3 CPA Financial Statements as understood by BIR through deficiency tax assessments with Solutions
Think of By-laws as the Google Maps of your business journey. Much like this digital guide, which makes navigating unfamiliar terrains smooth and simple, well-crafted By-laws can guide your key officials through the often convoluted path of business operations.
While the power of By-laws is often underestimated, the reality is far from the prevailing misconception. Contrary to the widespread belief, By-laws for corporations, partnerships, joint ventures, estates, trusts, and cooperatives carry a significant amount of power and potential that can save key officials from substantial deficiency assessments and possible criminal prosecutions.
By-laws, viewed as mere formalities by many, are in fact potent tools that can shield entities from a multitude of costly and time-consuming issues. These include the burdensome yearly BIR Letters of Authority, Subpoena Duces Tecum, and other unnecessary expenses associated with the settlement of disputes.
Consider the financial toll of procuring CPAs' and attorneys' fees, and the inevitable irregular expenses incurred from being unaware of the defenses at your disposal. Now, imagine the relief of mitigating, or even completely eliminating, these expenses by leveraging the power of By-laws. This is not just a theoretical idea but a practical, actionable strategy that has proven to be effective.
The capacity to affect such significant changes is often lying dormant within the carefully worded clauses of your organization's By-laws. It's about understanding, unlocking, and harnessing this inherent power. Unearthing this can be the key to a smoother, more secure financial future for your organization and its key officials.
By-laws set out clear terms and conditions, creating a legally binding framework within which both you, as the entity, and the Philippine Government must operate. They dictate the rules of the road, so to speak, outlining responsibilities and procedures that need to be respected and adhered to diligently by all parties involved.
It's important to understand that the standard or pro-forma By-laws currently at your disposal may not provide adequate protection against intrusive interventions from government officials. These individuals, tasked with ensuring compliance, can inadvertently disturb your peace of mind and hamper the profitability of your business.
The solution? Adopt new, better-crafted By-laws. By doing so, you create a sturdy shield against unnecessary interference, setting up clear boundaries and guidelines. It's about transforming your By-laws from a mere formality into a dynamic tool that works actively to protect and promote your business interests.
So consider this step today. Redefine your journey with a more detailed, comprehensive 'map'. The reassurance and strategic benefits it can provide are well worth the effort.
In essence, understanding the impact of By-laws and effectively utilizing them in your organization's favor can lead to a sea change in your dealings with tax assessments and other financial liabilities. Shifting your perspective on By-laws from mere paperwork to potent protection can ultimately save you time, money, and provide peace of mind.
For those who are keen to take advantage of these solutions, these services are available at a fraction of your typical yearly assessment-bribe. While my professional fee stands at P5,000,000.00, you will only need to pay P500,000 for the Tax Accounting Manual and the Adoption of New By-Laws. To secure your reservation, an earnest money or non-refundable fee of P50,000 plus VAT is required on or before July 31, 2023.
For further information and clarification, please reach out to 0917 144 5999 and ask for Ice. Your tax compliance can be strengthened significantly by using these strategies. Thank you very much for your time.
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1. For any tax concerns, feel free to email me at taxspecialista@kataxpayer.com or katax.lovely@gmail.com
1. 0917-144-5999
2. 0928-518-5999
3. 0908-880-7568
4. 0917-307-1316
Read our laws. Comprehend their meanings. Know their immediate and future effects. Apply them timely and consciously. This video explained how you may free yourself from tax ignorance and declare your independence and self-reliance today. For the record, ITS CONTENTS ARE FROM MY PERSONAL BELIEFS AND CONVICTION.