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Manila Bay Rehabilitation Update

5 Views· 02/22/20
Aryel Narvasa
Aryel Narvasa

Let's take an updated look at the Manila Bay Rehabilitation. A big thanks to all the volunteers who have given their time to help!

Videos are first released on https://facebook.com/ytgadgetaddict/ and comments can be left there.

I also want to address some Facebook posts that have been saying the Manila Bay Rehabilitation project is short sighted and doesn't tackle the root problems.

I don't know everything about the rehabilitation project, but I know picking up trash is only one small element.

- A number of commercial properties near the bay and in other areas have been assessed as polluting the water system and have been ordered to close and pay large penalties.

- Many squatters or informal settlers who were living along the esteros have been relocated to legal houses in other cities. It's a gradual process but it's happening.

- MMDA have dispatched more enforcement teams to issue environmental tickets for things like littering. They've also been running educational campaigns at the same time, to make residents aware of proper waste disposal options.

- There have been dredging, desilting and trimming activities.

- Underwater inspection by divers to assess the current situation and what needs to be done in the future.

- Clearing of trash from the esteros and other water ways.

And these are just the things that immediately come to mind. If you speak to the DENR they could probably tell you a lot more.

I'm sure constructive criticism and suggestions would be welcomed by everyone. And no doubt things will change and improve as we get deeper into this rehabilitation. Just don't be so quick to assume what is or isn't being done.

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