
Sub Category

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

Ficha técnica:

Beat: Yardoo
Mix/Master: Lil Vith
Composição: Lil Vith
Direção e edição: Bob Morais
Produção Executiva: Johny Carti


Lil Vith


Grupo de dança:


Contato para show:
+55(11)977736169 (Johny Carti)


Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

Priminha Linda - Zico & Zeca ( 1981 )

Aryel Narvasa
11 Views · 4 years ago

Musica sertaneja - Zilo e Zalo tangos

Aryel Narvasa
11 Views · 4 years ago

Abel e Caim cantando "O Menibno e o Cachorro" no Programa Viola Minha Viola - 2010.

Aryel Narvasa
8 Views · 4 years ago

Rosa Branca e Flor Morena interpretam a linda canção "Velho Amor" que ficou famosa com os saudosos Tião Carreiro e Pardinho.
Música: Velho Amor / Autores: Donizete/Tião Carreiro
Saiba mais sobre essa dupla e contrate para seu evento acessando: www.nossaviola.com.br
Música sertaneja raiz é com NOSSA VIOLA !
Letra da Música:
No chão que eu pisei, você já pisou
O ar que eu respirei, você respirou
Da água que eu bebi, você já bebeu
Do pão que eu comi, você já comeu
Amor, meu velho amor
Amor que sofre e não reclama
Eu destruí a sua juventude
E acabei com sua saúde
Fiz pra você todo mal que pude
Ainda sou o homem que você ama
O pranto que eu chorei, você já chorou
O frio que eu passei, você já passou
No quarto que eu dormi, você já dormiu
A fome que eu senti, você já sentiu
Amor, meu velho amor
Amor que sofre e não reclama
Eu destruí a sua juventude
E acabei com sua saúde
Fiz pra você todo mal que pude
Ainda sou o homem que você ama

Aryel Narvasa
12 Views · 4 years ago

Autor: Júlio César Borges

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

Zilo e Zalo no programa Viola Minha Viola em outubro de 2001.
Essa foi a última vez que o Zilo participou do programa, essa apresentação foi poucos meses antes de sua morte, no vídeo temos a interpretação da música Milagre do Ladrão, maior sucesso da dupla, composição de Léo Canhoto e Zilo.
Na música podemos entender que o menino teve tanta fé em Deus que sua fé em Deus o curou, na história que não sei se é verídica ou não, nota-se a grande fé do menino, fé que todos nós devemos ter em Deus.

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

CIB W116 Student Chapter Webinar Series on Measuring Urban Sustainability - Webinar 1 - Climate - Jaco Slingerland - Measuring the mitigation of the urban heat island effect by using water and vegetation

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago


Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

ZÉ CARREIRO E CARREIRINHO e a Moda de Viola IRMÃO DO FERREIRINHA de Carreirinho e Teddy Vieira. Gravação Continental - 1.952 - disco Nº 16. 660.

Aryel Narvasa
8 Views · 4 years ago

Essa linda Toada, é uma composição do próprio Francisco Gottardi(SULINO) e do Augusto Toscano, onde se retrata através dos versos muito bem trovados, a morte de grandes artistas da época...VIVA NOSSOS HERÓIS SERTANEJOS!!!...

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago


Download do CD completo:



Aryel Narvasa
15 Views · 4 years ago


Aryel Narvasa
18 Views · 4 years ago

Ano: 1974 Composição: (Léo Canhoto)

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

Relembrando o melhor da música caipira.

Sem propagandas.

Liu & Léu - Prato do Dia

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago


Mamãe eu vivo distante da casa que você mora
Estou muito arrependido de um dia ter vindo embora
Eu quero voltar e não posso não tenho dinheiro agora
Não vá pensar mamãezinha que o filho saiu da linha
E esqueceu da senhora

Mamãe eu saí de casa por um futuro melhor
Vivendo aqui tão distante já vi que tudo é pior
Pois a malvada saudade tá machucando sem dó
Eu saí atrás dos cobre me sinto muito mais pobre
Vivendo aqui tão só

Eu aqui não faço farra não vivo na boemia
Meu negocio é trabalhar de noite também de dia
To juntando um dinheirinho fazendo economia
Eu não injeito serviço o meu grande compromisso
É rever mamãe um dia

Não quero que mamãe me veja vestido assim nesses trapo
Vou comprar um terninho novo nem que seja o mais barato
Vou comprar camisa e meia e um parzinho de sapato
Se eu não puder ir agora eu vou mandar pra senhora
Nem que seja o meu retrato

Aryel Narvasa
10 Views · 4 years ago

O PRETO E A ITALIANA com ZÉ CARREIRO E CARREIRINHO -- Composição de Leonel Cruz e Sebastião Vito, gravação Chantecler -- Selo Sertanejo, PTJ-10194 -- disco de 78 rotações gravado em abril e lançado em junho de 1.961. Nesta moda, eles falam de um negro "João Batista" e de uma italiana bonita "Pina". A respeito do negro eles usam o termo "Pau de fumo" e o verso "O nariz do bicho quando espirra apita é ver o chaminé do trem da paulista". Se fosse hoje seria crime o que era naquela época, um simples gracejo? Um dos intérpretes -- Zé Carreiro -- era negro e gostou da brincadeira, tanto que gravou a moda. É bom refletir sobre certas leis que se criam nesta Terra. E é sempre bom recordar o passado ouvindo aqueles que foram considerados os maiores violeiros do Brasil. A dupla sertaneja mais imitada em seu tempo, que teve em Tonico e Tinoco seus mais ilustres admiradores e em Tião Carreiro e Pardinho seus mais fiéis imitadores. Esta é a Música Sertaneja do passado, do tempo em que havia Música Sertaneja no Brasil. Foi um ciclo maravilhoso que infelizmente se acabou.

Aryel Narvasa
8 Views · 4 years ago

Acesse nosso site: http://[a]www.sertaoemfesta.com.br[/a] e confira programa sertão em festa on line.
Você também pode curtir no facebook: http://facebook.com/sertaoemfesta

O Sertão em Festa é gravado na cidade de Uberlândia/MG, e vai ao ar todos os dias as 12h00, no Canal 07 Tv a cabo, somente para Uberlândia-MG, você de outra cidade pode conferir nosso site, ou nossos vídeos postados aqui no youtube

Envie seu DVD (ou material de divulgação para o Sertão em Festa): Rua João Tobias, 208, Bairro Roosevelt, CEP 38401-066, Uberlândia/MG
Programa Sertão em Festa 21/2016

Vai ao ar:
do dia: 21-05-2016
ao dia: 27-05-2016

Especial com DVD:
Ginnamyr & josé Alves;
Lourenço & Lourival;
Tostão (part. Filho de Goiás);
Gentil ROssi & Tinoco;
Xanddy & Mano;
Marcos Violeiro;
Ronaldo Adriano;
Rei Gaspar & Majestade;
Aragano & João Victor;

+ informações, acesse:

Para Cantar no Programa Sertão em Festa:
Ligue: (34) 3223-1183
E-mail: arimateasf@gmail.com

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

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Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

Abel e Caim cantando "O Menibno e o Cachorro" no Programa Viola Minha Viola - 2010.

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

▓▓▓▒▒▒░░░ Copyright direitos autorais ░░░▒▒▒▓▓▓
Copyright direitos autorais Repositório artista ou compositor gravadora do Conhecimento de obra
peça aremoção de conteúdo imediata seu pedido séra atendido pela equipe Mix-sertanejo
Veja mais videos
Lourenço e Lourival discos completos click no link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aiK1Az2B858&list=PLau2fic58B0Q7D6VQP6QyzNTl_pQbfJA9
Leôncio e Leonel raridade click no link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKAWTQgGcnc&list=PLau2fic58B0TJE5hje4oyvSKEXAaUIfX4
Teixeirinha discos completos nesse link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7JMMUrTgY0&list=PLau2fic58B0SqtwugJUqzjEGrEC6pewLo
barrerito e parceiros discos completos nesse link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LD--C9gkgDc&list=PLau2fic58B0QqGyu3JZfwqEV61chOoXDB
joâo mulato e pardinho discos completo nesse link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7tDIXPP73as&list=PLau2fic58B0T1WsKVrqQ8mEjyD72Fhvoc
jaco e jacozinho disco s completo s nesse link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uxr_R_fz5QU&list=PLau2fic58B0RxQagswlK0_4cawLb3n5de
praião e prainha discografia mix-sertanejo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mW7r7ApMfvw&list=PLau2fic58B0T6qykskCF6E7pGxuPRWI20
joão mulato e douradinho discos completos nesse link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wg13UnqsULc&list=PLau2fic58B0Q_KBt3_8FeNLhP1-Ls77yy
liu e leu discos completos nesse link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTQUd8GcMOk&list=PLau2fic58B0QUzN-CHDuxQffGA64acJeL

(playlist de alfa dos discos)
*A**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=td7RzCnu_ho&list=PLau2fic58B0TdYPmL0PFMq5-bTiZqOUbX
*B**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ok7Q8Jrq0lI&list=PLau2fic58B0QMaVuwlt6XyWzg-Op5_ErI
*C**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gn-nMD_fGCM&list=PLau2fic58B0Rc_Qb2lYrygMpe8lDWjZn_
*D**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11iI_XV20ws&list=PLau2fic58B0RRbXMSb3WmPJg-yyGTJpZD
*E**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pwk_S9Q4e1M&list=PLau2fic58B0Ru2Cx9Q9wcFuRosoKb_x_o
*F**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRR_nFuMB8Y&list=PLau2fic58B0RbBH9KoHm87tseR6wKlxf-
*G**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOYfN4lS8AE&list=PLau2fic58B0QXDMDu87kX-DtQSn7OrQxv
*H**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibc2qiXVKGg&list=PLau2fic58B0Q5ElupxRqh2L8urDz64k65
*I**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gp8D8s4HYE&list=PLau2fic58B0QgKBR_VLiPBxJ3CLlDZPwX
*J**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRrh8yHaRIM&list=PLau2fic58B0S0Txq7VHHbE6HuorkLyWec
*l**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B6exXqmWoeA&list=PLau2fic58B0QxTK5gGiZIzorGt-NuBmVP
*M**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0FeiD9QOcs&list=PLau2fic58B0RJR3MdXnnQbk-YclY_LKRt
*N**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1hkkQWLBxc&list=PLau2fic58B0SpjAJIZB6n3dy5iwtgGuWE
*O**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_Lxdf6BSzY&list=PLau2fic58B0QAz50a82YBJJ2mHLcadTc3
*P**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRibx-8rl7M&list=PLau2fic58B0QACjLXPx_m1NXpEwhc-ZWl
*Q**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYDEO4Gr4y4&list=PLau2fic58B0RaPehYYk8JwGI18EItK1Sh
*R**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hd47h7N5yIY&list=PLau2fic58B0QuP1hmsEL42nyC3leqyp9J
*S**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRzw78IE_ME&list=PLau2fic58B0S8y2ZJeO2VUNBYqn3vLP1z
*T**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bEUCIETmJF4&list=PLau2fic58B0SCNYER3baOjDjzf_4aj5Yp
*U**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhQseDOyQ-I&list=PLau2fic58B0QRcjGXIeSM0BGca4kb0wBs
*V**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eIUxxf1CXxo&list=PLau2fic58B0RAuiLLiPajNzIMFg9y_dzV
*W**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zhqvh_yI7P0&list=PLau2fic58B0Q3v75WM9mNCxCiYWeCbmFb
*X**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJwvcTz2dU0&list=PLau2fic58B0RfZy56LQwG51JUH1KGjhMN
*Y**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=646BGVx8K5Q&list=PLau2fic58B0QNn-5RwShC_UlpiKDxoiPN
*Z**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7I48rbSQZrk&list=PLau2fic58B0QdQl0ht1EEYdIvu2SmTpvR

inscreva-se curte nossos videos conheça nosso canal no youtube

Aryel Narvasa
7 Views · 4 years ago

▓▓▓▒▒▒░░░ Copyright direitos autorais ░░░▒▒▒▓▓▓
Copyright direitos autorais Repositório artista ou compositor gravadora do Conhecimento de obra
peça aremoção de conteúdo imediata seu pedido séra atendido pela equipe Mix-sertanejo
Veja mais videos
Lourenço e Lourival discos completos click no link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aiK1Az2B858&list=PLau2fic58B0Q7D6VQP6QyzNTl_pQbfJA9
Leôncio e Leonel raridade click no link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKAWTQgGcnc&list=PLau2fic58B0TJE5hje4oyvSKEXAaUIfX4
Teixeirinha discos completos nesse link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7JMMUrTgY0&list=PLau2fic58B0SqtwugJUqzjEGrEC6pewLo
barrerito e parceiros discos completos nesse link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LD--C9gkgDc&list=PLau2fic58B0QqGyu3JZfwqEV61chOoXDB
joâo mulato e pardinho discos completo nesse link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7tDIXPP73as&list=PLau2fic58B0T1WsKVrqQ8mEjyD72Fhvoc
jaco e jacozinho disco s completo s nesse link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uxr_R_fz5QU&list=PLau2fic58B0RxQagswlK0_4cawLb3n5de
praião e prainha discografia mix-sertanejo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mW7r7ApMfvw&list=PLau2fic58B0T6qykskCF6E7pGxuPRWI20
joão mulato e douradinho discos completos nesse link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wg13UnqsULc&list=PLau2fic58B0Q_KBt3_8FeNLhP1-Ls77yy
liu e leu discos completos nesse link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTQUd8GcMOk&list=PLau2fic58B0QUzN-CHDuxQffGA64acJeL

(playlist de alfa dos discos)
*A**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=td7RzCnu_ho&list=PLau2fic58B0TdYPmL0PFMq5-bTiZqOUbX
*B**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ok7Q8Jrq0lI&list=PLau2fic58B0QMaVuwlt6XyWzg-Op5_ErI
*C**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gn-nMD_fGCM&list=PLau2fic58B0Rc_Qb2lYrygMpe8lDWjZn_
*D**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11iI_XV20ws&list=PLau2fic58B0RRbXMSb3WmPJg-yyGTJpZD
*E**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pwk_S9Q4e1M&list=PLau2fic58B0Ru2Cx9Q9wcFuRosoKb_x_o
*F**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRR_nFuMB8Y&list=PLau2fic58B0RbBH9KoHm87tseR6wKlxf-
*G**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOYfN4lS8AE&list=PLau2fic58B0QXDMDu87kX-DtQSn7OrQxv
*H**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibc2qiXVKGg&list=PLau2fic58B0Q5ElupxRqh2L8urDz64k65
*I**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gp8D8s4HYE&list=PLau2fic58B0QgKBR_VLiPBxJ3CLlDZPwX
*J**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRrh8yHaRIM&list=PLau2fic58B0S0Txq7VHHbE6HuorkLyWec
*l**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B6exXqmWoeA&list=PLau2fic58B0QxTK5gGiZIzorGt-NuBmVP
*M**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0FeiD9QOcs&list=PLau2fic58B0RJR3MdXnnQbk-YclY_LKRt
*N**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1hkkQWLBxc&list=PLau2fic58B0SpjAJIZB6n3dy5iwtgGuWE
*O**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_Lxdf6BSzY&list=PLau2fic58B0QAz50a82YBJJ2mHLcadTc3
*P**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRibx-8rl7M&list=PLau2fic58B0QACjLXPx_m1NXpEwhc-ZWl
*Q**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYDEO4Gr4y4&list=PLau2fic58B0RaPehYYk8JwGI18EItK1Sh
*R**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hd47h7N5yIY&list=PLau2fic58B0QuP1hmsEL42nyC3leqyp9J
*S**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRzw78IE_ME&list=PLau2fic58B0S8y2ZJeO2VUNBYqn3vLP1z
*T**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bEUCIETmJF4&list=PLau2fic58B0SCNYER3baOjDjzf_4aj5Yp
*U**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhQseDOyQ-I&list=PLau2fic58B0QRcjGXIeSM0BGca4kb0wBs
*V**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eIUxxf1CXxo&list=PLau2fic58B0RAuiLLiPajNzIMFg9y_dzV
*W**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zhqvh_yI7P0&list=PLau2fic58B0Q3v75WM9mNCxCiYWeCbmFb
*X**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJwvcTz2dU0&list=PLau2fic58B0RfZy56LQwG51JUH1KGjhMN
*Y**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=646BGVx8K5Q&list=PLau2fic58B0QNn-5RwShC_UlpiKDxoiPN
*Z**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7I48rbSQZrk&list=PLau2fic58B0QdQl0ht1EEYdIvu2SmTpvR

inscreva-se curte nossos videos conheça nosso canal no youtube

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

Agora é a tradição....É A MODA DE VIOLA...
Ondi canta u galo indio você pode memo acrerditá qui o carijó disacupa o terrero.

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago


Curtiu? Comente o vídeo, clica em "gostei" e INSCREVA-SE no canal para curtir essa e outras músicas e BANDAS que fizeram história das antigas.

Aryel Narvasa
9 Views · 4 years ago

Jaco CHINA Photo Slide Show - Taji Yoga with Music and Fine Arts - Relaxation Wellness and Art Therapy

Photos of my 12 years staying in China

Working as Art Critic and Lecturer and Design Consultant at Fine Arts Academies in Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Beijing and Shanghai

Art Events Organizer in Beijing 798 Art District and Shanghai Moganshan Road

French Consulate Guangzhou - South China - Culture Department Culture Events Organizer

Taiji Yoga Relaxation and Art Therapy Instructor

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

BOOKING INFO: djdoubledcr@hotmail.com
+506 8895-6566
TWITTER: https://www.twitter.com/djdoubledcr
FAN PAGE https://www.facebook.com/djdoubled506
skype: djdoubledcr

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago





#TET DSC పాలిటీ క్లాస్-02

#TET DSC పాలిటీ క్లాస్

#TET DSC జాగ్రఫీ క్లాస్

#TET DSC మ్యాథమెటిక్స్ క్లాస్

#TET DSC-సైకాలజీ లో ఈ పాఠం వింటే 1మార్కు మీదే ....!


#తెలుగు క్లాస్01

#తెలుగు క్లాస్02



#అర్థమెటిక్ # ప్రీవియస్ఎగ్జామ్స్ #పేపర్స్ #BOOKS #YESPUBLICATIONS

Aryel Narvasa
16 Views · 4 years ago

Para mim das mais belas melodias que esta dupla cantou ate hoje, uma musica que descreve o nosso maior tessouro.

Esta dupla foi apadrinhada pela ja falecido malogrado Goiá.

Musica de autoria de Goiá e S. Aurélio

Aryel Narvasa
15 Views · 4 years ago

Autor: Júlio César Borges

Aryel Narvasa
8 Views · 4 years ago

BRIGA DE SOGRA – Moda de Viola com MORENO E MORENINHO – Autores: Pedro Cioffi (Moreno) e João Cioffi (Moreninho).
Gravação Sínter de 1.957 – Lançado em 78 rotações, disco de Nº 545 que tinha no outro lado “Casal Que Não Combina”. Em seguida foi reeditado no primeiro long-play de Música Sertaneja lançado no Brasil. Para quem não sabe, Moreno e Moreninho muito se orgulhavam de terem sido a primeira dupla sertaneja a ter um LP lançado na praça. Foi um LP de 10 polegadas, lançado pela Sínter em 1.957 que continha as seguintes músicas: Briga de Sogra, Casal Que Não Combina, Chegada Em Corumbá, Estrela da Guia, Resposta da Carta, Romance de Amor. Serenata e Sombrinha de Prata.

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

▓▓▓▒▒▒░░░ Copyright direitos autorais ░░░▒▒▒▓▓▓
Copyright direitos autorais Repositório artista ou compositor gravadora do Conhecimento de obra
peça aremoção de conteúdo imediata seu pedido séra atendido pela equipe Mix-sertanejo
Veja mais videos
Lourenço e Lourival discos completos click no link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aiK1Az2B858&list=PLau2fic58B0Q7D6VQP6QyzNTl_pQbfJA9
Leôncio e Leonel raridade click no link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKAWTQgGcnc&list=PLau2fic58B0TJE5hje4oyvSKEXAaUIfX4
Teixeirinha discos completos nesse link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7JMMUrTgY0&list=PLau2fic58B0SqtwugJUqzjEGrEC6pewLo
barrerito e parceiros discos completos nesse link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LD--C9gkgDc&list=PLau2fic58B0QqGyu3JZfwqEV61chOoXDB
joâo mulato e pardinho discos completo nesse link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7tDIXPP73as&list=PLau2fic58B0T1WsKVrqQ8mEjyD72Fhvoc
jaco e jacozinho disco s completo s nesse link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uxr_R_fz5QU&list=PLau2fic58B0RxQagswlK0_4cawLb3n5de
praião e prainha discografia mix-sertanejo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mW7r7ApMfvw&list=PLau2fic58B0T6qykskCF6E7pGxuPRWI20
joão mulato e douradinho discos completos nesse link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wg13UnqsULc&list=PLau2fic58B0Q_KBt3_8FeNLhP1-Ls77yy
liu e leu discos completos nesse link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTQUd8GcMOk&list=PLau2fic58B0QUzN-CHDuxQffGA64acJeL

(playlist de alfa dos discos)
*A**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=td7RzCnu_ho&list=PLau2fic58B0TdYPmL0PFMq5-bTiZqOUbX
*B**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ok7Q8Jrq0lI&list=PLau2fic58B0QMaVuwlt6XyWzg-Op5_ErI
*C**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gn-nMD_fGCM&list=PLau2fic58B0Rc_Qb2lYrygMpe8lDWjZn_
*D**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11iI_XV20ws&list=PLau2fic58B0RRbXMSb3WmPJg-yyGTJpZD
*E**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pwk_S9Q4e1M&list=PLau2fic58B0Ru2Cx9Q9wcFuRosoKb_x_o
*F**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRR_nFuMB8Y&list=PLau2fic58B0RbBH9KoHm87tseR6wKlxf-
*G**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOYfN4lS8AE&list=PLau2fic58B0QXDMDu87kX-DtQSn7OrQxv
*H**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibc2qiXVKGg&list=PLau2fic58B0Q5ElupxRqh2L8urDz64k65
*I**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gp8D8s4HYE&list=PLau2fic58B0QgKBR_VLiPBxJ3CLlDZPwX
*J**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRrh8yHaRIM&list=PLau2fic58B0S0Txq7VHHbE6HuorkLyWec
*l**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B6exXqmWoeA&list=PLau2fic58B0QxTK5gGiZIzorGt-NuBmVP
*M**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0FeiD9QOcs&list=PLau2fic58B0RJR3MdXnnQbk-YclY_LKRt
*N**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1hkkQWLBxc&list=PLau2fic58B0SpjAJIZB6n3dy5iwtgGuWE
*O**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_Lxdf6BSzY&list=PLau2fic58B0QAz50a82YBJJ2mHLcadTc3
*P**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRibx-8rl7M&list=PLau2fic58B0QACjLXPx_m1NXpEwhc-ZWl
*Q**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYDEO4Gr4y4&list=PLau2fic58B0RaPehYYk8JwGI18EItK1Sh
*R**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hd47h7N5yIY&list=PLau2fic58B0QuP1hmsEL42nyC3leqyp9J
*S**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRzw78IE_ME&list=PLau2fic58B0S8y2ZJeO2VUNBYqn3vLP1z
*T**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bEUCIETmJF4&list=PLau2fic58B0SCNYER3baOjDjzf_4aj5Yp
*U**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhQseDOyQ-I&list=PLau2fic58B0QRcjGXIeSM0BGca4kb0wBs
*V**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eIUxxf1CXxo&list=PLau2fic58B0RAuiLLiPajNzIMFg9y_dzV
*W**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zhqvh_yI7P0&list=PLau2fic58B0Q3v75WM9mNCxCiYWeCbmFb
*X**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJwvcTz2dU0&list=PLau2fic58B0RfZy56LQwG51JUH1KGjhMN
*Y**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=646BGVx8K5Q&list=PLau2fic58B0QNn-5RwShC_UlpiKDxoiPN
*Z**click*no *link* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7I48rbSQZrk&list=PLau2fic58B0QdQl0ht1EEYdIvu2SmTpvR

inscreva-se curte nossos videos conheça nosso canal no youtube

Aryel Narvasa
14 Views · 4 years ago

Rosa Branca e Flor Morena interpretam a linda canção "Velho Amor" que ficou famosa com os saudosos Tião Carreiro e Pardinho.
Música: Velho Amor / Autores: Donizete/Tião Carreiro
Saiba mais sobre essa dupla e contrate para seu evento acessando: www.nossaviola.com.br
Música sertaneja raiz é com NOSSA VIOLA !
Letra da Música:
No chão que eu pisei, você já pisou
O ar que eu respirei, você respirou
Da água que eu bebi, você já bebeu
Do pão que eu comi, você já comeu
Amor, meu velho amor
Amor que sofre e não reclama
Eu destruí a sua juventude
E acabei com sua saúde
Fiz pra você todo mal que pude
Ainda sou o homem que você ama
O pranto que eu chorei, você já chorou
O frio que eu passei, você já passou
No quarto que eu dormi, você já dormiu
A fome que eu senti, você já sentiu
Amor, meu velho amor
Amor que sofre e não reclama
Eu destruí a sua juventude
E acabei com sua saúde
Fiz pra você todo mal que pude
Ainda sou o homem que você ama

Aryel Narvasa
10 Views · 4 years ago

não sou a favor da caça,mas acho legal a descrição feita pelo compositor dessa música,me faz lembrar de meu pai quando eu era criança

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Ano: 1973 Composição: (Teddy Vieira/José Russo)

Aryel Narvasa
8 Views · 4 years ago

Aqui tinha voz e talento bisurdu moçada!!!...com vocês, os saudosos e imbatíveis irmãos Antônio Bernardo da Costa(ZICO) e Domingos Paulino da Costa(ZECA), na interpretação mais que perfeita deste excelente Corta-Jaca...eis aqui mais uma verdadeira "Obra De Arte", nascida da mente brilhante e poética do grande DINO FRANCO, em parceria com o Oswaldo de Andrade...ouvimos aqui uma das mais pioneiras duplas do disco sertanejo...um dueto agudo e afinadíssimo que já foi muito aplaudido por este chão brasileiro e que estará sempre vivo na minha memória, na sua e na de todos os fãs do estilo..."A Caneta e a Enxada", "Pracinha", "O Mineiro Não Faz Feio", "Dona Felicidade", "Recordando Meu Passado", "Dona Jandira", são algumas das canções imortalizadas nas vozes e no talento destes verdadeiros representantes da viola, da cultura e da autêntica música sertaneja...vai assuntando aí moçada!!!...a moda é boa por demais!!!...UM "SALVE" AOS GRANDES ZICO & ZECA: "OS VIOLEIROS QUE TRAZEM NA VOZ A ALMA DO SERTÃO..."

MÚSICA: Grileiro De Terra(Corta-Jaca), Com Zico & Zeca
COMPOSIÇÃO: Dino Franco e Oswaldo de Andrade
GRAVAÇÃO: 1981, No LP "Fazenda São Francisco", Pela Tocantins

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

Craveiro e Cravinho dão um presente aos que gostam de música de raíz, a Marca da Ferradura, de Lourival dos Santos. Foi cantada dentro de uma capela particular em Piracicaba. Nossos sinceros agradecimentos a estes dois artistas, que tanto nos tem brindado com sua arte musical.

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago



Aryel Narvasa
9 Views · 4 years ago

moreno e moreninho numa das músicas mais famosas da dupla

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

OS : The Carpenters / Bruno Mars
🎤: emma @emma_n_fds
🎸: Homan @sinlunky

Aryel Narvasa
11 Views · 4 years ago

JACÓ E JACOZINHO - CACHORRO VALENTE - GRAVADO NO LP NINHO DE COBRA -música em homenagem a essa grande dupla que fez parte da minha infância

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

Coloque créditos em seu celular no Clube Créditos e ganhe uma Renda Mensal que pode chegar a quase 4 mil reais. Veja o vídeo explicativo e cadastre-se agora mesmo!!! http://www.clubecreditos.com.br/26035

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

se voce gosta de musica raiz tentre no meu canal nesse link https://www.youtube.com/mixsertanejo

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

O Doutor e o mendigo e O Doutor e o Andarilho - Executivo e Lavrador

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

Autorizado por jose de almeida

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

Media Masters is a unique YouTube channel. unveil the hidden secrets, easy and traditional health tips and the science behind Indian practices.
Please subscribe to get instant updates of unknown facts.

Aryel Narvasa
8 Views · 4 years ago

Liu e Léu no programa Viola Minha Viola no ano de 2001

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

Zico e Zeca cantando no programa Viola Minha Viola em agosto de 1989.
A Enxada e a Caneta é o maior sucesso de Zico e Zeca, composição de Teddy Vieira e Capitão Balduíno, Teddy Vieira foi muito amigo da família de Liu e Léu e Zico e Zeca, em certas ocasiões passava até uma semana no sítio dos pais deles.

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

Abel e Caim Cantam Casco De Boi No Programa Viola Minha Viola No Ano De 1999

Aryel Narvasa
8 Views · 4 years ago

Canário e Passarinho no programa Viola Minha Viola em abril de 2009.
Os irmãos Canário e Passarinho trabalharam inicialmente na lavoura, cantando em festas na escola, se destacam pelo bom humor e também por fazer perfeitas imitações de outras duplas.

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

* 카일의 중국어 인강 카페 - http://cafe.naver.com/kylekim1324
* 카일 중국어 유튜브 후원하기 ^^
1) 국민은행 510001 - 01 - 093910 예금주 : 김병진 (카일미디어)
2) 해외 페이팔 후원 (paypal) - https://goo.gl/ykjjO9

기초 중국어회화 89문장을 계속 들으면서 공부해봅시다. 반복해서 중국어 문장을 들으시면서 크게 읽으시면 중국어 말하기와 듣기하실 때 큰 도움이 되실거예요. 중국어 발음과 성조 하나하나를 정확히 읽으시는게 중요합니다.

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

Leoncio e Leonel Cantam Menina Do Bolo No Programa Viola Minha Viola No Ano De 1995

Aryel Narvasa
7 Views · 4 years ago

Dados biográficos e da carreira dessas duas extraordinárias duplas, mais os vídeos delas cantando: Linda Cigana (Silveira e Dito Mineiro), Berrante de Ouro (Barrinha), Coração Apaixonado (Barrinha), O Berrante de Madalena (Faísca), Canarinho do Peito Amarelo (Silveira e Brejão), Grinalda Branca (Silveira), e Hoje Está Fazendo um Ano (Claudionor e Silveira).
Tem também a interpretação da letra, por José Angelo, da canção O Carro e a Faculdade (José Fortuna e Sulino).
Roteiro e apresentação de “José Angelo”. Programa exibido na “TVE São Carlos” em 23/01/2020.

Aryel Narvasa
9 Views · 4 years ago

O Menino e a Rosa
Iridio & Irineu

Perambulando pelas ruas da cidade
Pobre menino andava vendendo flores
Quando encontrava um casal de namorados
Oferecia com carinho e muito amor:
Rosa vermelha, rosa amarela,
Compra seu moço e dá de presente a ela!

Um certo dia parei pra comprar uma flor
Pobre menino me contou do seu passado
Eu vendo flores pra família que me cria
Meu pais e mãe me deixaram abandonado.
Roas vermelha, rosas amarela,
Compra seu moço e dá de presente a ela!

Chorei também ao ver aquela criança
Que soluçando ainda me dizia assim:
Eu sinto falta dos carinhos de mamãe,
Foi o divórcio que afastou mamãe de mim.
Rosa vermelha, rosa amarela,
Compra seu moço e dá de presente a ela!

Quantos casais que quebram seu juramento,
Pelo divórcio eles trocam a lei de Deus,
Depois separam, cada um vai pro seu lado
Quantas crianças estão sofrendo igual a eu!
Roas vermelha, rosas amarela,
Compra seu moço e dá de presente a ela!

Aryel Narvasa
12 Views · 4 years ago

Zé do Cedro e João do PINHO

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

INSCREVA-SE EM NOSSO CANAL! Participe deixando seu like e comentando nos vídeos.

01) Ladrão de Terra - Moacyr dos Santos e Teddy Vieira
02) É Fogo - Lourival dos Santos e Zé Batuta
03) Empreitada Perigosa - Moacyr dos Santos e Jacozinho
04) Filho Pobre - Moacyr dos Santos e Jacó
05) Ninho de Cobra - Moacyr dos Santos e Jacó
06) Velho Valente - Jacó e Jacozinho
07) Terra Bruta - Moacyr dos Santos e Jacozinho
08) Os Filhos da Bahia - Moacyr dos Santos e Lourival dos Santos
09) Preto e Branco - Sulino e Moacyr dos Santos
10) Canção do Soldado - Carreirinho
11) Viva o Lari Larai - Moacyr dos Santos e Jacozinho
12) Degrau da Fama - Lourival dos Santos e Jacózinho
13) Fundanga - Moacyr dos Santos e Zé Claudino
14) Caboclinha - Moacyr dos Santos e Milton José
15) Amigo da Onça - Moacyr dos Santos e Jacózinho
16) Homem sem Rumo - Serrinha e Lourival dos Santos
17) Cavalo Enxuto - Moacyr dos Santos e Lourival dos Santos
18) Tropa Saudosa - Sulino e Moacyr dos Santos

Aryel Narvasa
8 Views · 4 years ago

Velha Porteira, Lourenço e Lourival. Agradecimentos ao Sr. Benedito que tão gentilmente nos mostrou a fazenda.

