Camila Cabello, four for Bruno Mars, and six for hip-hop star Post Malone. In the artist of the year category, Drake will compete with Taylor Swift, Post Malone, rock band Imagine Dragons, and British singer-songwriter Sheeran.

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

Watch this week's episode, where the queens share their thoughts on Cardi B!

Aryel Narvasa
9 Views · 4 years ago

Cardi B says being a mother is the "hardest challenge ever", although she thought it was going to be "easy" when she was still pregnant.

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

Cardi B has become the latest big-name star to come to the defence of 21 Savage, who was arrested by immigration officials at the weekend.

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

Friday, April 6th, Cardi B released her latest album, 'Invasion of Privacy.' According to, "In her song 'She Bad' featuring YG, the rapper name-dropped Chrissy Teigen and Rihanna with a lyric suggesting they have a threesome." The lyrics go as follows, "I need Chrissy Teigen/Know a bad [expletive] when I see one/Tell Riri I need a threesome." Teigen positively responded to the lyrics, posting that she was shocked on Twitter. <br />

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

According to, "On Monday morning, rapper Cardi B turned herself in to police in NYC... [She] was charged with two counts of reckless endangerment and one count of third-degree assault after facing allegations that she tossed a hookah pipe and drink glasses at two bartenders in a Queens strip club in late August." Her mugshot was taken and she was fingerprinted. Her lawyers told reporters, “We’re aware of no evidence that she caused anybody any harm at the club that night.

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

CardI B has revealed she turned down marriage therapy after her husband Offset suggested it to her when they split up last year.

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Cardi B is this year's most nominated musician at the MTV Video Music Awards.<br />Access Hollywood reports MTV announced Monday that the rapper received 10 nods.<br />Five of Cardi B's nominations are for her collaboration with Bruno Mars on "Finesse (Remix)."<br />Beyonce and Jay-Z (The Carters) are nominated for eight awards with **Apes*t**.<br />Cardi B is up for artist of the year with Mars, Drake, Post Malone, Camila Cabello and Ariana Grande.<br />Taylor Swift was shut out of the major categories.

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

Bhad Bhabie goes off on instagram live and seemingly shades Nicki Minaj. Plus – Cardi B slams the NYPD.

Aryel Narvasa
16 Views · 4 years ago

<br /> If anyone knows how to curate a wig moment, it's Cardi B. But even when you've got millions of dollars and professional hair stylists, it doesn't mean much when you forget to pack a brush.<br /><br />Cardi's stylist posted a video to Instagram showing Cardi combing her wig with a fork. Not even a fork made of gold — a regular, plastic, grabbed-it-from-the-craft-services-table fork. "When all fails use the fork aka dingle hopper ...... still laid," she captioned. <br />

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

It seems Nicki Minaj and Cardi B are finally ready to move forward from their feud. The two rappers have had an ongoing argument for a while. Minaj was sure Cardi had turned Offset and 21 Savage against Nicki, making it so they did not want to collaborate with her anymore. Cardi called out Nicki on a series of Instagram videos saying she was a liar and to "make sense when you talk." However, Nicki was the one who finally called it quits.

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

Cardi B kreeg wel een heel bijzonder cadeau van haar man Offset. Met zo'n grote ring om je vinger begint je 27e jaar wel heel goed!

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

The "I Like It" rapper has shown us glimpses of her and Offset's new baby on her Instagram after giving birth in July. See all of Cardi's proud mama moments!

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

Iggy Azalea has revealed she would love to work on a track with "super nice" Cardi B.

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

"Cardi B a créé une polémique après avoir fait un live sur Insta... Elle parle de sa vie, sans tabous : c'est une meuf de la street et elle a galéré pour s’en sortir…"<br />--<br />Crédit : Scott Dudelson / Getty<br />--<br />Retrouve #GOSSSIPHOP de Ngiraan dans Mouv'13 Actu d'Alex Nassar du lundi au vendredi à 13h sur Mouv' <br />-- <br />Télécharge l'appli Mouv' ▶ <br />Toutes les fréquences de Mouv' ▶ <br />-- <br />Web ▶ <br />Facebook ▶ <br />Twitter ▶ <br />Instagram ▶ <br />Snapchat ▶ mouvradio<br /><br />

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

Cardi B gave out a special shoutout to her haters while accepting Best New Artist at Sunday's iHeart Radio Music Awards.

