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#3 What is Usher syndrome?

1 Views· 02/22/20
Aryel Narvasa
Aryel Narvasa
In Music / Baby

Video description: Opening screen: Usher Syndrome Presented by Kevin Richmond, Advisor to the Usher Syndrome Coalition, Own the Equinox – “ASL for USH” team; https://www.classy.org/team/130857
Kevin (a male with short brown hair and black collared shirt) sits in front of a dark blue background, looks into the camera and signs. Video transcript: Today's topic is "Usher syndrome" signed "U" by the eye and "S" by the chin. It is important to educate and disseminate information about Usher syndrome. What IS Usher syndrome?? Usher impacts 2 main areas The first is hearing. A person with Usher may have some hearing loss or be profoundly deaf. That includes people who are hard of hearing and those with progressive hearing loss. The rate of hearing loss varies. Preferred methods of communication also vary, including American Sign Language, speech, other sign systems, hearing aids, cochlear implants, etc. The second area impacted by Usher is vision loss from retinitis pigmentosa signed "R" by the eye and "P" by the chin. RP causes a progressive loss of peripheral vision. Night blindness is another aspect of RP. Some individuals with Usher have balance issues. Hey - want to know a fun fact about Usher syndrome?? In the United States, there are approximately 20-50,000 individuals with Usher syndrome. Worldwide, there are about 400,000. We know that we're missing people. Those numbers are just an estimate. The Usher Syndrome Coalition wants to get an accurate or near accurate count. What can we do? Tell everyone! Spread the word!! Register with the Usher Syndrome Coalition! Help us to get better numbers, worldwide. Once we accomplish that, we'll be happy to share that information with you.

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