Artists' Asylum Project - Miriam Libicki and [a][/a] for more - In june 2011 Jimmy TehFreak and Kellen Nitro went to Calgary for their annual Comic and Entertainment expo - and since the whole purpose of Asylum Project is to showcase the otherwise uncreditted and undervalued Artists' Alley - we took our camera with us to get a few interviews and bring some attention to very creative and talented people. In this edition, we speak to Miriam Libicki, raised in Ohio, USA - an Israeli citizen who served in their military - chronicling her adventures and experiences in Jobnik! You can find Miriam's work at<br /><br /><br />If you are watching us on youtube - please consider watching us at instead - the same great content (in fact even more great content) - or if you aren't comfortable with rival video sites - check us out at [a][/a] where we have several updates every week.