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Cardi B Wants <br />Her Own Chat Show The "I Like It" rapper reportedly <br />filed a trademark application <br />for "Bocktails with Cardi B." She'd like to host a TV program <br />with celebrity guests talking about <br />gossip as they drink booze. She will also create <br />her own line of alcohol, <br />"except beer and beverages <br />containing beer." Although she has all these plans up <br />her sleeve, she's been forced to put her <br />music career on hold for the time being. Cardi won't perform again until June <br />so that she can fully recover from <br />her recent liposuction surgery. The rap star's healing is <br />her main focus at this time.

Aryel Narvasa
8 Views · 4 years ago

Offset et Cardi B y vont 'doucement' depuis leur réconciliation car ils ne veulent pas aller trop vite alors qu'ils viennent tout juste de se remettre ensemble.

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

Cardi B a découvert que sa chanson « I Like It » est numéro un du Billboard 100, faisant d'elle la première rappeuse à avoir plusieurs singles numéro un.

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

Cardi B a admis qu'elle n'est pas fière de ce qu'elle a fait par le passé après qu'une vieille publication Instagram a refait surface.

Aryel Narvasa
10 Views · 4 years ago

Cardi B CANCELS Multiple Concerts Last Minute!

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

Urgence climatique : grosse mobilisation en France<br />Sundance : un docu accablant sur #MichaelJackson <br />#Neymar : plus grave que prévu ? <br />#CardiB star du porno ! <br />Reportage : rencontre avec le rappeur Bolémvn <br />--<br />Mouv' 13 Actu c'est l'actu façon Mouv' du lundi au vendredi à 13h avec Alex Nassar et sa team.<br />--<br />Photo : JEAN-PHILIPPE KSIAZEK / AFP<br />--<br />Toutes les fréquences de Mouv' ▶<br />--<br />Télécharge l'appli ▶<br />Web ▶<br />Facebook ▶<br />Twitter ▶<br />Instagram ▶<br />Snapchat ▶ mouvradio<br />

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

Studierende und Hochschulabsolventen bekommen die Coronakrise ebenso zu spüren. Cardi B und weitere Prominente machen den Studierenden Mut.

Aryel Narvasa
8 Views · 4 years ago

Chance The Rapper talks about Cardi B and Nicki Minaj’s beef. The internet thinks Rihanna is pregnant. Plus – we have another update on Tekashi 69.

Aryel Narvasa
11 Views · 4 years ago

Cardi B is mad about her taxes.<br />The singer posted a video ranting about how much money she's giving to the government for taxes.<br />She posted the video to her Instagram Friday.<br />"The government is taking 40 percent of my taxes. Uncle Sam, I want to know what you're doing with my f***ing tax money."<br />"I'm from New York and the streets are always dirty. This is one of the dirtiest cities in America… There's still rats on the d**n trains."<br />She didn't stop there.<br />"I want to know. I want receipts.

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Cardi B will spend Christmas with Offset, despite the pair not being together right now.

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

After missing court on Monday due to a scheduling conflict, Cardi B arrived to court just minutes before her scheduled arraignment hearing on Friday.<br />CNN reports that the rapper could have been arrested after skipping court on Monday.<br />The court case stems from Cardi's alleged involvement in a fight that went down in a Queens strip club in August. <br />She was charged with two misdemeanor counts of reckless endangerment and one misdemeanor count of assault.

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

Offset and Cardi B are "taking things slowly" since their reconciliation, as they don't want to rush back into their relationship too quickly.

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Cardi B is set to be the first ever co-host of 'The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon' on April 9, in promotion of her new album 'Invasion of Privacy'.

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

Rapper Cardi B was indicted on 14 charges by a grand jury on Friday related to a strip-club altercation that took place nearly a year ago. Cardi was charged last year with two counts of reckless endangerment and one count of third-degree assault after she was accused of throwing a hookah pipe and drink glasses at two bartenders in a Queens strip club.

Aryel Narvasa
8 Views · 4 years ago

Pregnant Cardi B Cancels Summer Festival Dates The Bronx rapper and mom-to-be took to Instagram to announce the cancellation of her upcoming summer festival due to her pregnancy. Cardi will not be attending shows in: But fans need not worry because she’s still on to perform with Bruno Mars for his upcoming 24K Magic Tour, which kicks off in September. In the meantime, fans can enjoy her debut album ‘Invasion of Privacy,’ which debuted No. 1 on the Billboard 200 after its release on Apr. 6.