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Clip total direitos a Angelo Joaquim dos Santos, Trilha / musica https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/....Louren%C3%A7o_%26_Lo
Composição: Ziltinho / Helio Alves

Gente por favor, se escrevam no canal. Obrigado...

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

Abel & Caim
Alex & Yvan
Amado & Antônio
As Galvão
Cacique & Pajé
Cascatinha & Inhana
Cezar & Paulinho
Chico Rey & Paraná
Chitãozinho & Xororó
Craveiro & Cravinho
Duo Glacial
Dino Franco & Mouraí
Gino & Geno
Jacó & Jacozinho
João Carreiro & Capataz
João Mineiro & Marciano
Júnior Carvalho & Cristiano
Léo Canhoto & Robertinho
Liu & Léu, irmãos de Zico & Zéca
Lourenço & Lourival
Matogrosso & Mathias
Milionário & José Rico
Moreno & Moreninho
Nhô Belarmino & Nhá Gabriela
Pardinho & Pardal
Pedro Bento & Zé da Estrada
Pena Branca & Xavantinho
Pirapó & Cambará
Praião & Prainha
Raul Torres & Florêncio
Sulino & Marrueiro
Silveira & Barrinha
Teodoro & Sampaio
Tião Carreiro & Pardinho,
Tonico & Tinoco,
Vieira & Vieirinha (Os reis do Catira)
Zé Carreiro & Carreirinho
Zé do Cedro & João do Pinho
Zé Fortuna & Pitangueira
Zé Mulato & Cassiano
Zé Tapera & Teodoro
Zico & Zeca, irmãos de Liu & Léu
Duplas sertanejas estilo tradicional do Brasil
Adalberto & Adriano
Alan & Aladim
André & Adriano
As Marcianas
Ataíde & Alexandre
Bruno & Marrone
Cezar & Paulinho
Chitãozinho & Xororó
Chrystian & Ralf
Duduca & Dalvan
Edson & Hudson
Felipe & Falcão
Gian & Giovani
Gino & Geno
Gilberto & Gilmar
Guilherme & Santiago
Hugo & Tiago
João Mineiro & Marciano
João Paulo & Daniel
João Pedro & Cristiano
Jorge & Mateus
Leandro & Leonardo
Lucas & Luan
Luiz Cláudio & Giuliano
Marcos & Belutti
Matogrosso & Mathias
Milionário & José Rico
Rick & Renner
Rionegro & Solimões
Rud & Robson
Teodoro & Sampaio
Zezé Di Camargo & Luciano

Anselmo & Rafael
Breno & Caio Cesar[2]
Bruninho & Davi[3]
Bruno & Barretto[4]
Cácio & Marcos[5]
Carlos & Jader[6]
César Menotti & Fabiano[7]
Conrado & Aleksandro[8]
Edson & Hudson[9]
Fernando & Sorocaba[10]
Fred & Gustavo[11]
George Henrique & Rodrigo[12]
Guilherme & Santiago[13]
Henrique & Diego[14]
Henrique & Juliano[15]
Hugo Pena & Gabriel[16]
Hugo & Tiago[17]
Humberto & Ronaldo[18]
Israel & Rodolffo[19]
Jads & Jadson[20]
Jhonny & Rahony[21]
João Carreiro & Capataz[22]
João Bosco & Vinícius[23]
João Lucas & Marcelo[24]
João Neto & Frederico[25]
Jorge & Mateus[26]
Lucas & Luan[27]
Luiz Gustavo & Rafael
Maiara & Maraisa[28]
Marcos & Belutti[29]
Maria Cecília & Rodolfo[30]
Matheus & Kauan[31]
Munhoz & Mariano[32]
Pedro Paulo & Matheus[33]
Simone & Simaria[34]
Thaeme & Thiago[35]
Victor & Leo[36]
Zé Henrique & Gabriel[37]
Zé Neto & Cristiano[38]
Zé Ricardo & Thiago[39]

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

Zilo e Zalo Cantam Castelo De Areia No Programa Viola Minha Viola No Ano De 1999.Esse Programa Foi Uma Homenagem a Carrerinho

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

O Peão e O Ricaço ♪♫♪♫♪ Jacó e Jacozinho

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

Tem dados biográficos de Cascatinha e Inhana e vídeos das seguintes músicas com a dupla: Anahy, Minha Terra Distante, Despertar do Sertão, Índia, Meu Primeiro Amor, e também Flor do Cafezal com Cascatinha, além de vídeos com outra duplas cantando músicas do repertório de Cascatinha e Inhana: Noites do Paraguai (Moacyr e Sandra), Pombinha Branca (Michelle e Karoline), Casinha Pequenina (José Mauro e Polyana), e La Paloma (Pedro Vitor e Mariana). Tem ainda a declamação, por José Angelo, da letra de Colcha de Retalhos.
Programa exibido na TVE São Carlos em 10/12/2015. Roteiro e apresentação de José Angelo.

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

Lullaby VII for flute solo from "Lullabies"
Flute: George Fazakas
Composer: Jaco Meyer
Recorded by Stefan van der Walt

Aryel Narvasa
13 Views · 4 years ago

Uma Simples Homenagem a Essa Grande Dupla Sertaneja Zico e Zeca!!!
E Ao Zeca Que Infelizmente Deixou Esse Mundo Hoje Deixando A Verdadeira Música Sertaneja Mais Triste !!!

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Abel & Caim
Alex & Yvan
Amado & Antônio
As Galvão
Cacique & Pajé
Cascatinha & Inhana
Cezar & Paulinho
Chico Rey & Paraná
Chitãozinho & Xororó
Craveiro & Cravinho
Duo Glacial
Dino Franco & Mouraí
Gino & Geno
Jacó & Jacozinho
João Carreiro & Capataz
João Mineiro & Marciano
Júnior Carvalho & Cristiano
Léo Canhoto & Robertinho
Liu & Léu, irmãos de Zico & Zéca
Lourenço & Lourival
Matogrosso & Mathias
Milionário & José Rico
Moreno & Moreninho
Nhô Belarmino & Nhá Gabriela
Pardinho & Pardal
Pedro Bento & Zé da Estrada
Pena Branca & Xavantinho
Pirapó & Cambará
Praião & Prainha
Raul Torres & Florêncio
Sulino & Marrueiro
Silveira & Barrinha
Teodoro & Sampaio
Tião Carreiro & Pardinho,
Tonico & Tinoco,
Vieira & Vieirinha (Os reis do Catira)
Zé Carreiro & Carreirinho
Zé do Cedro & João do Pinho
Zé Fortuna & Pitangueira
Zé Mulato & Cassiano
Zé Tapera & Teodoro
Zico & Zeca, irmãos de Liu & Léu
Duplas sertanejas estilo tradicional do Brasil
Adalberto & Adriano
Alan & Aladim
André & Adriano
As Marcianas
Ataíde & Alexandre
Bruno & Marrone
Cezar & Paulinho
Chitãozinho & Xororó
Chrystian & Ralf
Duduca & Dalvan
Edson & Hudson
Felipe & Falcão
Gian & Giovani
Gino & Geno
Gilberto & Gilmar
Guilherme & Santiago
Hugo & Tiago
João Mineiro & Marciano
João Paulo & Daniel
João Pedro & Cristiano
Jorge & Mateus
Leandro & Leonardo
Lucas & Luan
Luiz Cláudio & Giuliano
Marcos & Belutti
Matogrosso & Mathias
Milionário & José Rico
Rick & Renner
Rionegro & Solimões
Rud & Robson
Teodoro & Sampaio
Zezé Di Camargo & Luciano

Anselmo & Rafael
Breno & Caio Cesar[2]
Bruninho & Davi[3]
Bruno & Barretto[4]
Cácio & Marcos[5]
Carlos & Jader[6]
César Menotti & Fabiano[7]
Conrado & Aleksandro[8]
Edson & Hudson[9]
Fernando & Sorocaba[10]
Fred & Gustavo[11]
George Henrique & Rodrigo[12]
Guilherme & Santiago[13]
Henrique & Diego[14]
Henrique & Juliano[15]
Hugo Pena & Gabriel[16]
Hugo & Tiago[17]
Humberto & Ronaldo[18]
Israel & Rodolffo[19]
Jads & Jadson[20]
Jhonny & Rahony[21]
João Carreiro & Capataz[22]
João Bosco & Vinícius[23]
João Lucas & Marcelo[24]
João Neto & Frederico[25]
Jorge & Mateus[26]
Lucas & Luan[27]
Luiz Gustavo & Rafael
Maiara & Maraisa[28]
Marcos & Belutti[29]
Maria Cecília & Rodolfo[30]
Matheus & Kauan[31]
Munhoz & Mariano[32]
Pedro Paulo & Matheus[33]
Simone & Simaria[34]
Thaeme & Thiago[35]
Victor & Leo[36]
Zé Henrique & Gabriel[37]
Zé Neto & Cristiano[38]
Zé Ricardo & Thiago[39] Abel & Caim
Alex & Yvan
Amado & Antônio
As Galvão
Cacique & Pajé
Cascatinha & Inhana
Cezar & Paulinho
Chico Rey & Paraná
Chitãozinho & Xororó
Craveiro & Cravinho
Duo Glacial
Dino Franco & Mouraí
Gino & Geno
Jacó & Jacozinho
João Carreiro & Capataz
João Mineiro & Marciano
Júnior Carvalho & Cristiano
Léo Canhoto & Robertinho
Liu & Léu, irmãos de Zico & Zéca
Lourenço & Lourival
Matogrosso & Mathias
Milionário & José Rico
Moreno & Moreninho
Nhô Belarmino & Nhá Gabriela
Pardinho & Pardal
Pedro Bento & Zé da Estrada
Pena Branca & Xavantinho
Pirapó & Cambará
Praião & Prainha
Raul Torres & Florêncio
Sulino & Marrueiro
Silveira & Barrinha
Teodoro & Sampaio
Tião Carreiro & Pardinho,
Tonico & Tinoco,
Vieira & Vieirinha (Os reis do Catira)
Zé Carreiro & Carreirinho
Zé do Cedro & João do Pinho
Zé Fortuna & Pitangueira
Zé Mulato & Cassiano
Zé Tapera & Teodoro
Zico & Zeca, irmãos de Liu & Léu
Duplas sertanejas estilo tradicional do Brasil
Adalberto & Adriano
Alan & Aladim
André & Adriano
As Marcianas
Ataíde & Alexandre
Bruno & Marrone
Cezar & Paulinho
Chitãozinho & Xororó
Chrystian & Ralf
Duduca & Dalvan
Edson & Hudson
Felipe & Falcão
Gian & Giovani
Gino & Geno
Gilberto & Gilmar
Guilherme & Santiago
Hugo & Tiago
João Mineiro & Marciano
João Paulo & Daniel
João Pedro & Cristiano
Jorge & Mateus
Leandro & Leonardo
Lucas & Luan
Luiz Cláudio & Giuliano
Marcos & Belutti
Matogrosso & Mathias
Milionário & José Rico
Rick & Renner
Rionegro & Solimões
Rud & Robson
Teodoro & Sampaio
Zezé Di Camargo & Luciano

Anselmo & Rafael
Breno & Caio Cesar[2]
Bruninho & Davi[3]
Bruno & Barretto[4]
Cácio & Marcos[5]
Carlos & Jader[6]
César Menotti & Fabiano[7]
Conrado & Aleksandro[8]
Edson & Hudson[9]
Fernando & Sorocaba[10]
Fred & Gustavo[11]
George Henrique & Rodrigo[12]
Guilherme & Santiago[13]
Henrique & Diego[14]
Henrique & Juliano[15]
Hugo Pena & Gabriel[16]
Hugo & Tiago[17]
Humberto & Ronaldo[18]
Israel & Rodolffo[19]
Jads & Jadson[20]
Jhonny & Rahony[21]
João Carreiro & Capataz[22]
João Bosco & Vinícius[23]
João Lucas & Marcelo[24]
João Neto & Frederico[25]
Jorge & Mateus[26]
Lucas & Luan[27]
Luiz Gustavo & Rafael
Maiara & Maraisa[28]
Marcos & Belutti[29]
Maria Cecília & Rodolfo[30]
Matheus & Kauan[31]
Munhoz & Mariano[32]
Pedro Paulo & Matheus[33]
Simone & Simaria[34]
Thaeme & Thiago[35]
Victor & Leo[36]
Zé Henrique & Gabriel[37]
Zé Neto & Cristiano[38]
Zé Ricardo & Thiago[39]

Aryel Narvasa
7 Views · 4 years ago

Provided to YouTube by Believe SAS

Rainha do Paraná · Lourenço & Lourival

Só Sucessos

℗ America MM

Released on: 2017-10-09

Author: Lourenço
Composer: Lourenço
Author: Lourival
Composer: Lourival

Auto-generated by YouTube.

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

Vieira e Vieirinha cantando Garça Branca, no programa viola minha viola

Aryel Narvasa
12 Views · 4 years ago


Aryel Narvasa
7 Views · 4 years ago

Jacó e Jacozinho cantando a música Disco Voador.

Disco voador
Jacó e Jacozinho

Tomara que seja verdade
Que exista mesmo disco voador
Que seja um povo inteligente
Pra trazer pra gente a paz e o amor

Se for pra o bem da humanidade
Que felicidade esta intervenção
Aqui na terra só se pensa em guerra
Matar o vizinho é nossa intenção

Os homens do nosso planeta
Dão a impressão que já não tem mais crença
Invés de fabricar remédio
Pra curar o tédio e outras doenças

Inventam armas de hidrogênio
Usam o seu gênio fabricando bomba
Mas não se esqueçam que por mais que cresçam
Que perante Deus qualquer gigante tomba

Senhor que é todo-poderoso
Fez esse colosso suspenso no ar
Porque não pode ter criado
O mundo afastado da terra e do ar

Tem gente que não acredita
Acha que é fita os mistérios profundos
Quem tem um filho pode ter mais filhos
O Senhor também pode ter outros mundos

O nosso mundo é um espelho
Que reflete sempre a realidade
Quem planta vinha colhe uva
E quem planta chuva colhe tempestade

No tempo que Jesus vivia
Ele disse um dia e não foi a esmo
Que nesse mundo a maldade infesta
Tudo que não presta morre por si mesmo.

Aryel Narvasa
7 Views · 4 years ago

Carreiro e Carreirinho no Viola Minha Viola em agosto de 2005.
Carreirinho é um dos maiores compositores da música sertaneja, sendo suas músicas muito interpretadas até hoje.

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

Tiu e Teu Cantam 1900 e Antigamente No Programa Viola Minha Viola No Ano De 1995

Aryel Narvasa
7 Views · 4 years ago

Música 'Chico Mulato com Tonico e Tinoco'

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

Nenhuma Descrição Desponivel

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

Música 'Rio Pequeno com Tonico e Tinoco'

Aryel Narvasa
7 Views · 4 years ago

Em Mato Grosso, sertão cuiabano
Vive a boiada ali nos pantanais
Apareceu um rapaizinho pobre
Que neste mundo vivia sem pais

E foi chegando na fazenda Estrela
Do seu Timóteo, grande fazendeiro
Que vendo aquele sorriso criança
Chamou Joãozinho pra seu companheiro

Menino alegre de grande talento
Ali vivendo na lida de gado
Foi revelando em muito pouco tempo
Ser boiadeiro dos mais afamado

Foi transportando gado pro sertão
Bom laçador e grande berranteiro
Foi na cidade de Ponta Porã
Que ele arranjou o seu amor primeiro

Cortando estrada cheio de poeira
Avermelhando o chão dos pantanais
Quando alembrava na linda faceira
O seu berrante chorava demais

Mas o destino mudou sua vida
Quando gozava a flor da mocidade
Naquela grande luta boiadeira
A sua herança foi a enfermidade

João Boiadeiro, coração doente
Foi despedindo do seu Mato Grosso
Foi pra São Paulo para tratamento
E conhecer o gigante colosso

Foi recebendo um coração paulista
Deixando o seu que veio do sertão
Doutor Zerbine com a mão sagrada
Foi quem lhe fez essa transplantação

João Boiadeiro de coração novo
Mas durou pouco sua nova vida
Pois o destino lhe tombou por terra
Foi sepultando a sua despedida

Assim termina a vida de um caboclo
Que Deus te guarde no reino da glória
Vai boiadeiro de dois corações
Fica o seu nome no livro da história.

Aryel Narvasa
16 Views · 4 years ago

Priminha Linda - Zico & Zeca ( 1981 )

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

La pertinho de Rio Verde
no interior de Goias
eu vi uma historia triste
que nao esqueço jamais
um casal de namorados
que se amavam demais
o casamento dos dois
era contra seus pais

A moça era milionaria
filha de um fazendeiro
o moço era bem pobre
mas muito bom e ordeiro
nao quizeram o casamento
por ele nao ter dinheiro
mas existia entre os dois
um amor verdadeiro

A moça apaixonada
nao suportando a paixao
nao resistiu tanto dor
em seu pobre coração
e morrer pelo amor
era sua intenção
de tirar a propria vida
com as suas proprias mãos

ela entrou em seu quarto
em um tormento sem fim
deixou uma carta escrita
na carta dizia assim

papai e mamae,
desde de criança
eu amo loucamente esse moço
e hoje, por ele ser pobre
nao permitiram o nosso casamento
mas nos fizemos um juramento
de seguirmos um so caminho
e la no alto da serra
deitados sobre a terra,
vamos morrer bem juntinhos
nao chores papai, e nao fiques em desespero
guarda bem o teu dinheiro
erga por mim, somente uma cruz
peço perdão ao senhor,
porque pelo nosso amor,
vamos entregar nossas almas a Jesus

Ao lerem aquela cartinha,
ficaram todos assustados
e la em cima da serra
os dois foram encontrados
ja nao tinha mais remedios
os corpos estavam gelados
ali beberam veneno,
morreram os dois abraçados

Quem passa ali bem pertinho
rezando tira o chapeu
reconhecendo a historia,
fica vagando ao leu
la se ve uma igrejinha,
toda coberta de veu
de quem nao casaram na terra
mas se uniram no céu

Aryel Narvasa
12 Views · 4 years ago

i cant get out this song out of my head since 2017 so i decided to make a cover!
hope you have a nice day ☘

mastering: band lab
minus one: youtube

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago


Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

Lourenço e Lourival Cantam Amor Inocente e Amardilha Do Destino No Programa Viola Minha Viola No Ano De 1980

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

Ano: 1970 Composição: (Passarinho/Dadá)

Aryel Narvasa
10 Views · 4 years ago


Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Jaco & Jacozinho *

Aryel Narvasa
11 Views · 4 years ago

"Birdland" free jazz interpretat per Weather Report & Jaco Pastorius.

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

Música de Cacique e Quintino Eliseu, interpretada por no Viola, Minha Viola, da TV Cultura.

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

O Menino e a Rosa
Iridio & Irineu

Perambulando pelas ruas da cidade
Pobre menino andava vendendo flores
Quando encontrava um casal de namorados
Oferecia com carinho e muito amor:
Rosa vermelha, rosa amarela,
Compra seu moço e dá de presente a ela!

Um certo dia parei pra comprar uma flor
Pobre menino me contou do seu passado
Eu vendo flores pra família que me cria
Meu pais e mãe me deixaram abandonado.
Roas vermelha, rosas amarela,
Compra seu moço e dá de presente a ela!

Chorei também ao ver aquela criança
Que soluçando ainda me dizia assim:
Eu sinto falta dos carinhos de mamãe,
Foi o divórcio que afastou mamãe de mim.
Rosa vermelha, rosa amarela,
Compra seu moço e dá de presente a ela!

Quantos casais que quebram seu juramento,
Pelo divórcio eles trocam a lei de Deus,
Depois separam, cada um vai pro seu lado
Quantas crianças estão sofrendo igual a eu!
Roas vermelha, rosas amarela,
Compra seu moço e dá de presente a ela!

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

Zé Carreiro & Carreirinho -- Os Maiores Violeiros do Brasil

Sucessos de Zé Carreiro & Carreirinho, em seu album Os Maiores Violeiros do Brasil
Link para parceiros/redes sociais: facebook.com/movieplaydigital facebook.com/edições-musicais-2001-ltda
© 2011 - Movieplay Do Brasil

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

( José Vieira, Abel )

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

INSCREVA-SE EM NOSSO CANAL! Participe deixando seu like e comentando nos vídeos.


Música: João Boiadeiro
Artista: Moreno e Moreninho
Composição de: (Moreninho)
Álbum: Coração de Caboclo
Gênero: Sertanejo Raiz, Moda Campeira
Ano: (1968)

JOÃO BOIADEIRO, Este lindo rasqueado foi gravado em 1968
nas vozes melodiosas e marcante desses "artistas veteranos"
astros caboclos que são MORENO E MORENINHO.
A saudosa dupla de violeiros das folias e congadas,
conhecida como. A dupla mais ouvida do Brasil.

Em 1968, os irmãos Pedro Cioffi (1925-1995) e João Cioffi (1927-2008), da dupla caipira Moreno e Moreninho, cantaram para todo o país a história da primeira operação de transplante cardíaco realizada no Brasil, imortalizada por eles nos versos do rasqueado João Boiadeiro, autoria de Moreninho.
Embora obtivesse sucesso na época, a canção não recebeu maior destaque na gravação, saindo na oitava faixa, no Lado B do Long Play Coração de Caboclo, lançado pela gravadora Continental. Talvez porque o paciente morresse 28 dias depois do transplante!

O transplante foi realizado na manhã do dia 26 de maio de 1968, em São Paulo, pelo Dr. Euryclides de Jesus Zerbini (1912-1993), auxiliado por 41 especialistas, entre cirurgiões, anestesistas, cardiologistas e enfermeiros.
O cirurgião transferiu o coração do jovem Luis Ferreira de Barros, vítima de atropelamento, para o peito do matogrossense João Ferreira da Cunha, 23 anos. Conhecido por João Boiadeiro, o vaqueiro morreu de rejeição imunológica, uma complicação na época, hoje praticamente inexistente.

Arquivo da Folha de S.Paulo
João Ferreira da Cunha, segundo a imprensa, na época, padecia de problemas cardíacos e fora a São Paulo para tratamento, procedente do Mato Grosso (a divisão do estado em Mato Grosso e Mato Grosso do Sul viria em 1979), onde trabalhava como vaqueiro em várias fazendas, especialmente no município de Maracaju, atualmente no Mato Grosso do Sul.
A saída do vaqueiro das terras pantanais, o abandono da lida com o gado, sua chegada a São Paulo e o transplante foram cantados por Moreno e Moreninho.

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

This is a 12-year-old Chinese kid who learned how to play guitar by himself.

The original link is here: http://www.bilibili.com/video/av8752403/

Aryel Narvasa
47 Views · 4 years ago

Vídeo não oficial sem intenção de violar os termos de direitos autorais !
Sendo assim, se sentir os direitos violados, nos envie um e-mail que retiramos a sua Música, pois não temos a intenção de violar os direitos e sim divulgar os artistas. E-mail »
💌 vaguinho19@hotmail.com 💌

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

música muito interessante de jacó e jacozinho

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

BOOKING INFO: djdoubledcr@hotmail.com
+506 8895-6566
TWITTER: https://www.twitter.com/djdoubledcr
FAN PAGE https://www.facebook.com/djdoubled506
skype: djdoubledcr

Aryel Narvasa
41 Views · 4 years ago

Além de serem dois grandes pioneiros da nossa autêntica música sertaneja, estamos aqui recordando de dois excelentes artistas, tanto nos vocais, como também no repertório, este sempre escolhido a "dedo" e com muita história pra contar...os irmãos Sebastião Franco(CRAVEIRO) e João Franco(CRAVINHO), foram convidados por volta do ano de 1962 pela gravadora Chantecler em São Paulo, a realizarem a gravação do primeiro disco, em 78 rotações, contendo de um lado a moda de viola “Mata Deserta” e do outro lado o cateretê “Ponta de Faca”...Em vista do sucesso obtido eles fincaram raízes no meio musical sertanejo, comprovado pelo lançamento de “oito” 78 rotações e “sete” LPs, todos pela gravadora Chantecler onde permaceram por 30 anos...ainda somam mais “dois” CDs lançados pela gravadora Allegretto e “quatro” CDs pela gravadora Warner totalizando assim 21 álbuns, além de participações em projetos de outros artistas como o CD “Meu Reino Encantado” com Daniel, DVD “100% Caipira” e participação em 2 DVDs da dupla “Cézar e Paulinho”..."Ladrão De Estrada", a moda em questão aqui, faz parte do início da carreira da dupla...é mais uma das brilhantes composições do "mestre da caneta" Teddy Vieira...a gravação é de 1963(78 RPM), pela Chantecler...uma verdadeira e autêntica Moda De Viola...para os amigos que gostam de saber um pouco mais, essa moda foi regravada pelos grandes Tião Carreiro & Pardinho em 1965...eles fizeram uma "adaptação" pra ela, e a gravaram no ritmo "Querumana"...viva o talento e a qualidade dos nossos eternos heróis sertanejos...CRAVEIRO E CRAVINHO: DUAS LENDAS VIVAS DA AUTÊNTICA MÚSICA SERTANEJA!!!...
Créditos Da Foto Do Vídeo: Site Recanto Caipira

Aryel Narvasa
22 Views · 4 years ago

Zilo e Zalo cantando no programa Viola Minha Viola em outubro de 2001.
Zilo e Zalo foi a primeira dupla á fazer sucesso no exterior, sempre mantiveram um repertório bem caipira e são muito respeitados no meio sertanejo, esta foi a última vez que o Zilo esteve no Viola Minha Viola.

Aryel Narvasa
15 Views · 4 years ago

uma linda musica de goiá

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

Atendendo a pedidos estou postando mais uma de Jaco Filho e Samuel, gostaria de ter mais musicas dessa dupla, mas infelizmente só encontrei duas em um CD de coletania, uma é a moda de viola "A saudade me fará voltar", ja postada aqui no meu canal e a outra é esse rasqueado em homenagem a espirito santo "Cantinho do meu Brasil".
Um detalhe, Jaco Filho e Jose Antonio Jaco, é filho do saudoso Jaco da dupla Jaco e Jacozinho .

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

For student taking subject Physical Chemistry 1 subject SKF 3013. #thermodinamic #termodinamik #physicalchemistry #MAXWELLEQUATION #kimiafizikal #upsi #kimia #fsm #THIRDLAWOFTHERMODYNAMICS #thirdlaw

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

Leôncio e Leonel cantando "O Pobre e o Rico" no Programa "Na Beira da Tuia" apresentado por Tonico e Tinoco, na TV Bandeirantes em 1984.

Aryel Narvasa
44 Views · 4 years ago

INSCREVA-SE EM NOSSO CANAL! Participe deixando seu like e comentando nos vídeos.

Titulo: Mané Tibiriçá
Artista: Moreno e Moreninho
Composição de: (Roque José de Almeida e Moreno)
Álbum: Som da Terra
Estilo: Sertanejo Raiz, Cururú
Ano: (1956)

Há coisa de muito tempo pra vocêis eu vou contá.
Certa vez um camponês cortou um pau de cambará.
Fez a imagem de um juda muito feio sem igual.
Pra espantar os passarinhos pôs o juda no arrozal.
Seu filho de oito anos que gostava de brincar.
Pôs apelido no juda de Mané Tibiriçá.

Mais um dia deu enchente e levou o juda de lá.
Foi rodando rio abaixo muito longe foi parar.
E depois de muito tempo os pescador foi encontrar.
O juda numa lagoa na beira de um capinzal.
Pensando que era um "santo' perto daquele lugar.
Construiu uma capela e pôs o juda no altar.

E a notícia do "santo" fez o povo alvoroçar.
Começou vim romaria na capela pra rezar.
E o juda fez milagres fez muita gente sarar.
Cego viu a luz do dia aleijado tornou andar.
E o filho do camponês veja só o que foi se dar.
Ficou mudo de repente não podia mais falar.

Seu pai fêz uma promessa prometeu e foi levar.
O menino na capela pediu pro "santo" curar.
Chegaram lá na capela o menino pegou caçoar.
Vocêis são ignorantes ainda querem me enganar.
Essa cara eu já conheço eu aqui vim pra contar.
Que esse "santo" não é "santo" é o Mané Tibiriçá.

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

baixar e radio on line http://sertanejobemdemais.blogspot.com.br/ Abel & Caim
Alex & Yvan
Amado & Antônio
As Galvão
Cacique & Pajé
Cascatinha & Inhana
Cezar & Paulinho
Chico Rey & Paraná
Chitãozinho & Xororó
Craveiro & Cravinho
Duo Glacial
Dino Franco & Mouraí
Gino & Geno
Jacó & Jacozinho
João Carreiro & Capataz
João Mineiro & Marciano
Júnior Carvalho & Cristiano
Léo Canhoto & Robertinho
Liu & Léu, irmãos de Zico & Zéca
Lourenço & Lourival
Matogrosso & Mathias
Milionário & José Rico
Moreno & Moreninho
Nhô Belarmino & Nhá Gabriela
Pardinho & Pardal
Pedro Bento & Zé da Estrada
Pena Branca & Xavantinho
Pirapó & Cambará
Praião & Prainha
Raul Torres & Florêncio
Sulino & Marrueiro
Silveira & Barrinha
Teodoro & Sampaio
Tião Carreiro & Pardinho,
Tonico & Tinoco,
Vieira & Vieirinha (Os reis do Catira)
Zé Carreiro & Carreirinho
Zé do Cedro & João do Pinho
Zé Fortuna & Pitangueira
Zé Mulato & Cassiano
Zé Tapera & Teodoro
Zico & Zeca, irmãos de Liu & Léu
Duplas sertanejas estilo tradicional do Brasil
Adalberto & Adriano
Alan & Aladim
André & Adriano
As Marcianas
Ataíde & Alexandre
Bruno & Marrone
Cezar & Paulinho
Chitãozinho & Xororó
Chrystian & Ralf
Duduca & Dalvan
Edson & Hudson
Felipe & Falcão
Gian & Giovani
Gino & Geno
Gilberto & Gilmar
Guilherme & Santiago
Hugo & Tiago
João Mineiro & Marciano
João Paulo & Daniel
João Pedro & Cristiano
Jorge & Mateus
Leandro & Leonardo
Lucas & Luan
Luiz Cláudio & Giuliano
Marcos & Belutti
Matogrosso & Mathias
Milionário & José Rico
Rick & Renner
Rionegro & Solimões
Rud & Robson
Teodoro & Sampaio
Zezé Di Camargo & Luciano

Anselmo & Rafael
Breno & Caio Cesar[2]
Bruninho & Davi[3]
Bruno & Barretto[4]
Cácio & Marcos[5]
Carlos & Jader[6]
César Menotti & Fabiano[7]
Conrado & Aleksandro[8]
Edson & Hudson[9]
Fernando & Sorocaba[10]
Fred & Gustavo[11]
George Henrique & Rodrigo[12]
Guilherme & Santiago[13]
Henrique & Diego[14]
Henrique & Juliano[15]
Hugo Pena & Gabriel[16]
Hugo & Tiago[17]
Humberto & Ronaldo[18]
Israel & Rodolffo[19]
Jads & Jadson[20]
Jhonny & Rahony[21]
João Carreiro & Capataz[22]
João Bosco & Vinícius[23]
João Lucas & Marcelo[24]
João Neto & Frederico[25]
Jorge & Mateus[26]
Lucas & Luan[27]
Luiz Gustavo & Rafael
Maiara & Maraisa[28]
Marcos & Belutti[29]
Maria Cecília & Rodolfo[30]
Matheus & Kauan[31]
Munhoz & Mariano[32]
Pedro Paulo & Matheus[33]
Simone & Simaria[34]
Thaeme & Thiago[35]
Victor & Leo[36]
Zé Henrique & Gabriel[37]
Zé Neto & Cristiano[38]
Zé Ricardo & Thiago[39]

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

Lullaby VII for flute solo from "Lullabies"
Flute: George Fazakas
Composer: Jaco Meyer
Recorded by Stefan van der Walt

Aryel Narvasa
31 Views · 4 years ago

Arlindo Cassol(LOURENÇO) e Antônio Cassol(LOURIVAL), esses grandes ídolos sertanejos de todos os amantes das nossas autenticidades, sem saber realizaram o meu desejo de ouvir esta maravilhosa canção nas vozes deles...de composição do Piracelmo e Bernadino J. Viana(Guaratuba), esta letra se tornou um verdadeiro hino sertanejo, nas vozes de Guatupê e Guaratuba...mais para o meu gosto, esta interpretação aqui dos irmãos Lourenço e Lourival trouxe mais sentimento ainda pra canção, aflorando ainda mais esta divina composição...é a terceira faixa do mais recente trabalho da dupla, o CD "Ruas Do Infinito"...eis aqui, para o meu gosto particular, a dupla que melhor regrava...tudo na voz deles fica semelhante ou até melhor que o original...com mais de 50 anos de carreira, Lourenço e Lourival continuam à nos surpreender com maravilhosas interpretações como esta aqui...parabéns e vida longa procês moçada!!!...sou fã "até mandá pará", como se diz aqui em Minas..."Soldadinho De Deus": uma mensagem de fé e uma pequena amostra de que quem tem Deus, tem tudo...LOURENÇO E LOURIVAL: AS VOZES DE CRISTAL!!!...

