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'There is No Excuse for Child Abuse' -- Hollie Greig Demo BBC Studios 16.11.12

9 Visualizações· 02/22/20
Aryel Narvasa
Aryel Narvasa

Sadly, many of Belinda's email notices about the demo were 'returned by the postmaster', so she wasn't able to reach many of Hollie's supporters for this recent demo. However some hardy supporters braved the cold and were there to answer the many questions from the passing public as we handed out leaflets which the public were noticeably ASKING for as they passed by! This indicates a sway in the public realisation that Paedophilia and the ensuing cover ups can no longer be ignored. There is know doubt that sympathy and understanding of and for Hollie's cause is growing in public awareness as people are indeed joining the dots.

This, despite the efforts of the Hollie detractors, strangely enough seem to be mostly women who verbally protect evil men and their perversions. Why would that be? One called Latex Lillie, her name speaks volumes! They seem determined to protect the main perpetrators -- paedophiles, Denis and Greg Mackie. In so doing they reveal a concerted effort to attempt to create damage and diversions by trying to harm the reputations of good people who are fighting to expose these perverts!

The Jimmy Savile child rape - abuse revelations and related failed police enquiries is a serious issue as in the non-investigation of the Hollie Greg case. During the Savile and Bryn Estyn cover-ups, police and media compliance played a major part, it could NEVER have remained concealed without their support. Savile was protected for 60 years! Hollie's case is a similar high-level cover-up, in Scotland, as represented by the story of its victim and whistleblower, a 33 year-old Down's Syndrome woman.

In 2000, having fled their home, Hollie reported to her mother, Anne, that she had been raped throughout her childhood by her father Denis Mackie and brother Greg (already abused), now protecting his abuser. Classic profile of an abused victim is to protect the abuser with misplaced loyalty. The eminent psychologist Dr Jack Boyle, who spent many hours with Hollie, said she would NEVER have told her mother Anne of the abuse, had they not left their home and had she not felt safe, having been told by her mother they would not be going back to the home they shared with her brother and father. Hollie told Dr Boyle her father had threatened that he would kill her mother and her pet dogs if she told 'ANYONE' about what was going on. This is the threat that always loomed over her and the only reason she made the revelation, was that the dogs had been left in the family home with the perpetrators, she feared they would be killed. Hollie also revealed to Dr Boyle that in later years her father provided her to some 20 other individuals in Aberdeen over period of a 'many years,' this was not gang rape as is falsely claimed, all of whom she named to Grampian police. These individuals when asked in a Stone Haven Court admitted they had never been interviewed or investigated (this is also in the PCC report), despite the police having obtained physical confirmation of the abuse. Abusers always threaten their victims as can be seen in the Savile and Bryn Estyn cases, the police treat the victims as liars and a cover-up ensues . Shoot the messenger/s, classic.

Denis Mackie had bragged constantly to people that he could get his wife sectioned "just like that!" He had a history of documented violence against Anne with police intervention, and threatened her ,every time she said she was going to divorce him, " if you ever try to leave me, I will say you are off your head and take the kids". Relatives have now come forward and told the story of how over many years, he had been undermining Anne's character behind her back. Problem - reaction - solution which as we now see was in preparation for his future plans. Investigations are still under way. Women who suffer domestic violence know only too well this scenario, and will identify with this story. Mental health has long been used as a tool for character assassination and social control, a practise well-known in the Soviet Union, less commonly known in the West. In 2008/9 the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority awarded Hollie a substantial sum for the physical damage and mental trauma she has suffered.

BBC SCOTLAND are implicated here, having made preparation for a documentary on Hollie and Anne's story in 2009 which was virtually 'pulled' on the eve of being shown and never subsequently aired. Furthermore, it was promised at the time, after being shown in Scotland, the documentary would also be shown as a BBC UK Panorama programme, which again did not happen. It is now evident this is a pattern the BBC work to. Could it be the BBC "investigate" cases to glean what the story is and how to cover it up? This undermines the victims, as is the case in the Steve Messham story with vitriolic character assassination by the media
www.holliedemandsjustice.org The ONLY official website. Hollie does NOT have a facebook page.

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