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0 Ansichten· 09/20/20
Aryel Narvasa
Aryel Narvasa

One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain...Those who dance are considered insane by those who cannot hear the music.” <br />And, in the end <br />The love you take <br />is equal to the love you make.” <br />Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything. <br />Where words fail, music speaks. <br />I think music in itself is healing. It's an explosive expression of humanity. It's something we are all touched by. No matter what culture we're from, everyone loves mu <br />A strategy is something like, an innovative new product; globalization, taking your products around the world; be the low-cost producer. A strategy is something you can touch; you can motivate people with; be number one and number two in every business. You can energize people around the message. <br />If you're not failing every now and again, it's a sign you're not doing anything very innovative. <br />Obviously everyone wants to be successful, but I want to be looked back on as being very innovative, very trusted and ethical and ultimately making a big difference in the world <br />Certainly the research shows that grateful people are more innovative thinkers. <br />1. "I want to put a ding in the universe." - Steve Jobs <br /> <br />2. "Ideas won't keep. Something must be done about them." - Alfred North Whitehead <br /> <br />3. "Intuition will tell the thinking mind where to look next." - Jonas Salk <br /> <br />4. "If you have always done it that way, it is probably wrong." - Charles Kettering <br />1. “There is no doubt that creativity is the most important human resource of all. Without <br />creativity, there would be no progress, and we would be forever repeating the same patterns.” — <br />Edward de Bono <br />2. “There is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will <br />never exist through any other medium and it will be lost.” — Martha Graham <br />3. “Creativity is thinking up new things. Innovation is doing new things.” — Theodore Levitt <br />4. “A new idea is delicate. It can be killed by a sneer or a yawn; it can be stabbed to death by a <br />quip and worried to death by a frown on the right <br />man’s brow.” — Charles Brower <br />5. “When we engage in what we are naturally <br />suited to do, our work takes on the quality of play <br />and it is play that stimulates creativity.” – Linda <br />Naiman <br />6. “The creative is the place where no one else has <br />ever been. You have to leave the city of your <br />comfort and go into the wilderness of your <br />intuition. What you’ll discover will be wonderful. <br />What you’ll discover is yourself.” — Alan Alda <br />7. “It is better to have enough ideas for some of <br />them to be wrong, than to be always right by <br />having no ideas at all.” — Edward de Bono <br />8. “A painter told me that nobody could draw a <br />tree without in some sort becoming a tree; or draw <br />a child by studying the outlines of its form merely <br />. . . but by watching for a time his motions and <br />plays, the painter enters into his nature and can <br />then draw him at every attitude . . .” — Ralph <br />Waldo Emerson <br />9. “Genius means little more than the faculty of perceiving in an unhabitual way.” — William <br />James <br />10. “The creative person wants to be a know-it-all. He wants to know about all kinds of thingsancient <br />history, nineteenth century mathematics, current manufacturing techniques, hog futures. <br />Because he never knows when these ideas might come together to form a new idea. It may happen six minutes later, or six months, or six years. But he has faith that it will happen.” — <br />Carl Ally <br />11. “Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making <br />mistakes, and having fun.” — Mary Lou Cook

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