Aryel Narvasa
8 Views · 4 years ago

Tem dados biográficos de Zico e Zeca e vídeos da dupla cantando: Folha Seca, Ilusão de Uma Vida, A Enxada e a Caneta, João Ninguém, Livro da Mente, e Dona Felicidade. Tem ainda a declamação, por José Angelo, da letra de Fazenda São Francisco.
Programa exibido na TVE São Carlos em 22/01/2015. Roteiro e apresentação de José Angelo.

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

Impaktu husi bailoron naruk be maran iha ilha Jaco- Lospalos, rusa sira nani hakur tasi mai buka be iha Walu Tutuala.

Video husi : Maxi Boavida

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Ano: 1971 Composição: (Tony Damito)
ANTONIO JACOB E AMADO JACOB (recuse imitações)

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

i cant get out this song out of my head since 2017 so i decided to make a cover!
hope you have a nice day ☘

mastering: band lab
minus one: youtube

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

OBS: Vídeo não oficial sem intenção de violar os termos de direitos autorais, sendo assim sentindo os direitos violados não nos envie strike, envie-nos um e-mail que retiraremos o vídeo imediatamente, pois, nossa intenção não é violar os direitos, mas, divulgar os artistas.
E-mail: antonioeafsi@bol.com.br

Aryel Narvasa
10 Views · 4 years ago

Artista: Jacó e Jacózinho
Titulo: Pai de 12 filhos
Composição de: (João Gonçalves/M dos Santos)
Álbum: terra bruta
Estilo: Sertanejo Raiz-Moda de Viola
Ano: (1972)

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

A familia jacó tinha sete irmaos!!!!! Todos contribuiram para que a dupla jaco e jacozinho, chegasse aonde chegou.

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

I hope you enjoyed my cover of "Love Story" this interpretation was inspired by Andrew Foy.

my most recent cover: https://youtu.be/i3BIN82NhrM
my Taylor Swift playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLHzIIRRWTKD

Check out my cover of “Soon You’ll Get Better” : https://youtu.be/JM-uznVQFLw
"Love Story" is a song written and recorded by American singer-songwriter Taylor Swift. Taylor Swift related to the plot of William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet and used it as a source of inspiration to compose the song. However, she replaced Romeo and Juliet's original tragic conclusion with a happy ending.

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

Caboclo Na Cidade - Dino Franco e Mouraí ( 1982 )

Seu moço eu já fui roceiro

No triângulo mineiro
Onde eu tinha o meu ranchinho.
Eu tinha uma vida boa
Com a Isabel minha patroa
E quatro barrigudinhos.

Eu tinha dois boi carreiros
Muito porco no chiqueiro
E um cavalo bom, arriado.

Espingarda cartucheira
Quatorze vaca leiteira
E um arrozal no banhado.

Na cidade eu só ia
A cada quinze ou vinte dias
Para vender queijo na feira.

E no demais estava folgado
Todo dia era feriado, pescava a semana inteira.

Muita gente assim me diz
Que não tem mesmo raíz
Essa tal felicidade

Então aconteceu isso
Resolvi vender o sítio
Pra vir morar na cidade.

Minha filha Sebastiana
Que sempre foi tão bacana
Me dá pena da coitada.

Namorou um cabeludo
Que dizia Ter de tudo
Mas foi ver não tinha nada.

Se mandou para outras bandas
Ninguém sabe onde ele anda
E a filha está abandonada.

Como dói meu coração
Ver a sua situação
Nem solteira e nem casada.

Até mesmo a minha velha
Já está mudando de idéia
tem que ver como passeia.

Vai tomar banho de praia
Está usando mini-saia
E arrancando a sombrancelha.

Nem comigo se incomoda
Quer saber de andar na moda
Com as unhas todas vermelhas.

Depois que ficou madura
Começou a usar pintura
Credo em cruz que coisa feia.

Voltar "pra" Minas Gerais
Sei que agora não dá mais
Acabou o meu dinheiro.

Que saudade da palhoça
Eu sonho com a minha roça
No triângulo mineiro.

Nem sei como se deu isso
Quando eu vendi o sítio
Para vir morar na cidade.

Seu moço naquele dia
Eu vendi minha família
E a minha felicidade!

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

Aula do solo da musica capa do viajante para violão

Instrutor: Murilo C.

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

turismu iha Lautem. video erick martins

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

Clipe da música sertaneja Relógio Quebrado com Lourenço e Lourival gravado em Limeira do Oeste-MG.

Clip da musica couro de boi: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=941LeEXvRCQ

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

Billie Jean by MICHAEL JACKSON.....The song IS NOT MINE....Just Playing Saxophone

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

Our own version of Hey There Delilah by Plain White T's. We play a couple that has been split apart by distance but in the end stay together. but please subscribe to our channel for more updates with new videos


Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

Shikamaru sou Hokage
Viajando pra Hong-Kong
Ninja de Yeezy nos pés
To forte igual King-Kong (x2)

Deuses gregos tão de uzi
Deuses gregos de auto-tune
Mano isso aqui não prestou
Bro, Vocês não sabem quem sou.

Eles ainda pensando que estão anos luzes mil á minha frente
Desculpa mano, eu já bebi tanto não to te vendo, cê me entende?

Elas querem andar de Porsche
Ando de arma sem porte
É tanto foro, que eu já to "loro" escutando o grito da morte
Santos vai virar Atlanta
Não vou entrar pra sua banca;
Mano, eu não quero supreme
Eu ando de preto tipo minha sombra.

Shikamaru sou Hokage
Viajando pra Hong-Kong
Ninja de Yeezy nos pés
To forte igual King-Kong (x4)

Mano por que cê parou?
Eu to passando de "Jaco" bordô
Canivete italiano, Não me venha me atrasando

Minha gata bebe lean
Reino Unido, minha Queen
Pilotando puraí
De Relâmpago McQueen

Shikamaru sou Hokage
Viajando pra Hong-Kong
Ninja de Yeezy nos pés
To forte igual King-Kong. (x4)

Todos os direitos estão reservados. 2018
#TRAP #BRAZIL #LilRoanoke
DBHappy (Não Seja Feliz.)

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Os Reis do Catira, Vieira e Vieirinha, cantando a música Ladrão de Mulher.

Muito Bom !!!

Aryel Narvasa
8 Views · 4 years ago

Zico e Zeca no Viola Minha Viola

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

#FaceTheMusic #PlasticLove #Arias

"Face The Music" 音楽と向き合う。

Arias が主体のもと企画された【Face The Music】は〈人、音、カメラ、呼吸〉と向き合い音楽を伝えるVIDEO PLANNING 。

Plastic Love / 竹内まりや

Vo. I'm 19 years old
Key. hiyori 19 years old

代表 : 虎太朗 (kotaroarias@gmail.com)
撮影 : 藤瀬考昭 (https://www.takaakifujise.com)

■Arias SNS
Official Site→https://arias.flag.gg/



■I'm SNS

■I'm Official YouTube Channel

■shaky music
「Slow Motion」https://ssm.lnk.to/slowmotion


Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

Composição de Tonico e João Merlini, interpretada no Viola, Minha Viola, da TV Cultura.

Aryel Narvasa
8 Views · 4 years ago

Zilo e Zalo cantando uma composição de Goiá, que foi um de seus grandes sucessos no programa Viola Minha Viola em 2001, essa apresentação foi três meses antes da morte do Zilo.

Aryel Narvasa
9 Views · 4 years ago

CASTELO DE AREIA com ZILO E ZALO – As Vozes Encantadoras do Sertão. Moda Campeira do Carreirinho. Gravação Chantecler de 1.965 – Compacto simples. Neste mesmo compacto está a composição do Goiá “A Grande Esperança” que devia se chamar “Reforma Agrária”, mas, por motivos que ignoro, tiveram que mudar-lhe o título. Castelo de Areia surgiu em 1.957 numa gravação de Souza e Monteiro. Depois foi gravada pelo Trio Turuna – Arraiel, Luiz Rosas e Creusa Rosa, filhos de Anacleto Rosas Júnior. Esta com Zilo e Zalo já é a terceira gravação desta música. A música do outro lado do compacto “A Grande Esperança” já foi reeditada em dois ou mais LPs de Zilo e Zalo, mas “Castelo de Areia” parece que ficou mesmo só no compacto simples de 1.965.
Cantem com Zilo e Zalo

A minha viola foi feita de pinho
Com ela eu já tive prazer e alegria
Todas tardes no meu ranchinho
Tocando e cantando eu me distraía
Tenho meu cavalo, um belo tordilho
E um gado de raça que eu selecionava
À tardinha eu dava uma ração de milho
Cavalo comendo, eu me descansava.

Assim eu levava a vida sozinho
Só me distraía com as criação
Ali veio morar um vizinho
Que tinha uma filha de linda feição
Quando eu vi a morena, que moça bonita!
Notei simpatia no seu lindo olhar
Senti no meu peito uma dor esquisita
Tratemo ali mesmo de nós se casar.

Casei na capela, viemos pra roça
Minha companheira tão pouco durou
Morreu e deixou minha choça
E a felicidade pra mim se acabou
Eu era feliz vivendo sozinho
Mas a sorte quis que eu tivesse um amor
Já fiz meu castelo, hoje meu peito anseia
Foi tudo de areia e desmoronou.

Soltei meu cavalo lá pras invernadas
Dentro do paiol pendurei meu arreio
A minha viola, coitada,
Está pendurada no alto do esteio
E a minha vida já se transformou
De um jardim de flor numa estrada de espinho
Mas sempre com fé em Nosso Senhor
De novo eu levo a vida sozinho.

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

with Simone Nobili Simon Kotyk
: Miles McMilan et Paul Boche
Jaco Van Den hoven
Daisuke Ueda
Lowell Tautchin, Charlie France, Thomas Penfound et Alexander Beck
:Douglas Neitzke Jaco & Paul & Miles

Chris Arundel
: Ty Ogunkoya

: Jester Whitewith
Adrian Bosch, Alexander Beck, Angus Low, Baptiste Radufe, Charlie France, Chris Arundel, Clement Chabernaud, Daisuke Ueda, Douglas Neitzke, Elias Cafmeyer, Jaco Van Den Hoven, Jester White, Jimmy Beauquesne, Karl Morrall, Liu Chang, Lowell Tautchin, Lyle Lodwick, Miles McMillan, Paul Boche, Reece Sanders, Simon Kotyk, Simone Nobili, Thomas Penfound, Thomas Sneesens, Ty Ogunkoya, Yannick Abrath, Yuri Pleskun 1:14 ,Simon Kotyk, standing there looking all alone and sad/gorgeous and then Miles McMillan all smiles and hugs... cuties. MilesMcMillan .

Aryel Narvasa
11 Views · 4 years ago

CASTELO DE AREIA com ZILO E ZALO – As Vozes Encantadoras do Sertão. Moda Campeira do Carreirinho. Gravação Chantecler de 1.965 – Compacto simples. Neste mesmo compacto está a composição do Goiá “A Grande Esperança” que devia se chamar “Reforma Agrária”, mas, por motivos que ignoro, tiveram que mudar-lhe o título. Castelo de Areia surgiu em 1.957 numa gravação de Souza e Monteiro. Depois foi gravada pelo Trio Turuna – Arraiel, Luiz Rosas e Creusa Rosa, filhos de Anacleto Rosas Júnior. Esta com Zilo e Zalo já é a terceira gravação desta música. A música do outro lado do compacto “A Grande Esperança” já foi reeditada em dois ou mais LPs de Zilo e Zalo, mas “Castelo de Areia” parece que ficou mesmo só no compacto simples de 1.965.
Cantem com Zilo e Zalo

A minha viola foi feita de pinho
Com ela eu já tive prazer e alegria
Todas tardes no meu ranchinho
Tocando e cantando eu me distraía
Tenho meu cavalo, um belo tordilho
E um gado de raça que eu selecionava
À tardinha eu dava uma ração de milho
Cavalo comendo, eu me descansava.

Assim eu levava a vida sozinho
Só me distraía com as criação
Ali veio morar um vizinho
Que tinha uma filha de linda feição
Quando eu vi a morena, que moça bonita!
Notei simpatia no seu lindo olhar
Senti no meu peito uma dor esquisita
Tratemo ali mesmo de nós se casar.

Casei na capela, viemos pra roça
Minha companheira tão pouco durou
Morreu e deixou minha choça
E a felicidade pra mim se acabou
Eu era feliz vivendo sozinho
Mas a sorte quis que eu tivesse um amor
Já fiz meu castelo, hoje meu peito anseia
Foi tudo de areia e desmoronou.

Soltei meu cavalo lá pras invernadas
Dentro do paiol pendurei meu arreio
A minha viola, coitada,
Está pendurada no alto do esteio
E a minha vida já se transformou
De um jardim de flor numa estrada de espinho
Mas sempre com fé em Nosso Senhor
De novo eu levo a vida sozinho.

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

Recording an acoustic guitar can be especially challenging since you are dealing with a resonating body. In this video, Al covers everything you need to know about capturing the exact characteristics you need in an acoustic guitar take.

Subscribe to LANDR on YouTube: https://bit.ly/2BcY9US

00:00 Intro
00:58 Acoustic guitar setup
03:08 Microphone choice and placement
09:01 Recording for the role of the instrument
09:44 Microphone pre-amp recommendations
10:24 Compression for acoustic guitar
13:21 EQ for acoustic guitar
15:23 How to deal with room acoustics, headphone bleed, and a moving guitar player

Whether you’re a singer songwriter looking to capture a full bodied acoustic guitar sound, or if you want to layer a percussive acoustic guitar sound into your mix, this video will explain how it’s done.

Check out these additional resources from the LANDR Blog!
Acoustic Treatment: https://blog.landr.com/acoustic-treatment/
The 4 Microphone types: https://blog.landr.com/microphone-types/
The 10 Best Mic Pre-Amps Under $1000: https://blog.landr.com/best-mic-preamp/
Equalization 101: https://blog.landr.com/eq-basi....cs-everything-musici
Microphone Polar Patterns: https://blog.landr.com/microphone-polar-patterns/

#AskAnEngineer with LANDR’s Senior Audio Engineer Al Isler is back!

Get answers to your burning questions about mixing, recording, mastering, and more.

Need help with your mix? Post your question in the comments below!

Learn about the basics of mixing music: https://www.landr.com/en/how-to-mix/

Try LANDR for free: https://www.landr.com/
Subscribe to LANDR on YouTube: https://bit.ly/2BcY9US
Follow the LANDR blog to get the best tips, tools and tutorials for producers: https://blog.landr.com/

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Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Thank you all so much for watching and I will see you all in the next video.
Also, Check out my socials:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/julianasdiaryy/
Facebook: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Chachapuafein/
Business inquires for brand endorsement: bookingjc.business@gmail.com
#benficaconcert #diliveconcert

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Quem Souber Que Responda - Jaco e Jacozinho, muito criativa esta musica, quando eu ouvi me apaixonei pela letra da musica vejam.

Quero ver se você sabe quanta estrela tem no céu
Quanta abelha tem no mundo fabricando nosso mel
Em que dia ficou pronta a tal arca do Noel
Em que dia da semana o Caim matou Abel ?

Me responda quantos metros nossa Terra tem de fundo
E quantos pingo de chuva cai na terra por segundo
Quero ver se você sabe aonde fica o fim do mundo
E quem nasceu primeiro a preguiça ou o vagabundo ?

O peso do Pão de Açúcar quero saber ele certo
E quantos grão de areia que tem lá no deserto
A hora bem certinha que o Brasil foi descoberto
E o dia da sua morte se tá longe ou tá perto?

Quantos peixes ainda existem para o pescador pescar
E quantos litros de água que tem lá dentro do mar
Quantas vezes a onda veio na praia e tornou voltar
Me diga o dia certo que o Mundo vai se acabar?

Esse pagode foi feito com pergunta diferente
Vou fazer uma proposta para todo os Continentes
Quem me der esta resposta bem certinha exatamente
Eu lhe dou meus parabéns e a viola de presente

Aryel Narvasa
18 Views · 4 years ago

INSCREVA-SE EM NOSSO CANAL! Participe deixando seu like e comentando nos vídeos.

Titulo: Mané Tibiriçá
Artista: Moreno e Moreninho
Composição de: (Roque José de Almeida e Moreno)
Álbum: Som da Terra
Estilo: Sertanejo Raiz, Cururú
Ano: (1956)

Há coisa de muito tempo pra vocêis eu vou contá.
Certa vez um camponês cortou um pau de cambará.
Fez a imagem de um juda muito feio sem igual.
Pra espantar os passarinhos pôs o juda no arrozal.
Seu filho de oito anos que gostava de brincar.
Pôs apelido no juda de Mané Tibiriçá.

Mais um dia deu enchente e levou o juda de lá.
Foi rodando rio abaixo muito longe foi parar.
E depois de muito tempo os pescador foi encontrar.
O juda numa lagoa na beira de um capinzal.
Pensando que era um "santo' perto daquele lugar.
Construiu uma capela e pôs o juda no altar.

E a notícia do "santo" fez o povo alvoroçar.
Começou vim romaria na capela pra rezar.
E o juda fez milagres fez muita gente sarar.
Cego viu a luz do dia aleijado tornou andar.
E o filho do camponês veja só o que foi se dar.
Ficou mudo de repente não podia mais falar.

Seu pai fêz uma promessa prometeu e foi levar.
O menino na capela pediu pro "santo" curar.
Chegaram lá na capela o menino pegou caçoar.
Vocêis são ignorantes ainda querem me enganar.
Essa cara eu já conheço eu aqui vim pra contar.
Que esse "santo" não é "santo" é o Mané Tibiriçá.

Aryel Narvasa
18 Views · 4 years ago

Artista: Jacó e Jacózinho
Titulo: Pai de 12 filhos
Composição de: (João Gonçalves/M dos Santos)
Álbum: terra bruta
Estilo: Sertanejo Raiz-Moda de Viola
Ano: (1972)

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

Impaktu husi bailoron naruk be maran iha ilha Jaco- Lospalos, rusa sira nani hakur tasi mai buka be iha Walu Tutuala.

Video husi : Maxi Boavida

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

Zico e Zeca no Viola Minha Viola

Aryel Narvasa
8 Views · 4 years ago

Jacó e Jacozinho, Quem Sabe, Sabe.

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Credits to Ralph Jay's YT Channel for the arrangement.

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

Zico e Zeca no Viola Minha Viola

Aryel Narvasa
12 Views · 4 years ago

Jaco e Jacozito cantam Não Mata O Velho Mas Atordoa No Programa Viola Minha Viola No Ano De 1992

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

© 1989 Composição: (Luiz de Castro/Muniz Teixeira)

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

Os Reis do Catira, Vieira e Vieirinha, cantando a música Ladrão de Mulher.

Muito Bom !!!

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago


Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

inscreva-se em nosso canal https://www.youtube.com/mixsertanejo Jacó e Jacozinho - 1970

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

jaco e jacozinho

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

TROPA SAUDOSA com JACÓ E JACOZINHO – Rasqueado de Sulino e Moacir dos Santos. Este rasqueado surgiu em 1.976 com Sulino e Marrueiro. Esta é uma regravação de Jacó e Jacozinho feita em 1.981, para o LP “As 12 Mais de Jacó e Jacozinho”.

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

EMAIL PARA DOAÇÃO: somodao16@gmail.com


Aryel Narvasa
10 Views · 4 years ago

dedico esta milonga letra de Benedito Seviéro e Luiz de Castro para toda a gauchada que curte esse estilo de musica e para todos aqueles que acompanharam a carreira da dupla Jacó e Jacozinho coroada de grandes sucessos mas o destino trágico desfez essa dupla que partiu ainda no auge da fama deixando muita saudade.

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Relembrando o melhor da música caipira.

Sem propagandas.

Jacó e Jacozinho - Ninho de cobra

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

É com muito prazer que começo as postagens dessas jóias preciosas. Aqui um encontro de gigantes da nossa autêntica música sertaneja em São José do Campos no ano de 1981. Teodoro e Jacozinho cantam, Sete Irmãos. Neste dia estavam presentes Peão Carreiro e Praense, Tião Carreiro e Pardinho, Liu e Léu, Jacózinho, Teodoro e Sampaio, Mouraí, Paraíso entre outros.Apreciem sem moderação.

Aryel Narvasa
11 Views · 4 years ago

Mais uma das grandes "páginas" musicais dos mestres José Vieira(ABEL) e Sebastião Da Silva(CAIM)...este autêntico e excelente Cururu, é fruto da mente genial de dois grandes nomes da "caneta sertaneja": nada mais, nada menos que Jesus Belmiro e Paraíso...aí sai "coisa" fina mesmo, né moçada!!!...falar de ABEL & CAIM é falar de uma das duplas mais afinadas e populares da música cabocla...o dueto marcante e preciso da dupla, já encantou os fãs já nas primeiras gravações, os firmando entre as duplas "cabeceiras" do rádio e do disco sertanejo..."Mãe Amorosa", "Santa Luzia", "Natureza", "O Barco", "Pinha No Pinheiro", "O Fazendeiro e o Diabo", "Fã Desconhecida", entre outras, são apenas algumas das muitas gravações perpetuadas pelas vozes e o talento da dupla, e que jamais cairão no esquecimento dos amantes e apreciadores do gênero...nunca é demais e nem desnecessário ressaltar: quem cresceu ouvindo duplas tais como esta aqui e todos estes grandes artistas desta geração de "ouro" do disco brasileiro, jamais enxergará valores, sejam vocais ou autorais, na atual "música" brasileira...não acredito em uma "volta" ao tempo com relação a valores musicais, por isso mesmo vou fazendo a minha parte, defendendo e não deixando cair no esquecimento a nossa imortal e inigualável canção sertaneja autêntica...para todos os amigos, companheiros, parceiros e defensores do estilo, o meu grande e sincero abraço...muito obrigado pelo prestígio e o apoio de sempre...tamô junto moçada!!!...ouçam, senhoras e senhores, este poema em forma de canção, na interpretação magnífica destes dois verdadeiros "heróis" sertanejos...MÚSICA SERTANEJA??? PRA MIM, SÓ SE FOR ASSIM!!!...VIVA OS MESTRES ABEL & CAIM!!!...

MÚSICA: O Milagre Da Traição(Cururu), Com Abel & Caim
COMPOSIÇÃO: Jesus Belmiro e Paraíso
GRAVAÇÃO: 1972, No LP "Abel & Caim e Seus Grandes Sucessos", Pela Califórnia

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

Clip da música couro de boi realizado em Limeira do Oeste MG.
Clip da múscia relógio quebrado: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0E-yGuLLJA

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Liu, Léu, Zeca e Zico Filho no programa Viola Minha Viola 19 de agosto de 2007

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Jaco e Jacozito Cantam Dois Milagres No Programa Viola Minha Viola

Aryel Narvasa
7 Views · 4 years ago

Provided to YouTube by 1st & 15th/Atlantic

Blur My Hands (feat. Guy Sebastian) · Lupe Fiasco · Guy Sebastian

Tetsuo & Youth

℗ 2014 Atlantic Recording Corporation

Executive Producer: "FREE CHILLY"
Mixer: Bob Horn
Masterer: Chris Gehringer
Bass: D Madness
Keyboards: Dustin Mclean
Executive Producer: Lupe Fiasco
Lead Vocals: Lupe Fiasco
Additional Guitar: Mark Lettieri
Producer: S1
Recorded by: Simon Sayz
Producer: VohnBeatz
Keyboards: Zhen Liu
Writer: J. Griffin
Writer: L. Griffin Jr.
Writer: M. Landon
Writer: W. Jaco

Auto-generated by YouTube.

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Moda de viola composta por Teddy Vieira e Carreirinho foi lançada em 1959 pela dupla de Itajobi (SP).

Para o senhor rei do gado aqui vai minha resposta
O que eu penso a seu respeito eu não digo pelas costas
O senhor saiu do bar sem ouvir minha proposta
Saiba que este seu criado não tem medo de aposta
Quem já escorregou na vida em qualquer galho se encosta

O que disse o almofadinha por mim não foi endossado
Se eu quisesse lhe ofender não ia lhe mandar recado
Quem mexe com marimbondo deve esperar o resultado
Creio que o senhor se esquece meu amigo rei do gado
Que um rei para ser rei precisa ser muito educado

É coisa que eu acho feio um rico fazer cartaz
Não me acanho em lhe dizer que eu já fui peão em Goiás
Já montei em burro chucro até de cara pra trás
Se eu tirar minha camisa no peito mostro os sinais
De guampas de boi cuiabano foi na zona dos pantanais

Quando eu vejo um cafezal e um poeirão de uma boiada
Me orgulho ser imigrante nessa terra abençoada
Também já tomei cachaça tirando boi de arribada
Se a balança do Brasil por café for ameaçada
Eu corto meus cafezais, tranformo tudo em invernada

Deixe de apostar amigo, não queira dar um passo errado
Vamos lutar ombro a ombro por este solo abençoado
Apesar de eu ser estrangeiro nele eu quero ser enterrado
Onde brota o ouro verde, nosso café afamado
Que da glórias pro Brasil além de fronteira pro outro lado

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago


Aryel Narvasa
8 Views · 4 years ago

Música linda

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

INSCREVA-SE EM NOSSO CANAL! Participe deixando seu like e comentando nos vídeos.


Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Jacó e Jacozinho no Viola Minha Viola em junho de 1980.
A família Jacó e tradicional quando se fala de música, pois todos cantavam ou tocavam alguma coisa, é uma das duplas mais apreciadas pelo público caipira.

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Bela musica dessa grande dupla!

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Provided to YouTube by WM Brazil

Cabocla Tereza · Trio Pagão e Escola de Samba

Ouro Puro

℗ 1977 Warner Music Brasil Ltda.

Producer: José Perez
Producer: João Salvador Perez
Composer: João Pacífico
Composer: Raul Torres

Auto-generated by YouTube.

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

Eles marcaram época com seu dueto diferenciado, carisma e um inigualável talento...é com muita satisfação e com todo o carinho e respeito que tenho pela dupla, que trago mais uma vez aqui neste nosso singelo espaço, os imbatíveis irmãos Antonio Jacob(JACÓ) e Amado Jacob(JACÓZINHO), interpretando com muita classe e a competência costumeira, este autêntico Cururu...moda esta que foi um dos grandes destaques do primeiro LP gravado pela dupla e também um dos grandes sucessos desta brilhante carreira musical...a história da viola, do Pagode e porque não dizer da própria música raiz, se confunde com a trajetória musical destes dois irmãos...além do invejável repertório que a dupla sempre esbanjou com muita naturalidade, contavam sempre com a presença de grandes músicos na execução e criação dos arranjos e acompanhamentos, tais como as "feras" Bambico e Tião Carreiro...é brincadeira né!!!...os grandes nomes da "caneta" caipira também faziam questão de ter a sua assinatura nas músicas gravadas por estes dois "gênios" sertanejos...Lourival Dos Santos, Sulino, Moacyr Dos Santos, Zé Batuta, Carreirinho, Raul Torres, Léo Canhoto, Sebastião Victor, entre outros baluartes da composição cabocla, são apenas alguns dos grandes nomes que escreviam pra eles...JACÓ & JACOZINHO eram donos de um caseamento de vozes que beirava a perfeição...as vozes "irmãs" e a simpatia da dupla eternizaram inúmeras canções em nossos corações e na nossa nostálgica memória..."Canção Do Soldado", "Empreitada Perigosa", "Cavalo Enxuto", "Filho Pobre", "Preto e Branco", "Menina Moça", "Degrau Da Fama", "A Capa Do Viajante", são algumas das suas inesquecíveis "páginas" musicais...hoje, em meio ao "lixo" musical que a nossa música atual nos proporciona, só nos resta a incontida saudade desta, que sem dúvidas nenhuma, foi uma das melhores e mais completas duplas que este país já teve o privilégio de aplaudir...sou fã de "carteirinha"!!!...VIVA OS INQUESTIONÁVEIS JACÓ & JACOZINHO: OS REIS DO LARI LARAI!!!...NÃO ACEITEM IMITADORES!!!...

MÚSICA: Filho Adotivo(Cururu), Com Jacó & Jacozinho
COMPOSIÇÃO: Francisco Lacerda e Jacozinho
GRAVAÇÃO: 1965, No LP "A Capa Do Viajante", Pela Continental

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Jaco e Jacozito Cantam Saudade Tambem Tem Hora No Programa Viola Minha Viola No Ano De 1997

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

Provided to YouTube by The Orchard Enterprises

Ferreirinha · João Mulato e Douradinho

Clássicos da Moda de Viola

℗ 2012 Genesis / Arlequim (dist. Tratore)

Released on: 2012-05-17

Music Publisher: Irmãos Vitale

Auto-generated by YouTube.

Aryel Narvasa
9 Views · 4 years ago


Aryel Narvasa
9 Views · 4 years ago

La cápsula del tiempo del Templo de Salt Lake se abre 128 años después
Noticia del presidente de estaca Mario Bascur atacando a una pareja gay: https://www.t13.cl/noticia/nac....ional/video-pareja-g

Tema del día
¿El final está cerca? ¿Por qué algunos Santos de los Últimos Días (¡está en el nombre de su Iglesia!) y otros piensan que sí?
Ciudadanos soberanos: https://www.splcenter.org/figh....ting-hate/intelligen
Iglesia fundamentalista trata de estafar al gobierno: https://www.sltrib.com/news/po....litics/2017/12/13/ly
Mini tema

Conexión de la Iglesia con sus apologistas
McConkie: Young nunca enseñó la teoría de Adán Dios: https://speeches.byu.edu/talks..../bruce-r-mcconkie/se
FairMormon dice no estar asociado con la Iglesia: https://www.fairmormon.org/about/faq-html
Fair dice cosas que la iglesia no se anima: https://www.fairmormon.org/ans....wers/Mormonism_and_a
Link a FairMormon en el sitio de la Iglesia: https://www.churchofjesuschris....t.org/si/questions/g
Donantes de Book of Mormón Central, incluyendo a la Iglesia: https://bookofmormoncentral.or....g/content/donor-freq
La iglesia dona cientos de miles a la More Good Foundation: https://projects.propublica.or....g/nonprofits/organiz
More Good Foundation: “no hablamos por la Iglesia”: https://www.moregoodfoundation.org/faq
Book of Mormon Central en español: “La iglesia nos dice qué debemos hacer”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-CIl2wwg_w&feature=youtu.be


Todo el material, traducido al español, está disponible en nuestro sitio de Patreon, donde puede acceder a todos nuestros libros y revistas por solo un dólar al mes, lo cual nos ayuda a cubrir todos los gastos del programa: http://www.patreon.com/pesquisasmormonas.

Mi número de WhatsApp: +1 (435) 554-875uno
El sitio del podcast: http://www.pesmor.com


Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

CD produzido por Vanderlei Quaglio gravado no Estúdio KONCORD / Ribeirão Preto SP /

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Raizes sertanejas

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Hội Thánh Phúc Âm kính mời quý thân hữu và tôi con Chúa đến thờ phượng với chúng tôi vào lúc 3:00pm Chúa Nhật hàng tuần. Hân hạnh được tiếp đón quý vị !

Lịch sinh hoạt:
+ Thờ phượng Chúa Nhật lúc 3:00pm hàng tuần
+ Trường Chúa Nhật lúc 2:00pm hàng tuần
+ Cầu Nguyện Phấn Hưng: 8:00pm Thứ Ba hàng tuần
+ Nhóm Tế Bào: 7:30pm Thứ Hai hàng tuần (nhóm tại nhà A/C Nhật & Trúc-Anh)

Địa chỉ:
2967 E Silo Dr
Gilbert, Arizona 85296
(Gần góc đường Warner Rd & Higley Rd)

Liên Lạc:
MSQN Joshua Hồ Hải
(415) 513-2696 (call/text)

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

Relembrando o melhor da música caipira.

Sem propagandas e sem anotações.

Abel e Caim - As Três Namoradas

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Os eternos e consagrados "Reis Do Lari Larai",interpretando com muita competência este ótimo Pagode...BÃO SEM QUANTIA!!!!...

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

#thecarpenters #yesterdayoncemore #electricguitar #yangqin #guitar #dulcimer #cover #classic #oldies

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

Ano: 2001 Composição: (Roque José de Almeida/Teddy Vieira)

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Mais um Pagodão ajeitado dos Irmãos Jacob, musicando com perfeição o grande talento desta eterna e inesquecível dupla...VIVA OS REIS DO LARI LARAI...