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

<br /> Fans have enjoyed watching Cardi B and Offset’s ongoing, rollercoaster like relationship.<br />Not only has the couple gotten engaged, there was a cheating scandal and they're pregnant too.<br />They first started dating last year, February 2017 and their first date was to the Super Bowl.<br />By October, Off Set proposed to Cardi B at Power 99's Powerhouse concert in Philadelphia.<br />December 2017, videos came out of Offset cheating on Cardi B. <br />

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Cardi B est apparue sur un tapis rouge pour la première fois depuis qu'elle a accouché de sa fille Kulture, lors de la cérémonie des MTV VMAs.

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Cardi B Offers Support for Khloe Kardashian In new Instagram videos, the "Money" singer called out trolls cheering Kardashian's split from Tristan Thompson. Cardi B, via Instagram Cardi added that she doesn't understand why some people enjoy other's misery. Cardi B, via Instagram The Grammy-winner has recently been through a similar scandal after it was revealed her husband, Offset, cheated on her last year. The pair have reunited. Cardi B, via Instagram

Aryel Narvasa
10 Views · 4 years ago

Cardi B a défendu sa victoire aux Grammy Awards sur les réseaux sociaux, précisant qu'elle méritait son trophée de Meilleur Album de Rap autant que n'importe qui.

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

<br /> Is Cardi B blasting her fiancé, Offset, for cheating on her new song?<br />The verdict is still out.<br />In Cardi's new single, “Be Careful, she talks about a cheating lover that's still pining for his exes. <br />The lyrics include: "She don’t even know your middle name / Watch her, ‘cause she might steal your chain / You don’t want someone who loves you instead? ... You still stutter after certain questions / You keep in contact with certain exes. <br />

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

Cardi B | Snapchat Videos | October 29th 2017 Cardi Bs Snapchat story videos that were posted: OCTOBER 29TH 2017 Subscribe for daily uploads of all your favourite Celebrity Snapchats.

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

Cardi B and Nicki Minaj Feud REIGNITED-

Aryel Narvasa
8 Views · 4 years ago

Cardi took to Instagram to announce that her mommy duties have taken precedence over Mars' 24K Magic <br />World Tour. Cardi B, via Instagram Cardi B, via Instagram Mars was more than supportive when he postd a response on Twitter. Cardi and husband Offset welcomed their first child together, a baby girl named Kulture, on July 10.

Aryel Narvasa
9 Views · 4 years ago

If anyone knows how to curate a wig moment, it's Cardi B. But even when you've got millions of dollars and professional hair stylists, it doesn't mean much when you forget to pack a brush.<br /><br />Cardi's stylist posted a video to Instagram showing Cardi combing her wig with a fork. Not even a fork made of gold — a regular, plastic, grabbed-it-from-the-craft-services-table fork. "When all fails use the fork aka dingle hopper ...... still laid," she captioned.

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Offset versucht, Cardi B "zu überreden", ihn wieder zurückzunehmen, nachdem sie sich im Dezember getrennt hatten.

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

The star of Marvel's smash-hit Black Panther, Chadwick Boseman, is hosting Saturday Night Live on April 7, with Cardi B serving as musical guest. Black Panther is arguably 2018's biggest success story so far, and Cardi B continues her quest for global chart domination. The movie's success shows no signs of slowing down, so Boseman's hosting gig on Saturday Night Live feels timely. On last week's episode of SNL, host Sterling K.

Aryel Narvasa
19 Views · 4 years ago

Cardi B and Offset are engaged and waiting for their first child together. But according to VH1, the couple is already married. TMZ reported that the rapping duo have been married since September 2017. They found this out by looking through public marriage certificates and finding one with their names. Cardi B is known for hating being in the spotlight and the public constantly invading her privacy.

Aryel Narvasa
14 Views · 4 years ago

La rappeuse fait ses premiers pas mode dans le magazine de Carine Roitfeld, ancienne éditrice en chef de Vogue France.

Aryel Narvasa
7 Views · 4 years ago

Cardi B has claimed she will never get surgery again after her recent liposuction.

Aryel Narvasa
7 Views · 4 years ago

Cardi B has threatened to sue Nicki Minaj for "defamation of character" and blasted her rival for telling "lies".

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

Cardi B Shares First Picture of Kulture <br />(Kind of) After one month, the rapper is finally giving us a little peek at her new family <br />of three. Literally, a “little peek" because most of Kulture is cropped out, except for a tiny corner of her head. The photo shows Cardi B and her husband Offset holding the newborn. The mom captioned the picture, “KultureK." This is the second time recently that the rapper has teased a look at her baby. At the VMAs, Cardi B opened the show cradling a pink blanket that turned out to have an award instead of baby Kulture. Fans begged her to show more and one even asked to “at least see her pinky toe.” Whenever she’s ready for the big reveal, we’ll be here (im)patiently waiting.

