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Project EDSA - Episode 5

4 Views· 02/22/20
Aryel Narvasa
Aryel Narvasa

Let's go back to EDSA and see how things are going.

Videos are first released on https://facebook.com/ytgadgetaddict/ and comments can be left there.

Remember, the Yellow lane is primarily for public transport, such as the buses. The idea is to prioritize and keep it clear, as a way to encourage people to use mass public transport.

It might not be as comfortable as owning your own car but at least you can get where you're going faster.

There's still some tweaks needed to improve the choke points but adjustments are being made and things seem to be improving. There will always be traffic because of the volume of vehicles, but if it's moving, that's already an improvement.

I think we might see some repainting of the road soon which could include adjustments to the motorcycle lane and potentially a reduction of the yellow lane in some areas, where the private vehicle congestion is very high, while there's no congestion of the buses.

Remember, if you refuse to hand over your license, you can have an extra violation added to your ticket (refusal to surrender license) and may be required to attend a seminar. Or worse, your vehicle might be impounded on the spot, on the assumption that you actually don't have a license.

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