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

Recording an acoustic guitar can be especially challenging since you are dealing with a resonating body. In this video, Al covers everything you need to know about capturing the exact characteristics you need in an acoustic guitar take.

Subscribe to LANDR on YouTube: https://bit.ly/2BcY9US

00:00 Intro
00:58 Acoustic guitar setup
03:08 Microphone choice and placement
09:01 Recording for the role of the instrument
09:44 Microphone pre-amp recommendations
10:24 Compression for acoustic guitar
13:21 EQ for acoustic guitar
15:23 How to deal with room acoustics, headphone bleed, and a moving guitar player

Whether you’re a singer songwriter looking to capture a full bodied acoustic guitar sound, or if you want to layer a percussive acoustic guitar sound into your mix, this video will explain how it’s done.

Check out these additional resources from the LANDR Blog!
Acoustic Treatment: https://blog.landr.com/acoustic-treatment/
The 4 Microphone types: https://blog.landr.com/microphone-types/
The 10 Best Mic Pre-Amps Under $1000: https://blog.landr.com/best-mic-preamp/
Equalization 101: https://blog.landr.com/eq-basi....cs-everything-musici
Microphone Polar Patterns: https://blog.landr.com/microphone-polar-patterns/

#AskAnEngineer with LANDR’s Senior Audio Engineer Al Isler is back!

Get answers to your burning questions about mixing, recording, mastering, and more.

Need help with your mix? Post your question in the comments below!

Learn about the basics of mixing music: https://www.landr.com/en/how-to-mix/

Try LANDR for free: https://www.landr.com/
Subscribe to LANDR on YouTube: https://bit.ly/2BcY9US
Follow the LANDR blog to get the best tips, tools and tutorials for producers: https://blog.landr.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/landrmusic/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LANDRmusic/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LANDR_music



Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

© 1969
00:00 - 01. Piadas
03:36 - 02. Jacarana (Lourival dos Santos/Moacyr dos Santos)
06:48 - 03. Piadas
10:48 - 04. A Menina Que Namora (Lourival dos Santos/Moacyr dos Santos)
13:29 - 05. Piadas
18:29 - 06. Vira Vira (Lourival dos Santos/Moacyr dos Santos)
21:48 - 07. Piadas
28:42 - 08. Conversando é Que Se Entende (Moacyr dos Santos/Marumby)
32:36 - 09. Piadas
39:59 - 10. Porta Aberta (Moacyr dos Santos/Lourival dos Santos)



Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

Hi everyone I hope that you are all having a great Sunday.
This is Jaco Island and it is located in Lospalos, Timor-Leste. Come and visit us if you want to spend time on a beach that is pristine and less crowded. We have four direct flights from:
Darwin, Singapore, Bali, and Kupang. Let me know if you need any tips before your visit by commenting down below.

Thank you for watching and, Comment, Like, Share and Subscribe for more videos.
I upload a new video every Sunday, so see you next Sunday.

Also, check out socials:
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/julianasdiaryy/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Chach....apuafein/?ref=bookma
Business inquires for brand endorsement: bookingjc.business@gmail.com

Nelson's social: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nelson_cabral.99/
Tinus' social: Instagram https://www.instagram.com/tinuscabral0706/
Lorena's social: https://www.instagram.com/lovita_vieira/
Marfa's Social: https://www.instagram.com/reimavita/

#Timorleste #untouchedisland #exploretheundiscovered #bikinigirl #funtrip #islandtri #jacoisland

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago


Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

Moda de viola composta por Teddy Vieira e Carreirinho foi lançada em 1959 pela dupla de Itajobi (SP).

Para o senhor rei do gado aqui vai minha resposta
O que eu penso a seu respeito eu não digo pelas costas
O senhor saiu do bar sem ouvir minha proposta
Saiba que este seu criado não tem medo de aposta
Quem já escorregou na vida em qualquer galho se encosta

O que disse o almofadinha por mim não foi endossado
Se eu quisesse lhe ofender não ia lhe mandar recado
Quem mexe com marimbondo deve esperar o resultado
Creio que o senhor se esquece meu amigo rei do gado
Que um rei para ser rei precisa ser muito educado

É coisa que eu acho feio um rico fazer cartaz
Não me acanho em lhe dizer que eu já fui peão em Goiás
Já montei em burro chucro até de cara pra trás
Se eu tirar minha camisa no peito mostro os sinais
De guampas de boi cuiabano foi na zona dos pantanais

Quando eu vejo um cafezal e um poeirão de uma boiada
Me orgulho ser imigrante nessa terra abençoada
Também já tomei cachaça tirando boi de arribada
Se a balança do Brasil por café for ameaçada
Eu corto meus cafezais, tranformo tudo em invernada

Deixe de apostar amigo, não queira dar um passo errado
Vamos lutar ombro a ombro por este solo abençoado
Apesar de eu ser estrangeiro nele eu quero ser enterrado
Onde brota o ouro verde, nosso café afamado
Que da glórias pro Brasil além de fronteira pro outro lado

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

O Viola Minha Viola Especial, que a cada semana mata a saudade de grandes artistas que estiveram no programa em seus 35 anos de existência traz uma dupla que tinha a música caipira no DNA: Zico e Zeca.

Da mesma família de Liu e Léu e de Vieira e Vieirinha, e filhos de pai e mãe cantadores, Zico e Zeca foram fundamentais para a nossa cultura. Os irmãos Antônio Bernardo da Costa e Domingos Paulino da Costa nasceram em Itajobi, interior paulista, e aproveitavam as folgas na lavoura de café pra tocar e dançar catira.

Eles se apresentavam nas festas das fazendas da região, trocando por algumas horas o som da natureza pelo som da cantoria e das batidas dos pés no chão.

No início da década de 50, eles partiram para São Paulo, como tantas outras duplas, com o sonho de espalhar aos quatro ventos as belezas da roça. Primeiro Zeca, depois o Zico.

Na cidade grande, ainda com o nome de “Os Filhos de Itajobi”, começaram uma bela trajetória pelo grande veículo da época: o rádio. Passaram pelas rádios Bandeirantes, Nacional, Record e muitas outras. E em sua trajetória, a dupla teve as bênçãos dos grandes compositores Serrinha e Teddy Vieira.

O catira sempre marcou o ritmo dessa tradicional família caipira. Por onde passassem juntos, Zico, Zeca, Liu e Léu eram convidados a dançar. E no Viola Minha Viola não era diferente. No programa, os quatro irmãos mostram o que aprenderam desde crianças.

Em 2007, Zico, a primeira voz da dupla, faleceu. Zeca continuou cantando com seu sobrinho Zico Filho, mas em 2013 foi se juntar ao irmão. Mas deixaram uma história de quase 55 anos de carreira, com muita poesia e cultura do campo do Brasil.

Siga a TV Cultura:
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tvcultura
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/tvcultura
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tvcultura
- G+: https://plus.google.com/+tvcultura

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

Vieira e Vierinha cantando a música Roubei Uma Casada.

Comprei um carro na praça
Estava bem conservado
Tinha quatro pneu novo
Que pouco tinha rodado
Dei um repasso no freio
Pra viajar mais sossegado
Pus gasolina no tanque
E saí acelerado
Pra roubar uma casada
Que eu já tinha combinado

Em frente a casa dela
Eu pus o carro na calçada
Dei um toque na busina
Ela saiu na sacada
Assim que ela me viu
Correu descendo a escada
Com duas mala na mão
Me falou dando risada
Vou levando a minha jóia
Que é pr'ocê vende na estrada

Ela me falou tristonha
Uma coisa eu vou deixando
É um lindo garotinho
No berço ficou chorando
Respondi no pé da letra
Vá buscar que eu to mandando
Coitadinho não tem culpa
Nós dois acaba cuidando
Pus mãe e filho no carro
E pro mundo sai rodando

Ela deixou seu conforto
Num prédio lá da ladeira
Com telefone na mesa
E rádio de cabeceira
E televisão da sala
Pertinho da cristaleira
Deixou vinho e champanha
E fruta na geladeira
Pra fugir com um boiadeiro
E levar vida campeira

A dona era casada
Esposa de um ricaço
Ele espalhou telegrama
Gastou dinheiro no espaço
Avisou toda a cidade
Pra me ver no embaraço
Mas um cabra viajado
Não pode cair no laço
Com tudo minha pobreza
Eu pus o rico no fracasso

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

© 1985
Composição: (Luiz de Castro/Muniz Teixeira)

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

Jacó & Jacozito – Apresentam Modas de Mulas Famosas

01. Poema Comitiva / Rancho Tropeiro
02. A Grande Tropeada
03. Filho de Araçatuba
04. Besta Bailarina
05. Baldrana Macia
06. Rei dos Muladeiros
07. Peão da mula Baia
08. Besta Ruana
09. Tropa Saudosa
10. Peão da Revista
11. Mula Granfina
12. Mula Preta
13. Besta Dourada
14. Burro de Aço
15. Mulinha Branca
16. Burro Selvagem
17. Burro Preto
18. Mula Baia
19. Rei da Guasca
20. Tropeiro Sabido
21. Burro Picasso
22. Burro Baio

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

Jaco e Jacozito Cantam Saudade Tambem Tem Hora No Programa Viola Minha Viola No Ano De 1997

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Musica sertaneja

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

© 1996
00:00 - 01. Dez Anos Depois (José A. Almeida/Pedro Jacob)
03:04 - 02. É Sempre Assim (Benedito Seviero/Ronaldo Adriano)
05:50 - 03. Potranca (José A. Almeida/Léo Canhoto)
08:54 - 04. Patente De Família (Pedro Jacob/Jonatan)
12:38 - 05. O Patrão e o Camarada (Moacyr dos Santos/Amado Jacob)
15:20 - 06. João Gaiteiro (Teddy Viera/Zé Ribeiro)
18:23 - 07. Ondi Si Comi Genti Boa (João Gonçalves/Toni Cezar)
21:35 - 08. Proporção (Pedro Jacob)
24:27 - 09. Chaninha Da Comadre (Zé Palmeira/Geraldo)
27:33 - 10. Foinha (Pedro Jacob/Abigail Vieira)
29:55 - 11. Zulmira (Sebastião Nunes/Donizeti S. Pinto)
32:54 - 12. Vendedor (Pedro Jacob)


Inscreva-se no canal. Obrigado!!!

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

Arranjos, Filmagem, Edição de Vídeo e Áudio: Daniel Viola
Instagram: @danielviolacaipira
Wilson Luthier: (12) 98283-4180
Agradecimento: Fabrício, Aduil (Sr. Pedro) e família.

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

INSCREVA-SE no nosso canal para receber o melhor do sertanejo raiz todos os dias! https://bit.ly/2kTOoQb

Escute nossa playlist no Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2HtVl3i
Escute nossa playlist no Deezer: https://bit.ly/2kSypSc
Toda Sexta-Feira músicas novas na playlist!

Minutagem - 22 Duplas Famosas

1 - Chora Coração (Zilo e Zalo): 00:00:00
2 - Flor Destruída (Zico e Zeca): 00:02:53
3 - Velha Querência (Liu e Leu): 00:05:35
4 - Doutor Caipira (Abel e Cain): 00:08:14
5 - Amor Volúvel (Leôncio e Leonel): 00:10:37
6 - Quebra Tudo (Lourenço e Lourival): 00:13:43
7 - São João Batista (Vieira e Vieirinha): 00:16:35
8 - Não Me Escreva Mais (Pedro Bento e Zé da Estrada): 00:19:14
9 - Galopeira (Caçula e Marinheiro): 00:21:52
10 - Chora Coração (Caçula e Marinheiro): 00:24:33
11 - Flor do Mato (Jacó e Jacózinho): 00:27:35
12 - Teu Adeus (Belmonte e Amaraí): 00:30:12
13 - Rainha do Meu Coração (Silveira e Barrinha): 00:33:36
14 - Duelo de Amor (Matogrosso e Mathias): 00:36:02
15 - Bebida Não Mata Saudade (Praião e Prainha): 00:39:42
16 - Abajur (Mococa e Moracy): 00:42:20
17 - Que Seja Feita Sua Vontade (Gino e Geni): 00:44:59
18 - Mulher Avião (Carlito e Baduí): 00:48:25
19 - Maldito Dinheiro (Walderi e Mizael): 00:50:17
20 - Vá Com Deus (Léo Canhoto e Robertinho): 00:52:59
21 - Flor da Lama (Paiozinho e Zé Tapera): 00:56:28
22 - Vento Mensageiro (Claiton e Cristiane): 00:59:32
23 - Mulher do Meu Amigo (Mensageiro e Mexicano): 01:02:16
24 - As Mulheres Não São Iguais (Mococa e Moracy): 01:05:23

Aryel Narvasa
16 Views · 4 years ago

Uma tradicional e autêntica Moda De Viola, nas vozes imortais e ímpares dos mestres Antonio Jacob(JACÓ) e Amado Jacob(JACOZINHO), uma das mais virtuosas duplas do disco sertanejo, com toda certeza...a composição é do "mestre da caneta" sertaneja Moacyr Do Santos em parceria com o João Gonçalves...aliás, embora isto não seja muito falado, o Moacyr foi um dos grandes compositores de Modas De Viola da música raiz...não é atoa e muito menos por acaso, que ele foi parceiro do Sulino, outro grande baluarte do gênero, em muitas canções neste segmento caipira...voltando aos grandes e saudosos "Reis Do Lari Larai", JACÓ & JACOZINHO formaram uma das duplas mais respeitadas e ouvidas do sertanejão raiz...ao lado de Tião Carreiro & Pardinho, foram eles os maiores vendedores de discos da década de 70...eram donos de um carisma e uma simpatia sem igual, que juntamente com o talento e o dueto impecável da dupla, conquistaram o Brasil de "mamando a caducando", e continuam até hoje, na preferência dos fãs da viola e do estilo... e por falar em viola, eles eram muito bem acompanhados e arranjados pelo grande e incomparável BAMBICO, que além de ser um grande amigo da dupla, tornou-se também um grande parceiro musical dos dois irmãos, abrilhantando e dando ainda mais qualidade nos registros musicais deixados pela dupla..."Pai De 12 Filhos" é mais uma das belíssimas "páginas" musicais do repertório de "ouro" deles, onde podemos notar o caseamento perfeito das vozes, uma boa "dose" de bom humor e muito capricho por parte dos compositores da canção...deixo aqui, através de mais esta postagem, todo meu carinho e respeito à esses grandes ídolos de toda uma geração...AQUI É ORIGINAL!!!...NÃO ACEITE IMITAÇÕES!!!...VIVA OS INCOMPARÁVEIS JACÓ & JACOZINHO: OS "BROTINHOS" DA RÁDIO NACIONAL!!!

MÚSICA: Pai De 12 Filhos(Moda De Viola), Com Jacó & Jacozinho
COMPOSIÇÃO: João Gonçalves e Moacyr dos Santos
GRAVAÇÃO: 1972, No LP "Terra Bruta", Pela Continental

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

La cápsula del tiempo del Templo de Salt Lake se abre 128 años después
Noticia del presidente de estaca Mario Bascur atacando a una pareja gay: https://www.t13.cl/noticia/nac....ional/video-pareja-g

Tema del día
¿El final está cerca? ¿Por qué algunos Santos de los Últimos Días (¡está en el nombre de su Iglesia!) y otros piensan que sí?
Ciudadanos soberanos: https://www.splcenter.org/figh....ting-hate/intelligen
Iglesia fundamentalista trata de estafar al gobierno: https://www.sltrib.com/news/po....litics/2017/12/13/ly
Mini tema

Conexión de la Iglesia con sus apologistas
McConkie: Young nunca enseñó la teoría de Adán Dios: https://speeches.byu.edu/talks..../bruce-r-mcconkie/se
FairMormon dice no estar asociado con la Iglesia: https://www.fairmormon.org/about/faq-html
Fair dice cosas que la iglesia no se anima: https://www.fairmormon.org/ans....wers/Mormonism_and_a
Link a FairMormon en el sitio de la Iglesia: https://www.churchofjesuschris....t.org/si/questions/g
Donantes de Book of Mormón Central, incluyendo a la Iglesia: https://bookofmormoncentral.or....g/content/donor-freq
La iglesia dona cientos de miles a la More Good Foundation: https://projects.propublica.or....g/nonprofits/organiz
More Good Foundation: “no hablamos por la Iglesia”: https://www.moregoodfoundation.org/faq
Book of Mormon Central en español: “La iglesia nos dice qué debemos hacer”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-CIl2wwg_w&feature=youtu.be


Todo el material, traducido al español, está disponible en nuestro sitio de Patreon, donde puede acceder a todos nuestros libros y revistas por solo un dólar al mes, lo cual nos ayuda a cubrir todos los gastos del programa: http://www.patreon.com/pesquisasmormonas.

Mi número de WhatsApp: +1 (435) 554-875uno
El sitio del podcast: http://www.pesmor.com


Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

Para todos que apreciam o trabalho da melhor dupla de violeiros que o Brasil já teve - Tiao Carreiro e Pardinho

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Jovens de 19 e 17 anos como era da dupla Vieira e Vieirinha;

Numa sexta feira santa
Há muitos anos atrás
Na cidade de são carlos
Publicaram nos jornais,
Uma moça muito rica,
Contrariou o gosto dos pais,
Num baile que fez em casa,
Ela dançou com o satanás.

Quando o baile começou
Regulava as nove horas
Chegou um moço bem vestido,
Arrastando um par de esporas,
Dando viva para o povo,
Como vai minha senhora!
Quero conhecer a festeira
Porque estou chegando agora.

O velho disse pra filha
Hoje o baile esta mudado
Estamos no fim da quaresma
E isso pode ser pecado.
A mocinha respondeu,
O senhor que está cismado
Jesus cristo está no céu,
E nós aqui dança largado.

Pegando na mão da moça o moço saiu dançando
Tocava valsa e mazurca,
O cabra tava virando.
Com o chapéu na cabeça
A moça foi incomodando,
O senhor dança direito
Que mamãe não está gostando,
Ele foi e disse pra moça, minha hora já chegou,
Eu preciso ir embora que o galo já cantou
Tirou o chapéu da cabeça e os
Dois chifres ele mostrou,
Parecia um touro velho,
Daqueles mais pegador,

O diabo soltou um bufo e sumiu numa explosão,
Pra aquela gente sem fé isso serviu de lição,
No meio da correria, dois grito e confusão
Ficou louca a moça rica,
Filha do major simão

Liu & Léu foi uma dupla de música sertaneja brasileira formada pelos irmãos Lincoln Paulino da Costa (Itajobi, 7 de agosto de 1934 — Ibiraci, 4 de agosto de 2012) e Walter Paulino da Costa (Itajobi, 2 de abril de 1937) em 1959 na pequena cidade de Itajobi do estado de São Paulo.

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

Jack, O Matador (Léo Canhoto & Robertinho)

Sertanejo/Caipira - Brasileiro

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

Música linda

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago


LINK DO VÍDEO: https://youtu.be/89Nm4_tn4Ns


Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

Confira as Imagens do Ultimo Show da Dupla Zico e Zéca juntos no palco, onde se apresentaram em Santa Rita do Passa Quatro/SP, onde cantaram seus sucessos da brilhante carreira.
Vídeo em Homenagem a esta grande Dupla "Zico e Zéca"

Site: http://www.luisgustavoeluisaugusto.com
Blog: http://www.luisgustavoeluisaugusto.blogspot.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/luisgustavoeluisaugusto

Aryel Narvasa
8 Views · 4 years ago

Acompanhe Chrystiann e Karen:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ChrystiannEKarenOficial
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chrystiannekaren/
Spotfy: https://open.spotify.com/album..../0VXUO8q2f1TzpjVhPTE
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/chrystiannekaren

Contato para shows: (35) 984513677 | (35) 984084599


PATROCINADORES: Triboo Multisports // Carvão e Lenha // Xandinho Confecções // D'Modas // Centro Car // Rota 459 Centro Automotivo

Degrau da Fama - Chrystiann e Karen (Jacó e Jacozinho) COVER

#DegrauDaFama #Sertanejo #JacóEJacozinho

© 2020 Chrystiann e Karen.

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago


Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

Fui passear em Poços de Caldas, rainha do veraneio
Vou contar o que aconteceu, a história eu não floreio
Avistei um cavaleiro
Perguntei da onde veio
Venho vindo do Rio Grande sou da terra do rodeio
To aqui só de passagem, neste chão eu não apeio

Para ver coisa bonita todo mundo tem anseio
Mineirada fez a roda, gaúcho fez galanteio
Meu cavalo é jóia cara, de riqueza anda cheio
Quando bate o sol na cela na prata dá relampeio
Pras moça pentia o cabelo
Peitoral serve de espelho

Nisso chega um mineirinho pos a conversa no meio
Moço quer vender o cavalo compro arriado ou sem arreio
Você é um mineiro pobre faço pouco e não receio
Mostra uma nota de mil que te dou machão vermelho
Mas se for mineiro pronto no seu peito eu sapateio

Mineirinho retrucou ficou bonito torneio
Meu peito não é de aço mas aguenta bombardeio
Mineiro nunca perdeu na derrota eu não creio
Você quer me fazer pouco mas eu tiro seu galeio
Se sustentar o que disse vai rolar desse arreio

Sou gaúcho de São Borja ai ai e amigo da verdade
Não volto atrás com a palavra ai ai nem que caia tempestade
Mineirinho enfiou a mão no bolso mil cruzeiro já tirou
Também um talão de cheque que na hora ele assinou
Sinto muito meu amigo mas seu golpe hoje falhou
Pra tu não voltar a pé mais trinta conto eu lhe dou
Pro senhor não ir pensando que o mineiro aproveitou

O mineiro não faz feio diga lá pra gauchada
Eu não sou rei do café nem do gado e nem de nada
Sou um simples lavrador lá das bandas de Andradas
Terra de vinho famoso orgulho da mineirada
Que produz com o Rio Grande as marca mais afamada.

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

Belissima melodia, homenagem a todos os filhos deste magnifico estado.

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

vídeo de encenação da música Rosinha e Catimbau - Tião Carreiro e Pardinho .
Edição de Vídeo : Roberta e Fernanda.

Aryel Narvasa
9 Views · 4 years ago

Grande dupla do cenário sertanejo do Brasil...

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

Lourenço e Lourival cantando no Viola Minha Viola em 2007.
Obs.: Há um erro no GC, pois o nome correto da música é Filhote de Onça (Caetano Erba / Tião do Carro), estão aí dois compositores de primeira linha....

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago


Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Moda de composição: Raul Torres / Rubens Ferreira Bueno

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago


Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

Jaco e Jacozito Cantam Canção Do Soldado No Programa Viola Minha Viola No De 1999.Esse Programa Foi Uma Homenagem Ao Carrerinho

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

Fui passear em Poços de Caldas, rainha do veraneio
Vou contar o que aconteceu, a história eu não floreio
Avistei um cavaleiro
Perguntei da onde veio
Venho vindo do Rio Grande sou da terra do rodeio
To aqui só de passagem, neste chão eu não apeio

Para ver coisa bonita todo mundo tem anseio
Mineirada fez a roda, gaúcho fez galanteio
Meu cavalo é jóia cara, de riqueza anda cheio
Quando bate o sol na cela na prata dá relampeio
Pras moça pentia o cabelo
Peitoral serve de espelho

Nisso chega um mineirinho pos a conversa no meio
Moço quer vender o cavalo compro arriado ou sem arreio
Você é um mineiro pobre faço pouco e não receio
Mostra uma nota de mil que te dou machão vermelho
Mas se for mineiro pronto no seu peito eu sapateio

Mineirinho retrucou ficou bonito torneio
Meu peito não é de aço mas aguenta bombardeio
Mineiro nunca perdeu na derrota eu não creio
Você quer me fazer pouco mas eu tiro seu galeio
Se sustentar o que disse vai rolar desse arreio

Sou gaúcho de São Borja ai ai e amigo da verdade
Não volto atrás com a palavra ai ai nem que caia tempestade
Mineirinho enfiou a mão no bolso mil cruzeiro já tirou
Também um talão de cheque que na hora ele assinou
Sinto muito meu amigo mas seu golpe hoje falhou
Pra tu não voltar a pé mais trinta conto eu lhe dou
Pro senhor não ir pensando que o mineiro aproveitou

O mineiro não faz feio diga lá pra gauchada
Eu não sou rei do café nem do gado e nem de nada
Sou um simples lavrador lá das bandas de Andradas
Terra de vinho famoso orgulho da mineirada
Que produz com o Rio Grande as marca mais afamada.

Aryel Narvasa
9 Views · 4 years ago

Cantoria aqui em Casa pelo Meu Aniversario

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago


Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago


Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago


Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

Meu velho pai, preste atenção no que lhe digo
Meu pobre papai querido
Enxugue as lágrimas do rosto
Porque papai que você chora tão sozinho
Me conta meu papaizinho
O que lhe causa desgosto

Estou notando que você está cansado
Meu pobre, velho adorado é seu filho que está falando
Quero saber qual é a tristeza que existe
Não quero ver você triste
Porque é que está chorando?


Quando lhe vejo, tão tristonho desse jeito
Sinto estremecer meu peito, ao pulsar meu coração
Meu pobre pai você sofreu pra me criar
Agora eu vou lhe cuidar
Esta é minha obrigação

Não tenha medo, meu velhinho adorado
Estarei sempre ao seu lado, não lhe deixarei jamais
Eu sou o sangue do seu sangue papaizinho
Não vou lhe deixar sozinho, não tenha medo meu pai


Você sofreu quando eu era ainda criança
A sua grande esperança, era me ver homem formado
Eu fiquei grande estou seguindo o meu caminho
E você ficou velhinho, mas estou sempre ao seu lado

Meu pobre pai, seus passos longos silenciaram
Seus cabelos branquiaram, seu olhar se escureceu
A sua voz quase que não se ouve mais
Não tenha medo meu pai, quem cuida de você sou eu

Meu papaizinho não precisa mais chorar
Saiba que nao vou deixar, você sozinho, abandonado
Eu sou seu guia, sou seu tempo, sou seus passos
Sou sua luz, e sou seus braços
Sou seu filho idolatrado...


Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

vídeo de encenação da música Rosinha e Catimbau - Tião Carreiro e Pardinho .
Edição de Vídeo : Roberta e Fernanda.

Aryel Narvasa
15 Views · 4 years ago

Craveiro e Cravinho no Viola Minha Viola em junho de 2007.
A dupla que é a segunda geração de cantadores da família canta um clássico de Raul Torres e João Pacífico.

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Moda de composição: Raul Torres / Rubens Ferreira Bueno

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Jaco e Jacozito Cantam O Patrão e o Camarada No Programa Viola Minha Viola No Ano De 2005

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

2º bloco do programa RINCÃO SERTANEJO apresentado por Mário Pajé com a participação especial de Jacó e Jacózito.

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago


Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Jaco e Jacozito cantam Som Rural e Disco Voador No Programa Viola Minha Viola No Ano De 2003

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Programa Viola Minha Viola - 06/05/2007

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

Peter Finger-Getaway (cover)by jiazhuo liu

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

Pedro Jaco e Seus Parceiros No Programa Viola Minha Viola em Varios Programas

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

os quatro irmãos cantam no Viola Minha Viola

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago


Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

Provided to YouTube by WM Brazil

Ladrão de Terra · Jacó & Jacozinho

Só Sucessos

℗ 1992 WEA International Inc.

Producer: Jacó and Jacozinho
Composer: Moacyr dos Santos and Teddy Vieira

Auto-generated by YouTube.

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago


Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

Don Ross-Micheal Micheal Micheal (cover) by jiazhuo liu

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

Ola Maluk sira!
Fiar katak ita hotu diak. ida ne'e mak ami nia first song iha album "Knananuk ho Kores" ho nia titulu "JACO FATIN FURAK".

Muzika ne'e koalia konaba paizazen furak ida ne'ebe foinsae sira sempre hala'o hodi explora turizmu Timor ba mundu.
Title : Jaco Fatin Furak. Alemde ida ne'e mos muzika ne'e hatudu sentidu katak, kontente ne'e la presija hemu tua lanu no han patisku. maibe saida deit mak ita halo, importante mak ita nia hamutuk.

Ami fiar katak muzika no filme ne'e bele furak iha ita hotu nia tilun no matan.

Genre : Pop
Song writer : Juju & Friends
Music production : Maspoer studio
Artis : Juju & friends
Singer : Denilson Junior & Joe Clau
Guitar : Deni Moniz (Knua) & Nino Seixas
Bass : Ahok Leong
Midi/Keyboard : Edigar Marcos
Drum : Encho Araujo (Rainha Story)

Filmed by : Juvenal Branco (New flame Production)
Executive Producer : Cafellos
Director : Edigar Marcos
Drone : Olivio Fubu
MUA : Brites Diana
Sponsored : Mushila FC, timor Furak, Betinho Ribeiro Fashiion, Timor Telecom, Sands motel, klan, Jhony Baptista

Obrigado ba Kolega sira ne'ebe fo suporta maka'as mai Projeito ida ne'e, Liu-liu ba : Hendri Viegas, Amuku Arte, Rey Marques DPC.

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

大向改编 穿越时空的思念(cover)by jiazhuo liu

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

Justin King-phunkdified(cover)by jiazhuo liu

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

Plastic Love (Guitar Cover | Fingerstyle) By Jaco Liu

Like and Subscribe!

Aryel Narvasa
8 Views · 4 years ago

Jaco Liu just sent us his new arrangement of an old Disco song written by Cherly Lynn---《Got To Be Real》 which is released in 1978. As you know, Chinese people are fighting with Coronavirus. We've got a lot of concern from many friends. Please don't worry, we'll getting better, we'll win! Meanwhile, Hope people in other countries keep safe!

Brook Guitars https://ztzg.taobao.com
Tuning : B #F A #F B #D
Recording and Mastering: XIAOLONG LIU
Pickup System: Mr. Finger https://ztzg.taobao.com
Guitar Effect: Enfini
Score making: Minglei Zuo

Aryel Narvasa
8 Views · 4 years ago

welcome to GUITAR SKILL channel.
in this channel i will share a lot of of fingerstyle music from various sources and i have included the source link bellow :
link : https://www.facebook.com/10001....1323336015/videos/11
thank for watching

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Brook Guitars https://ztzg.taobao.com
Tuning : DAEGAD
Recording and Mastering: XIAOLONG LIU
Pickup System: Mr.
Finger https://ztzg.taobao.com
Guitar Effect: Enfini

Score making: Minglei Zuo

Aryel Narvasa
43 Views · 4 years ago

Mission Impossible (Guitar Cover | Fingerstyle) by Jaco Liu

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Dukes Disco BY Jaco Liu 刘嘉卓 原创《公爵之舞》

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Story Behind
The inspiration of this piece came from the tuning: (Db Ab Eb E Ab Db) .According to
the feeling of this tuning, I wrote this song
. After composing it, I found it like the feeling of
winter, so I named it ,Snow. If you use colour to describe it, I think white would be the
most appropriate one. The special open tuning creates a very empty atmosphere, the
rhythm is like the gloomy sky in the winter, the snow begins to bloom in the evening
When you wake up on the next day, a white world will come into your eyes.

Brook Guitars

Tuning : Db Ab Eb E Ab Db)

Recording and Mastering: Emanuel Uch (Germany)

Music Video: Lorenz Lauser (Germany)

Pickup System: Mr.

Guitar Effect: Enfini
Score making: Minglei Zuo

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Conny Berghäll-Revolution(cover)by jiazhuo liu

Aryel Narvasa
7 Views · 4 years ago

Brook Guitars https://ztzg.taobao.com
Tuning : D A D #F A D
Recording and Mastering: XIAOLONG LIU
Pickup System: Mr.
Finger https://ztzg.taobao.com
Guitar Effect: Enfini

Score making: Minglei Zuo

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Brook Guitars https://ztzg.taobao.com
Tuning :#D #A #D G #A #D
Recording and Mastering: XIAOLONG LIU
Pickup System: Mr. Finger https://ztzg.taobao.com
Guitar Effect: Enfini

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Jaco Liu released new arrangement 《Let’s Stay Together》This song is one of the most popular song written by Green(Soul music,R&B) which from the 1972 album. Hope you like this version.

