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Pope Francis Meets With YouTube Celebrities and Beauty Bloggers

1 Views· 03/15/20
Aryel Narvasa
Aryel Narvasa

If you thought Pope Francis' interests were strictly tied to his religious duties, climate change, and keeping that Twitter account updated, well, you're wrong. He also loves to dabble in the world of beauty vlogs. Yes, the Argentinian papal himself digs a good contour. Pope Francis met with 12 YouTubers this past Sunday at the Vatican in Rome, according to The Guardian, and used this meeting to praise the efforts of these internet celebrities as an opportunity to leave them with a sense of responsibility on their influence on other people that need to watch what they are proving, “You can create a virtual identity, you belong to this circle at least virtually. From that you can start taking a path of optimism and hope.”

In the presence of Mexican-American YouTuber Dulce Candy and Louise Peatland, Sprinkle of Glitter, he said: “I am glad that you carry out the type of work you said, following the line of beauty, it’s a great thing. To preach beauty and show beauty helps neutralize aggression.” We're looking forward to seeing more of what comes of Pope Francis' grand plan to reach the youths online.

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