Aryel Narvasa
7 Views · 4 years ago

Cardi B confirmed that she is pregnant during her performance on Saturday Night Live. Following her appearance on the NBC night show, Cardi B took to Twitter to confirm the news once more. The rapper went on SNL's stage for the second time in her career, to perform songs from her debut studio album, "Invasion of Privacy." She first performed a medley of hit singles "Bodak Yellow" and "Bartier Cardi," while wearing a large black-and-white feathered coat. She returned to the stage to perform "Be Careful," in a tight white dress that revealed her baby bump.

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

Cardi B is not only a chart-topping rapper, she's also a political activist.

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

With the #BabyBardi countdown clock ticking by the minute, Cardi B and Offset finally had their baby shower! Even though Cardi has frequently lamented the planning process, it looks like it was a job well done! VH1 News reports that in true Bardi fashion, she brought out the glitz and glamour, entering her party in style with her boo Offset. Her sister Hennessy Carolina, Rasheeda Frost and Monica Brown were some of the esteemed guests that made this party all the more lit.

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Cardi and Offset began dating in 2017. From Offset’s very public proposal to the birth of the couple’s daughter Kulture, here’s a complete timeline of Cardi and Offset’s on-and-off relationship.

Aryel Narvasa
20 Views · 4 years ago

Cardi B wants people to support female rappers who rap about topics other than sex, after it was claimed by Jermaine Dupri that the industry is full of "strippers rapping".

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

another hit for 2019 from Bruno Mars and Cardi B, "Please Me" karaoke version

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

Cardi B - Drama ft Lil Wayne, Blueface

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

Cardi B | Snapchat Videos | October 30th 2017 Cardi Bs Snapchat story videos that were posted: OCTOBER 30TH 2017 Subscribe for daily uploads of all your favourite Celebrity Snapchats.

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

La estrella del hip hop se hizo con siete de los trofeos más codiciados de la noche, incluidos los de mejor rapera del año y álbum del año

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

Cardi B and Offset Are Back Together It seems the hip hop <br />duo is reunited. TMZ reported that Cardi is returning to her shared Atlanta home with the Migos rapper and their daughter Kulture. Cardi announced in December 2018 <br />that the two were splitting up after <br />news that Offset allegedly cheated. Sources close to the couple said Offset changed his number, which is strictly for <br />Cardi and business. There is also a new “no groupies” rule in order for Offset to prove he’s being honest and faithful. Cardi previously posted, “I wanna go home,” with a picture of Offset before moving back. She also recently tweeted <br />that Offset's upcoming solo <br />album is "too spicy." Offset initially teased a December release that was pushed back in the midst of the couple's split.

Aryel Narvasa
12 Views · 4 years ago

Cardi B Performs at Coachella While Pregnant

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

Cardi B is more motivated to earn major bucks since having a child as living off a rich partner's income is "not her style".

Aryel Narvasa
7 Views · 4 years ago

La estrella del rap solía pensar que las labores maternales serían algo más llevaderas de lo que está experimentando estos días con su pequeña Kulture

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

Cardi B regala abrigos gratis en Brooklyn<br /> Cardi se dirigió a la zona el jueves por la noche para dar a los residentes un nuevo guardarropas de invierno. La rapera repartió abrigos a niños y padres cerca de las Casas de Marlboro en Gravesend alrededor de las 8:30 pm hora local, según 'People'. Su tiempo fue perfecto: las temperaturas en el área se han reducido alrededor de 40 grados, lo que han provocado advertencias de congelamientos. Cardi es oriunda de Nueva York, <br />nacida y criada en el Bronx. Cardi B, a los reporteros, a 'People'<br /> Cardi B, a los reporteros, a 'People' Para rematar la noche, se le otorgó una llave simbólica de las Casas de Marlboro y recibió un pastel de cumpleaños de miembros de la comunidad, después de su cumpleaños el 11 de octubre.

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

Cardi B Reveals Her <br />Celebrity Style Icons In a recent interview with 'Vogue,' <br />Cardi shed some light on the subject. The 27-year-old rapper looks up to Lady Gaga and <br />Missy Elliot when it comes to fashion. She also takes cues from her 'Hustlers' <br />co-star, Jennifer Lopez, and Rihanna. Cardi previously teamed up <br />with Fashion Nova to create <br />her own line of clothes. Her favorite part of the design process is seeing the final product, as things don't always go to plan. Cardi B, to 'Vogue'

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

Cardi B | Snapchat Videos | November 1st 2017 Cardi Bs Snapchat story videos that were posted: NOVEMBER 1ST 2017 Subscribe for daily uploads of all your favourite Celebrity Snapchats.