Brook Guitars https://ztzg.taobao.com
Tuning :#D #A #D G #A D
Recording and Mastering: XIAOLONG LIU
Pickup System: Mr. Finger https://ztzg.taobao.com
Guitar Effect: Enfini
Score making: Minglei Zuo

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

fingerstyle dream by jiazhuo liu(original)

Aryel Narvasa
13 Views · 4 years ago

Unravel - Tokyo Ghoul OP 1 (Solo Guitar cover by jiazhuo liu) 東京喰種

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

Brook Guitars https://ztzg.taobao.com
Tuning : #C #F B E #G #C (6--1)
Recording and Mastering: XIAOLONG LIU
Pickup System: Mr.
Finger https://ztzg.taobao.com
Guitar Effect: Enfini

Score making: Minglei Zuo

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

Brook Guitars https://ztzg.taobao.com
Tuning :#C #G E B #F #C
Recording and Mastering: XIAOLONG LIU
Pickup System: Mr. Finger https://ztzg.taobao.com
Guitar Effect: Enfini
Score making: Minglei Zuo

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

Every Breath You Take (Fingerstyle Guitar Arrangement by jiazhuo liu)

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Brook Guitars https://ztzg.taobao.com
Tuning :#D G #A F #A D
Recording and Mastering: XIAOLONG LIU
Pickup System: Mr. Finger https://ztzg.taobao.com
Guitar Effect: Enfini
Score making: Minglei Zuo

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Brook Guitars https://ztzg.taobao.com
Tuning :C G C F A D
Recording and Mastering: XIAOLONG LIU
Pickup System: Mr. Finger https://ztzg.taobao.com
Guitar Effect: Enfini
Score making: Minglei Zuo

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Brook Guitars https://ztzg.taobao.com
Tuning :#C #G E B #F #C
Recording and Mastering: XIAOLONG LIU
Pickup System: Mr. Finger https://ztzg.taobao.com
Guitar Effect: Enfini
Score making: Minglei Zuo

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

Brook Guitars https://ztzg.taobao.com
Tuning :?
Recording and Mastering: XIAOLONG LIU
Pickup System: Mr. Finger https://ztzg.taobao.com
Guitar Effect: Enfini
Score making: Minglei Zuo

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

This is a subliminal I've been working on.
I'm not fully confident in it, so I plan to remake it in the future.
I haven't seen one like this yet. There might be one but I haven't seen it personally.
-Life is like your ideal Korean drama
-Love life is like your ideal Korean drama
-Life is like an entertaining, action filled, and romantic Korean drama
Listen 3-5 times, an hour, or overnight for best and faster results.
Do not operate heavy machinery or drive while listening.
Want me to loop any subliminal? Just ask and I will create a loop for you. If you would like boosters I can include some of my favorites.

I do not own any music used in this subliminal, and therefore, all rights go to their proper owners.

"Your last" Kpop Mashup - MiGGy Smallz

(Yes I did choose it because of the subtle BTS references) ^^

-Video Upload powered by https://www.TunesToTube.com

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

Korean Drama 'While You Were Sleeping' will air this September with 32 Episodes?
Music from Epidemic Sound (http://www.epidemicsound.com)
S1:ES_Sweet Fingerpicking 17 - Örjan Karlsson
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Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

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Weekly Top 10 Korean Drama | April 10 - April 15 RATINGS!

Weekly Top 10 Korean Drama | April 3 - April 8 RATINGS!


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Weekly Top 10 Korean Drama | March 13-18 RATINGS!

Weekly Top 10 Korean Drama | March 6-11 RATINGS

Weekly Top 10 Korean Drama | February 27 to March 4, 2017


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Weekly Top 10 Korean Drama | Feb. 13 - Feb. 18, 2017

Weekly Top 10 Korean Drama | Feb. 6 - Feb. 11, 2017

Weekly Top 10 Korean Drama | January 30 - February 4, 2017


10 Korean Dramas That Made Me Cry My Eyes Out The Most

10 Hit Korean Drama Written by The Hong Sisters

7 On-Screen K-drama Couples Who Got Married in Real Life

7 Hit Korean Drama by Goblin Screenwriter You Must Watch

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5 Best Korean Drama for Beginners | Romantic Comedies

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5 Best Korean Dramas for Beginners | Part 2

5 Best Korean Dramas for Beginners | Melodramas

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

MBC New korean drama,every wed,thur 21:55pm
This drama is a melodrama that will portray a story of a teenage couple who fall in love and get painfully separated, and then meet again as adults by playing game of love hide and seek.
Han Jung Woo (Park Yoochun) has been a homicide detective for 2 years and he is looking for his childhood love. Lee So Yeon (Yoon Eun Hye) is a fashion designer and often dream of Han Jung Woo searching for her...
So,this drama look promises,,,,,,,with Yoochun & Eun Hye as lead actor/actress (my new favorite couples).
YOOHYE FIGHTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

Come and Hug Me is a 2018 South Korean television series starring Jang Ki-yong, Jin Ki-joo and Heo Joon-ho. It started airing on MBC on 16 May 2018 on Wednesdays and Thursdays at 21:55 time slot.

come and hug me korean drama
come here and give me a hug korean drama
come and hug me kdrama
come here and give me a hug kdrama
come and hug me
come and hug me ep 1
come and hug me ep 2
Jang Ki-yong kdrama
Jin Ki-joo kdrama

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Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

A drama that draws the love of Ki Woon-chan, a high school-graduate struggling to find a job and Na Moo Goong-hwa, the only daughter of an amazingly rich family and the conflicts and reconciliation of their families.

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

For translation, go to: http://www.vingle.net/posts/24024

Get Big episode's live recap, screenshots, and preview by following me at http://www.vingle.net/users/sapphire148 :)

***This video is a property of KBS2***

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

korean drama Autumn Shower ep 16 part 6/7

Aryel Narvasa
10 Views · 4 years ago

This Time Travel Story explains how Choi & Jin Joo travel back to time to save their marriage life...

EPISODE 01 LINK - https://youtu.be/rSykJvNwkA0

EPISODE 02 LINK - https://youtu.be/9WOQfEY9WnQ

EPISODE 03 LINK - https://youtu.be/cbueis4NbVc

EPISODE 04 LINK - https://youtu.be/FAblf-1ByZQ

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

Top 7 New Korean Dramas January 2017

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Song: Max Pross - Don't Speak

Aryel Narvasa
11 Views · 4 years ago

Here are 7 of the best Girls Disguised As Boys/Gender-Bender Kdramas to watch. Are your favorites on the list?
Please don't forget to subscribe to our channel: https://www.youtube.com/channe....l/UCfnEmDUWC4m0k-tDD

Sound Credits:
JUNNY - Natural (Prod by Lexxmatiq & Calvin Cook)
"✖ Follow JUNNY
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/jnkmsc
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/avm_junny/

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✖ Follow Calvin Cook
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Drama Time Stamp:
00:19 Tale of Nokdu
00:34 The Scholar Who Walks The Night
00:50 Sungkyungkwan Scandal
01:07 Love in the Moonlight
01:25 You're Beautiful
01:39 To The Beautiful You
01:49 Coffee Prince

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

https://amzn.to/33THw9j ►Send me a Friend Invite Dramas-MAL: https://MyAnimeList.net/profile/TuzoAnime
►Send me a Friend Invite Anime-MDL: https://MyDramaList.com/profile/TuzoAnime
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Song: ES_Out Of My Head - Kalle Engstrom

Top 20 Popular Daily Life Korean Dramas

#01 School 2013
Friendship, Life, School, Youth
Votes: 8,609

#02 Reply 1994
Friendship, Life, Romance
Votes: 4,443

#03 Sorry I Love You
Life, Melodrama, Romance
Votes: 2,695

#04 Beethoven Virus
Drama, Family, Friendship, Life
Votes: 2,479

#05 The Lover
Comedy, Life, Mature, Romance
Votes: 2,390

#06 Incomplete Life
Comedy, Drama, Life, Manga
Votes: 2,346

#07 Padam Padam
Comedy, Crime, Fantasy, Life
Votes: 1,976

#08 Reply 1988
Comedy, Family, Friendship, Life
Votes: 1,883

#09 Miss Korea
Comedy, Drama, Life, Romance
Votes: 1,684

#10 The World That They Live In
Life, Romance
Votes: 1,526

#11 What's Up Fox?
Comedy, Life, Romance
Votes: 1,504

#12 Can We Get Married?
Drama, Family, Life, Romance
Votes: 1,477

#13 It's Okay, Daddy's Girl
Drama, Family, Life, Romance
Votes: 1,364

#14 Cheese in the Trap
Drama, Life, Manga, Psychological
Votes: 1,041

#15 Sad Love Story
Life, Melodrama, Romance, Tragedy
Votes: 926

#16 Which Star Are You From?
Romance, Life, Drama
Votes: 872

#17 Twelve Men in a Year
Comedy, Life, Romance
Votes: 733

#18 Heard it Through the Grapevine
Life, Melodrama, Romance
Votes: 710

#19 Can't Lose
Comedy, Law, Romance, Life
Votes: 631

#20 Ugly Alert
Friendship, Life, Romance
Votes: 567

#21 Seonam Girls High School Investigators
Drama, Investigation, Life, School
Votes: 554

#22 Great Inheritance
Life, Romance
Votes: 525

#23 One Warm Word
Drama, Family, Life, Melodrama
Votes: 473

#24 The 3rd Ward
Comedy, Drama, Family, Life, Medical
Votes: 441

#25 Dae Mul
Drama, Life, Political, Romance
Votes: 411

#26 Little Mom Scandal
Comedy, Drama, Family, Life
Votes: 375

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

Hi, welcome to my Chnnel|How To Be You! Enjoy! Please Don't forget to Like and Subscribe. God bless.

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

The Third Charm - Korean Drama - Teaser 1, more information : https://www.hancinema.net/kore....an_drama_The_Third_C


Fri, Sat 23:00


An epic love story of a romance spanning twelve years.


Seo Kang-joon (https://www.hancinema.net/kore....an_Seo_Kang-joon.php
Esom (https://www.hancinema.net/korean_Esom.php)
Yang Dong-geun (https://www.hancinema.net/kore....an_Yang_Dong-geun.ph
Lee Yoon-ji (https://www.hancinema.net/korean_Lee_Yoon-ji.php)

Aryel Narvasa
7 Views · 4 years ago

A security guard's dreams come true when he is selected to be transformed into a cybernetic police officer.
Cast: Matthew Broderick, Rupert Everett, Joely Fisher #MoviePredictor #trailer #BestMovie

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

A Teacher from Siddharth College, Balraj Dutt (Sunil Dutt) from a well-known, wealthy, and reputed family falls in love with a former prostitute, Madhvi (Waheeda Rehman) and despite of opposition from his family, marries her, complications arise. The elder brother (Rehman), now married, recognizes Madhvi, as he had spent romantic nights with her. Then arrives Vinod (Ramesh Deo), a family friend, from the United States of America, with full approval for the marriage until he actually meets and then he too recognizes Madhvi, as he had spent some romantic nights with her. How will Madhvi continue to live her married life with the mirror reflecting her past

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Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

Winner of the 2008 Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature. Director Alex Gibney explores the American military's use of torture by focusing on the unsolved murder of an Afhgani taxi driver who, in 2002, was taken for questioning at Bagram Force Air Base. Five days later, the man was dead. The medical examiner claimed the driver died from excessive physical abuse. Taking this case as a jumping-off point, the film examines wider claims of torture that occurred at bases like Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay during the Bush administration.

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

Plot: Rama Rao (Jr. NTR) is the son of Ranjan (Mukesh Rishi) who works as an assistant to Mafia Don Saadu Bhai (Kelly Dorji) is an IPS Aspirant. However, he is rejected from police work due to his fathers connections to the criminal underworld. Meanwhile his brother Siddu (Siddarth Narayan) gets killed in a bomb blast planned by Saadu Bhai. Rama Rao seeking revenge, reunites with his father and becomes Baadshah on the advice of a police officer (Sayaji Shinde). He soon takes Macau from Saadu Bhai. Saadu Bhai, peeved by Rama Rao's aggression and guts, joins forces with his rivals and IPS officers, such as Aadi (Navdeep) and falsely accuses Baadshah of murdering a police officer. Baadshah discovers that Saadu Bhai is planning a series of bombings in India and that Aadi is a culprit. and going to marry Janaki (Kajal Aggarwal). So he decides to save India and also completes Operation Baadshah. So he approaches Janaki and falls in love with her. He enters as Ramji a Wedding planner in Janaki's house. He cleverly fools Padmanabha Simha (Brahmanandam) with "Dream Machine" concept and uses him to collect information about Saadu Bhai. Meanwhile Saadu kidnaps police officer (Sayaji Shinde) and threatens to kill him, Baadshah comes to the location Kills Aadi, Saadu Bhai and Crazy Robert and marries Janaki.

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

A computer hacker breaks into the computer system of the Seabourn Legend cruise liner and sets it speeding on a collision course into a gigantic oil tanker.
Cast: Sandra Bullock, Jason Patric, Willem Dafoe #MoviePredictor #trailer #BestMovie

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

King Saul of the Israelites is visited in Jerusalem by the Prophet Samuel who foretells him that a war with The Philistines is inevitable and the shepherd David will become king.
Orson Welles - King Saul
Ivica Pajer - David
Eleonora Rossi Drago - Merab
Massimo Serato – Abner
TOP 10!
MOVIEHOLIC™ recommends: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=72DCF2FiwNY&list=PL_8EDYaWz7p5xzqyohm39zmmbVPsb8AiL (click and watch full length movies)

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

This funny light hearted entertainer revolves around the story of three men, Naren Ahuja (Ajay Devgn), who works in bank as a manager and is currently seeking divorce from his wife, Madhvi (Rituparna Sengupta), Abhay Suri (Emraan Hashmi) is a playboy and works as a gym trainer, and Milind Kelkar (Omi Vaidya) works in a matrimonial company and is in search for true love. Naren leaves his house and starts living in his parents' house. Abhay and Milind are thrown out of their rented apartments and both land up as paying guests for Naren. Hence, the three of them start living together. Naren has a crush on June Pinto (Shazahn Padamsee), who works as an intern in his bank, Milind starts loving a radio jockey, Gungun Sarkar (Shraddha Das), and Abhay falls for Anushka Narang (Tisca Chopra), an ex-Ms. India, who married a multi-millionaire and has interests in young men.......

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

A group of cops work undercover at a local high school.

Aryel Narvasa
7 Views · 4 years ago

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Kings of Horror presents: Ridge War Z

Three years have passed since the zombie war had been won but for the veterans who fought in that terrible conflict, their memories and pain won't let them forget. Now the only three surviving veterans of the most brutal battle of the entire war (Gory Ridge) return to recount their horrific experiences to an author who intends to write a book so that the world may better understand the sacrifice of the American infantryman during the great zombie war. It is a story of horror, honor, sacrifice, and brotherhood. This is war, scars and all.

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Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

Aadi Shakti I Aadi Shakti Hindi Full Movie
Label: T-Series
Director: Dadu
Singers: Papiha, Sanjay Shelly
Composer: Pt. Jwala Prasad
Lyricist: Praveen Dutta
Artists: Shalu, Tanushree, Avinash, Umesh (Prince), Pravin Kumar, Raza Murad
Watch Full Movie Aadi Shakti
Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/tseriesbhakti
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Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

A man falls in love with the surrogate who is carrying his child.
David Carradine - Mike Riordan
Pierre Dulat - Mathieu / Matt Riordan
Florence Guérin - Sylvia
Marina Anderson - Françoise Riordan
Karen Black - Mrs. Springle
James Handy - John Springle
TOP 10!
FilmTube™ recommends: https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLLY_ynX8paG
(click and watch full length movies)

#FullMovie #FilmTube #movie

Aryel Narvasa
8 Views · 4 years ago

In this 2007 romantic drama, the marriage of two very competitive artists is in danger. It all starts with a vivacious model who enters the life of the couple as the husband decides to paint her nude.

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It seems like the marriage was doomed already because things had been cold for a long time. However, with the coming of this new person, the three get to explore their desires and doubts regarding the relationship and as individuals. Passion and sexual awakening is explored in this movie with a new twist in the tale.

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Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

Polish crime / drama TV series portraying Warsaw police officers from Central Bureau of Investigations who got on the trail of counterfeit Euro banknotes which involves local gangsters and French crime syndicate.
Polski serial sensacyjny przedstawiający życie i pracę warszawskich policjantów. Tytułowym bohaterem jest podkomisarz Tomasz Kruszyński, członek Specjalnej Grupy Pościgowej Centralnego Biura Śledczego. Grupa przypadkowo wpada na trop transakcji wymiany fałszywych banknotów euro między francuskim syndykatem przestępczym a polską mafią.
Borys Szyc − podkomisarz Tomasz "Kruszon" Kruszyński
Paweł Małaszyński − Jacek "Grand" Wielgosz
Magdalena Różczka − jako komisarz Aldona Ginko
Andrzej Chyra − nadkomisarz Krzysztof Ryś
Marian Dziędziel − inspektor Joachim Kondeja
Maciej Wierzbicki − nadkomisarz Jaromir "Jarząbek" Lewandowski
Tamara Arciuch − nadkomisarz Stella Lewandowska
Karolina Gruszka − Malwina Wielgosz
Jacek Braciak − Jan "Perła" Perłowski
Marcin Sztabiński − Sławomir "Mamaj" Najman
Marta Ojrzyńska − Elwira Gołąb
Magdalena Cielecka − Rita Wielgosz
Krzysztof Globisz − Waldemar "Topor" Wiśniewski
Mateusz Damięcki − Patryk Wiśniewski
Robert Więckiewicz − Tadeusz "Cypa" Cypowicz
Eryk Lubos − Leszek "Juby" Januchta
Rafał Cieszyński − Sławomir "Zidane" Halec
Jan Pęczek − Zbigniew "Brodacz" Kruszyński
Wojciech Solarz − "Junior", przyrodni brat "Kruszona"
Jan Frycz − poseł RP Marek Ratyński (później wicepremier)
Leon Charewicz − Jerzy Bogdanowicz
Wojciech Zieliński − Dariusz "Dahomej" Leśniak
Jan Wieczorkowski − BOR-owik Ratyńskiego
Maciej Kozłowski − generał Michał Matejewski
Tomasz Dedek − generał policji
Piotr Miazga - aspirant Arkadiusz, funkcjonariusz AT
Marek Cichucki − pułkownik Wagner
Fabuła odcinka:
Kruszon wraz z Mamajem i jego dziewczyną dokonują serii napadów. Skok na bank okazał się nad wyraz pomyślny.
Copyright © Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone

Aryel Narvasa
25 Views · 4 years ago

영화의 자세한 정보를 보려면 아래의 웹주소를 방문하세요.
For detailed information on this film, visit :
(한국어) https://www.kmdb.or.kr/db/kor/detail/movie/K/01914
(English) https://www.kmdb.or.kr/eng/db/....kor/detail/movie/K/0

감독(Director) : 박종호(Park Jong-Ho)
출연 : 남진,문희,남궁원,전계현,한은진,김신재

줄거리 : 미술학도인 미지(문희)는 차사고로 척추를 다쳐 성불구가 된 약혼자 성민(남진)과 함께 병원을 찾는다. 병원에서 미지는 아내(전계현)의 진찰을 위해 그곳을 찾은 허선생(남궁원)을 만난다. 미지와 허선생은 한 마디 말도 주고받지 않았지만 서로에게 깊이 끌린다. 우연히 재회한 두 사람은 술을 마시고 함께 호텔방으로 가 진한 정사를 나눈다. 성민과의 성관계가 불가능해진 미지는 가끔 허선생을 만나 사랑을 나눈다. 두 사람의 관계를 눈치 챈 허선생의 아내는 미지를 만나 그와 헤어질 것을 요구한다. 그러나 미지는 허선생을 좋아하지만 사랑하지는 않는다며, 부부의 문제는 두 사람이 알아서 해결하라고 당당하게 밝힌다. 한편으로 미지는 성민에 대한 의무감과 죄책감 때문에 괴로워하고 성민은 질투심에 불탄다. 미지는 성민과 결혼하겠다고 밝혀 성민을 기쁘게 하지만, 곧 파혼을 선언한다. 허선생과 성민 사이에서 갈등하던 미지는 두 사람과 다 헤어지고 혼자 떠난다. (영화)

Casts : Moon Hee, NamGung Won, Nam Jin

SYNOPSIS : Hee and Jin is a couple in love, but Hee has discontent about her husband that she cannot figure out the reason. Hee, who rarely goes out of the house, doesn't know what is wrong with her marriage, until one day she meets a gentleman named Gung-won, and develops romantic feeling for him. She finally learns what had gone wrong in her marriage, but soon returns to Jin.

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

SD movie clip
hot scenes

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Tatsuro is a sullen teenager who works out of a hustler bar and is open to taking the kinkiest of requests. Shin, while not as good at turning tricks, likes to hang around Tatsuro to pick up pointers, developing a true love for his friend.

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Aryel Narvasa
8 Views · 4 years ago

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Aryel Narvasa
7 Views · 4 years ago

Watch the full Korean drama 'My Unfortunate Boyfriend' on our app: http://bit.ly/acAPP
Stream on the web: https://bit.ly/2BEsLPc

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About 'My Unfortunate Boyfriend' 나의 유감스러운 남자친구
She’s ruthless intern with a nasty Machiavellian streak–willing to lie, cheat, and steal to succeed. He’s hopelessly naive and honest to a fault–a walking disaster. But opposites attract…

An unbelievable but honest love story between a girl who does not mind lying whenever necessary and a guy who has to tell only the truth all the time.

Nam Gi-hoon (남기훈)

No Min-woo (노민우)
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My Unfortunate Boyfriend 나의 유감스러운 남자친구 | AsianCrush

Aryel Narvasa
7 Views · 4 years ago

When two outsiders arrive at an isolated commune, seventeen-year old Anahita begins questioning her reality and what a future in the world would be like. Spiral Farm explores betrayal, passion, sensuality, our sense of family and how each of us struggles to find our place in the world whether that is in a closed environment or the world at large.

Aryel Narvasa
10 Views · 4 years ago

Welcome to BST7 ENTERTAINMENT Official YouTube Channel!

▶ BST7 Official YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/BST7....ENTERTAINMENTOfficia
▶ BST7 Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/BST7Official

Genius profiler Lee Hyun (Seo In-guk), returns home to Korea after something from a case he's been sent triggers a memory he thought he'd lost forever. Unbeknownst to him, one of his team members, Detective Cha Ji-an (Jang Na-ra), has been investigating him for some time. She is aware that his father was murdered and his brother disappeared under mysterious circumstances involving a criminal named Lee Joon Young (Do Kyungsoo) -- whom they both want found and incarcerated. Each seeks to unravel the other, unaware that they've been drawn into a dangerous game of cat and mouse by a master player and that both truth and evil are closer and far more twisted than they think.

➡ Stream on the web: https://www.viki.com/tv/26840c....-i-remember-you?loca

▶ KBS World Official YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/kbsworld

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

Stream the full drama 'Sweet Revenge' (aka Revenge Note) on our app: http://bit.ly/acAPP
Stream on the web: http://bit.ly/2EN8VA4
Watch on Amazon PrimeVideo: https://amzn.to/2KoXUJ2

SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/ytasncrsh

About 'Sweet Revenge' aka 'Revenge Note'
In this Korean rom-com drama with breakout stars Kim Hyang-gi, Cha Eunwoo of ASTRO, and Park Solomon, a high school girl discovers a mobile app that exacts revenge on whoever the user targets.

Kim Hyang-gi
Park Solomon
Cha Eun-woo
Kim Hwan-hee

About AsianCrush:
AsianCrush is the leading streaming service dedicated to Asian entertainment in North America, with over 1000 premium movies and TV shows from the leading entertainment producers in Asia. Users can watch as much as they want, anytime, anywhere, on all major internet-connected screens with no cost involved. Premium subscribers can access exclusive content and stream without commercials.

Connect with AsianCrush
Visit AsianCrush WEBSITE: http://bit.ly/asncrush
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Follow AsianCrush on INSTAGRAM: http://bit.ly/asnIG
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Sweet Revenge (aka Revenge Note) | AsianCrush

#SweetRevenge #PrimeVideo

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

See Little Pim and friends waking up, going to bed, and find out what they're all smiling about. Children will learn more than 60 words and phrases for their morning and night time routines. Little Pim is a fun, award-winning series designed to introduce foreign languages to toddlers and preschoolers. Get Up and Go features Little Pim, a lovable, animated panda who teaches Korean to children through a combination of animation, and live action of real kids doing everyday activities.

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

Oh My Ghost New Korean Drama w/ Park Bo Young & Jo Jeong Suk!!!
DAILY VIDEOS http://youtube.com/hallyuback
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Aryel Narvasa
50 Views · 4 years ago

the Joseon predecessor to the DENNIS system
Stream Full Movie “Untold Scandal” on AsianCrush: http://bit.ly/2VvB6N6
Download our APP: http://bit.ly/AC-Apps

SUBSCRIBE to our channel: http://bit.ly/ytasncrsh

About 'Untold Scandal' 스캔들 - 조선남녀상열지사)
The Korean interpretation of ‘Cruel Intentions’ based on the French ‘Les Liaisons Dangereuse’ (Dangerous Liaisons) - set in the Joseon Dynasty, of course!

Lady Cho is a brilliant woman who mastered the classics on her own, and she resents the limited life she must lead as a woman. A devoted wife on the surface, she secretly entertains herself with sexual conquests.

On the other hand, her younger cousin Jo-won indulges in the pleasures of the flesh with as many women as he can seduce. Lady Cho was his first love, and they become co-conspirators in a high-stakes game of love and intrigue while hiding their true feelings for each other.

Bae Yong-joon(배용준)
Lee Mi-sook (이미숙)
Jeon Do-yeon (전도연)
Jo Hyun-jae (조현재)
Lee So-yeon (이소연)
Jeon Yang-ja (전양자)

Lee Jae-yong (이재용)

About AsianCrush:
AsianCrush is the leading streaming service dedicated to Asian entertainment in North America, with over 1000 premium movies and TV shows from the leading entertainment producers in Asia. Users can watch as much as they want, anytime, anywhere, on all major internet-connected screens with no cost involved. Premium subscribers can access exclusive content and stream without commercials.

Connect with AsianCrush
Visit AsianCrush WEBSITE: http://bit.ly/asncrush
Like AsianCrush on FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/asnFB
Follow AsianCrush on INSTAGRAM: http://bit.ly/asnIG
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Untold Scandal 스캔들 - 조선남녀상열지사 | AsianCrush

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Welcome to BST7 ENTERTAINMENT Official YouTube Channel!

▶ BST7 Official YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/BST7....ENTERTAINMENTOfficia
▶ BST7 Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/BST7Official

This series tells the story about Tae Joo, the 18-year-old only successor to the TB Group. He is blessed with a wealthy family, good looks, and no troubles to worry for often described as a handsome guy in the spotlight. His 18-year-old bodyguard, Gook, has been trained in all different types of martial arts and is physically trained to have a strong body. He is also very thoughtful, and Tae Joo is his only friend, while Gook is the only person Tae Joo feels as though he can trust, and feels relieved around him.

➡ Stream on the web: https://www.viki.com/tv/37111c....-where-your-eyes-lin

▶ Rakuten TV Official YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channe....l/UCPOn94im-2KxOcZW6

#LGBT #BL #Gay #Bromance #Romance #Korea

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

The story of the final Emperor of China.
Cast: John Lone, Joan Chen, Peter O'Toole #MoviePredictor #trailer #BestMovie

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

The Little Bear, cartoon for children | Have you the skill to get yourself out of any bind, the ability to come up with the most unexpected solutions? Well, this clever little bear certainly has the knack of it! This fellow can put together an alarm from scratch and even perform a circus routine in which he remains suspended in mid air through the use of magnets… Basically, this little fellow is what one would call a regular MacGyver! His only weak spot (if he has any at all!) is a friendly little female-bear with whom he is madly in love…

📌 SUBSCRIBE OUR CHANNEL http://www.youtube.com/channel..../UCk5bIh544LgQ2_ecTQ
🎬 SIMBA THE KING LION https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLiNS6whSC7L
🎬 ROBIN HOOD https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLiNS6whSC7L
🎬 JUNGLE BOOK https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLiNS6whSC7L
🎬 DINOFROZ https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLiNS6whSC7L
🎬 DINOFROZ 2: Dragons' Revenge https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLiNS6whSC7L
🎬 BUGS' ADVENTURES https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLiNS6whSC7L
🎬 POCAHONTAS https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLiNS6whSC7L
🎬 GREAT BOOK OF NATURE https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLiNS6whSC7L
🎬 THE LEGEND OF ZORRO https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLiNS6whSC7L
🎬 LITTLE BEAR https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLiNS6whSC7L
🎬 CINDERELLA https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLiNS6whSC7L

#KidflixEN #English #Kidflix

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

Investors, leave Korea. Right now.' Shi-hyeon (Hye-soo Kim), the monetary policy manager at the Bank of Korea, predicts a massive national financial crisis and reports it to the Director. The Director doesn’t schedule an emergency summit until 10 days later but does it without notifying the public of the situation. Shi-hyeon urges for the crisis to be announced in order to warn people of the looming disaster, but her plea is ignored. The summit is held behind closed doors. Jeong-hak (Ah-in Yoo), a financial consultant, notices Korea is suddenly hemorrhaging foreign funds, and he learns the reason is that international finance firms have ordered an all-out investment withdrawal from the country, which has caused the credit rating to plummet. He hands in his resignation and decides to play the odds on what he’s sure is a coming crisis. He secretly starts gathering investors willing to do the same. Gap-su (Joon-ho Huh), a family man who runs a small tableware factory, has a big break and wins a contract with a department store. The fact that the price settlement terms equal to little more than a promissory note concern him only briefly, and oblivious to the looming financial upheaval, Gap-su signs the contract. The Managing Director of IMF (Vincent Cassel) comes to Korea just one week before the country goes bust, and that is when those who try to prevent the crisis, those who seek to take advantage of it, and those only trying to protect their livelihood are caught in the wake of national bankruptcy.

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Yaad Piya Ki Aane Lagi ❤ Korean mix hindi song ❤ Chinese mix ❤ Çin klip

Drama name :

#KM_KoriMix #koreklip #çinklip #thaiklip

Don't forget to share and like it👍..

And also subscribe my channel😊




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Aryel Narvasa
7 Views · 4 years ago

The Little Bear, cartoon for children | Have you the skill to get yourself out of any bind, the ability to come up with the most unexpected solutions? Well, this clever little bear certainly has the knack of it! This fellow can put together an alarm from scratch and even perform a circus routine in which he remains suspended in mid air through the use of magnets… Basically, this little fellow is what one would call a regular MacGyver! His only weak spot (if he has any at all!) is a friendly little female-bear with whom he is madly in love…

📌 SUBSCRIBE OUR CHANNEL http://www.youtube.com/channel..../UCk5bIh544LgQ2_ecTQ
🎬 SIMBA THE KING LION https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLiNS6whSC7L
🎬 ROBIN HOOD https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLiNS6whSC7L
🎬 JUNGLE BOOK https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLiNS6whSC7L
🎬 DINOFROZ https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLiNS6whSC7L
🎬 DINOFROZ 2: Dragons' Revenge https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLiNS6whSC7L
🎬 BUGS' ADVENTURES https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLiNS6whSC7L
🎬 POCAHONTAS https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLiNS6whSC7L
🎬 GREAT BOOK OF NATURE https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLiNS6whSC7L
🎬 THE LEGEND OF ZORRO https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLiNS6whSC7L
🎬 LITTLE BEAR https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLiNS6whSC7L
🎬 CINDERELLA https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLiNS6whSC7L

#KidflixEN #English #Kidflix

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

(tw: attempted r*pe)
Stream the full movie 'Virgin Theory' on our app: http://bit.ly/acAPP
Stream on the web: http://bit.ly/2gd3QFp

SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/ytasncrsh

About 'Virgin Theory' 한번도 안해본 여자
A 33-year-old virgin, struggling for love in search for Mr. Right, gets the quick lesson about the birds and the bees from her artist friend, who specializes in life drawings.

Hwang Woo Seul-hye,
Kim Sa-hee
Kim Jin-woo
Kim Jong-seok

Ahn Cheol-ho

About AsianCrush:
AsianCrush is the leading streaming service dedicated to Asian entertainment in North America, with over 1000 premium movies and TV shows from the leading entertainment producers in Asia. Users can watch as much as they want, anytime, anywhere, on all major internet-connected screens with no cost involved. Premium subscribers can access exclusive content and stream without commercials.

Connect with AsianCrush
Visit AsianCrush WEBSITE: http://bit.ly/asncrush
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Follow AsianCrush on PINTEREST: http://bit.ly/asnPINT

Virgin Theory 한번도 안해본 여자 | AsianCrush

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

See the fun ways young children play together and learn more than 60 words and phrases with Little Pim. Explore the wonders of play, from blocks to boats, from tea parties to dress up. Little Pim is a fun, award-winning series designed to introduce foreign languages to toddlers and preschoolers. Let's Play features Little Pim, a lovable, animated panda who teaches Korean to children through a combination of animation, and live action of real kids doing everyday activities.

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

Watch the full episode on: http://bit.ly/2BSOfVm

W 더블유 - EP 3 | Han Hyo Joo Flashes Lee Jong Suk

Oh Yeon Joo (Han Hyo Joo) is stuck in the comic world, but wants to get back to the real world. She was able to return previously by kissing Kang Chul (Lee Jong Suk), so is now looking for a way to shock or surprise him.


2016 Korean Drama 'W' Summary

Is it possible live in the same place at the same time but in a completely different dimension? Oh Yeon Joo (Han Hye Joo) is a second-year cardiothoracic resident doctor. Her father, a famous comic book creator, suddenly disappears one day and then Yeon Joo herself is kidnapped by a strange man covered in blood and taken to a different dimension. Kang Chul (Lee Jong Suk) is a former Olympic gold medalist in shooting and self-made millionaire. How will his world intertwine with Yeon Joo’s other-dimension universe? Is Kang Chul the only person who can help Yeon Joo escape from a parallel universe? “W” is a 2016 South Korean drama series directed by Jung Dae Yoon.


