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Boonaa Mohammed | Prophet Amongst Us (NEW)

16 Tampilan· 06/05/20
Aryel Narvasa
Aryel Narvasa
Di Hiburan

For bookings or other inquires contact holla@boonaa.com
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If you're not careful, the media will have you hating the people who are being oppressed,
And loving the people who are doing the oppressing
The fact Islam gets some much press today is like a curse and a blessing
A blessing because nobody can say on the Day of Judgment,
That they didn’t hear this message
And a curse because we were the ones who were supposed to be delivering it to the masses
And here we are, trying to sell God, to a world that is God-less
Content with chasing the pursuit of happiness and arms instead,
Burying little baby girls in these shallow graves of instagram fame
Selling breasts and thighs like KFC, we have lost all shame

Today you cannot even call immortality by name
The idols of yesterday have been replaced by the American idols of today
And we can comfortably say that tribalism and racism are here to stay
A black man is still considered less than a white man on any given day
In every single way, we have lost our way
Gone astray, with so many freedoms yet we are still locked in a cage,
For this dunya has no friends, only one-night stands
And we keep getting screwed chasing mirages in the sand
And there is no way out, no control, alt, delete
No disconnecting from this matrix, it is stuck on repeat
And repeat, and repeat, and repeat and repeat
No more books of guidance, no more messengers to meet
No more wa’hee from the skies, our connection is so weak
And we’ve been given everything that we need to be convinced
But it's hard to fight ignorance when Abu Jahl still exists
Cause I’m tired of feeling different, tired of apologizing for what I didn’t do
Tired of trying to explain the truth to buffoons who just want to tie me in a noose
I’m tired, of feeling tired, knowing that I could be doing so much more
But I’m a coward and a sinner, and I don’t even know
If I deserve to even really have my last name,
Trying to uphold the principles of a man whom the angels praised

And sometimes I wonder, if my Prophet were alive today,
Would this world we see today still be the exact same way?
Sallu alaihi wa sallam, may Allah send him blessings and peace
Cause if my Prophet had a passport, I wonder what would be his nationality
Would he be a Saudi, would they call him a Wahabi
Would he enjoy the luxuries of all these royal families?
The man who used to sleep on a bed of palm leaves
Would he live inside a mansion with servants at his feet?

And I wonder, what would be his stance on foreign policy
Could He eat knowing how many children die from poverty?
Or invading armies, dropping bombs indiscriminately
Harming innocent mom's, killing for fun
The man who taught us this Ummah was one?

Would he educate and eradicate ignorance with his tongue?
Or pick up a gun to anyone who said that God was not One?
Sallu alaihi wa sallam, but tell me how could that be?
The man who was sent as Rahmaten-lilAlameen
And he couldn’t even read, not Alif, Lam or Meem
But yet he changed the hearts of generation and everyone that would proceed
Taught us that every life was sacred, and to have respect for humanity
Because we were all created, from a single clot and seed

And I could see him at the UN, addressing all the other nations
Warning them of Global Warming and Religious Innovation
CNN would ask for an interview, his words would be short and sweet
But they would still find ways to misinterpret and demonize him on TV
He must be crazy, or suffering from some kind of insanity
To think that the rich shouldn’t oppress the poor, or take advantage of the weak
And what do you mean when you say all men are the same except in piety
This is blasphemy, we’ve been living this way for so many centuries

They would charge Abu Bakr as an accomplice, Uthman would be entrapped,
Put Umer in solitary confident and give Ali accessory after the fact
Khalid bin walid would be labeled a menace to society
And Bilal's face would be on the front of every black lives matter T
I pray for humanity, cause we are prey for humanity
In the past they killed Prophets, took Yahya's head off with a sword
Now they kill for profits, justifying their un-holy wars
Spreading blood like gospel, now more than ever before
It feels like we need a Prophet, to guide us through the eye of this storm

And if he lived, I would request on facebook to be his friend
Or send a DM on instagram, just to say hey I’m a big fan
You may not know me but I’ve read all about you
And you’ve really helped change my life and I don’t know how to thank you
And even though I’ve never met you, I still believe in you
I’m a follower of you and I follow you on twitter too
And when I grow up, I wanna be just like you
Muhammed Sallu alaihi wa sallam, May Allah reunite us all with you

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