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

Cardi B has revealed that she would be up for working with the K Pop group BTS

Aryel Narvasa
7 Views · 4 years ago

The minister who officiated Cardi B and Offset's bedroom wedding has revealed the pair were just in their pants and t-shirts when they said their vows.

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

Cardi B é a primeira mulher a ter cinco músicas no 'Top 10 da Billboard Hot R&B / Hip Hop' em uma semana.

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Allure reports Cardi B just had liposuction surgery.<br />The rapper opened up about her latest procedure during a performance on Sunday at Beale Street Music Festival in Memphis.<br />"Let me tell y'all something. I shouldn't really be performing. I should have canceled today because moving too much is gonna f- up my lipo."<br />Cardi didn't share when she had the procedure.<br />Cardi appeared at the Met Gala one night later.

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

Is Cardi B blasting her fiancé, Offset, for cheating on her new song?<br />The verdict is still out.<br />In Cardi's new single, “Be Careful, she talks about a cheating lover that's still pining for his exes. <br />The lyrics include: "She don’t even know your middle name / Watch her, ‘cause she might steal your chain / You don’t want someone who loves you instead? ... You still stutter after certain questions / You keep in contact with certain exes.

Aryel Narvasa
10 Views · 4 years ago

Glastonbury organisers want more female artists on the bill next year so have asked the likes of Madonna, Cardi B and Diana Ross to perform.

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Cardi B hat "Bodyshamern" kontra gegeben, nachdem diese behauptet hatten, sie habe ihre Fotos bearbeitet.

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

Rap has easily dominated the pop charts and on streaming services in the last few years, and that's reflected at the 2018 American Music Awards. Website reports Drake and Cardi B are the leaders with eight nominations each — earning bids in both the pop/rock and rap/hip-hop categories. Drake has the year's top-selling album with Scorpion and also scored three No. 1 hits on the Billboard Hot 100 chart.

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

Cardi B Wants <br />Her Own Chat Show The "I Like It" rapper reportedly <br />filed a trademark application <br />for "Bocktails with Cardi B." She'd like to host a TV program <br />with celebrity guests talking about <br />gossip as they drink booze. She will also create <br />her own line of alcohol, <br />"except beer and beverages <br />containing beer." Although she has all these plans up <br />her sleeve, she's been forced to put her <br />music career on hold for the time being. Cardi won't perform again until June <br />so that she can fully recover from <br />her recent liposuction surgery. The rap star's healing is <br />her main focus at this time.

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Offset Surprises Cardi B <br />With New Car The rapper scared his wife into making a trip to Atlanta because she was told something was wrong with him. Cardi B, via Instagram Cardi B, via Instagram Cardi B showed off her new Lamborghini truck and then continued explaining how worried she was. Cardi B, via Instagram Cardi said she bought Offset sneakers in Paris but wouldn’t show them because they couldn’t compare to her new whip. The “I Like It” rapper’s gift isn’t completely random since she turns 26 on October 11.

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

VH1 informa que Cardi B ha dado a luz a una niña, Kulture Kiari Cephus. Después de esconder su embarazo de sus fans durante meses y sorprender a todos al revelar su pancita en el escenario de SNL, ¡el público finalmente conoce a Baby Bardi! Cardi ha estado esperando el nacimiento de su pequeña niña desde hace un tiempo, actualizando a sus fans con fotos de su creciente pancita cada vez más grande. El miércoles, la nueva mamá publicó una hermosa foto de su sesión de maternidad junto con una leyenda que sugiere que su bebé había ya nacido.

Aryel Narvasa
8 Views · 4 years ago

She's the queen of the show.

Aryel Narvasa
7 Views · 4 years ago

Bruno Mars Announces Cardi B Tour Replacements The “Finesse” singer announced that Ciara, Charlie Wilson, Ella Mai and Boyz II Men will be joining him on tour. The additions happened after Cardi B dropped out in order to stay home with her daughter Kulture. Mars made the announcement on social media. Bruno Mars, <br />via Instagram He then instructed fans to swipe left to view his video announcement. The '24K Magic Tour' kicks off on Sept. 7.

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

Cardi B | Snapchat Videos | October 27th 2017 Cardi Bs Snapchat story videos that were posted: OCTOBER 27TH 2017 Subscribe for daily uploads of all your favourite Celebrity Snapchats.

Aryel Narvasa
13 Views · 4 years ago

Cardi B has got a tattoo of her husband Offset's name on her thigh.

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