Follow us on-

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

Watch the full Korean drama 'My Unfortunate Boyfriend' on our app: http://bit.ly/acAPP
Stream on the web: https://bit.ly/2BEsLPc

SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/ytasncrsh

About 'My Unfortunate Boyfriend' 나의 유감스러운 남자친구
She’s ruthless intern with a nasty Machiavellian streak–willing to lie, cheat, and steal to succeed. He’s hopelessly naive and honest to a fault–a walking disaster. But opposites attract…

An unbelievable but honest love story between a girl who does not mind lying whenever necessary and a guy who has to tell only the truth all the time.

Nam Gi-hoon (남기훈)

No Min-woo (노민우)
Yang Jin-sung (양진성),
Jung Yoon-hak (정윤학)
Han Tae-rin (한태린)

About AsianCrush:
AsianCrush is the leading streaming service dedicated to Asian entertainment in North America, with over 1000 premium movies and TV shows from the leading entertainment producers in Asia. Users can watch as much as they want, anytime, anywhere, on all major internet-connected screens with no cost involved. Premium subscribers can access exclusive content and stream without commercials.

Connect with AsianCrush
Visit AsianCrush WEBSITE: http://bit.ly/asncrush
Like AsianCrush on FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/asnFB
Follow AsianCrush on INSTAGRAM: http://bit.ly/asnIG
Follow AsianCrush on PINTEREST: http://bit.ly/asnPINT

My Unfortunate Boyfriend 나의 유감스러운 남자친구 | AsianCrush

Aryel Narvasa
7 Views · 4 years ago

my knight in farting armor
Stream the full drama 'Sweet Revenge 1' (aka Revenge Note 1) on our app: http://bit.ly/acAPP
Stream on the web: http://bit.ly/2EN8VA4
Watch on Amazon PrimeVideo: https://amzn.to/2KoXUJ2

SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/ytasncrsh

About 'Sweet Revenge' aka 'Revenge Note'
In this Korean rom-com drama with breakout stars Kim Hyang-gi, Cha Eunwoo of ASTRO, and Park Solomon, a high school girl discovers a mobile app that exacts revenge on whoever the user targets.

Kim Hyang-gi
Park Solomon
Cha Eun-woo
Kim Hwan-hee

About AsianCrush:
AsianCrush is the leading streaming service dedicated to Asian entertainment in North America, with over 1000 premium movies and TV shows from the leading entertainment producers in Asia. Users can watch as much as they want, anytime, anywhere, on all major internet-connected screens with no cost involved. Premium subscribers can access exclusive content and stream without commercials.

Connect with AsianCrush
Visit AsianCrush WEBSITE: http://bit.ly/asncrush
Like AsianCrush on FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/asnFB
Follow AsianCrush on INSTAGRAM: http://bit.ly/asnIG
Follow AsianCrush on PINTEREST: http://bit.ly/asnPINT

Sweet Revenge (aka Revenge Note) | AsianCrush

Aryel Narvasa
25 Views · 4 years ago

Goblin. Episode 1-1, Study Korean, Korean drama, English subtitles, Korean subtitles, Korean language
도깨비. 에피소드 1-1, 한국어 공부, 한국 드라마, 영어 자막, 한글 자막, 한국어

Your support helps to make a better video.

It's a way to follow a shadow as you listen to it, and to follow the pronunciation, the accent, and even the gesture that the native speaker says.
It's impossible to listen to a sentence once and follow it right away. But if it's too long, you can cut it off. If you can't hear it, just try following it.
It may not be easy at first, but if you practice a certain time every day, you will definitely have a different Korean skill in 6 months to a year.
I hope you will improve your Korean. Thank you.

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

The Little Bear, cartoon for children | Have you the skill to get yourself out of any bind, the ability to come up with the most unexpected solutions? Well, this clever little bear certainly has the knack of it! This fellow can put together an alarm from scratch and even perform a circus routine in which he remains suspended in mid air through the use of magnets… Basically, this little fellow is what one would call a regular MacGyver! His only weak spot (if he has any at all!) is a friendly little female-bear with whom he is madly in love…

📌 SUBSCRIBE OUR CHANNEL http://www.youtube.com/channel..../UCk5bIh544LgQ2_ecTQ
🎬 SIMBA THE KING LION https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLiNS6whSC7L
🎬 ROBIN HOOD https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLiNS6whSC7L
🎬 JUNGLE BOOK https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLiNS6whSC7L
🎬 DINOFROZ https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLiNS6whSC7L
🎬 DINOFROZ 2: Dragons' Revenge https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLiNS6whSC7L
🎬 BUGS' ADVENTURES https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLiNS6whSC7L
🎬 POCAHONTAS https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLiNS6whSC7L
🎬 GREAT BOOK OF NATURE https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLiNS6whSC7L
🎬 THE LEGEND OF ZORRO https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLiNS6whSC7L
🎬 LITTLE BEAR https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLiNS6whSC7L
🎬 CINDERELLA https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLiNS6whSC7L

#KidflixEN #English #Kidflix

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

Set during the Goryeo Dynasty, Kim In Joon (Kim Joo Hyuk), a former slave, becomes the most powerful man in the country. He ruled the country for approximately 60 years instead of the emperor.

Also known as : Military Official / God of War

Cast : Kim Joo Hyuk, Kim Kyu Ri, Jung Bo Suk, Park Sang Min, Hong Ah Reum, Joo Hyun

Director : Kim Jin Min

Writer : Lee Hwan Kyung

Genre : Drama, Historical

Episode : 50

Air Time : Sat, Sun 20:40

Release Date : February 11, 2012

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Jang Yeong-sil New Korean Drama 2016 Trailer

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

i donot own anytthing. ; ) enjoy.

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago


my title says it all LOL I loved this drama and this couple a lot 😊❤️

BUT THIS WAS THE MOST LAZIEST MV EVER lol. As you can tell I did like no transitions or effects 😂 I slapped on a light leak and that was it. Also there’s a lot of glitches... but idc.

anyways my yt channel has been dead for awhile now so follow me on INSTAGRAM if ya want if not it’s okay too lol.

ig: missshiannedits
cc: morekdramaedits

Aryel Narvasa
8 Views · 4 years ago

Top 5 akward Sexy Scene dari Drama Korea versi Oscha Content.

Aryel Narvasa
7 Views · 4 years ago

More free russian movies with english subtitle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88b1hJVZonM&list=PLwGzY25TNHPDvMR94Tj8lP4cmf6AGURaT
One more year is likely to appear in the traditional Eastern horoscope- the Year of the Golden Fish. The film's protagonist, a singing red-haired beauty, Lada Rybka [Fish], had decided to fulfil at least three cherished wishes, written on a piece of paper.

Type: film
Genre: melodrama
Year of production: 2007
Directed by: Andrey Krasavin
Written by: Elena Tsventukh
Director of photography: Sergey Ryabets
Music by: Mikhail Alekseev
Producers: Artem Dollezhal, Aleksey Terentiev, Vlad Ryashin
Cast: Irina Griniova, Elena Ksenofontova, Elena Panova, Evgenia Dmitrieva, Vasiliy Schipitsin, Dmitiry Ul'yanov, Elena Koreneva, Aleksey Vernitskiy

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Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

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Kings of Horror presents: Zombie Apocalypse: Redemption

At the end of civilization, zombies greatly outnumber people, and every day is a fight to see tomorrow. Rugged wanderer John Knox is saved by a ragtag group of survivors and acquaints himself with this new family. A war party of maniacal raiders assaults the camp, and they kidnap Sarah– Knox’s love interest. Knox and the few who escaped the attack join up with the zombies and launch an all-or-nothing rescue mission on the raiders’ home fortress.

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Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

Drama: Descendants of the Sun (working & literal title)
Revised romanization: Taeyangui Hooye
Hangul: 태양의 후예
Director: Lee Eung-Bok
Writer: Kim Eun-Sook, Kim Won-Suk
Network: KBS2
Release Date: Late 2015 --
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea

Song Joong-Ki - Yoo Shi-Jin
Song Hye-Kyo - Kang Mo-Yeon
Jin Goo - Seo Dae-Young
Kim Ji-Won - Yoon Myeong-Joo

A love story between Captain Yoo Shi-Jin, who belongs to the UN peacekeeping troops, and Doctor Kang Mo-Yeon. Due to the UN’s request, they are stationed in the capital of another the country.

Aryel Narvasa
7 Views · 4 years ago

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Yu Sang starts to learn to dance for the interview, but he can't hide his feelings from Jun Han.

➡ Stream on the web: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/step

▶ MATCHBOX Official YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channe....l/UCjuKaL92LuUCpmaPf

#LGBT #BL #Gay #Bromance #Romance #Korea

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

With seductive hand gestures, Jung Yoo Mi imitates a rabbit hopping slowly and subtlety touches Lee Jin Wook's hand. They go to a hotel and kiss furiously and go to bed. But it was all one of the scenes in the scenario that Scenario Writer Lee Jin Wook gave to Music Director Jung Yoo Mi.
#INeedRomance2 #KoreanDrama #Kdrama l KoreanEntertainment

♥ Synopsis ♥

✨ I Need Romance 2

Joo Yeol-mae (Jung Yoo Mi) was in a 12 year on-and-off relationship with her boyfriend Yoon Seok-hyun (Lee Jin Wook), before they broke up for the fifth time 3 years ago. This is mainly because Seok-hyun keeps her at arm's length and does not want to get married. However, even after they break up, Yeol-mae and Seok-hyun remain friends and are present in each other's lives. Enter Shin Ji-hoon (Kim Ji Seok), an alluring new love interest who shakes up Yeol-mae's world and lands her in a love triangle. Torn between two men, can Yeol-mae find true romance, or will she lose it all?

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Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

Filmowa adaptacja opowiadań o Wiedźminie Andrzeja Sapkowskiego. Geralt z Rivii, jak wszyscy wiedźmini, żyje z zabijania potworów na zlecenie. Jednak to życie, proste niczym klingi dwóch noszonych przez niego mieczy, zmienia się, gdy przez przypadek ratuje życie władczyni Cintry - Calanthe i jej obdarzonej magicznymi zdolnościami córce Pavetcie. Od tej pory już zawsze będzie żył w cieniu słynnego Prawa Niespodzianki - „czegoś, czego dana osoba nie spodziewa się zastać w domu po powrocie”.
Michał Żebrowski – Geralt z Rivii, Wiedźmin
Maciej Łagodziński – młody Geralt
Zbigniew Zamachowski – Jaskier
Grażyna Wolszczak – Yennefer
Ewa Wiśniewska – Królowa Calanthe
Jerzy Nowak – Vesemir
Kinga Ilgner – Renfri
Andrzej Chyra – Borch Trzy Kawki
Karolina Gruszka – Morenn
Anna Dymna – Nenneke
Maciej Kozłowski – Falvick
Agata Buzek – Pavetta
Agnieszka Sitek – Adela
Marta Bitner – Ciri
Maria Peszek – Iola
Dorota Kamińska – Eithne
Rafał Królikowski – Niedamir
Jacek Kadłubowski – Osbert
Andrzej Slabiak – Ostrit
Lech Dyblik – Kozłolud
Daniel Olbrychski – Filavandrel, król elfów
Mirosław Zbrojewicz – Sorel (Asser)
Wojciech Duryasz – Stary wiedźmin
Magdalena Warzecha – Visenna
Rafał Mohr – Tailles
Bronisław Wrocławski – Czarodziej Istredd
Olgierd Łukaszewicz – Czarodziej Stregobor
Marek Walczewski – Eyck z Densle
Marian Glinka – Rębacz Boholt
Kamila Salwerowicz – Kapłanka
Andrzej Szenajch – Druid
Wojciech Billip – łaziebny
Dariusz Biskupski – Cykada
Waldemar Kotas – karczmarz z Erlenwaldu
Karol Stępkowski − szambelan na zamku w Cintrze
Zdzisław Szymborski – medyk
Dariusz Siastacz – Bard Drogodar na uczcie w Cintrze
Tomasz Zaliwski – wójt z Blaviken
Janusz Chabior – Zbir
Jerzy Schejbal – Vissegerd
Jarosław Boberek – Yarpen Zigrin
Mariusz Krzemiński – posłaniec

"Wiedźmin" otrzymał również kilka nagród i wyróżnień za sprawą nominacji do popularnych Orłów, czyli Polskich Nagród Filmowych

2002 – Grzegorz Ciechowski, najlepsza muzyka filmowa
2002 – Anna Dymna (nominacja), najlepsza główna rola kobieca
2002 – (nominacja) najlepszy montaż
2002 – Małgorzata Stefaniak (nominacja), najlepsza muzyka
2001 – Michał Żebrowski (nominacja), najlepsza główna rola męska

Copyright © Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Romantic love story korean drama | Korean mix hindi songs 2019 latest
#korean mix
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Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

"Discover #OkTaekYeon, who transformed from top idol singer to now a recognized actor. From a teen who falls in love with a ghost to a daredevil police officer, his role spectrum is broad as ocean!

Which character is your favorite? Hard to decide, no? If you want to see more of dramas he is in, subscribe to our channel!

♥ Synopsis ♥

✨ Bring It On, Ghost
Park Bong-pal has grown up with the ability to see ghosts. He uses his power to work as an exorcist, banishing ghosts in order to make enough money to undergo a procedure that will take his ability away. At a haunted high school, he encounters Kim Hyun-ji, a feisty high school student who, because of a traffic accident, became a wandering spirit. Hyun-ji believes that Bong-pal might hold the secret as to why she is a spirit. In order to be freed from endlessly wandering the earth and be able to ascend to the next life, Hyun-ji convinces Bong-pal to let her move in, and the two become ghost fighting partners. With Hyun-ji, Bong-pal finds that he can fight even stronger ghosts, but also learns that not all ghosts are malevolent. Working and living together, Bong-pal, a long time loner, finds himself falling in love with Hyun-ji, who returns his feelings. However, both are unaware that they are being stalked by an evil spirit that was the cause of Hyun-ji's accident, and is the reason Bong-pal can see ghosts.

✨ Who Are You?
Detective Yang Shi-ohn wakes up from a six-year coma. She gets reassigned to the lost and found department, where she discovers that she's gained the supernatural ability to see ghosts connected to the objects left behind there. Along with her new partner, rookie cop Cha Gun-woo who's a hotheaded skeptic, Shi-ohn uses the information to solve cold cases. Gun-woo only believes in tangible things he can see, hear and touch, but he gradually comes to trust Shi-ohn, and together, the bickering partners help the spirits fulfill their dying wishes and unfinished business before passing on to the afterlife.One of the ghosts watching over Shi-ohn is her ex-boyfriend Lee Hyung-joon, another detective who died that night six years ago when Shi-ohn received the serious head injury that nearly killed her and left her comatose. They were working on a big case together, but Shi-ohn has no memory of what happened that fateful night.

Did you know? CJ ENM is the biggest entertainment company in South Korea. Currently exporting content to different countries of Asia and America.
Kdramas produced by CJ ENM hold 21 places out of 27 in the ranking for best cable television kdramas.
Enjoy more content from CJ ENM! https://watch.cjenm.com/

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

Dazzling - Korean Drama - Teaser Kim Hye-ja Version, more information : https://www.hancinema.net/kore....an_drama_Dazzling.ph


12 episodes - Mon, Tue


A fantasy romance drama about a woman who loses all her time before she can use it up and a man who gives up all of his radiant moments and lives a lethargic life.


Kim Hye-ja (https://www.hancinema.net/korean_Kim_Hye-ja.php)
Han Ji-min (https://www.hancinema.net/korean_Han_Ji-min.php)
Nam Joo-hyuk (https://www.hancinema.net/korean_Nam_Joo-hyuk.php)
Son Ho-jun (https://www.hancinema.net/korean_Son_Ho-jun.php)

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

#korean #romantic #galkarke

When a hard guy falls in love with cute girl💗💖💖 Korean mix clip 2020💖

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Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

ooooh yeah he's getting it in...or IS HE
Watch full movie 'Two Weddings and a Funeral'' on our app: http://bit.ly/AC-Apps
Or stream it on our website: http://bit.ly/2E3VkmZ

SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/ytasncrsh

About 'Two Weddings and a Funeral'
To keep their sexual orientation a secret, a gay man and a lesbian woman get married. Now they have to juggle their identities to fool parents and co-workers, all while trying to find real love.

Jung Ae-yeon
Kim Dong-yoon
Ryu Hyun-kyung
Song Yong-jin

Kim Jho Kwang-soo

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AsianCrush is the leading streaming service dedicated to Asian entertainment in North America, with over 1000 premium movies and TV shows from the leading entertainment producers in Asia. Users can watch as much as they want, anytime, anywhere, on all major internet-connected screens with no cost involved. Premium subscribers can access exclusive content and stream without commercials.

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Two Weddings and a Funeral | AsianCrush

#gaylovestory #lgbtkorea

Aryel Narvasa
7 Views · 4 years ago

More free russian movies with english subtitle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88b1hJVZonM&list=PLwGzY25TNHPDvMR94Tj8lP4cmf6AGURaT
When Ania and Vlad married they were impoverished students living in Moscow, surviving on love alone. Now five years on, they both have prestigious jobs and live in a nice flat. Although Vlad gives Ania expensive gifts and treats her to exotic holidays, she believes that their feelings towards each other have died, and so she leaves for Kiev on the pretence of a business trip but actually to put some distance between them while sorting out her feelings. Ania finds Kiev in May a romantic city - with dazzling spring colours, blooming chestnut trees, the intoxicating smell of lilac, cobbled streets offering romantic walks and a handsome young photographer whom she keeps bumping into. They become acquainted and soon find they have a lot in common. Ania fancies herself in love but when her husband comes to visit her in Kiev, Ania has to decide whether to plunge into a new romance or try to find new depths in her old relationship.

Type: film
Genre: melodrama
Year of production: 2013
Duration: 90 minutes
Directed by: Maksim Mekheda
Written by: Aliona Semenova
Production designer: Aleksandr Zaslavskiy
Director of photography: Svyatoslav Bulakovskiy
Music by: Vladimir Kripak
Producers: Larisa Zhuravska, Vlad Ryashin
Cast: Yulia Mavrina, Eldar Lebedev, Ivan Bezborodov, Lyubava Greshnova, Peter Krylov

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The best Russian movies and tv series, melodrama, war movies, military tv shows, new russian films, top documentary films and full movies with english subtitle.

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Enjoy Watching!


Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Watch 36 Vayadinile (How Old Are You) Latest Super Hit Tamil Full Length Film HD 1080P

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Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

Upcoming Korean Drama's August 2019

All of these Dramas are starting in August don't forget to watch them

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

This romantic comedy deals with "pretty boys," who with good looks and individuality, operate a ramen shop with lively college girls and experience the happenings of daily life.

Cast : Jung Il Woo, Lee Chung Ah

Genre : Romantic, Comedy

Episode : -

Air Time : Mon, Tue 23:00

First Broadcast Date : October 31, 2011

Aryel Narvasa
7 Views · 4 years ago

Welcome to BST7 ENTERTAINMENT Official YouTube Channel!

▶ BST7 Official YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/BST7....ENTERTAINMENTOfficia
▶ BST7 Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/BST7Official

Hi! School: Love On is a teen fantasy romance series about an angel who has no choice but to become a human after unintentionally saving a male student in danger. The now-mortal angel then interacts with teenage high school students and learns about love, friendship, and what it means to be human.

➡ Stream on the web (Eng Sub): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-nFHwvSOBg&list=PLMvQlg2yi87HqOuBPA5q8zPj4jt9QjFA
➡ Stream on the web (All The Languages): https://www.viki.com/tv/23987c-hi-school-love-on

▶ KOCOWA TV Official YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channe....l/UCAqlxq4Bs9PjI86M9
▶ KBS World Official YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channe....l/UC5BMQOsAB8hKUyHu9

#LGBT #BL #Gay #Bromance #Romance #Korea

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

The Ghost Detective - Korean Drama - Teaser 2, more information : https://www.hancinema.net/kore....an_drama_The_Ghost_D


32 episodes - Wed, Thurs 22:00
Also known as "Today's Detective"


A private detective and his assistant dig into the truth behind the death of her younger sibling.


Choi Daniel (https://www.hancinema.net/korean_Choi_Daniel.php)
Park Eun-bin (https://www.hancinema.net/korean_Park_Eun-bin.php)
Lee Ji-ah (https://www.hancinema.net/korean_Lee_Ji-ah.php)
Lee Joo-young (https://www.hancinema.net/kore....an_Lee_Joo-young.php

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Korean drama is here!
Please subscribe to my channel.

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

Collection of wallpapers and animations from Korean drama My Girl

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

Welcome to BST7 ENTERTAINMENT Official YouTube Channel!

▶ BST7 Official YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/BST7....ENTERTAINMENTOfficia
▶ BST7 Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/BST7Official

▶ 1theK (원더케이) Official YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channe....l/UCweOkPb1wVVH0Q0Tl
▶ NadaoBangkok Official Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channe....l/UCO6elyslkZxEgnVNq
▶ MBCdrama Official YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channe....l/UC7lb15P-Hux7A5gBu

0:00 - 1:17 This Drama is "Top Management"
1:18 - 1:42 This Drama is "Sanctuary"
1:43 - 2:14 This Drama is "Love With Flaws"
2:14 - 3:30 This Drama is "Long time no see"

#KPOP #IDOL #LGBT #BL #Gay #Bromance #Romance #Korea

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

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There's a WHOLE bunch of things going on in the very first episode of this Korean drama that make it really attractive to keep watching! Now if only I was a few years younger.. and I really want the blue scooter! LOL ^^

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Send letters to:
Hwasung P.O. Box 19
Hallyu Back

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Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

A drama that draws the love of Ki Woon Chan, a high school-graduate struggling to find a job and Na Moo Goong Hwa, the only daughter of an amazingly rich family and the conflicts and reconciliation of their families.

Cast : Suh Joon Young, Han Hye Rin, Park Jung Ah, Seo Do Young, Ryu Seung Soo, Moon Jung Hee

Genre : Drama

Episode :

Air Time : Mon~Fri 20:25

First Broadcast Date : November 7, 2011

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Click here to watch great FREE Movies & TV: http://filmrise.com

When stranded American soldiers take a high-ranking German officer as their prisoner during WWII, an elaborate, tense and adrenaline-fueled escape ensues. An action-packed thriller that will keep audiences on the edge of their seats.

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Upcoming Korean Drama on November 2018

#November is coming and this is the #List of #Kdrama for next month

♥ Down The Street Blues - Unicorn Heads
♥ The Closing Of Summer - Asher Fulero

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

ช่อง BTS. คลิ๊กเลย

#kiss #kiss scene #ฉากจูบ

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

Booba animated cartoon series compilation. Watch all episodes in a row. Booba is a funny creature who likes to discover a modern world. Subscribe and never miss the new episodes ▶ http://boobatv.com/

📺 Booba is also available on Amazon Prime! ► http://boobatv.com/AmazonS7
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🎮 Download Booba Candy Adventure ► http://boobatv.com/BoobaCandy

ℹ️ It’s good to know that the original name of that small brownie is pronounced by small kids as #booba, #boba, #буба, #bobby, #bobba, #bupa, #боба, #buba, #баба, #bobaa, #بوبا, #bubba, #baba, #duba, #boombah and even #ﺏﻮﺑﺍ.

Who is Booba?
Booba is cute and inquisitive, like a five-year-old kid. He explores the world without anger or resentment, only joy and wonder. He doesn't talk, although he does make sounds to express his emotions.

Nobody knows where he came from, but he has obviously missed the last 100 years of human progress and explores modern locations with boundless energy and enthusiasm. His awkward movements, combined with a strong desire to learn more about the world around him, often have hilarious results! However, this doesn’t satisfy Booba’s curiosity, so his adventures will continue in the upcoming series.

➡️ Subscribe to the official YouTube channel ▶ http://boobatv.com
😍 Watch all episodes of Booba ► http://boobatv.com/AllEpisodes
🧸 Booba Toys Waiting List ► http://boobatv.com/toys

🎮 Mobile games with Booba:
🍭 Booba Candy Adventure ► http://boobatv.com/BoobaCandy
🗣️ Talking Booba 2 ► http://boobatv.com/TalkingBooba2

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The best of Booba cartoon:
http://youtu.be/YPSNo2MDjqg - Magic Wardrobe
http://youtu.be/UNjVEXIJ8ho - Spaceship
http://youtu.be/-1wHAcD99bw - Juice
http://youtu.be/In20X0xpBhA - Guest
http://youtu.be/RoD8g0t601U - Gift Shop
http://youtu.be/7PSsEDVs6cY - Super Booba
http://youtu.be/tsUuIoJgqVc - Sandwiches
http://youtu.be/SqjMGbEJceM - Magic Chalk
http://youtu.be/nJGGynNEteE - Bowling
http://youtu.be/QQ54s1HBQnQ - Ball
🔸 🔹🔸 🔹🔸 🔹🔸 🔹🔸 🔹🔸 🔹🔸 🔹🔸 🔹

This series about Booba is the main project of the 3D Sparrow animation studio. For any business inquiries, please feel free to contact us at contact@3dsparrow.com

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

Join and enjoy if you need a little help with finding the special wished k-dramas! And to spread the love for our Boys love (Yaoi)/Gay/Bromance/LGBT korean dramas!

Vibe With Me by Joakim Karud http://soundcloud.com/joakimkarud
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/-7YDBIGCXsY
•Warning• I do not own the movies, music, artwork or the lyrics. All rights reserved to their respective owners. This video is not meant to infringe any of the copyrights. This is for people's enjoyment only. Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing.
--------------------------------------------- DECLAIMER ---------------------------------------
All information and contents in this video (artwork, picture, and music) are not mine. I am not intending to infringe copyright ownership. They are all belongs to their respective owners. I made it only for information, reference and entertain purposes.
(Source: Wikipedia, MyDramaList)

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

Title: 돌아온 황금복 / The Return of Hwang Geum Bok
Chinese Title: 歸來的黃金福
Genre: Melodrama, Romance, Family
Episodes: 120 (To Be Confirmed)
Broadcast network: SBS
Broadcast period: 2015-June-08
Air time: Monday to Friday 19:20


A drama of Chaebols and secrets of birth.

Ye Ryung (Lee Elliya) is the daughter of a poor and crass single mother. Meanwhile, Hwang Geum Bok (Shin Da Eun) is Ye Ryung’s friend.


Main Cast

Shin Da Eun as Hwang Geum Bok
Kim Jin Woo as Seo In Woo
Lee Elliya as Ye Ryung
Jun Eun Woo as Kang Mun Hyung

Supporting Cast

Shim Hye Jin
Moon Chun Shik
Lee Hye Sook
Wi Yang Ho
Kim Yoon Kyung
Jun Mi Sun
Nam Myung Ryul
Jun Noh Min
Sun Woo Jae Duk
Kim Na Woon
Choi Dae Hoon
Lee Han Seo ??

Production Credits

Director: Yoon Ryu Hae
ScriptWriter: Ma Joo Hee

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago


🎶MUSIC: Nightcore - Please Don't Go


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Aryel Narvasa
11 Views · 4 years ago

korean drama-Korean Love kiss,Korean drama kiss scene , Best Hot kiss scene
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Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

In this intant classic of a romantic comedy, a chance meeting with a drunk girl on the train puts Gyun-woo in a masochistic relationship. But despite her bullying ways he finds himself falling in love.

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Noah spends the perfect first night with Avery, the girl of his dreams, but gets relegated to the friend zone. He spends the next three years wondering what went wrong - until he gets the unexpected chance to travel back in time and change that night - and his fate - over and over again.
Cast: Adam Devine, Alexandra Daddario, Shelley Hennig #TrailerCity #movie #trailer

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Moonlight Drawn by Clouds is an upcoming 2016 South Korean television series starring Park Bo-gum and Kim Yoo-jung. It is a coming-of-age story and youthful romance during 19th-century Joseon Dynasty.

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Polish crime / drama TV series portraying Warsaw police officers from Central Bureau of Investigations who got on the trail of counterfeit Euro banknotes which involves local gangsters and French crime syndicate.
Polski serial sensacyjny przedstawiający życie i pracę warszawskich policjantów. Tytułowym bohaterem jest podkomisarz Tomasz Kruszyński, członek Specjalnej Grupy Pościgowej Centralnego Biura Śledczego. Grupa przypadkowo wpada na trop transakcji wymiany fałszywych banknotów euro między francuskim syndykatem przestępczym a polską mafią.
Borys Szyc − podkomisarz Tomasz "Kruszon" Kruszyński
Paweł Małaszyński − Jacek "Grand" Wielgosz
Magdalena Różczka − jako komisarz Aldona Ginko
Andrzej Chyra − nadkomisarz Krzysztof Ryś
Marian Dziędziel − inspektor Joachim Kondeja
Maciej Wierzbicki − nadkomisarz Jaromir "Jarząbek" Lewandowski
Tamara Arciuch − nadkomisarz Stella Lewandowska
Karolina Gruszka − Malwina Wielgosz
Jacek Braciak − Jan "Perła" Perłowski
Marcin Sztabiński − Sławomir "Mamaj" Najman
Marta Ojrzyńska − Elwira Gołąb
Magdalena Cielecka − Rita Wielgosz
Krzysztof Globisz − Waldemar "Topor" Wiśniewski
Mateusz Damięcki − Patryk Wiśniewski
Robert Więckiewicz − Tadeusz "Cypa" Cypowicz
Eryk Lubos − Leszek "Juby" Januchta
Rafał Cieszyński − Sławomir "Zidane" Halec
Jan Pęczek − Zbigniew "Brodacz" Kruszyński
Wojciech Solarz − "Junior", przyrodni brat "Kruszona"
Jan Frycz − poseł RP Marek Ratyński (później wicepremier)
Leon Charewicz − Jerzy Bogdanowicz
Wojciech Zieliński − Dariusz "Dahomej" Leśniak
Jan Wieczorkowski − BOR-owik Ratyńskiego
Maciej Kozłowski − generał Michał Matejewski
Tomasz Dedek − generał policji
Piotr Miazga - aspirant Arkadiusz, funkcjonariusz AT
Marek Cichucki − pułkownik Wagner
Fabuła odcinka:
Kruszon zostaje nakłoniony do odejścia z policji. Jednocześnie otrzymuje kuszącą propozycję współpracy z grupą Topora.
Copyright © Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

Now we definitely know what kind of drunk Suzy is... 💋

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Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

these are some of the best top 10 old k drama ever.watch till end
subscribe to my channel for more updates regarding k dramas.
hope you like my video.beginners who like to start with old kdrama can start with these dramas.

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

Ji Hyun Woo gets help from Yoo In Na and takes an airplane to Seoul. But Kim Jin Woo, who thinks of Ji Hyun Woo as Yoo In Na's stalker, takes the same flight...!
#QueenAndI #KoreanDrama #Kdrama l KoreanEntertainment

👸✨ [Synopsis]
Year 1694, Joseon Dynasty : Ji Hyun woo is a noble-born scholar and his family's sole survivor after they were massacred in a conspiracy. Ji Hyun woo supports the reinstatement of Queen In-hyun, who was deposed due to scheming by royal concubine Lady Jang.
Year 2012, modern-day Seoul : Yoo In Na, an unsuccessful actress, lands her big break when she is cast as Queen In-hyun in the television drama "New Jang Heebin". Due to a mysterious talisman, Ji Hyun woo time travels to 2012, where he crosses paths with Yoo In Na and falls in love.

👉 3:03 First Time On A Plane!


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This Kdrama is broadcasted by tvN, a South Korean entertainment channel, property of CJ ENM.

Did you know?
CJ ENM is the most important entertainment company in South Korea. Currently exporting content to different countries in Asia and America, the K-dramas produced by CJ ENM hold 21 places out of 27 in the ranking for best cable television k-dramas.

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Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

Huang Yaozu, who emigrated in the 1940ies to the United States of Amerika, returns to China in order to visit his relatives. He meets them in his parent’s house. They talk about the good old times. But then Huang and his relatives are starting a quarrel about how to deal with his parent’s home. Misunderstandings and conflicts emerged. After Huang’s daughter finally settled the dispute, Huang Yaozu met a good decision...

Director: Xiang Lixing
Writer: Guan Wenliang
Casting: Wu Ma, Ding Ying, Li Guoteng, Li Longji

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

School 2017, part of the School series, is returning to KBS. A source in KBS confirmed that the show will hit the screens sometime during summer of 2017. It is also believed that the production of the show will begin soon.

Source: https://www.movienewsguide.com..../school-2017-korean-
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Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Regretful about changing the past, Ji Sung visits the homeless person who spoke earlier about the secrets of time travel. The homeless person avoided talking to Ji Sung, but Ji Sung finds out that the homeless person is also a time traveler like him...!
#FamiliarWife #KoreanDrama #Kdrama l KoreanEntertainment

💑 [Synopsis]
A married couple suddenly finds themselves living entirely different lives after their fates magically change through an unexpected incident! Ji Sung (Cha Joo-hyuk) works at a bank and has been married to Han Ji Min (Seo Woo-jin) for five years. When a strange incident happens one day, Ji Sung makes a decision that impacts his life and those around him in unexpected ways. Suddenly, the life he had with Han Ji Min and his best friend, Jang Seung Jo (Yoon Joong-hoo) are gone and he is leading a very different life. How will his first love, Kang Han Na (Lee Hye-won), factor into his new life? And will it be possible to get his old life back?

👉 1:20 He is a time traveler, too?


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This Kdrama is broadcasted by tvN, a South Korean entertainment channel, property of CJ ENM.

Did you know?
CJ ENM is the most important entertainment company in South Korea. Currently exporting content to different countries in Asia and America, the K-dramas produced by CJ ENM hold 21 places out of 27 in the ranking for best cable television k-dramas.

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Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

Top 15 Korean Dramas 2020 So Far (Jan - July) You Should Watch
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Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

Ji Sung receives divorce papers from Kang Han Na during work. Ji Sung is shocked and goes to his friend Oh Eui Sik's store. Oh Eui Sik, who hears the situation, gets mad as if it is his own situation...!
#FamiliarWife #KoreanDrama #Kdrama l KoreanEntertainment

💑 [Synopsis]
A married couple suddenly finds themselves living entirely different lives after their fates magically change through an unexpected incident! Ji Sung (Cha Joo-hyuk) works at a bank and has been married to Han Ji Min (Seo Woo-jin) for five years. When a strange incident happens one day, Ji Sung makes a decision that impacts his life and those around him in unexpected ways. Suddenly, the life he had with Han Ji Min and his best friend, Jang Seung Jo (Yoon Joong-hoo) are gone and he is leading a very different life. How will his first love, Kang Han Na (Lee Hye-won), factor into his new life? And will it be possible to get his old life back?

👉 2:35 Common reaction when friends break up! 🤣


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This Kdrama is broadcasted by tvN, a South Korean entertainment channel, property of CJ ENM.

Did you know?
CJ ENM is the most important entertainment company in South Korea. Currently exporting content to different countries in Asia and America, the K-dramas produced by CJ ENM hold 21 places out of 27 in the ranking for best cable television k-dramas.

Enjoy more content from CJ ENM!

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

A love story between Captain Yoo Shi Jin, Korean Special Forces, and Doctor Kang Mo Yeon, surgeon at Haesung Hospital. Together they face danger in a war-torn country.

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

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Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

You know things are messed up when the standard of beauty feels like the standard of living

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About "200 Pounds Beauty" (미녀는 괴로워):
Han-na, an overweight woman with a beautiful voice, provides the real vocals for a pretty pop star who can’t carry a tune. After a humiliating encounter, Han-na undergoes head-to-toe plastic surgery and reemerges a year later as svelte singer Jenny. (AKA: Beauty is Pain)

Ji Seo-Yun 지 서연
Joo Jin-Mo 주진모
Kim Ah-Jung 김아정
Sung Dong-Il 성동일

Kim Yong-hwa 김용화

#200PoundsBeauty #PrimeVideo #KCrush

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K-Crush is your portal to all things Korean entertainment: from the indie movie debut of your bias to the latest blockbuster movie, we got you covered. Discuss and experience the phenomenon of "hallyu" from anywhere in the world!

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200 Pounds Beauty | K-Crush

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Han Ji Min heads for the toll gate to the past, vowing to change her fate again. Han Ji Min is going straight to change the past and Ji Sung chases to stop her. Their cars pass through the tollgate together. What is their fate?
#FamiliarWife #KoreanDrama #Kdrama l KoreanEntertainment

💑 [Synopsis]
A married couple suddenly finds themselves living entirely different lives after their fates magically change through an unexpected incident! Ji Sung (Cha Joo-hyuk) works at a bank and has been married to Han Ji Min (Seo Woo-jin) for five years. When a strange incident happens one day, Ji Sung makes a decision that impacts his life and those around him in unexpected ways. Suddenly, the life he had with Han Ji Min and his best friend, Jang Seung Jo (Yoon Joong-hoo) are gone and he is leading a very different life. How will his first love, Kang Han Na (Lee Hye-won), factor into his new life? And will it be possible to get his old life back?

👉 6:44 Going back in time together!


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TV coreana de entretenimiento (Spanish)

Televisão Coreana de Entretenimento (Portuguese)

This Kdrama is broadcasted by tvN, a South Korean entertainment channel, property of CJ ENM.

Did you know?
CJ ENM is the most important entertainment company in South Korea. Currently exporting content to different countries in Asia and America, the K-dramas produced by CJ ENM hold 21 places out of 27 in the ranking for best cable television k-dramas.

Enjoy more content from CJ ENM!

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

https://amzn.to/33THw9j ►Send me a Friend Invite Dramas-MAL: https://MyAnimeList.net/profile/TuzoAnime
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Upcoming KDramas of 2016 #02

Song: ES_Another Universe - Tomas Skyldeberg (1)

Top 10 Upcoming Korean Dramas 2016

#01 Cheese in the Trap
Votes: 1,704

#02 Descendant of the Sun
Votes: 1,571

#03 Uncontrollably Fond
Votes: 813
태양의 후예

#04 Moorim School
Votes: 707

#05 Madame Antoine
Votes: 651
마담 앙트완

#06 Goodbye Mr. Black
Votes: 574
굿바이 미스터 블랙

#07 Local Hero
Votes: 414
동네의 영웅

#08 Moon Lovers
Votes: 314
달의 연인

#09 One More Happy Ending
Votes: 313
한번 더 해피엔딩

#10 One and Only You
Votes: 268
오직 하나뿐인 그대

#11 Signal
Votes: 231

#12 Hang
Votes: 219

#13 Nightmare Teacher
Votes: 193

#14 Come Back Ajussh
Votes: 146
돌아와요 아저씨

#15 Jang Yeong Shil
Votes: 126

#16 Dear My Friends
Votes: 103
디어 마이 프렌드

#17 Swan
Votes: 65

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

➡ Watch full episodes of Melting Me Softly: https://viki.onelink.me/xbjD/5112e9b3

About Melting Me Softly (날 녹여주오):
Go Mi Ran (Won Jin Ah) is a young jobseeker who is told she will be given around US$ 4,200 if she takes part in a cryogenic freezing program. She is told that she will be frozen for just 24 hours and then leave with her money.

Also being frozen is Ma Dong Chan (Ji Chang Wook), a popular entertainment TV producer who is cold as ice when it comes to working – but tends to get hot and passionate when it comes to affairs of the heart.

But instead of waking up a day later, the duo awakes from cryogenic slumber to find they have slept through 20 years. All the people Mi Ran and Dong Chan once knew have aged by 20 years, but their own bodies and memories have not changed at all.

Life 20 years in the future is not easy – and things are made harder for the duo when they discover that should their body temperatures rise above 33 degrees Celsius, they will die.

When Mi Ran and Dong Chan begin developing feelings for each other, temperatures start to rise…spawning all sorts of dramatic consequences.

Will the duo fight back the heat of a potentially fatal romance? And will they discover the mysterious reason why they were frozen for two decades – and the role of the enigmatic Dr. Hwang, the shady figure behind the freezing project?

“Melting Me Softly” is a 2019 South Korean drama series produced by Shin Woo Cheol.

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Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

Secret Garden BTS \ha ji won hyun bin\ korean drama \part 2
secret garden korean drama behind the scene\SBS

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Based on Lee Jeong-myeong's novel "Deep-rooted Tree". Work that highlights the serial killings during the 7 days before the announcement of the Korean script.

A series of murder occurred during the reign of King Sejong. As Kang Chae Yoon who is investigating these cases gets closer to the root of the truth, he finds himself embroiled in a massive conspiracy behind the serial killings which involves a group of genius who are willing to risked their lives towards their cause/goals and secret powers who will interfere with the course of his investigations.

Also Known As Deep Rooted Tree

Cast : Jang Hyuk, Han Suk Kyu, Shin Se Kyung, Song Joong Ki, Kim Ki Bum

Genre :

Air Time : Wed & Thu 21:55

Episode : 24

First Broadcast Date : October 5, 2011

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

The ranking here in this video is based on my opinion so please respect. ^^

Song used: "Still/As Ever" by You're Beautiful's A.N.Jell

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

➡ Watch full episodes of Melting Me Softly: https://viki.onelink.me/xbjD/5112e9b3

About Melting Me Softly (날 녹여주오):
Go Mi Ran (Won Jin Ah) is a young jobseeker who is told she will be given around US$ 4,200 if she takes part in a cryogenic freezing program. She is told that she will be frozen for just 24 hours and then leave with her money.

Also being frozen is Ma Dong Chan (Ji Chang Wook), a popular entertainment TV producer who is cold as ice when it comes to working – but tends to get hot and passionate when it comes to affairs of the heart.

But instead of waking up a day later, the duo awakes from cryogenic slumber to find they have slept through 20 years. All the people Mi Ran and Dong Chan once knew have aged by 20 years, but their own bodies and memories have not changed at all.

Life 20 years in the future is not easy – and things are made harder for the duo when they discover that should their body temperatures rise above 33 degrees Celsius, they will die.

When Mi Ran and Dong Chan begin developing feelings for each other, temperatures start to rise…spawning all sorts of dramatic consequences.

Will the duo fight back the heat of a potentially fatal romance? And will they discover the mysterious reason why they were frozen for two decades – and the role of the enigmatic Dr. Hwang, the shady figure behind the freezing project?

“Melting Me Softly” is a 2019 South Korean drama series produced by Shin Woo Cheol.

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About Viki:
Watch free Global TV: Korean, Chinese, and Taiwanese dramas –– all subtitled in your language by fans just like you! #VikiTV is the one-stop destination for all your Asian content fix!

Viki Global TV

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

Bride Of The Century : Ep11 Full (Hindi Dubbed) Korean Drama HD | Softy Love Drama!
Bride Of The Century Hindi Mein! Playlist ►
Link :https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PL6q1fO-_LFv
Download Free 11 Episode In Hindi
Link :https://www813.o0-2.com/token=....ifxacOKhXjdd4gK7EGwr
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Softy Love Drama
Hindi Dubbed : Softy Love Drama Team
Lyrics : Imran Shaikh
Network : Softy Love Drama
Drama : Bride of the Century
Director : Yun Sang-Ho
Writer : Baek Young-Sook
Network : TV Chosun
Episodes : 20
Release Date : February 22 - April 12, 2014
Country : South Korea
► Email :ImranShaikhOfficial1@Gmail.Com
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All Asian Drama Hindi Dubbed! Playlist ►
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#BrideOfTheCentury #HindiDubbedDrama #YangJinSung #LeeHongKi #YangJinSung #AlbumADHDSV #SoftyLoveDrama

Aryel Narvasa
0 Views · 4 years ago

My favourite drama OST-s from these 2 years. Actually I wanted to make one video and include all my favourite ones from the last years, but I realised, I can't cut them really short properly, so I decided to make 3 videos, one from 2012, one from the previous 2 years and one from the older ones.

Drama and music:
Heartstrings - Yoong Yong Hwa: Because I miss you
Dream High - IU: Someday
Myung Wol the spy - Lena Park: More than anyone in the world
Prosecutor Princess - SHINee: Fly High
Playful kiss - Kim Hyun Joong:One more time
My girlfriend is a gumiho - No Min Woo: Trap
Sungkyunkwan Scandal - JYJ: Found you


Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976,
allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment,
news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing.
Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

Songs in the video
Intro: Sori - Hero: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPydq8MTt1E
1.Song: Style OST (feat. Hanul) - Tell Me: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OaMV2mIFwYc
2.Song: Jung Yeop - Thorn Flower: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkYNr_jFCnk
3.Song: No Min Wo - Trap: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UsogJDo2PDs
4.Song: Jung Ha Yoon - You Are My Everything: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oz6rA1g2NXU (sorry is the instrumental youtube blockt all songs)
5.Song: EunJung (T-ara) - Coffee House: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XlTySpQh2qc
6.Song: Sori - You're Not My Style: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AAie8hZ1jow
7.Song: Younha - Can't Believe It: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-pQ2SDEmNs
8.Song: SS501 - Because I'm Stupid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OCcHC5GowP4
9.Song: Oh Won Bin feat. Miss$ - Coming Down From Heaven: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLzWXDN8mok
10.Song: A Pink - Let Us Just Love: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=disYdQr7FBY
11.Song: Dream High - Love High: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HFkGWPrx4nM
12.Song: Jung Yong Hwa - You've Fallen For Me: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uaw7P1LWvi0
13.Song: G.NA - Kiss Me: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-0fBQpQzBM

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

I currently can't get enough of Ji Chang Wook, so i'm halfway through his newest show, Backstreet Rookie... and I have A LOT of feelings about this love triangle/ love square? Let me rant for a minute.

⭐ Thank you so much iQiyi for partnering with me on this video! Watch the latest episodes of Backstreet Rookie now - multilingual subtitles available! - Download the app: https://go.onelink.me/4Hx2/28452b67

Are you watching with me? Who are you rooting for?

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-- http://instagram.com/JesicaAhlberg
-- https://twitter.com/JesicaAhlberg

-- ninjoi. - Passin [Thematic Exclusive] - https://thmatc.co/?l=BE4CD5D8
-- Eric Reprid - Plaza - https://thmatc.co/?l=7D92DD91
-- Ryan Farish - Honey - https://thmatc.co/?l=805281EE
-- Ryan Little - delirium. - https://thmatc.co/?l=75469A15

- Vlogging: Canon camera: https://amzn.to/2Qs8d1a
- Vlog Tripod (Affordable): https://amzn.to/2QtKeP6
- Main Camera: Sony: https://amzn.to/2IWyZKV
- Main Camera: Sony Lens: https://amzn.to/3dbaDL7
- Ring Light Tripod (Affordable): https://amzn.to/2Qs8d1a

FTC: This video is sponsored by iQiyi.
#BackstreetRookie #JiChangWook #iQiyi #편의점샛별이

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

➡ Watch full episodes of Train: https://www.viki.com/tv/37074c-train

About Train (트레인):
A hard-hitting detective who fearlessly dives into his work, Seo Do Won (Yoon Shi Yoon) is relentless when it comes to bringing criminals to justice. Willing to take on any case, no matter how hard, Do Won has made a name for himself as a man who gets the job done. But when the woman he loves becomes the latest victim of a serial killer, his world completely changes. Literally.

Mysteriously able to move between parallel universes, Do Won now lives in both worlds as a man who must pay for the sins of his father in one, and as a man forced to live a precarious life because of those sins in the other. As if the duality of his life wasn’t hard enough to deal with, he soon learns that his deceased love may be gone in one world, but she’s very much alive in the other. Vowing to track down her killer in one universe, while simultaneously trying to protect her in the other, Do Won is quick to acknowledge this is not something he can do alone.

Seeking the help of his colleagues in both universes, Do Won asks Han Seo Kyung (Kyung Soo Jin), an honest, yet reserved prosecutor with a big heart in one world, and a cold and emotionless detective in the other, to help him out. Together with Lee Jung Min (Shin So Yul), a tenacious member of the scientific investigation unit, they’ll do whatever it takes to track down the killer in one world and protect his love in the other. But will their efforts in either universe really be enough?

A suspenseful thriller with a sci-fi twist, “Train” is a 2020 mystery romance drama directed by Ryu Seung Jin.

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Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago


Weekly Top 10 Korean Drama | April 10 - 15 RATINGS!


Weekly Top 10 Korean Drama | March 20 -25 RATINGS!

Weekly Top 10 Korean Drama | March 13-18 RATINGS!

Weekly Top 10 Korean Drama | March 6-11 RATINGS

Weekly Top 10 Korean Drama | February 27 to March 4, 2017


Weekly Top 10 Korean Drama | Feb. 20 - Feb. 25, 2017 | Please Vote!

Weekly Top 10 Korean Drama | Feb. 13 - Feb. 18, 2017

Weekly Top 10 Korean Drama | Feb. 6 - Feb. 11, 2017

Weekly Top 10 Korean Drama | January 30 - February 4, 2017


10 Korean Dramas That Made Me Cry My Eyes Out The Most

10 Hit Korean Drama Written by The Hong Sisters

7 On-Screen K-drama Couples Who Got Married in Real Life

7 Hit Korean Drama by Goblin Screenwriter You Must Watch

My 10 Favorite Office Romance Korean Drama | Romantic Comedies

12 Most Badass Women of Korean Drama | Strong Female Leads

5 Best Korean Drama for Beginners | Romantic Comedies

5 Best Korean Drama for Beginners | Action Drama

5 Best Korean Dramas for Beginners | Part 2

5 Best Korean Dramas for Beginners | Melodramas

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

Han Ji Min finds it strange that Ji Sung knows her home address and even her petty habits. To ask why, Han Ji Min visits Ji Sung late at night, and Ji Sung confesses the truth to Han Ji Min, saying they were a couple in the past.
#FamiliarWife #KoreanDrama #Kdrama l KoreanEntertainment

💑 [Synopsis]
A married couple suddenly finds themselves living entirely different lives after their fates magically change through an unexpected incident! Ji Sung (Cha Joo-hyuk) works at a bank and has been married to Han Ji Min (Seo Woo-jin) for five years. When a strange incident happens one day, Ji Sung makes a decision that impacts his life and those around him in unexpected ways. Suddenly, the life he had with Han Ji Min and his best friend, Jang Seung Jo (Yoon Joong-hoo) are gone and he is leading a very different life. How will his first love, Kang Han Na (Lee Hye-won), factor into his new life? And will it be possible to get his old life back?

👉 2:22 It turns out that the person I like is the husband who abandoned me..!


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Korean Entertainment TV (English)

TV coreana de entretenimiento (Spanish)

Televisão Coreana de Entretenimento (Portuguese)

This Kdrama is broadcasted by tvN, a South Korean entertainment channel, property of CJ ENM.

Did you know?
CJ ENM is the most important entertainment company in South Korea. Currently exporting content to different countries in Asia and America, the K-dramas produced by CJ ENM hold 21 places out of 27 in the ranking for best cable television k-dramas.

Enjoy more content from CJ ENM!

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

Korean Drama Series

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

W – Two Worlds Ep8 EngSub | DRAMA KOREAN
Plz Donate Team: https://www.paypal.me/DramaKorean
Full Episode Engsub: https://bit.ly/3eRCHTO
Subscribe DRAMA KOREAN - W – Two Worlds: https://bit.ly/2BzMGPs
#W – Two Worlds #Koreandrama #dramakoreanengsub

love story between a couple in their early thirties. It’s the story of two people who live in the same era but in different worlds. Oh Yun Joo (Han Hyo Joo) is a surgeon whose father is a famous comic book creator. One day, her father goes missing and she rushes to his workshop to look for him, and instead finds a strange man, Kang Chul (Lee Jong Suk) bathed in blood. She is kidnapped by him and taken to a different dimension.

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

#zeroflip #koreandrama

"Melo Is My Nature" JTBC’s Upcoming Korean Drama!!!

Thank You For Watching
Don't Forget To Subscribe

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago


Go Hye Ran is an ambitious anchorwoman for the popular news show, News 9. She is passionate about her job and doesn't stop until she gets what she wants. One day, she meets an old lover and his wife and gets tangled in a murder case. Her husband Kang Tae Wook, who is a public defender, decides to defend his wife and fix their failed marriage.

Misty korean drama series
Misty korean drama episodes
Misty korean drama netflix
Misty korean drama episode 1 eng sub
Misty korean drama episode 16 finale eng sub

👉 Perpetual income 365 - BUSINESS OFFER THIS 2020!


Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

I just finished watching my 100th kdrama!!! I've been watching kdramas since 2006 - so that makes it 6 years. And since a lot of people ask me for recommendations and I always have to go back and look through my list and it takes some time, even though I love recommending kdramas - I decided to make this video! So, these are my top 33 - why 33? Partly because it's 1/3 of all the dramas I watched and mostly because those are the dramas that got ranking of 9/10 or 10/10 from me - so I just couldn't kick some of them out of the list XD Anyway, I hope you'll enjoy this - and please leave some comments if you agree/disagree with me and especially if this list of mine helped you discover some new cool dramas!!! Thanks!!!

Credit for pics ... well, I got them all from google - they're mostly official posters for the dramas, but if I took someone's work - like someone's wallpaper or something - please tell me so I can properly give credits!!!
Music is OST from the dramas =)


Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

Title: 애타는 로맨스 / My Secret Romance
Chinese Title: 我秘密的羅曼史
Genre: Romance, Comedy
Episodes: 16 (To Be Confirmed)
Broadcast network: OCN
Broadcast period: 2017-April-17 to 2017-June-06
Air time: Monday & Tuesday 21:00


Cha Jin Wook (Sung Hoon) is a son from a wealthy family. His family runs a large company. Cha Jin Wook only pursues short term love. He then meets Lee Yoo Mi (Song Ji Eun) and changes. Lee Yoo Mi has never had a boyfriend before.


Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

For Ji Hyun Woo, who is back in the past, things are going smoothly. But he is still confused by his missing memories, and it is also confusing that he still can't find his talisman...
#QueenAndI #KoreanDrama #Kdrama l KoreanEntertainment

👸✨ [Synopsis]
Year 1694, Joseon Dynasty : Ji Hyun woo is a noble-born scholar and his family's sole survivor after they were massacred in a conspiracy. Ji Hyun woo supports the reinstatement of Queen In-hyun, who was deposed due to scheming by royal concubine Lady Jang.
Year 2012, modern-day Seoul : Yoo In Na, an unsuccessful actress, lands her big break when she is cast as Queen In-hyun in the television drama "New Jang Heebin". Due to a mysterious talisman, Ji Hyun woo time travels to 2012, where he crosses paths with Yoo In Na and falls in love.

👉 5:56 Memories that flow by


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Korean Entertainment TV (English)

TV coreana de entretenimiento (Spanish)

Televisão Coreana de Entretenimento (Portuguese)

This Kdrama is broadcasted by tvN, a South Korean entertainment channel, property of CJ ENM.

Did you know?
CJ ENM is the most important entertainment company in South Korea. Currently exporting content to different countries in Asia and America, the K-dramas produced by CJ ENM hold 21 places out of 27 in the ranking for best cable television k-dramas.

Enjoy more content from CJ ENM!

Aryel Narvasa
8 Views · 4 years ago

10 types of K-Drama drunks: Which one are you? Do you turn your aegyo on to the fullest, talk everyone's ear off over soju, or do a classic Cheon Song-yi and wake up the next morning regretting evvvvvverything?

P.S. All titles can be found on the top right corner of the screen, next to the Netflix Logo 🙂

Subscribe to The Swoon: https://bit.ly/2IiIXqV


Welcome to The Swoon, your all-access pass behind the scenes of your favorite Korean dramas. Get up close and personal with the stars. Tell us what you love to watch, what endings made you want to tear your hair out, and what keeps you coming back for more, ever optimistic that the next one will be The One.

For the fans.

Powered by Netflix.

All biases welcome.

*Shows featured might not be available in all markets.

Aryel Narvasa
7 Views · 4 years ago

Second Lead Syndrome [ˈsɛk(ə)nd liːd ˈsɪndrəʊm]

(n.) An incurable condition wherein you like the second lead more than the male lead, and desperately want him to get the girl despite all signs pointing to that being a near impossibility (because, plot), and at the end of the drama when things play out exactly as they're supposed to, you just can’t get over the pain and injustice experienced by the second lead. Has no roots in medicine. Or logic. The heart wants what the heart wants, okay?

Subscribe to The Swoon: https://bit.ly/2IiIXqV

0:00 Temperature Of Love: https://www.netflix.com/title/80999068
0:04 Who Are You: School 2015: https://www.netflix.com/title/80188348
0:08 Love Alarm: https://www.netflix.com/title/80168068
0:11 Reply 1988: https://www.netflix.com/title/80188515
0:24 You Are Beautiful: https://www.netflix.com/title/70215461
0:37 Don’t Dare To Dream: https://www.netflix.com/title/80998960
0:57 My Love From The Star: https://www.netflix.com/title/80025266
0:59 Love In The Moonlight: https://www.netflix.com/title/80986896
1:10 Inheritors: https://www.netflix.com/title/81033650
1:15 Sungkyunkwan Scandal: https://www.netflix.com/title/80154882
1:23 Cheese In The Trap: https://www.netflix.com/title/81166946
2:12 Mr. Sunshine: https://www.netflix.com/title/80991107
2:27 Doctors: https://www.netflix.com/title/80998959
3:13 Kill Me Heal Me: https://www.netflix.com/title/80188294
3:39 Reply 1994: https://www.netflix.com/title/80165487
4:26 She Was Pretty: https://www.netflix.com/title/80188471
4:50 Love In The Moonlight: https://www.netflix.com/title/80986896

P.S. All titles can be found on the top right corner of the screen, next to the Netflix Logo 🙂


Welcome to The Swoon, your all-access pass behind the scenes of your favorite Korean and Asian dramas. Get up close and personal with the stars. Tell us what you love to watch, what endings made you want to tear your hair out, and what keeps you coming back for more, ever optimistic that the next one will be The One.

For the fans.
Powered by Netflix.
All biases welcome.

*Shows featured might not be available in all markets.

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

In this video, I will Show You All, Korean Drama (Backstreet Rookie) most hated all-time in 2020 According to K drama Fans.

Here Some The Most Hated Scene In Korean Drama BACKSTREET ROOKIE And They Want That Scene Edited!!

#JiChangWook #KimYouJung #BackstreetRookie #kpopNewsTrending




{CONTACT} kpoptrending7733@gmail.com

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Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

Ji Sung bumps into Kang Han Na on the street. Kang Han Na is openly warm towards him, but Ji Sung is calm and sets up an iron wall against her.
#FamiliarWife #KoreanDrama #Kdrama l KoreanEntertainment

💑 [Synopsis]
A married couple suddenly finds themselves living entirely different lives after their fates magically change through an unexpected incident! Ji Sung (Cha Joo-hyuk) works at a bank and has been married to Han Ji Min (Seo Woo-jin) for five years. When a strange incident happens one day, Ji Sung makes a decision that impacts his life and those around him in unexpected ways. Suddenly, the life he had with Han Ji Min and his best friend, Jang Seung Jo (Yoon Joong-hoo) are gone and he is leading a very different life. How will his first love, Kang Han Na (Lee Hye-won), factor into his new life? And will it be possible to get his old life back?

👉 0:30 He set boundaries!!


Enjoy more content from our official channels!

Korean Entertainment TV (English)

TV coreana de entretenimiento (Spanish)

Televisão Coreana de Entretenimento (Portuguese)

This Kdrama is broadcasted by tvN, a South Korean entertainment channel, property of CJ ENM.

Did you know?
CJ ENM is the most important entertainment company in South Korea. Currently exporting content to different countries in Asia and America, the K-dramas produced by CJ ENM hold 21 places out of 27 in the ranking for best cable television k-dramas.

Enjoy more content from CJ ENM!

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago


Go Hye Ran is an ambitious anchorwoman for the popular news show, News 9. She is passionate about her job and doesn't stop until she gets what she wants. One day, she meets an old lover and his wife and gets tangled in a murder case. Her husband Kang Tae Wook, who is a public defender, decides to defend his wife and fix their failed marriage.

Misty korean drama series
Misty korean drama episodes
Misty korean drama netflix
Misty korean drama episode 1 eng sub
Misty korean drama episode 16 finale eng sub

👉 Perpetual income 365 - BUSINESS OFFER THIS 2020!


Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

160908 거미 Gummy You Are My Everything Outstanding Korean Drama OST
Gummy(거미) _ You Are My Everything 태양의 후예 OST Descendants of the Sun OST 太阳的后裔 송중기 Song Joong Ki

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

korean mix hindi songs | korean love story, school love story korean drama ,korean mix love triangle Romantic Song 4K - Very Sad Love Story Song Hindi 2020 - Breakup Love Story Song -Broken Love Story Song - Love Story Song - New Korean Mix Hindi Songs 2020 - Korean Drama - Korean Clip - Korean Klip - Korean Love Story - Chinese love Story - School Love Story Story - Cute School love story - New Hindi Song 2020 - Emotional Love Story - Love Story Video - Korean Videos - New Song Video - Sad Song Hindi - Heart Touching Love Story - Awesome Love Story - Love Story Breakup - New Song 2020 - Punjabi Love Story - Punjabi Song - Bollwood Song - Hit Song
Song : Chahun Main Ya Naa
Singer :Arijit Singh, Palak Muchhal
Music Label :T-Series
Original Song Link :
👇👇👇My Second Channel Technical👇👇👇
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This video is meant for the Educational/Inspirational purpose only. The usage is non-commercial and we do not make money from it. We do not own any copyrights; all the rights go to their respective owners. The sole purpose of this video is to inspire, empower and educate the viewers.

Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, commenting, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use. romanticsong4k@gmail.com
I assure you that, I will remove the infringing content Within 48 Hours.
#RomanticSong4K #KoreanMixHindiSongs #SadSongHindi #Sad #LoveStory

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Visit My New Blog For Daily Update!


Welcome back to my channel beautiful girl & boy, today Imma share with y’all my TOP 10 favorite Korean Actor. It’s a very hard decision but finally I can come up with only 10 fav. I hope y’all enjoy ♥

♡My TOP 10 Handsome Korean Actor♡
1. Kim Woo Bin ♥ ♥ ♥ my bae
2. Lee Dong Wook
3. So Ji Sub
4. Lee Min Ho
5. Ji Sung
6. Jang Geun Seuk
7. Jo In Sung
8. Jung II Woo
9. Ahn Jae Hyun
10. Kim Soo Hyun

♥Hope you enjoy watching it♥
♥And if you do don't forget to subscribe to my channel for more tutorial and check out my other video♥

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Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

Best Korean Drama And Movies With Subtitle English 2018

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

https://amzn.to/33THw9j ►Send me a Friend Invite Dramas-MAL: https://MyAnimeList.net/profile/TuzoAnime
►Send me a Friend Invite Anime-MDL: https://MyDramaList.com/profile/TuzoAnime
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MAL: https://myanimelist.net/profile/TuzoAnime
MDL: https://mydramalist.com/profile/TUZO

Song: ES_Fine By Then - Ray

Upcoming Korean Dramas 2018
Airs: Unknow

#01 Are You Human Too
Mystery, Romance, Sci-Fi, Political
Votes: 2,463
Airs: Mar 31, 2018 - ?

#02 Romance Island
Romance, Fantasy
Votes: 2,303
Airs: Unknow

#03 How Are You Bread
Romance, Drama, Fantasy, Melodrama
Votes: 1,284
Airs: Unknow

#04 Four Men
Votes: 1,088
Airs: Unknow

#05 Seen from a Distance, Green Spring
Friendship, Romance, Life, School
Votes: 883

#06 Suits
Votes: 801
Airs: Apr 25, 2018 - ?

#07 The Great Seducer
Romance, Drama, Melodrama, Tragedy, Mature
Votes: 728
Airs: Mar 12, 2018 - May 1, 2018

#08 The Happiest Time of My Life
Votes: 701

#09 That Man Oh Soo
Votes: 657
Airs: Mar ??, 2018 - ?

#10 Paul Who Fell From The Sky
Action, Romance, Fantasy, Supernatural
Votes: 609
Airs: Unknow

#11 Mojito
Comedy, Romance, Drama
Votes: 606
Airs: Unknow

#12 I Am Love
Romance, Melodrama
Votes: 572

#13 Mr. Sunshine
Military, Historical, Romance
Votes: 569
Airs: Jul 31, 2018 - ?

#14 Laughter in Waikiki
Votes: 550
Airs: Feb 5, 2018 - Mar 27, 2018

#15 Children of a Lesser God
Supernatural, Investigation
Votes: 543
Airs: Feb 24, 2018 - ?

#16 Clean With Passion For Now
Romance, Drama
Votes: 491
Airs: Apr ??, 2018 - ?

#17 Queen of Mystery 2
Action, Mystery, Comedy, Drama, Investigation
Votes: 479
Airs: Feb 28, 2018 - Apr 19, 2018

#18 About Time
Romance, Fantasy, Supernatural
Votes: 453
Airs: May 31, 2018 - ?

#19 Grand Prince
Historical, Romance, Drama, Political
Votes: 448
Airs: Mar 4, 2018 - ?

#20 Pretty Noona Who Buys Me Food
Romance, Drama, Melodrama
Votes: 421
Airs: Mar 31, 2018 - ?

#21 My Mister
Airs: Mar 21, 2018 - May 10, 2018
Votes: 405

#22 Housewife Detective
Airs: Dec 31, 2018 - ?
Votes: 353

#23 The Beauty Inside
Release Date: Aug 20, 2015
Votes: 352

#24 Polyclinic Doctor
Airs: Unknow
Votes: 344

#25 Rich Man, Poor Woman
Airs: Unknow
Votes: 295

#31 Live
Airs: Mar 4, 2018 - ?
Votes: 293

#32 Something About Us
Friendship, Romance, School
Votes: 270

#33 My Husband Oh Jak Doo
Airs: Mar 3, 2018 - ?
Votes: 268

#34 Deal
Airs: Unknow
Votes: 250

#35 Bells Ring
Airs: Unknow
Votes: 204

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Drama: NightFlight.

Song: Wake Up - Eden

Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

Voice cast
Geum sa rang:Sheetal❤️👌
Insta link

Lee seom:Aniket🔥
Subscribe kardo mere hi channel par ho ap😅😆 ______________________________________
Supporting cast

Dinu channel's link😊👌


semon dubber♥️👌
Editing , scripring, Soundtrack done by


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Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

History has changed because of Ji Hyun Woo, but no one but Yoo In Na and Ji Hyun Woo seem to know this, and she's confused.
#QueenAndI #KoreanDrama #Kdrama l KoreanEntertainment

👸✨ [Synopsis]
Year 1694, Joseon Dynasty : Ji Hyun woo is a noble-born scholar and his family's sole survivor after they were massacred in a conspiracy. Ji Hyun woo supports the reinstatement of Queen In-hyun, who was deposed due to scheming by royal concubine Lady Jang.
Year 2012, modern-day Seoul : Yoo In Na, an unsuccessful actress, lands her big break when she is cast as Queen In-hyun in the television drama "New Jang Heebin". Due to a mysterious talisman, Ji Hyun woo time travels to 2012, where he crosses paths with Yoo In Na and falls in love.

👉 2:27 No one knows that the history has changed!


Enjoy more content from our official channels!

Korean Entertainment TV (English)

TV coreana de entretenimiento (Spanish)

Televisão Coreana de Entretenimento (Portuguese)

This Kdrama is broadcasted by tvN, a South Korean entertainment channel, property of CJ ENM.

Did you know?
CJ ENM is the most important entertainment company in South Korea. Currently exporting content to different countries in Asia and America, the K-dramas produced by CJ ENM hold 21 places out of 27 in the ranking for best cable television k-dramas.

Enjoy more content from CJ ENM!

Aryel Narvasa
7 Views · 4 years ago

This is part 2 of the korean drama death series. Don't forget to CLICK the BELL when you SUBSCRIBE.

I decided to compile all of the deaths in scarlet heart rye together for this video and did some editing.

I hope you enjoy and look forward to part 3.

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

Love at First Sight Korean Dramas - Top 15 List.
I have listed my top 15 love at first sight Korean drama in this video. Hope you all like the list I have published.
Kdrama Fighting...!!!

Hi, subscribers I have created a website for Korean drama where you can find [Korean Drama lists | Plot | Reviews | OST | FAQs] and much more...!!! Please visit my site and support my site like you did to my channel thank you, everyone.

For those who cannot find it difficult to find Korean Drama songs and such I have made a separate tab where you can find the songs that are available on youtube and Soundcloud. https://kdramaviewer.com/k-drama-ost-suggestions/

I will give short reviews for those who are difficulty in reading a whole review of each episode and also be giving FAQs for you in case you are curious about it.

There are also List for Ongoing, Upcoming, Based on Genre and Recently Completed dramas
Ongoing Lists: https://kdramaviewer.com/ongoing-drama-list/
Upcoming Lists: https://kdramaviewer.com/upcoming-drama-list/
Recently Completed Lists: https://kdramaviewer.com/recently-completed-drama-list/

And also there is also quotes from the drama you find it interesting.

Thank you for supporting my youtube channel. Please consider supporting my site too... Thank you...!!!


JAPANESE ANIME (J-ANIME) : https://www.youtube.com/channe....l/UCHXOvMv826kCfgc4x

KOREAN DRAMA SUBSCRIBE : https://goo.gl/Oflcg1

visit my site https://kdramaviewer.com/

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Some fans may have been shocked at how in-your-face product placements have become in Korean Dramas. Nothing solidifies that point more than #netflix & #LeeMinHo's latest Kdrama, The King: Eternal Monarch. In this video, we've gone over some questions #koreandrama fans may have, as well as showcased some of the more common PPLs that appear in Kdramas. What are some of your favorite product placements in KDramaLand? Don't forget to subscribe to our channel: https://bit.ly/38BYOf3

Voiced by HappySqueak

Time Stamp:
00:50 The King Eternal Monarch
04:28 Fight For My Way
05:38 Strong Woman Do Bong Soon
06:13 Goblin
06:41 Descendants of the sun
06:51 Itaewon Class
07:04 Sky Castle
07:24 Vagabond
09:02 World of the Married
10:14 My Love From the Star

Song Credits:
Vlad Gluschenko - Overseas (Vlog No Copyright Music)

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

This video entertainment purpose only.

If you like this drama and videos so.
Please do like, comment and subscribe now nd make sure
press bell icon for awesome dramas updates notifications.

All parts of Korean love drama 👇👇👇
1% of something 👉https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLXCpWWk_q2T

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago


📽DRAMA: Beautiology 101
📽DRAMA LINK: https://enrt.eu/leAsKg
🎶MUSIC: Israel - Looking For Love


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❤I Love You❤

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Korean Drama Mukbang / Eating - Kim Bok Joo VS Geum Jan Di

#mukbang #dramamukbang #먹방

Aryel Narvasa
36 Views · 4 years ago

Napagbitangan na nagbenta ng pekeng moisturizing cream ang lupit ng mga reporters eh.tiktok pa more

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

A love story between Captain Yoo Shi Jin, Korean Special Forces, and Doctor Kang Mo Yeon, surgeon at Haesung Hospital. Together they face danger in a war-torn country.

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

Kang Han Na finds out about Lee Yoo Jin working as a valet in the underground parking lot of the department store. Lee Yoo Jin is working as a valet and riding customer's cars secretly and pretending to be second generation chaebol...!
#FamiliarWife #KoreanDrama #Kdrama l KoreanEntertainment

💑 [Synopsis]
A married couple suddenly finds themselves living entirely different lives after their fates magically change through an unexpected incident! Ji Sung (Cha Joo-hyuk) works at a bank and has been married to Han Ji Min (Seo Woo-jin) for five years. When a strange incident happens one day, Ji Sung makes a decision that impacts his life and those around him in unexpected ways. Suddenly, the life he had with Han Ji Min and his best friend, Jang Seung Jo (Yoon Joong-hoo) are gone and he is leading a very different life. How will his first love, Kang Han Na (Lee Hye-won), factor into his new life? And will it be possible to get his old life back?

👉 1:44 The swindler falls in love for real!!


Enjoy more content from our official channels!

Korean Entertainment TV (English)

TV coreana de entretenimiento (Spanish)

Televisão Coreana de Entretenimento (Portuguese)

This Kdrama is broadcasted by tvN, a South Korean entertainment channel, property of CJ ENM.

Did you know?
CJ ENM is the most important entertainment company in South Korea. Currently exporting content to different countries in Asia and America, the K-dramas produced by CJ ENM hold 21 places out of 27 in the ranking for best cable television k-dramas.

Enjoy more content from CJ ENM!

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

When Yoo In Na arrives at the set and gets the script, she figures out that history has changed. But no one else but Yoo In Na seems to know this fact, and she's confused...
#QueenAndI #KoreanDrama #Kdrama l KoreanEntertainment

👸✨ [Synopsis]
Year 1694, Joseon Dynasty : Ji Hyun woo is a noble-born scholar and his family's sole survivor after they were massacred in a conspiracy. Ji Hyun woo supports the reinstatement of Queen In-hyun, who was deposed due to scheming by royal concubine Lady Jang.
Year 2012, modern-day Seoul : Yoo In Na, an unsuccessful actress, lands her big break when she is cast as Queen In-hyun in the television drama "New Jang Heebin". Due to a mysterious talisman, Ji Hyun woo time travels to 2012, where he crosses paths with Yoo In Na and falls in love.

👉 4:07 History changes because of Ji Hyun Woo?!


Enjoy more content from our official channels!

Korean Entertainment TV (English)

TV coreana de entretenimiento (Spanish)

Televisão Coreana de Entretenimento (Portuguese)

This Kdrama is broadcasted by tvN, a South Korean entertainment channel, property of CJ ENM.

Did you know?
CJ ENM is the most important entertainment company in South Korea. Currently exporting content to different countries in Asia and America, the K-dramas produced by CJ ENM hold 21 places out of 27 in the ranking for best cable television k-dramas.

Enjoy more content from CJ ENM!

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago


Go Hye Ran is an ambitious anchorwoman for the popular news show, News 9. She is passionate about her job and doesn't stop until she gets what she wants. One day, she meets an old lover and his wife and gets tangled in a murder case. Her husband Kang Tae Wook, who is a public defender, decides to defend his wife and fix their failed marriage.

Misty korean drama series
Misty korean drama episodes
Misty korean drama netflix
Misty korean drama episode 1 eng sub
Misty korean drama episode 16 finale eng sub

👉 Perpetual income 365 - BUSINESS OFFER THIS 2020!


Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

This Wiki knows video is about Kdrama or Korean drama.

Korean dramas are popular worldwide, partially due to the spread of Korean popular culture also known as the Korean Wave, and their widespread availability via streaming services which often offer subtitles in multiple languages. Many K-dramas have been adapted throughout the world. Some of the most famous dramas have been broadcast via traditional television channels. For example, Dae Jang Geum (2003) was sold to 91 countries.

K-dramas have attracted attention for their fashion, style and culture all over the world. The rise in popularity of korean dramas had led to a great boost to fashion line.

A single director usually leads Korean dramas, which are often written by a single screenwriter. This often leads to each drama having distinct directing and dialogue styles.

The term sageuk refers to any Korean television or film drama that is either based on historical figures, incorporates historical events, or uses a historical backdrop. While sageuk literally translates to "historical drama", the term is typically reserved for dramas taking place throughout the course of Korean history.

Korean series were originally produced in house by the television channels themselves, but have been outsourced to independent production companies since the 2000s. In 2012, as much as 75% of all K-dramas were produced this way. Competition is fierce among these companies; out of 156 registered firms, only 34 produced dramas were actually aired in 2012.

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Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago


Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

This list includes my top 5 favorite older Romance Kdramas that I highly recommend. You might have missed watching some in the list. These love story kdramas were released back in 2014, 2015, and 2016. Watch now!

Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKi0mHocNdc

0:08 Birth of a Beauty, 2014
Romance, Revenge Kdrama
Han Ye Seul
Joo Sang Wook

2:37 Twenty Again, 2015
Romance, Family Kdrama
Choi Ji Woo
Lee Sang Yoon

5:32 Lucky Romance, 2016
Romantic Comedy Kdrama
Hwang Jung Eum
Ryoo Joon Yeol

7:50 Emergency Couple, 2014
Romantic Comedy Kdrama
Song Ji Hyo
Choi Jin Hyuk

10:33 Cunning Single Lady, 2014
Drama, Comedy, Romance, Revenge Kdrama
Lee Min Jung
Joo Sang Wook

These are my favorite few when I started watching Korean Dramas ONLINE. Let me just stress online because I have also watched earlier Asian dramas but subbed on TV.

For more recommended Kdramas, check this playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3adoZml5Dw&list=PLXv9REOOrl898HcJ3z1D5e1HMoyUmaV8w

Visit our official site: https://gchilltvent.wixsite.com/tvandentertainment


Have you watched any of the dramas in the list? Which one was your favorite? Leave a comment down below!

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Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

Welcome to the inaugural episode of our new series, 'K-dramas meet...'. This is a special one. We collaborate with the amazing hosts of The Riz Test Podcast (@theriztest), Sadia and Shaf, and discuss the history of Islam in Korea and how modern day Muslims are represented in the rare dramas we spot them in.

Follow our co-hosts on Twitter here:
Sadia - @educ_research
Shaf - @shaftag

—Awesome Patrons who support us—
Steven Blackmore
Lia W.
Kimbap Noona

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/dramasoverflowers
Email: dramasoverflowers@gmail.com
Twitter: @dramasoverflow

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

This video entertainment purposes only.
If you like this drama and videos so.
Please do Like, comment and subscribe Now nd make sure
Press bell icon for awesome drama updated notifications.

Korean drama full episodes in Hindi 👇👇👇
(28 Moons)👉https://youtu.be/I6buGQdKTxU
Korean drama full episodes in hindi 👇👇👇
(Under The Bleack Moonlight )👉https://youtu.be/BropsLOMdjc
----------------------------------------------------------------------All parts of full episodes in hindi 👇👇👇
(That man oh soo )👉https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLXCpWWk_q2T
All parts of (what in the world heppened?)👇

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

What is your favorite kdrama this month?
#rankjunkie #koreandrama #kdrama #kimsoohyun
Leave a comment, subscribe and hit the notification bell for more updates.
Subscribe to my channel http://www.youtube.com/channel..../UC6sLihypkMNqMkz-B7
Compiled July 2020 from Mydramalist, koreandrama etc.
*No Copyright Infringement Intended
"Copyright Disclaimer, under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use."

Aryel Narvasa
7 Views · 4 years ago


Go Hye Ran is an ambitious anchorwoman for the popular news show, News 9. She is passionate about her job and doesn't stop until she gets what she wants. One day, she meets an old lover and his wife and gets tangled in a murder case. Her husband Kang Tae Wook, who is a public defender, decides to defend his wife and fix their failed marriage.

Misty korean drama series
Misty korean drama episodes
Misty korean drama netflix
Misty korean drama episode 1 eng sub
Misty korean drama episode 16 finale eng sub

👉 Perpetual income 365 - BUSINESS OFFER THIS 2020!


Aryel Narvasa
11 Views · 4 years ago

Korean Drama Actors and Actresses Who are Married in Real Life
Source: hubpages.com
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Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

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Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

Kim Jin Woo makes a reservation with Ji Hyun Woo and Yoo In Na to clarify the rumors. Yoo In Na tells Kim Jin Woo that Ji Hyun Woo won't be able to come, but he arrives.
#QueenAndI #KoreanDrama #Kdrama l KoreanEntertainment

👸✨ [Synopsis]
Year 1694, Joseon Dynasty : Ji Hyun woo is a noble-born scholar and his family's sole survivor after they were massacred in a conspiracy. Ji Hyun woo supports the reinstatement of Queen In-hyun, who was deposed due to scheming by royal concubine Lady Jang.
Year 2012, modern-day Seoul : Yoo In Na, an unsuccessful actress, lands her big break when she is cast as Queen In-hyun in the television drama "New Jang Heebin". Due to a mysterious talisman, Ji Hyun woo time travels to 2012, where he crosses paths with Yoo In Na and falls in love.

👉 2:51 Unexpectedly, Ji Hyun Woo appears!!


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Korean Entertainment TV (English)

TV coreana de entretenimiento (Spanish)

Televisão Coreana de Entretenimento (Portuguese)

This Kdrama is broadcasted by tvN, a South Korean entertainment channel, property of CJ ENM.

Did you know?
CJ ENM is the most important entertainment company in South Korea. Currently exporting content to different countries in Asia and America, the K-dramas produced by CJ ENM hold 21 places out of 27 in the ranking for best cable television k-dramas.

Enjoy more content from CJ ENM!

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

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The Beauty Inside Official US Release Trailer (2015) - Korean Romantic Drama HD

Woo-jin wakes up in a different body everyday, regardless of age, gender and nationality. Sometimes he's a man, a woman, old, young, or even a foreigner. He's the same person on the inside, but on the outside he's always someone new. Looking at a different face in the mirror every morning is hard for him to get used to. The only constant in his life is the girl he loves, Yi-soo, who knows his secret and loves him anyway. Each time he transforms, Woo-jin must figure out how to return to his own body and reunite with Yi-soo.

You're quite the artsy one, aren't you? Fandango MOVIECLIPS FILM FESTIVALS & INDIE TRAILERS is the destination for...well, all things related to Film Festivals & Indie Films. If you want to keep up with the latest festival news, art house openings, indie movie content, film reviews, and so much more, then you have found the right channel.

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

This video is all about new Korean dramas premieres on May 2020.

If you like this video, please like, share, comment and subscribe for more.
Thank you for watching!!!

Email : rache.benigno@yahoo.com

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

20 Most Handsome Korean drama actors over age 40 | Handsome Ahjusshis. On Mondays, Seung Hun is most handsome. On Tuesdays Ji Sung is most handsome. On the weekends, Ji Jin Hee is most handsome. Haha! What's your top pick?

Song: Our Story - by Daniel Gunnarsson feat. Dinah Smith

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👍🏽I'm Currently Watching:
Nice Witch
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Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

Top 9 Yoo Seung Ho Korean Dramas
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Create by Romantic Tv Channel. Please don't reupload my video.

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Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

https://amzn.to/33THw9j ►Send me a Friend Invite Dramas-MAL: https://MyAnimeList.net/profile/TuzoAnime
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Best Korean Dramas of 2019 So Far (#05)

ES_Coqueta - Lu-Ni

#01 Hotel del Luna (2019)
Action, Suspense, Mystery, Horror, Comedy, Romance,
Ratings: 8.9/10 from 5,911 users

#02 Partners for Justice 2 (2019)
Mystery, Law, Drama, Medical, Investigation
Ratings: 8.9/10 from 602 users

#03 Arthdal Chronicles Part 2 (2019)
Historical, Romance, Drama, Fantasy, Political
Ratings: 8.9/10 from 1,986 users

#04 Vagabond (2019)
Action, Suspense, Thriller, Romance, Crime, Melodrama,
Ratings: 8.9/10 from 388 users

#05 The Fiery Priest (2019)
Action, Friendship, Mystery, Comedy, Law, Crime, Drama,
Ratings: 8.8/10 from 1,581 users

#06 Kingdom (2019)
Action, Suspense, Thriller, Historical, Horror, Zombies,
Ratings: 8.7/10 from 4,135 users

#07 Beautiful World (2019)
Suspense, Life, School, Drama, Family, Melodrama,
Ratings: 8.7/10 from 747 users

#08 Doctor John (2019)
Mystery, Romance, Drama, Medical
Ratings: 8.7/10 from 1,862 users

#09 Search: WWW (2019)
Friendship, Business, Romance, Drama
Ratings: 8.7/10 from 3,358 users

#10 Designated Survivor: 60 Days (2019)
Suspense, Drama, Political
Ratings: 8.6/10 from 699 users

#11 Angel's Last Mission: Love (2019)
Comedy, Romance, Drama, Fantasy, Tragedy
Ratings: 8.6/10 from 5,241 users

#12 Her Private Life (2019)
Friendship, Business, Comedy, Romance, Life, Drama,
Ratings: 8.6/10 from 9,144 users

#13 Be Melodramatic (2019)
Friendship, Comedy, Romance, Life, Melodrama
Ratings: 8.6/10 from 348 users

#14 Graceful Family (2019)
Mystery, Romance, Drama, Family, Detective,
Ratings: 8.5/10 from 292 users

#15 Doctor Prisoner (2019)
Suspense, Thriller, Mystery, Law, Crime, Drama, Medical
Ratings: 8.5/10 from 1,568 users

#16 He is Psychometric (2019)
Suspense, Thriller, Mystery, Comedy, Romance, Drama,
Ratings: 8.5/10 from 6,232 users

#17 Strangers from Hell (2019)
Thriller, Mystery, Horror, Psychological, Drama
Ratings: 8.5/10 from 337 users

#18 WATCHER (2019)
Suspense, Thriller, Psychological, Drama, Detective,
Ratings: 8.5/10 from 949 users

#19 Voice 3: City of Accomplices (2019)
Thriller, Mystery, Psychological, Detective, Investigation
Ratings: 8.4/10 from 734 users

#20 Romance is a Bonus Book (2019)
Friendship, Business, Comedy, Romance, Life, Drama,
Ratings: 8.4/10 from 8,422 users

#21 The Crowned Clown (2019)
Historical, Romance, Drama, Melodrama, Political
Ratings: 8.4/10 from 2,171 users

#22 Class of Lies (2019)
Suspense, Mystery, Law, School, Youth, Drama,
Ratings: 8.4/10 from 1,049 users

#23 Confession (2019)
Thriller, Mystery, Law, Drama, Investigation
Ratings: 8.4/10 from 913 users

#24 The Nokdu Flower (2019)
Friendship, Historical, Romance, Life, Drama, Family,
Ratings: 8.4/10 from 345 users

#25 I Wanna Hear Your Song (2019)
Music, Mystery, Comedy, Romance, Drama
Ratings: 8.4/10 from 602 users

#26 Moment at Eighteen (2019)
Romance, Life, School, Youth, Drama, Family
Ratings: 8.4/10 from 1,430 users

#27 Touch Your Heart (2019)
Comedy, Law, Romance, Life, Drama
Ratings: 8.4/10 from 8,076 users

#28 One Spring Night (2019)
Romance, Life, Drama, Melodrama
Ratings: 8.4/10 from 2,634 users

#29 A-Teen Season 2 (2019)
Comedy, Romance, School, Youth, Drama
Ratings: 8.4/10 from 728 users

#30 The Light in Your Eyes (2019)
Friendship, Comedy, Romance, Life, Drama, Family,
Ratings: 8.3/10 from 2,208 users

#31 Rookie Historian Goo Hae Ryung (2019)
Historical, Comedy, Romance, Drama, Political
Ratings: 8.3/10 from 980 users

#32 Special Labor Inspector Jo (2019)
Action, Business, Comedy, Drama
Ratings: 8.3/10 from 445 users

#33 Dating Class (2019)
Friendship, Romance, Youth, Drama
Ratings: 8.2/10 from 339 users

#34 Just One Bite Season 2 (2019)
Friendship, Comedy, Romance, Drama
Ratings: 8.2/10 from 345 users

#35 Kill It (2019)
Action, Thriller, Mystery, Crime, Drama, Detective, Tragedy
Ratings: 8.2/10 from 3,294 users

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

we love you mina

Stream the full drama 'Sweet Revenge 2' (aka Revenge Note 2) on our app: http://bit.ly/acAPP
Stream on the web: http://bit.ly/2Ir5L7q
Watch on Amazon PrimeVideo: https://amzn.to/2ZzxBEg

SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/ytasncrsh

About 'Sweet Revenge 2' aka 'Revenge Note 2'
In this sequel to the hit Korean drama 'Revenge Note,' a girl discovers a mobile app that gets revenge on whoever the user chooses. While she takes on bullies and injustice at her high school, she ends up in a love triangle with the cute twin brothers that just moved to town.

Samuel Kim
Ahn Seo-hyun

About AsianCrush:
AsianCrush is the leading streaming service dedicated to Asian entertainment in North America, with over 1000 premium movies and TV shows from the leading entertainment producers in Asia. Users can watch as much as they want, anytime, anywhere, on all major internet-connected screens with no cost involved. Premium subscribers can access exclusive content and stream without commercials.

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Sweet Revenge 2 (aka Revenge Note 2) | AsianCrush

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

new Korean drama 2020❤ korean hindi mix ❤ I'll find you on a beautiful day 💕

Drama - I'll find you on beautiful day

intro - morillo (makers anthem)

song - raanjhana

Disclaimer:I do not own any of these clips.This video is for entertainment purpose only.
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
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Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

➡ Watch full episodes of When My Love Blooms: https://viki.onelink.me/xbjD/117b75e0

About When My Love Blooms (화양연화 - 삶이 꽃이 되는 순간):
Twenty years ago, Yoon Ji Soo (Jeon So Nee) fell in love with a man who made her heart sing. As a freshman in the college of music, Ji Soo didn’t expect to catch the eye of Han Jae Hyun (Jinyoung), a popular, headstrong law school student, but she did. Falling for him as quickly as he fell for her, the two experienced one of the most beautiful moments any two people can experience together: their first love. But like so many first loves, theirs wouldn’t last forever.

Now in her forties, Ji Soo (Lee Bo Young) is a single mother, working a contract job in a desperate attempt to make ends meet. Jae Hyun (Yoo Ji Tae), on the other hand, is a successful, ambitious businessman who has pursued wealth and honor, above all else. Far different than the man he once was, Jae Hyun is hardly recognizable as the headstrong kid he used to be. But when fate brings Ji Soo back into his life, she recognizes him almost immediately.

Suddenly back in each other’s lives, Ji Soo and Jae Hyun have been granted a rare opportunity to start over. But can two people really separated by so many years and experiences, really reignite a flame that flickered out so many years ago?

A story of first loves and second chances, “When My Love Blooms” is a 2020 romantic drama directed by Song Jung Hyun.

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Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago


All information and contents, audio and photos are not mine. I am not infringe copyright ownership. They are all belongs to the respective owners. I made it only for information and entertain purposes only.

Source: mydramalist, wikipedia

Let's be friend: https://www.facebook.com/babyneth.ordillano

#UpcomingkoreanDrama2020 #september2020

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

I love the kdramas where the lead couples start from being Enemies to then falling in Love with each other. Here are list of Korean dramas about enemies-to-lovers romances :

Credit for background music :

•Warning• I do not own the drama, music, artwork or the lyrics. All rights reserved to their respective owners. This video is not meant to infringe any of the copyrights. This is for people's enjoyment only.

Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act
1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing.
--------------------------------------------- DECLAIMER ---------------------------------------
All information and contents in this video (artwork, picture, and music) are not mine. I am not intending to infringe copyright ownership. They are all belongs to their respective owners. I made it only for information, reference and entertain purposes.
(Source: Wikipedia, MyDramaList)

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

Stream full movie on our app: http://bit.ly/acAPP
Stream on the web: http://bit.ly/25olgBi

SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/ytasncrsh

About Innocent Thing:
A high school student begins a relationship with her physical education teacher, but attraction soon turns into dangerous obsession. From the director of VOLCANO HIGH comes a seductive thriller about innocence gone bad.

Jang Hyuk 장혁
Jo Bo-ah 조보아

Directed by:
Kim Tae-kyun

About AsianCrush:
AsianCrush is the leading streaming service dedicated to Asian entertainment in North America, with over 1000 premium movies and TV shows from the leading entertainment producers in Asia. Users can watch as much as they want, anytime, anywhere, on all major internet-connected screens with no cost involved. Premium subscribers can access exclusive content and stream without commercials.

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Innocent Thing | AsianCrush

Aryel Narvasa
18 Views · 4 years ago

Love In Time | Part7 | Korean drama in Hindi dubbed | Mr. Emman


This drama series made only for entertainment....

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago


Dokgo Ma-Te (Jang Keun-Suk) è l'uomo più bello del mondo. Ed è anche un uomo ambizioso che vuol fare un sacco di soldi usando il suo bellissimo aspetto. Un giorno Dokgo Ma-Te incontra Hong Yoo Ra, l'ex nuora di una ricca famiglia. Hong Yoo Ra riconosce le ambizioni di Dokgo Ma-Te e diventa il suo mentore e gli assegna la missione di sedurre 10 donne diverse. Le donne sono tutte donne 'capaci' in diversi campi e Dokgo Ma-Te ha il compito di captare le loro abilità speciali. Ma una donna strana appare di fronte a Dokgo Ma-Te. Il suo nome è Kim Bo-Tong, una normale ragazza dei bassi fondi che si prende una cotta per Dokgo Ma-Te.Riuscirà a far innamorare Dokgo Ma-Te?

Visitate la pagina:

Sono una ragazza appassionata di drama K,TW,J, Lakorn,C, nel tempo libero mi diletto a tradurre e moderare su VIKI (un famoso sito di drama in streaming), lo faccio ormai dagli inizi del 2012.
Una delle Admin della pagina facebook "DRAMAticamente Perse" che potrete trovare a questo link:

Amo fare video, perché amo musica e drama e mi diverto molto ad unire queste mie due passioni. ❤❤❤
Seguitemi sia sulla pagina sia, qui e commentante è sempre bellissimo leggervi. ❤

Ho collaborato fino a qualche mese fa con il Viki Italian Fan Club, sia come Admin
che come creatrice di video, ed infatti potrete trovarne molti per loro personalizzati.

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

Top 10 most expensive houses used in Korean dramas make us
want to immediately move to Korea
Source: Dramafever
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Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago


DISCLAIMER: All material used and featured in this video belongs to thier respective owners. No copyright infringement intended. Its for entertainment purposes only .

*Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976 , allowance is made for
fair use for purposes such as criticism, commenting, news reporting, teaching scholarship, and researh. Fair use is a permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non - profit educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use.

Aryel Narvasa
4 Views · 4 years ago

Welcome to BST7 ENTERTAINMENT Official YouTube Channel!

▶ BST7 Official YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/BST7....ENTERTAINMENTOfficia
▶ BST7 Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/BST7Official

Three people were very happy together. But, there was a hidden secret between the two boys. This is a story of veteran actress Bae Jong-ok with rising stars Lee Won-Keun and Ji Yoon-ho. The new film "In Between Seasons" was in the limelight with its flawlessness when it was first publicized at the Busan International Film Festival. It also garnered a lot of interest because of the rich acting of the cast. This film is now released and the actors said they couldn't resist falling for the detailed qualities of "In Between Seasons." What kind of film is it?

➡ Available on Netflix, Dailymotion, and YouTube!

#LGBT #BL #Gay #Bromance #Romance #Korea

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

Hey guys! Today's video is all about my top 10 favourite Korean dramas. I know everyone has been bored at home and don't want to be productive just like me. So here are some chill out plan dramas just with some popcorn at night. Hope you enjoy.

Instagram :https://instagram.com/feazeldi....az?igshid=gxyo3dxim1

Business inquiries : feazel04@gmail.com
subs: 34

Aryel Narvasa
10 Views · 4 years ago

my boyfriend's got beef with a kpop star...over me
Stream the full drama 'Sweet Revenge' (aka Revenge Note) on our app: http://bit.ly/acAPP
Stream on the web: http://bit.ly/2EN8VA4
Watch on Amazon PrimeVideo: https://amzn.to/2KoXUJ2

SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/ytasncrsh

About 'Sweet Revenge' aka 'Revenge Note'
In this Korean rom-com drama with breakout stars Kim Hyang-gi, Cha Eunwoo of ASTRO, and Park Solomon, a high school girl discovers a mobile app that exacts revenge on whoever the user targets.

Kim Hyang-gi
Park Solomon
Cha Eun-woo
Kim Hwan-hee

About AsianCrush:
AsianCrush is the leading streaming service dedicated to Asian entertainment in North America, with over 1000 premium movies and TV shows from the leading entertainment producers in Asia. Users can watch as much as they want, anytime, anywhere, on all major internet-connected screens with no cost involved. Premium subscribers can access exclusive content and stream without commercials.

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Sweet Revenge (aka Revenge Note) | AsianCrush

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

Who's the sexiest out of the seven above? If you liked browsing K-drama producers?
Source: Dramafever
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Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

#Kdrama2020 #Gaeyotv

subscribe for more updates ✌️

Aryel Narvasa
6 Views · 4 years ago

Watch Real with English and Chinese subtitles - https://amzn.to/32LreCF

Are you an avid fan of Korean Dramas? If you are, then there’s no way that you don’t know Kim Soo Hyun.

You can easily recognize him because he's one of the most handsome actors with single eyelids. His deep voice voice can easily melt a woman's heart too even without even looking at him.

You might know him because of his super popular role as a handsome alien - Do Min-joon.

He also recently had an epic cameo in Hotel De Luna and Crash Landing On You.

Currently, he's playing a role of a super hot caretaker in It's Okay To Be Not Okay aka Psycho But It's Okay.

This video will show you his most loved Korean Dramas not just in KOREA but GLOBALLY.

If you haven’t watched them, don’t waste any minute and watch them now! I can assure you that you wont regret it in a million years.

Enjoy and choose your favorite Kim Soo-hyun! Thank me later. 💕

Here are the Top 5 of Kim Soo-hyun's Korean Dramas.

1. Psycho But It's Okay / It's Okay To Not Be Okay
2. The Producers
3. My Love From The Star / My Love From Another Star
4. The Moon That Embracing The Sun / Moon Embracing The Sun
5. Dream High

Please don’t forget to subscribe and hit that notification bell for more KDrama and KPop content.

Thank you so much! XoXo

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Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

Watch FullEpisode:https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLCB6zcP2vea
Subscribers Channel:https://bit.ly/3dq67YW
Pinocchio FULL Episode ♥ Pinokio Engsub♥Korean Drama
#Pinocchio #FULL #Episode #Pinokio #Engsub #KoreanDrama

Aryel Narvasa
2 Views · 4 years ago

This Drama Hav thought Me manythings.. and i hope You learn something out of it too...Watch It from Dramacool...

Aryel Narvasa
1 Views · 4 years ago

A love story between Captain Yoo Shi Jin, Korean Special Forces, and Doctor Kang Mo Yeon, surgeon at Haesung Hospital. Together they face danger in a war-torn country.

Aryel Narvasa
3 Views · 4 years ago

Check out my first video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_-gDOJiuX0 and Check my second video on BEST KOREAN DRAMA OST: SAD https://youtu.be/J0G6NqaaZQc

This is 4 song that I feel very sad ost song.
Credit to original singer, Canva.com, and pngtree.com

No profit is taken.

Please suggest what other collection and song you know. Thank you. Please subscribe to my channel for more collection song video and like it. Thank you, Saranghyeo!

Aryel Narvasa
5 Views · 4 years ago

👉 Follow me on Instagram -https://www.instagram.com/kaifu_editz

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2 Views · 4 years ago


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